diff --git a/NAMESPACE b/NAMESPACE index d2c27188b..b26d82f71 100644 --- a/NAMESPACE +++ b/NAMESPACE @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ useDynLib(terra, .registration=TRUE) import(methods, Rcpp) exportClasses(SpatExtent, SpatRaster, SpatRasterDataset, SpatRasterCollection, SpatVector, SpatVectorProxy, SpatVectorCollection) -exportMethods("[", "[[", "!", "%in%", activeCat, "activeCat<-", "add<-", addCats, adjacent, all.equal, aggregate, allNA, align, animate, anyNA, app, Arith, approximate, as.bool, as.int, as.contour, as.lines, as.points, as.polygons, as.raster, as.array, as.data.frame, as.factor, as.list, as.logical, as.matrix, as.numeric, atan2, atan_2, autocor, barplot, blocks, boundaries, boxplot, buffer, cartogram, categories, cats, catalyze, clamp, clamp_ts, classify, clearance, cellSize, cells, cellFromXY, cellFromRowCol, cellFromRowColCombine, centroids, click, bestMatch, colFromX, colFromCell, colorize, coltab, "coltab<-", combineGeoms, compare, concats, Compare, compareGeom, contour, convHull, countNA, costDist, crds, cover, crop, crosstab, crs, "crs<-", datatype, deepcopy, delaunay, densify, density, depth, "depth<-", describe, diff, disagg, direction, distance, dots, draw, droplevels, elongate, emptyGeoms, erase, extend, ext, "ext<-", extract, extractRange, expanse, fillHoles, fillTime, flip, focal, focal3D, focalPairs, focalReg, focalCpp, focalValues, forceCCW, freq, gaps, geom, geomtype, getTileExtents, global, gridDist, has.colors, has.RGB, has.time, hasMinMax, hasValues, hist, head, identical, ifel, impose, init, image, inext, interpIDW, interpNear, inMemory, inset, interpolate, intersect, is.bool, is.int, is.lonlat, is.rotated, isTRUE, isFALSE, is.empty, is.factor, is.lines, is.points, is.polygons, is.related, is.valid, k_means, lapp, layerCor, levels, "levels<-", linearUnits, lines, Logic, varnames, "varnames<-", logic, longnames, "longnames<-", makeValid, mask, match, math, Math, Math2, mean, median, meta, merge, mergeLines, mergeTime, minCircle, minmax, minRect, modal, mosaic, na.omit, not.na, NAflag, "NAflag<-", nearby, nearest, ncell, ncol, "ncol<-", nlyr, "nlyr<-", noNA, normalize.longitude, nrow, "nrow<-", nsrc, origin, "origin<-", pairs, panel, patches, perim, persp, plot, plotRGB, plet, prcomp, princomp, RGB, "RGB<-", polys, points, predict, project, quantile, query, rangeFill, rapp, rast, rasterize, rasterizeGeom, rasterizeWin, readStart, readStop, readValues, rectify, regress, relate, removeDupNodes, res, "res<-", resample, rescale, rev, rcl, roll, rotate, rowFromY, rowColCombine, rowColFromCell, rowFromCell, sapp, scale, scoff, "scoff<-", sds, sort, sprc, sel, selectRange, setMinMax, setValues, segregate, selectHighest, set.cats, set.crs, set.ext, set.names, set.RGB, set.values, size, sharedPaths, shift, sieve, simplifyGeom, snap, sources, spatSample, split, spin, stdev, stretch, subset, subst, summary, Summary, surfArea, svc, symdif, t, metags, "metags<-", tail, tapp, terrain, tighten, makeNodes, makeTiles, time, timeInfo, "time<-", text, trans, trim, units, union, "units<-", unique, unwrap, update, vect, values, "values<-", viewshed, voronoi, vrt, weighted.mean, where.min, where.max, which.lyr, which.min, which.max, which.lyr, width, window, "window<-", writeCDF, writeRaster, wrap, wrapCache, writeStart, writeStop, writeVector, writeValues, xmin, xmax, "xmin<-", "xmax<-", xres, xFromCol, xyFromCell, xFromCell, ymin, ymax, "ymin<-", "ymax<-", yres, yFromCell, yFromRow, zonal, zoom, cbind2, readRDS, saveRDS, unserialize, serialize, xapp, area, gridDistance, colSums, rowSums) +exportMethods("[", "[[", "!", "%in%", activeCat, "activeCat<-", "add<-", addCats, adjacent, all.equal, aggregate, allNA, align, animate, anyNA, app, Arith, approximate, as.bool, as.int, as.contour, as.lines, as.points, as.polygons, as.raster, as.array, as.data.frame, as.factor, as.list, as.logical, as.matrix, as.numeric, atan2, atan_2, autocor, barplot, blocks, boundaries, boxplot, buffer, cartogram, categories, cats, catalyze, clamp, clamp_ts, classify, clearance, cellSize, cells, cellFromXY, cellFromRowCol, cellFromRowColCombine, centroids, click, bestMatch, colFromX, colFromCell, colorize, coltab, "coltab<-", combineGeoms, compare, concats, Compare, compareGeom, contour, convHull, countNA, costDist, crds, cover, crop, crosstab, crs, "crs<-", datatype, deepcopy, delaunay, densify, density, depth, "depth<-", describe, diff, disagg, direction, distance, dots, draw, droplevels, elongate, emptyGeoms, erase, extend, ext, "ext<-", extract, extractRange, expanse, fillHoles, fillTime, flip, focal, focal3D, focalPairs, focalReg, focalCpp, focalValues, forceCCW, freq, gaps, geom, geomtype, getTileExtents, global, gridDist, has.colors, has.RGB, has.time, hasMinMax, hasValues, hist, head, identical, ifel, impose, init, image, inext, interpIDW, interpNear, inMemory, inset, interpolate, intersect, is.bool, is.int, is.lonlat, is.rotated, isTRUE, isFALSE, is.empty, is.factor, is.lines, is.points, is.polygons, is.related, is.valid, k_means, lapp, layerCor, levels, "levels<-", linearUnits, lines, Logic, varnames, "varnames<-", logic, longnames, "longnames<-", makeValid, mask, match, math, Math, Math2, mean, median, meta, merge, mergeLines, mergeTime, minCircle, minmax, minRect, modal, mosaic, na.omit, not.na, NAflag, "NAflag<-", nearby, nearest, ncell, ncol, "ncol<-", nlyr, "nlyr<-", noNA, normalize.longitude, nrow, "nrow<-", nsrc, origin, "origin<-", pairs, panel, patches, perim, persp, plot, plotRGB, plet, prcomp, princomp, RGB, "RGB<-", polys, points, predict, project, quantile, query, rangeFill, rapp, rast, rasterize, rasterizeGeom, rasterizeWin, readStart, readStop, readValues, rectify, regress, relate, removeDupNodes, res, "res<-", resample, rescale, rev, rcl, roll, rotate, rowFromY, rowColCombine, rowColFromCell, rowFromCell, sapp, scale, scoff, "scoff<-", sds, sort, sprc, sel, selectRange, setMinMax, setValues, segregate, selectHighest, set.cats, set.crs, set.ext, set.names, set.RGB, set.values, size, sharedPaths, shift, sieve, simplifyGeom, snap, sources, spatSample, split, spin, stdev, stretch, subset, subst, summary, Summary, surfArea, svc, symdif, t, metags, "metags<-", tail, tapp, terrain, tighten, makeNodes, makeTiles, time, timeInfo, "time<-", text, trans, trim, units, union, "units<-", unique, unwrap, update, vect, values, "values<-", viewshed, voronoi, vrt, weighted.mean, where.min, where.max, which.lyr, which.min, which.max, which.lyr, width, window, "window<-", writeCDF, writeRaster, wrap, wrapCache, writeStart, writeStop, writeVector, writeValues, xmin, xmax, "xmin<-", "xmax<-", xres, xFromCol, xyFromCell, xFromCell, ymin, ymax, "ymin<-", "ymax<-", yres, yFromCell, yFromRow, zonal, zoom, cbind2, readRDS, saveRDS, unserialize, serialize, xapp, area, gridDistance, colSums, rowSums, colMeans, rowMeans) exportMethods(watershed, pitfinder, NIDP, flowAccumulation) diff --git a/man/rowSums.Rd b/man/rowSums.Rd new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e64e7a649 --- /dev/null +++ b/man/rowSums.Rd @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +\name{rowSums} + +\docType{methods} + +\alias{rowSums} +\alias{rowSums,Raster-method} +\alias{colSums} +\alias{colSums,Raster-method} +\alias{rowMeans} +\alias{rowMeans,Raster-method} +\alias{colMeans} +\alias{colMeans,Raster-method} + +\title{row/col sums and means for SpatRaster} + +\description{ +Sum or average values of SpatRaster layers by row or column. +} + +\usage{ +\S4method{rowSums}{SpatRaster}(x, na.rm=FALSE, dims=1L, ...) +\S4method{colSums}{SpatRaster}(x, na.rm=FALSE, dims=1L, ...) +\S4method{rowMeans}{SpatRaster}(x, na.rm=FALSE, dims=1L, ...) +\S4method{colMeans}{SpatRaster}(x, na.rm=FALSE, dims=1L, ...) +} + +\arguments{ + \item{x}{SpatRaster} + \item{na.rm}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, \code{NA} values are ignored} + \item{dims}{this argument is ignored} + \item{...}{additional arguments (none implemented)} +} + +\value{ +matrix +} + +\seealso{ +See \code{\link{global}} for summing all cells values +} + +\examples{ +r <- rast(ncols=2, nrows=5, nl=2, vals=1:20) +rowSums(r) +colSums(r) +} + +\keyword{spatial} +