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+== Indexes
+=== Index of Command-Line Options
+These are the \IRB command-line options, with links to explanatory text:
+- -d: Set $DEBUG and {$VERBOSE}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Verbosity]
+ to +true+.
+- -E _ex_[:_in_]: Set initial external (ex) and internal (in)
+ {encodings}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Encodings] (same as ruby -E>).
+- -f: Don't initialize from {configuration file}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Configuration+File].
+- -I _dirpath_: Specify {$LOAD_PATH directory}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Load+Modules]
+ (same as ruby -I).
+- -r _load-module_: Require {load-module}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Load+Modules]
+ (same as ruby -r).
+- -U: Set external and internal {encodings}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Encodings] to UTF-8.
+- -w: Suppress {warnings}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Warnings] (same as ruby -w).
+- -W[_level_]: Set {warning level}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Warnings];
+ 0=silence, 1=medium, 2=verbose (same as ruby -W).
+- --autocomplete: Use {auto-completion}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Automatic+Completion].
+- --back-trace-limit _n_: Set a {backtrace limit}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Tracer];
+ display at most the top +n+ and bottom +n+ entries.
+- --colorize: Use {color-highlighting}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Color+Highlighting]
+ for input and output.
+- --context-mode _n_: Select method to create Binding object
+ for new {workspace}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Commands]; +n+ in range 0..4.
+- --echo: Print ({echo}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Return-Value+Printing+-28Echoing-29])
+ return values.
+- --extra-doc-dir _dirpath_:
+ Add a {documentation directory}[rdoc-ref:IRB@RI+Documentation+Directories]
+ for the documentation dialog.
+- --inf-ruby-mode: Set prompt mode to {:INF_RUBY}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Pre-Defined+Prompts]
+ (appropriate for +inf-ruby-mode+ on Emacs);
+ suppresses --multiline and --singleline.
+- --inspect: Use method +inspect+ for printing ({echoing}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Return-Value+Printing+-28Echoing-29])
+ return values.
+- --multiline: Use the multiline editor as the {input method}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Input+Method].
+- --noautocomplete: Don't use {auto-completion}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Automatic+Completion].
+- --nocolorize: Don't use {color-highlighting}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Color+Highlighting]
+ for input and output.
+- --noecho: Don't print ({echo}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Return-Value+Printing+-28Echoing-29])
+ return values.
+- --noecho-on-assignment: Don't print ({echo}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Return-Value+Printing+-28Echoing-29])
+ result on assignment.
+- --noinspect: Don't se method +inspect+ for printing ({echoing}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Return-Value+Printing+-28Echoing-29])
+ return values.
+- --nomultiline: Don't use the multiline editor as the {input method}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Input+Method].
+- --noprompt: Don't print {prompts}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Prompt+and+Return+Formats].
+- --noscript: Treat the first command-line argument as a normal
+ {command-line argument}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Initialization+Script],
+ and include it in +ARGV+.
+- --nosingleline: Don't use the singleline editor as the {input method}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Input+Method].
+- --noverboseDon't print {verbose}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Verbosity] details.
+- --prompt _mode_, --prompt-mode _mode_:
+ Set {prompt and return formats}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Prompt+and+Return+Formats];
+ +mode+ may be a {pre-defined prompt}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Pre-Defined+Prompts]
+ or the name of a {custom prompt}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Custom+Prompts].
+- --script: Treat the first command-line argument as the path to an
+ {initialization script}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Initialization+Script],
+ and omit it from +ARGV+.
+- --simple-prompt, --sample-book-mode:
+ Set prompt mode to {:SIMPLE}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Pre-Defined+Prompts].
+- --singleline: Use the singleline editor as the {input method}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Input+Method].
+- --tracer: Use {Tracer}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Tracer] to print a stack trace for each input command.
+- --truncate-echo-on-assignment: Print ({echo}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Return-Value+Printing+-28Echoing-29])
+ truncated result on assignment.
+- --verbosePrint {verbose}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Verbosity] details.
+- -v, --version: Print the {IRB version}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Version].
+- -h, --help: Print the {IRB help text}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Help].
+- --: Separate options from {arguments}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Command-Line+Arguments]
+ on the command-line.
+=== Index of \IRB.conf Entries
+These are the keys for hash \IRB.conf entries, with links to explanatory text;
+for each entry that is pre-defined, the initial value is given:
+- :AP_NAME: \IRB {application name}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Application+Name];
+ initial value: 'irb'.
+- :AT_EXIT: Array of hooks to call
+ {at exit}[rdoc-ref:IRB@IRB];
+ initial value: [].
+- :AUTO_INDENT: Whether {automatic indentation}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Automatic+Indentation]
+ is enabled; initial value: +true+.
+- :BACK_TRACE_LIMIT: Sets the {back trace limit}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Tracer];
+ initial value: +16+.
+- :COMMAND_ALIASES: Defines input {command aliases}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Command+Aliases];
+ initial value:
+ {
+ "$": :show_source,
+ "@": :whereami,
+ }
+- :CONTEXT_MODE: Sets the {context mode}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Context+Mode],
+ the type of binding to be used when evaluating statements;
+ initial value: +4+.
+- :ECHO: Whether to print ({echo}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Return-Value+Printing+-28Echoing-29])
+ return values;
+ initial value: +nil+, which would set +conf.echo+ to +true+.
+- :ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT: Whether to print ({echo}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Return-Value+Printing+-28Echoing-29])
+ return values on assignment;
+ initial value: +nil+, which would set +conf.echo_on_assignment+ to +:truncate+.
+- :EVAL_HISTORY: How much {evaluation history}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Evaluation+History]
+ is to be stored; initial value: +nil+.
+- :EXTRA_DOC_DIRS: \Array of
+ {RI documentation directories}[rdoc-ref:IRB@RI+Documentation+Directories]
+ to be parsed for the documentation dialog;
+ initial value: [].
+- :IGNORE_EOF: Whether to ignore {end-of-file}[rdoc-ref:IRB@End-of-File];
+ initial value: +false+.
+- :IGNORE_SIGINT: Whether to ignore {SIGINT}[rdoc-ref:IRB@SIGINT];
+ initial value: +true+.
+- :INSPECT_MODE: Whether to use method +inspect+ for printing
+ ({echoing}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Return-Value+Printing+-28Echoing-29]) return values;
+ initial value: +true+.
+- :IRB_LIB_PATH: The path to the {IRB library directory}[rdoc-ref:IRB@IRB+Library+Directory]; initial value:
+ "RUBY_DIR/lib/ruby/gems/RUBY_VER_NUM/gems/irb-IRB_VER_NUM/lib/irb",
+ where:
+ - RUBY_DIR is the Ruby installation dirpath.
+ - RUBY_VER_NUM is the Ruby version number.
+ - IRB_VER_NUM is the \IRB version number.
+- :IRB_NAME: {IRB name}[rdoc-ref:IRB@IRB+Name];
+ initial value: 'irb'.
+- :IRB_RC: {Configuration monitor}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Configuration+Monitor];
+ initial value: +nil+.
+- :LC_MESSAGES: {Locale}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Locale];
+ initial value: IRB::Locale object.
+- :LOAD_MODULES: deprecated.
+- :MAIN_CONTEXT: The {context}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Session+Context] for the main \IRB session;
+ initial value: IRB::Context object.
+- :MEASURE: Whether to
+ {measure performance}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Performance+Measurement];
+ initial value: +false+.
+- :MEASURE_CALLBACKS: Callback methods for
+ {performance measurement}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Performance+Measurement];
+ initial value: [].
+- :MEASURE_PROC: Procs for
+ {performance measurement}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Performance+Measurement];
+ initial value:
+ {
+ :TIME=>#,
+ }
+- :PROMPT: \Hash of {defined prompts}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Prompt+and+Return+Formats];
+ initial value:
+ {
+ :NULL=>{:PROMPT_I=>nil, :PROMPT_S=>nil, :PROMPT_C=>nil, :RETURN=>"%s\n"},
+ :DEFAULT=>{:PROMPT_I=>"%N(%m):%03n> ", :PROMPT_S=>"%N(%m):%03n%l ", :PROMPT_C=>"%N(%m):%03n* ", :RETURN=>"=> %s\n"},
+ :CLASSIC=>{:PROMPT_I=>"%N(%m):%03n:%i> ", :PROMPT_S=>"%N(%m):%03n:%i%l ", :PROMPT_C=>"%N(%m):%03n:%i* ", :RETURN=>"%s\n"},
+ :SIMPLE=>{:PROMPT_I=>">> ", :PROMPT_S=>"%l> ", :PROMPT_C=>"?> ", :RETURN=>"=> %s\n"},
+ :INF_RUBY=>{:PROMPT_I=>"%N(%m):%03n> ", :PROMPT_S=>nil, :PROMPT_C=>nil, :RETURN=>"%s\n", :AUTO_INDENT=>true},
+ :XMP=>{:PROMPT_I=>nil, :PROMPT_S=>nil, :PROMPT_C=>nil, :RETURN=>" ==>%s\n"}
+ }
+- :PROMPT_MODE: Name of {current prompt}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Prompt+and+Return+Formats];
+ initial value: +:DEFAULT+.
+- :RC: Whether a {configuration file}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Configuration+File]
+ was found and interpreted;
+ initial value: +true+ if a configuration file was found, +false+ otherwise.
+- :RC_NAME_GENERATOR: \Proc to generate paths of potential
+ {configuration files}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Configuration+File];
+ initial value: => #.
+- :SAVE_HISTORY: Number of commands to save in
+ {input command history}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Input+Command+History];
+ initial value: +1000+.
+- :SINGLE_IRB: Whether command-line option --single-irb was given;
+ initial value: +true+ if the option was given, +false+ otherwise.
+ See {Single-IRB Mode}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Single-IRB+Mode].
+- :USE_AUTOCOMPLETE: Whether to use
+ {automatic completion}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Automatic+Completion];
+ initial value: +true+.
+- :USE_COLORIZE: Whether to use
+ {color highlighting}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Color+Highlighting];
+ initial value: +true+.
+- :USE_LOADER: Whether to use the
+ {IRB loader}[rdoc-ref:IRB@IRB+Loader] for +require+ and +load+;
+ initial value: +false+.
+- :USE_TRACER: Whether to use the
+ {IRB tracer}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Tracer];
+ initial value: +false+.
+- :VERBOSE: Whether to print {verbose output}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Verbosity];
+ initial value: +nil+.
+- :__MAIN__: The main \IRB object;
+ initial value: +main+.
diff --git a/lib/irb.rb b/lib/irb.rb
index 1ba335c08..aef1e69c6 100644
--- a/lib/irb.rb
+++ b/lib/irb.rb
@@ -22,36 +22,870 @@
require_relative "irb/debug"
require_relative "irb/pager"
-# IRB stands for "interactive Ruby" and is a tool to interactively execute Ruby
-# expressions read from the standard input.
+# == \IRB
+# \Module \IRB ("Interactive Ruby") provides a shell-like interface
+# that supports user interaction with the Ruby interpreter.
-# The +irb+ command from your shell will start the interpreter.
+# It operates as a read-eval-print loop
+# ({REPL}[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop])
+# that:
-# == Usage
+# - _Reads_ each character as you type.
+# You can modify the \IRB context to change the way input works.
+# See {Input}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Input].
+# - _Evaluates_ the code each time it has read a syntactically complete passage.
+# - _Prints_ after evaluating.
+# You can modify the \IRB context to change the way output works.
+# See {Output}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Output].
-# Use of irb is easy if you know Ruby.
+# Example:
-# When executing irb, prompts are displayed as follows. Then, enter the Ruby
-# expression. An input is executed when it is syntactically complete.
+# $ irb
+# irb(main):001> File.basename(Dir.pwd)
+# => "irb"
+# irb(main):002> Dir.entries('.').size
+# => 25
+# irb(main):003* Dir.entries('.').select do |entry|
+# irb(main):004* entry.start_with?('R')
+# irb(main):005> end
+# => ["README.md", "Rakefile"]
-# $ irb
-# irb(main):001:0> 1+2
-# #=> 3
-# irb(main):002:0> class Foo
-# irb(main):003:1> def foo
-# irb(main):004:2> print 1
-# irb(main):005:2> end
-# irb(main):006:1> end
-# #=> nil
+# The typed input may also include
+# {\IRB-specific commands}[rdoc-ref:IRB@IRB-Specific+Commands].
-# The singleline editor module or multiline editor module can be used with irb.
-# Use of multiline editor is default if it's installed.
+# As seen above, you can start \IRB by using the shell command +irb+.
-# == Command line options
+# You can stop an \IRB session by typing command +exit+:
-# :include: ./irb/lc/help-message
+# irb(main):006> exit
+# $
-# == Commands
+# At that point, \IRB calls any hooks found in array IRB.conf[:AT_EXIT],
+# then exits.
+# == Startup
+# At startup, \IRB:
+# 1. Interprets (as Ruby code) the content of the
+# {configuration file}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Configuration+File] (if given).
+# 1. Constructs the initial session context
+# from {hash IRB.conf}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Hash+IRB.conf] and from default values;
+# the hash content may have been affected
+# by {command-line options}[rdoc-ref:IB@Command-Line+Options],
+# and by direct assignments in the configuration file.
+# 1. Assigns the context to variable +conf+.
+# 1. Assigns command-line arguments to variable ARGV.
+# 1. Prints the {prompt}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Prompt+and+Return+Formats].
+# 1. Puts the content of the
+# {initialization script}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Initialization+Script]
+# onto the \IRB shell, just as if it were user-typed commands.
+# === The Command Line
+# On the command line, all options precede all arguments;
+# the first item that is not recognized as an option is treated as an argument,
+# as are all items that follow.
+# ==== Command-Line Options
+# Many command-line options affect entries in hash IRB.conf,
+# which in turn affect the initial configuration of the \IRB session.
+# Details of the options are described in the relevant subsections below.
+# A cursory list of the \IRB command-line options
+# may be seen in the {help message}[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ruby/irb/master/lib/irb/lc/help-message],
+# which is also displayed if you use command-line option --help.
+# If you are interested in a specific option, consult the
+# {index}[rdoc-ref:doc/irb/indexes.rdoc@Index+of+Command-Line+Options].
+# ==== Command-Line Arguments
+# Command-line arguments are passed to \IRB in array +ARGV+:
+# $ irb --noscript Foo Bar Baz
+# irb(main):001> ARGV
+# => ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
+# irb(main):002> exit
+# $
+# Command-line option -- causes everything that follows
+# to be treated as arguments, even those that look like options:
+# $ irb --noscript -- --noscript -- Foo Bar Baz
+# irb(main):001> ARGV
+# => ["--noscript", "--", "Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
+# irb(main):002> exit
+# $
+# === Configuration File
+# You can initialize \IRB via a configuration file.
+# If command-line option -f is given,
+# no configuration file is looked for.
+# Otherwise, \IRB reads and interprets a configuration file
+# if one is available.
+# The configuration file can contain any Ruby code, and can usefully include
+# user code that:
+# - Can then be debugged in \IRB.
+# - Configures \IRB itself.
+# - Requires or loads files.
+# The path to the configuration file is the first found among:
+# - The value of variable $IRBRC, if defined.
+# - The value of variable $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/irb/irbrc, if defined.
+# - File $HOME/.irbrc, if it exists.
+# - File $HOME/.config/irb/irbrc, if it exists.
+# - File +.config/irb/irbrc+ in the current directory, if it exists.
+# - File +.irbrc+ in the current directory, if it exists.
+# - File +irb.rc+ in the current directory, if it exists.
+# - File +_irbrc+ in the current directory, if it exists.
+# - File $irbrc in the current directory, if it exists.
+# If the search fails, there is no configuration file.
+# If the search succeeds, the configuration file is read as Ruby code,
+# and so can contain any Ruby programming you like.
+# \Method conf.rc? returns +true+ if a configuration file was read,
+# +false+ otherwise.
+# \Hash entry IRB.conf[:RC] also contains that value.
+# === \Hash IRB.conf
+# The initial entries in hash IRB.conf are determined by:
+# - Default values.
+# - Command-line options, which may override defaults.
+# - Direct assignments in the configuration file.
+# You can see the hash by typing IRB.conf.
+# Details of the entries' meanings are described in the relevant subsections below.
+# If you are interested in a specific entry, consult the
+# {index}[rdoc-ref:doc/irb/indexes.rdoc@Index+of+IRB.conf+Entries].
+# === Notes on Initialization Precedence
+# - Any conflict between an entry in hash IRB.conf and a command-line option
+# is resolved in favor of the hash entry.
+# - \Hash IRB.conf affects the context only once,
+# when the configuration file is interpreted;
+# any subsequent changes to it do not affect the context
+# and are therefore essentially meaningless.
+# === Initialization Script
+# By default, the first command-line argument (after any options)
+# is the path to a Ruby initialization script.
+# \IRB reads the initialization script and puts its content onto the \IRB shell,
+# just as if it were user-typed commands.
+# Command-line option --noscript causes the first command-line argument
+# to be treated as an ordinary argument (instead of an initialization script);
+# --script is the default.
+# == Input
+# This section describes the features that allow you to change
+# the way \IRB input works;
+# see also {Input and Output}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Input+and+Output].
+# === Input Command History
+# By default, \IRB stores a history of up to 1000 input commands
+# in file ~/.irb_history
+# (or, if a {configuration file}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Configuration+File]
+# is found, in file +.irb_history+
+# inin the same directory as that file).
+# A new \IRB session creates the history file if it does not exist,
+# and appends to the file if it does exist.
+# You can change the filepath by adding to your configuration file:
+# IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] = _filepath_,
+# where _filepath_ is a string filepath.
+# During the session, method conf.history_file returns the filepath,
+# and method conf.history_file = new_filepath
+# copies the history to the file at new_filepath,
+# which becomes the history file for the session.
+# You can change the number of commands saved by adding to your configuration file:
+# IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = _n_,
+# where _n_ is one of:
+# - Positive integer: the number of commands to be saved,
+# - Zero: all commands are to be saved.
+# - +nil+: no commands are to be saved,.
+# During the session, you can use
+# methods conf.save_history or conf.save_history=
+# to retrieve or change the count.
+# === Command Aliases
+# By default, \IRB defines several command aliases:
+# irb(main):001> conf.command_aliases
+# => {:"$"=>:show_source, :"@"=>:whereami, :break=>:irb_break, :catch=>:irb_catch, :next=>:irb_next}
+# You can change the initial aliases in the configuration file with:
+# IRB.conf[:COMMAND_ALIASES] = {foo: :show_source, bar: :whereami}
+# You can replace the current aliases at any time
+# with configuration method conf.command_aliases=;
+# Because conf.command_aliases is a hash,
+# you can modify it.
+# === End-of-File
+# By default, IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF] is +false+,
+# which means that typing the end-of-file character Ctrl-D
+# causes the session to exit.
+# You can reverse that behavior by adding IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF] = true
+# to the configuration file.
+# During the session, method conf.ignore_eof? returns the setting,
+# and method conf.ignore_eof = _boolean_ sets it.
+# === SIGINT
+# By default, IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT] is +true+,
+# which means that typing the interrupt character Ctrl-C
+# causes the session to exit.
+# You can reverse that behavior by adding IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGING] = false
+# to the configuration file.
+# During the session, method conf.ignore_siging? returns the setting,
+# and method conf.ignore_sigint = _boolean_ sets it.
+# === Automatic Completion
+# By default, \IRB enables
+# {automatic completion}[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autocomplete#In_command-line_interpreters]:
+# You can disable it by either of these:
+# - Adding IRB.conf[:USE_AUTOCOMPLETE] = false to the configuration file.
+# - Giving command-line option --noautocomplete
+# (--autocomplete is the default).
+# \Method conf.use_autocomplete? returns +true+
+# if automatic completion is enabled, +false+ otherwise.
+# The setting may not be changed during the session.
+# === Automatic Indentation
+# By default, \IRB automatically indents lines of code to show structure
+# (e.g., it indent the contents of a block).
+# The current setting is returned
+# by the configuration method conf.auto_indent_mode.
+# The default initial setting is +true+:
+# irb(main):001> conf.auto_indent_mode
+# => true
+# irb(main):002* Dir.entries('.').select do |entry|
+# irb(main):003* entry.start_with?('R')
+# irb(main):004> end
+# => ["README.md", "Rakefile"]
+# You can change the initial setting in the
+# configuration file with:
+# IRB.conf[:AUTO_INDENT] = false
+# Note that the _current_ setting may not be changed in the \IRB session.
+# === Input \Method
+# The \IRB input method determines how command input is to be read;
+# by default, the input method for a session is IRB::RelineInputMethod.
+# You can set the input method by:
+# - Adding to the configuration file:
+# - IRB.conf[:USE_SINGLELINE] = true
+# or IRB.conf[:USE_MULTILINE]= false
+# sets the input method to IRB::ReadlineInputMethod.
+# - IRB.conf[:USE_SINGLELINE] = false
+# or IRB.conf[:USE_MULTILINE] = true
+# sets the input method to IRB::RelineInputMethod.
+# - Giving command-line options:
+# - --singleline
+# or --nomultiline
+# sets the input method to IRB::ReadlineInputMethod.
+# - --nosingleline
+# or --multiline/tt>
+# sets the input method to IRB::RelineInputMethod.
+# \Method conf.use_multiline?
+# and its synonym conf.use_reline return:
+# - +true+ if option --multiline was given.
+# - +false+ if option --nomultiline was given.
+# - +nil+ if neither was given.
+# \Method conf.use_singleline?
+# and its synonym conf.use_readline return:
+# - +true+ if option --singleline was given.
+# - +false+ if option --nosingleline was given.
+# - +nil+ if neither was given.
+# == Output
+# This section describes the features that allow you to change
+# the way \IRB output works;
+# see also {Input and Output}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Input+and+Output].
+# === Return-Value Printing (Echoing)
+# By default, \IRB prints (echoes) the values returned by all input commands.
+# You can change the initial behavior and suppress all echoing by:
+# - Adding to the configuration file: IRB.conf[:ECHO] = false.
+# (The default value for this entry is +niL+, which means the same as +true+.)
+# - Giving command-line option --noecho.
+# (The default is --echo.)
+# During the session, you can change the current setting
+# with configuration method conf.echo= (set to +true+ or +false+).
+# As stated above, by default \IRB prints the values returned by all input commands;
+# but \IRB offers special treatment for values returned by assignment statements,
+# which may be:
+# - Printed with truncation (to fit on a single line of output),
+# which is the default;
+# an ellipsis (... is suffixed, to indicate the truncation):
+# irb(main):001> x = 'abc' * 100
+# => "abcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabc...
+# - Printed in full (regardless of the length).
+# - Suppressed (not printed at all)
+# You can change the initial behavior by:
+# - Adding to the configuration file: IRB.conf[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] = false.
+# (The default value for this entry is +niL+, which means the same as +:truncate+.)
+# - Giving command-line option --noecho-on-assignment
+# or --echo-on-assignment.
+# (The default is --truncate-echo-on-assigment.)
+# During the session, you can change the current setting
+# with configuration method conf.echo_on_assignment=
+# (set to +true+, +false+, or +:truncate+).
+# By default, \IRB formats returned values by calling method +inspect+.
+# You can change the initial behavior by:
+# - Adding to the configuration file: IRB.conf[:INSPECT_MODE] = false.
+# (The default value for this entry is +true+.)
+# - Giving command-line option --noinspect.
+# (The default is --inspect.)
+# During the session, you can change the setting using method conf.inspect_mode=.
+# === Multiline Output
+# By default, \IRB prefixes a newline to a multiline response.
+# You can change the initial default value by adding to the configuation file:
+# During a session, you can retrieve or set the value using
+# methods conf.newline_before_multiline_output?
+# and conf.newline_before_multiline_output=.
+# Examples:
+# irb(main):001> conf.inspect_mode = false
+# => false
+# irb(main):002> "foo\nbar"
+# =>
+# foo
+# bar
+# irb(main):003> conf.newline_before_multiline_output = false
+# => false
+# irb(main):004> "foo\nbar"
+# => foo
+# bar
+# === Evaluation History
+# By default, \IRB saves no history of evaluations (returned values),
+# and the related methods conf.eval_history, _,
+# and __ are undefined.
+# You can turn on that history, and set the maximum number of evaluations to be stored:
+# - In the configuration file: add IRB.conf[:EVAL_HISTORY] = _n_.
+# (Examples below assume that we've added IRB.conf[:EVAL_HISTORY] = 5.)
+# - In the session (at any time): conf.eval_history = _n_.
+# If +n+ is zero, all evaluation history is stored.
+# Doing either of the above:
+# - Sets the maximum size of the evaluation history;
+# defines method conf.eval_history,
+# which returns the maximum size +n+ of the evaluation history:
+# irb(main):001> conf.eval_history = 5
+# => 5
+# irb(main):002> conf.eval_history
+# => 5
+# - Defines variable _, which contains the most recent evaluation,
+# or +nil+ if none; same as method conf.last_value:
+# irb(main):003> _
+# => 5
+# irb(main):004> :foo
+# => :foo
+# irb(main):005> :bar
+# => :bar
+# irb(main):006> _
+# => :bar
+# irb(main):007> _
+# => :bar
+# - Defines variable __:
+# - __ unadorned: contains all evaluation history:
+# irb(main):008> :foo
+# => :foo
+# irb(main):009> :bar
+# => :bar
+# irb(main):010> :baz
+# => :baz
+# irb(main):011> :bat
+# => :bat
+# irb(main):012> :bam
+# => :bam
+# irb(main):013> __
+# =>
+# 9 :bar
+# 10 :baz
+# 11 :bat
+# 12 :bam
+# irb(main):014> __
+# =>
+# 10 :baz
+# 11 :bat
+# 12 :bam
+# 13 ...self-history...
+# Note that when the evaluation is multiline, it is displayed differently.
+# - __[_m_]:
+# - Positive _m_: contains the evaluation for the given line number,
+# or +nil+ if that line number is not in the evaluation history:
+# irb(main):015> __[12]
+# => :bam
+# irb(main):016> __[1]
+# => nil
+# - Negative _m_: contains the +mth+-from-end evaluation,
+# or +nil+ if that evaluation is not in the evaluation history:
+# irb(main):017> __[-3]
+# => :bam
+# irb(main):018> __[-13]
+# => nil
+# - Zero _m_: contains +nil+:
+# irb(main):019> __[0]
+# => nil
+# === Prompt and Return Formats
+# By default, \IRB uses the prompt and return value formats
+# defined in its +:DEFAULT+ prompt mode.
+# ==== The Default Prompt and Return Format
+# The default prompt and return values look like this:
+# irb(main):001> 1 + 1
+# => 2
+# irb(main):002> 2 + 2
+# => 4
+# The prompt includes:
+# - The name of the running program (irb);
+# see {IRB Name}[rdoc-ref:IRB@IRB+Name].
+# - The name of the current session (main);
+# See {IRB Sessions}[rdoc-ref:IRB@IRB+Sessions].
+# - A 3-digit line number (1-based).
+# The default prompt actually defines three formats:
+# - One for most situations (as above):
+# irb(main):003> Dir
+# => Dir
+# - One for when the typed command is a statement continuation (adds trailing asterisk):
+# irb(main):004* Dir.
+# - One for when the typed command is a string continuation (adds trailing single-quote):
+# irb(main):005' Dir.entries('.
+# You can see the prompt change as you type the characters in the following:
+# irb(main):001* Dir.entries('.').select do |entry|
+# irb(main):002* entry.start_with?('R')
+# irb(main):003> end
+# => ["README.md", "Rakefile"]
+# ==== Pre-Defined Prompts
+# \IRB has several pre-defined prompts, stored in hash IRB.conf[:PROMPT]:
+# irb(main):001> IRB.conf[:PROMPT].keys
+# To see the full data for these, type IRB.conf[:PROMPT].
+# Most of these prompt definitions include specifiers that represent
+# values like the \IRB name, session name, and line number;
+# see {Prompt Specifiers}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Prompt+Specifiers].
+# You can change the initial prompt and return format by:
+# - Adding to the configuration file: IRB.conf[:PROMPT] = _mode_
+# where _mode_ is the symbol name of a prompt mode.
+# - Giving a command-line option:
+# - --prompt _mode_: sets the prompt mode to _mode_.
+# where _mode_ is the symbol name of a prompt mode.
+# - --simple-prompt or --sample-book-mode:
+# sets the prompt mode to +:SIMPLE+.
+# - --inf-ruby-mode: sets the prompt mode to +:INF_RUBY+
+# and suppresses both --multiline and --singleline.
+# - --noprompt: suppresses prompting; does not affect echoing.
+# You can retrieve or set the current prompt mode with methods
+# conf.prompt_mode and conf.prompt_mode=.
+# If you're interested in prompts and return formats other than the defaults,
+# you might experiment by trying some of the others.
+# ==== Custom Prompts
+# You can also define custom prompts and return formats,
+# which may be done either in an \IRB session or in the configuration file.
+# A prompt in \IRB actually defines three prompts, as seen above.
+# For simple custom data, we'll make all three the same:
+# irb(main):001* IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:MY_PROMPT] = {
+# irb(main):002* PROMPT_I: ': ',
+# irb(main):003* PROMPT_C: ': ',
+# irb(main):004* PROMPT_S: ': ',
+# irb(main):005* RETURN: '=> '
+# irb(main):006> }
+# => {:PROMPT_I=>": ", :PROMPT_C=>": ", :PROMPT_S=>": ", :RETURN=>"=> "}
+# If you define the custom prompt in the configuration file,
+# you can also make it the current prompt by adding:
+# Regardless of where it's defined, you can make it the current prompt in a session:
+# conf.prompt_mode = :MY_PROMPT
+# You can view or modify the current prompt data with various configuration methods:
+# - conf.prompt_mode, conf.prompt_mode=.
+# - conf.prompt_c, conf.c=.
+# - conf.prompt_i, conf.i=.
+# - conf.prompt_s, conf.s=.
+# - conf.return_format, return_format=.
+# ==== Prompt Specifiers
+# A prompt's definition can include specifiers for which certain values are substituted:
+# - %N: the name of the running program.
+# - %m: the value of self.to_s.
+# - %M: the value of self.inspect.
+# - %l: an indication of the type of string;
+# one of ", ', /, ].
+# - NNi: Indentation level.
+# - NNn: Line number.
+# - %%: Literal %.
+# === Verbosity
+# By default, \IRB verbosity is disabled, which means that output is smaller
+# rather than larger.
+# You can enable verbosity by:
+# - Adding to the configuration file: IRB.conf[:VERBOSE] = true
+# (the default is +nil+).
+# - Giving command-line options --verbose
+# (the default is --noverbose).
+# During a session, you can retrieve or set verbosity with methods
+# conf.verbose and conf.verbose=.
+# === Help
+# Command-line option --version causes \IRB to print its help text
+# and exit.
+# === Version
+# Command-line option --version causes \IRB to print its version text
+# and exit.
+# == Input and Output
+# === \Color Highlighting
+# By default, \IRB color highlighting is enabled, and is used for both:
+# - Input: As you type, \IRB reads the typed characters and highlights
+# elements that it recognizes;
+# it also highlights errors such as mismatched parentheses.
+# - Output: \IRB highlights syntactical elements.
+# You can disable color highlighting by:
+# - Adding to the configuration file: IRB.conf[:USE_COLORIZE] = false
+# (the default value is +true+).
+# - Giving command-line option --nocolorize
+# == Debugging
+# Command-line option -d sets variables $VERBOSE
+# and $DEBUG to +true+;
+# these have no effect on \IRB output.
+# === Tracer
+# \IRB's tracer feature controls whether a stack trace
+# is to be displayed for each command.
+# Command-line option -tracer sets
+# variable IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER] to +true+
+# (the default is +false+).
+# You can specify a back trace limit, +n+,
+# which specifies that the back trace for an exception
+# can contain no more than 2 * +n+ entries,
+# consisting at most of the first +n+ and last +n+ entries.
+# The current limit is returned
+# by the configuration method conf.back_trace_limit.
+# The initial limit is 16:
+# irb(main):001> conf.back_trace_limit
+# => 16
+# You can change the initial limit with command-line option
+# --back-trace-limit _value_:
+# irb --back-trace-limit 32
+# You can also change the initial limit in the configuration file
+# (which overrides the command-line option above):
+# IRB.conf[:BACK_TRACE_LIMIT] = 24
+# You can change the current limit at any time
+# with configuration method conf.back_trace_limit=.
+# Note that the _current_ limit may not
+# be changed by IRB.conf[:BACK_TRACE_LIMIT] = '_value_'
+# in the \IRB session.
+# === Warnings
+# Command-line option -w suppresses warnings.
+# Command-line option -W[_level_]
+# sets warning level; 0=silence, 1=medium, 2=verbose.
+# :stopdoc:
+# === Performance Measurement
+# :startdoc:
+# == Other Features
+# === Load Modules
+# You can specify the names of modules that are to be required at startup.
+# \Array conf.load_modules determines the modules (if any)
+# that are to be required during session startup.
+# The array is used only during session startup,
+# so the initial value is the only one that counts.
+# The default initial value is [] (load no modules):
+# irb(main):001> conf.load_modules
+# => []
+# You can set the default initial value via:
+# - Command-line option -r
+# $ irb -r csv -r json
+# irb(main):001> conf.load_modules
+# => ["csv", "json"]
+# - \Hash entry IRB.conf[:LOAD_MODULES] = _array_:
+# IRB.conf[:LOAD_MODULES] = %w[csv, json]
+# Note that the configuration file entry overrides the command-line options.
+# :stopdoc:
+# === \IRB Loader
+# IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER]
+# :startdoc:
+# === RI Documentation Directories
+# You can specify the paths to RI documentation directories
+# that are to be loaded (in addition to the default directories) at startup;
+# see details about RI by typing ri --help.
+# \Array conf.extra_doc_dirs determines the directories (if any)
+# that are to be loaded during session startup.
+# The array is used only during session startup,
+# so the initial value is the only one that counts.
+# The default initial value is [] (load no extra documentation):
+# irb(main):001> conf.extra_doc_dirs
+# => []
+# You can set the default initial value via:
+# - Command-line option --extra_doc_dir
+# $ irb --extra-doc-dir your_doc_dir --extra-doc-dir my_doc_dir
+# irb(main):001> conf.extra_doc_dirs
+# => ["your_doc_dir", "my_doc_dir"]
+# - \Hash entry IRB.conf[:EXTRA_DOC_DIRS] = _array_:
+# IRB.conf[:EXTRA_DOC_DIRS] = %w[your_doc_dir my_doc_dir]
+# Note that the configuration file entry overrides the command-line options.
+# :stopdoc:
+# === \Context Mode
+# :startdoc:
+# === \IRB Name
+# You can specify a name for \IRB.
+# The default initial value is 'irb':
+# irb(main):001> conf.irb_name
+# => "irb"
+# You can set the default initial value
+# via hash entry IRB.conf[:IRB_NAME] = _string_:
+# IRB.conf[:IRB_NAME] = 'foo'
+# === Application Name
+# You can specify an application name for the \IRB session.
+# The default initial value is 'irb':
+# irb(main):001> conf.ap_name
+# => "irb"
+# You can set the default initial value
+# via hash entry IRB.conf[:AP_NAME] = _string_:
+# IRB.conf[:AP_NAME] = 'my_ap_name'
+# :stopdoc:
+# === \IRB Library Directory
+# IRB.conf[:IRB_LIB_PATH]
+# :startdoc:
+# === Configuration Monitor
+# You can monitor changes to the configuration by assigning a proc
+# to IRB.conf[:IRB_RC] in the configuration file:
+# IRB.conf[:IRB_RC] = proc {|conf| puts conf.class }
+# Each time the configuration is changed,
+# that proc is called with argument +conf+:
+# :stopdoc:
+# === \Locale
+# :startdoc:
+# :stopdoc:
+# === Single-IRB Mode
+# IRB.conf[:SINGLE_IRB]
+# :startdoc:
+# === Encodings
+# Command-line option -E _ex_[:_in_]
+# sets initial external (ex) and internal (in) encodings.
+# Command-line option -U sets both to UTF-8.
+# === Commands
# The following commands are available on IRB.
@@ -97,169 +931,14 @@
# * break, delete, next, step, continue, finish, backtrace, info, catch
# * Start the debugger of debug.gem and run the command on it.
-# == Configuration
-# IRB reads a personal initialization file when it's invoked.
-# IRB searches a file in the following order and loads the first one found.
-# * $IRBRC (if $IRBRC is set)
-# * $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/irb/irbrc (if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set)
-# * ~/.irbrc
-# * +.config/irb/irbrc+
-# * +.irbrc+
-# * +irb.rc+
-# * +_irbrc+
-# * $irbrc
-# The following are alternatives to the command line options. To use them type
-# as follows in an +irb+ session:
-# IRB.conf[:IRB_NAME]="irb"
-# IRB.conf[:INSPECT_MODE]=nil
-# IRB.conf[:IRB_RC] = nil
-# IRB.conf[:USE_LOADER] = false
-# IRB.conf[:USE_MULTILINE] = nil
-# IRB.conf[:USE_SINGLELINE] = nil
-# IRB.conf[:USE_COLORIZE] = true
-# IRB.conf[:USE_TRACER] = false
-# IRB.conf[:USE_AUTOCOMPLETE] = true
-# IRB.conf[:IGNORE_SIGINT] = true
-# IRB.conf[:IGNORE_EOF] = false
-# IRB.conf[:PROMPT] = {...}
-# === Auto indentation
-# To disable auto-indent mode in irb, add the following to your +.irbrc+:
-# IRB.conf[:AUTO_INDENT] = false
-# === Autocompletion
-# To disable autocompletion for irb, add the following to your +.irbrc+:
-# IRB.conf[:USE_AUTOCOMPLETE] = false
-# To enable enhanced completion using type information, add the following to your +.irbrc+:
-# IRB.conf[:COMPLETOR] = :type
-# === History
-# By default, irb will store the last 1000 commands you used in
by default).
-# If you want to disable history, add the following to your +.irbrc+:
-# IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = nil
-# See IRB::Context#save_history= for more information.
-# The history of _results_ of commands evaluated is not stored by default,
-# but can be turned on to be stored with this +.irbrc+ setting:
-# IRB.conf[:EVAL_HISTORY] =
-# See IRB::Context#eval_history= and EvalHistory class. The history of command
-# results is not permanently saved in any file.
-# == Customizing the IRB Prompt
-# In order to customize the prompt, you can change the following Hash:
-# IRB.conf[:PROMPT]
-# This example can be used in your +.irbrc+
-# IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:MY_PROMPT] = { # name of prompt mode
-# :AUTO_INDENT => false, # disables auto-indent mode
-# :PROMPT_I => ">> ", # simple prompt
-# :PROMPT_S => nil, # prompt for continuated strings
-# :PROMPT_C => nil, # prompt for continuated statement
-# :RETURN => " ==>%s\n" # format to return value
-# }
-# Or, invoke irb with the above prompt mode by:
-# irb --prompt my-prompt
-# Constants +PROMPT_I+, +PROMPT_S+ and +PROMPT_C+ specify the format. In the
-# prompt specification, some special strings are available:
-# %N # command name which is running
-# %m # to_s of main object (self)
-# %M # inspect of main object (self)
-# %l # type of string(", ', /, ]), `]' is inner %w[...]
-# %NNi # indent level. NN is digits and means as same as printf("%NNd").
-# # It can be omitted
-# %NNn # line number.
-# %% # %
-# For instance, the default prompt mode is defined as follows:
-# :PROMPT_I => "%N(%m):%03n> ",
-# :PROMPT_S => "%N(%m):%03n%l ",
-# :PROMPT_C => "%N(%m):%03n* ",
-# :RETURN => "%s\n" # used to printf
-# }
-# irb comes with a number of available modes:
-# # :NULL:
-# # :PROMPT_I:
-# # :PROMPT_S:
-# # :PROMPT_C:
-# # :RETURN: |
-# # %s
-# # :DEFAULT:
-# # :PROMPT_I: ! '%N(%m):%03n> '
-# # :PROMPT_S: ! '%N(%m):%03n%l '
-# # :PROMPT_C: ! '%N(%m):%03n* '
-# # :RETURN: |
-# # => %s
-# # :CLASSIC:
-# # :PROMPT_I: ! '%N(%m):%03n:%i> '
-# # :PROMPT_S: ! '%N(%m):%03n:%i%l '
-# # :PROMPT_C: ! '%N(%m):%03n:%i* '
-# # :RETURN: |
-# # %s
-# # :SIMPLE:
-# # :PROMPT_I: ! '>> '
-# # :PROMPT_S:
-# # :PROMPT_C: ! '?> '
-# # :RETURN: |
-# # => %s
-# # :INF_RUBY:
-# # :PROMPT_I: ! '%N(%m):%03n> '
-# # :PROMPT_S:
-# # :PROMPT_C:
-# # :RETURN: |
-# # %s
-# # :AUTO_INDENT: true
-# # :XMP:
-# # :PROMPT_I:
-# # :PROMPT_S:
-# # :PROMPT_C:
-# # :RETURN: |2
-# # ==>%s
-# == Restrictions
-# Because irb evaluates input immediately after it is syntactically complete,
-# the results may be slightly different than directly using Ruby.
-# == IRB Sessions
+# === IRB Sessions
# IRB has a special feature, that allows you to manage many sessions at once.
# You can create new sessions with Irb.irb, and get a list of current sessions
# with the +jobs+ command in the prompt.
-# === Commands
+# ==== \IRB-Specific Commands
# JobManager provides commands to handle the current sessions:
@@ -280,19 +959,19 @@
# +irb_require+::
# Loads the given file similarly to Kernel#require
-# === Configuration
+# ==== Configuration
# The command line options, or IRB.conf, specify the default behavior of
# Irb.irb.
-# On the other hand, each conf in IRB@Command+line+options is used to
+# On the other hand, each conf in IRB@Command-Line+Options is used to
# individually configure IRB.irb.
# If a proc is set for IRB.conf[:IRB_RC]
, its will be invoked after execution
# of that proc with the context of the current session as its argument. Each
# session can be configured using this mechanism.
-# === Session variables
+# ==== Session variables
# There are a few variables in every Irb session that can come in handy:
@@ -307,7 +986,7 @@
# If +line_no+ is a negative, the return value +line_no+ many lines before
# the most recent return value.
-# === Example using IRB Sessions
+# ==== Example using IRB Sessions
# # invoke a new session
# irb(main):001:0> irb
@@ -367,6 +1046,15 @@
# #0->irb on main (# : running)
# # quit irb
# irb(main):010:0> exit
+# == Restrictions
+# Ruby code typed into \IRB behaves the same as Ruby code in a file, except that:
+# - Because \IRB evaluates input immediately after it is syntactically complete,
+# some results may be slightly different.
+# - Forking may not be well behaved.
module IRB
# An exception raised by IRB.irb_abort
@@ -1023,8 +1711,7 @@ class Binding
# irb(#):005:0> exit
# Cooked potato: true
- #
- # See IRB@Usage for more information.
+ # See IRB for more information.
def irb(show_code: true)
# Setup IRB with the current file's path and no command line arguments
IRB.setup(source_location[0], argv: [])
diff --git a/lib/irb/context.rb b/lib/irb/context.rb
index ffbba4e8b..c3690fcac 100644
--- a/lib/irb/context.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/context.rb
@@ -264,15 +264,15 @@ def main
attr_reader :prompt_mode
# Standard IRB prompt.
- # See IRB@Customizing+the+IRB+Prompt for more information.
+ # See {Custom Prompts}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Custom+Prompts] for more information.
attr_accessor :prompt_i
# IRB prompt for continuated strings.
- # See IRB@Customizing+the+IRB+Prompt for more information.
+ # See {Custom Prompts}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Custom+Prompts] for more information.
attr_accessor :prompt_s
# IRB prompt for continuated statement. (e.g. immediately after an +if+)
- # See IRB@Customizing+the+IRB+Prompt for more information.
+ # See {Custom Prompts}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Custom+Prompts] for more information.
attr_accessor :prompt_c
# TODO: Remove this when developing v2.0
@@ -394,8 +394,6 @@ def prompt_n=(_)
# The default value is 16.
# Can also be set using the +--back-trace-limit+ command line option.
- #
- # See IRB@Command+line+options for more command line options.
attr_accessor :back_trace_limit
# User-defined IRB command aliases
@@ -463,7 +461,7 @@ def set_last_value(value)
# Sets the +mode+ of the prompt in this context.
- # See IRB@Customizing+the+IRB+Prompt for more information.
+ # See {Custom Prompts}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Custom+Prompts] for more information.
def prompt_mode=(mode)
@prompt_mode = mode
pconf = IRB.conf[:PROMPT][mode]
@@ -501,8 +499,6 @@ def file_input?
# Can also be set using the +--inspect+ and +--noinspect+ command line
# options.
- #
- # See IRB@Command+line+options for more command line options.
def inspect_mode=(opt)
if i = Inspector::INSPECTORS[opt]
diff --git a/lib/irb/help.rb b/lib/irb/help.rb
index ca12810de..6861d7efc 100644
--- a/lib/irb/help.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/help.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
module IRB
- # Outputs the irb help message, see IRB@Command+line+options.
+ # Outputs the irb help message, see IRB@Command-Line+Options.
def IRB.print_usage
lc = IRB.conf[:LC_MESSAGES]
path = lc.find("irb/help-message")
diff --git a/lib/irb/xmp.rb b/lib/irb/xmp.rb
index 94c700b48..de2908942 100644
--- a/lib/irb/xmp.rb
+++ b/lib/irb/xmp.rb
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ class XMP
# The top-level binding or, optional +bind+ parameter will be used when
# creating the workspace. See WorkSpace.new for more information.
- # This uses the +:XMP+ prompt mode, see IRB@Customizing+the+IRB+Prompt for
- # full detail.
+ # This uses the +:XMP+ prompt mode.
+ # See {Custom Prompts}[rdoc-ref:IRB@Custom+Prompts] for more information.
def initialize(bind = nil)