diff --git a/gems/activesupport/6.0/activesupport-generated.rbs b/gems/activesupport/6.0/activesupport-generated.rbs
index ce0573a9..ff85fc01 100644
--- a/gems/activesupport/6.0/activesupport-generated.rbs
+++ b/gems/activesupport/6.0/activesupport-generated.rbs
@@ -10662,82 +10662,6 @@ module ActiveSupport
-module ActiveSupport
- # Rescuable module adds support for easier exception handling.
- module Rescuable
- extend Concern
- module ClassMethods
- # Rescue exceptions raised in controller actions.
- #
- # rescue_from receives a series of exception classes or class
- # names, and a trailing :with option with the name of a method
- # or a Proc object to be called to handle them. Alternatively a block can
- # be given.
- #
- # Handlers that take one argument will be called with the exception, so
- # that the exception can be inspected when dealing with it.
- #
- # Handlers are inherited. They are searched from right to left, from
- # bottom to top, and up the hierarchy. The handler of the first class for
- # which exception.is_a?(klass) holds true is the one invoked, if
- # any.
- #
- # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
- # rescue_from User::NotAuthorized, with: :deny_access # self defined exception
- # rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, with: :show_errors
- #
- # rescue_from 'MyAppError::Base' do |exception|
- # render xml: exception, status: 500
- # end
- #
- # private
- # def deny_access
- # ...
- # end
- #
- # def show_errors(exception)
- # exception.record.new_record? ? ...
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Exceptions raised inside exception handlers are not propagated up.
- def rescue_from: (*Class, ?with: Symbol | Proc) -> void
- | (*Class) { (Exception) -> void } -> void
- # Matches an exception to a handler based on the exception class.
- #
- # If no handler matches the exception, check for a handler matching the
- # (optional) exception.cause. If no handler matches the exception or its
- # cause, this returns +nil+, so you can deal with unhandled exceptions.
- # Be sure to re-raise unhandled exceptions if this is what you expect.
- #
- # begin
- # (trim non-ascii characters)
- # rescue => exception
- # rescue_with_handler(exception) || raise
- # end
- #
- # Returns the exception if it was handled and +nil+ if it was not.
- def rescue_with_handler: (untyped exception, ?visited_exceptions: untyped visited_exceptions, ?object: untyped object) -> untyped
- def handler_for_rescue: (untyped exception, ?object: untyped object) -> untyped
- private
- def find_rescue_handler: (untyped exception) -> untyped
- def constantize_rescue_handler_class: (untyped class_or_name) -> untyped
- end
- # Delegates to the class method, but uses the instance as the subject for
- # rescue_from handlers (method calls, instance_exec blocks).
- def rescue_with_handler: (untyped exception) -> untyped
- def handler_for_rescue: (untyped exception) -> untyped
- end
module ActiveSupport
module SecurityUtils
# Constant time string comparison, for fixed length strings.
diff --git a/gems/activesupport/6.0/activesupport.rbs b/gems/activesupport/6.0/activesupport.rbs
index b99ffbe2..5e95cc0a 100644
--- a/gems/activesupport/6.0/activesupport.rbs
+++ b/gems/activesupport/6.0/activesupport.rbs
@@ -383,3 +383,79 @@ class Array[unchecked out Elem]
# Manual definition to make block optional
def in_groups: (untyped number, ?untyped? fill_with) ?{ (untyped) -> untyped } -> untyped
+module ActiveSupport
+ # Rescuable module adds support for easier exception handling.
+ module Rescuable
+ extend Concern
+ module ClassMethods
+ # Rescue exceptions raised in controller actions.
+ #
+ # rescue_from receives a series of exception classes or class
+ # names, and a trailing :with option with the name of a method
+ # or a Proc object to be called to handle them. Alternatively a block can
+ # be given.
+ #
+ # Handlers that take one argument will be called with the exception, so
+ # that the exception can be inspected when dealing with it.
+ #
+ # Handlers are inherited. They are searched from right to left, from
+ # bottom to top, and up the hierarchy. The handler of the first class for
+ # which exception.is_a?(klass) holds true is the one invoked, if
+ # any.
+ #
+ # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
+ # rescue_from User::NotAuthorized, with: :deny_access # self defined exception
+ # rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, with: :show_errors
+ #
+ # rescue_from 'MyAppError::Base' do |exception|
+ # render xml: exception, status: 500
+ # end
+ #
+ # private
+ # def deny_access
+ # ...
+ # end
+ #
+ # def show_errors(exception)
+ # exception.record.new_record? ? ...
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # Exceptions raised inside exception handlers are not propagated up.
+ def rescue_from: (*Class) { (Exception) [self: instance] -> void } -> void
+ | (*Class, with: Symbol | ^(Exception) [self: instance] -> void) -> void
+ # Matches an exception to a handler based on the exception class.
+ #
+ # If no handler matches the exception, check for a handler matching the
+ # (optional) exception.cause. If no handler matches the exception or its
+ # cause, this returns +nil+, so you can deal with unhandled exceptions.
+ # Be sure to re-raise unhandled exceptions if this is what you expect.
+ #
+ # begin
+ # (trim non-ascii characters)
+ # rescue => exception
+ # rescue_with_handler(exception) || raise
+ # end
+ #
+ # Returns the exception if it was handled and +nil+ if it was not.
+ def rescue_with_handler: (untyped exception, ?visited_exceptions: untyped visited_exceptions, ?object: untyped object) -> untyped
+ def handler_for_rescue: (untyped exception, ?object: untyped object) -> untyped
+ private
+ def find_rescue_handler: (untyped exception) -> untyped
+ def constantize_rescue_handler_class: (untyped class_or_name) -> untyped
+ end
+ # Delegates to the class method, but uses the instance as the subject for
+ # rescue_from handlers (method calls, instance_exec blocks).
+ def rescue_with_handler: (untyped exception) -> untyped
+ def handler_for_rescue: (untyped exception) -> untyped
+ end