All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added for new features.
- Changed for changes in existing functionality.
- Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features.
- Removed for now removed features.
- Fixed for any bug fixes.
- Security in case of vulnerabilities.
(Issue 40)RecoverFileDownload()
will not look for a configuredrubrik_cdm_token
environment variable
- Prevent potential HTTP connection issues from occurring on long-running jobs
will bootstrap a Cloud Cluster Elastic Storage in AWSBootstrapCcesAzure()
will bootstrap a Cloud Cluster Elastic Storage in Azure
fixed NTP code so that NTP will be updated properly on newer Rubrik clusters. This is a breaking change for Rubrik clusters older than v5.0.
- Fixed
module declares its path as: rubrikcdm but was required as:
error when calling the SDK from github.
- Added support for bootstrapping CCES on AWS and Azure with the immutability flag.
- Fixed the examples file for encryption.
- Fixed the .gitignore file to ignore test files.
- Added retry on connection errors during bootstrap
- Upgraded to Go 1.21