diff --git a/.circleci/check-ruby-gems-lock-file-changed.sh b/.circleci/check-ruby-gems-lock-file-changed.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 4d18c74465..0000000000
--- a/.circleci/check-ruby-gems-lock-file-changed.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-COMMIT_HASH_MASTER=$( git merge-base origin/master HEAD )
-git show "${COMMIT_HASH_MASTER}":Gemfile.lock > Gemfile.master.lock
-diff -u Gemfile.master.lock Gemfile.lock > Gemfile.lock.diff
-LOCKFILE_DIFF_SIZE=$( wc -l < Gemfile.lock.diff )
-if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH#proj/}" != "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" -o "${CIRCLE_BRANCH#dependabot/}" != "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" -o "${LOCKFILE_DIFF_SIZE}" -eq 0 ] ; then
- rm Gemfile.master.lock Gemfile.lock.diff
- echo "Gemfile.lock OK"
- cat Gemfile.lock.diff
- rm Gemfile.master.lock Gemfile.lock.diff
- echo "Gemfile.lock has changed, and is not allowed except when branch name starts with proj/"
- echo "Changes to dependencies are a separate concern, and should be included in their own PR"
- exit 1
diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b260d2499e..0000000000
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-version: 2.1
- docs_build:
- working_directory: ~/tmp
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- - image: circleci/ruby:2.6.3
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- - run:
- name: Env Vars
- command: |
- echo "export BUNDLE_PATH=~/tmp/vendor/bundle" >> $BASH_ENV
- echo "export GEM_HOME=~/tmp/vendor/bundle" >> $BASH_ENV
- - checkout
- # Reject Gemfile.lock changes except in specific scenarios
- - run:
- name: "Checking for changes in ruby gems lock file"
- command: |
- ./.circleci/check-ruby-gems-lock-file-changed.sh
- # Restore bundle cache
- - restore_cache:
- keys:
- - v2-gem-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }}
- - v2-gem-cache-{{ arch }}-
- - run:
- name: Set up bundler
- command: |
- echo "GEM_HOME=${GEM_HOME}"
- gem install bundler
- bundle config set path "${BUNDLE_PATH}"
- ruby -v && bundle -v
- - run:
- name: Set up bundle gems
- command: |
- bundle check || bundle install --jobs=4 --retry=3
- bundle exec jekyll -v
- # Store bundle cache
- - save_cache:
- key: v2-gem-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "Gemfile.lock" }}
- paths:
- - ~/tmp/vendor/bundle
- - run:
- name: Build and test
- command: |
- bundle exec rake ci
- # so that results from docs_build may be used in docs_deploy
- - persist_to_workspace:
- root: ./
- paths: _site
- docs_deploy:
- docker:
- - image: node:12.16.1
- steps:
- - checkout
- - attach_workspace:
- at: ./
- - run:
- name: "Disable jekyll builds"
- command: touch ./_site/.nojekyll
- - run:
- name: Configure git
- command: |
- git config user.email "bguiz@users.noreply.github.com"
- git config user.name "bguiz"
- - add_ssh_keys:
- fingerprints:
- - "b6:c7:47:67:68:72:69:72:e7:57:4b:b0:2e:47:28:6c"
- - run:
- name: Deploy docs to gh-pages branch
- command: npx gh-pages@2.0.1 --dotfiles --message "[skip ci] published at $( date --iso-8601=seconds )" --dist ./_site
- version: 2
- build:
- jobs:
- - docs_build
- - docs_deploy:
- requires:
- - docs_build
- filters:
- branches:
- only: master
diff --git a/.cpdoc.config.json b/.cpdoc.config.json
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--- a/.cpdoc.config.json
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- "/@ilanolkies/rns-user-guide-setup",
- "/rif/rns/guide/setup/"
- ],
- [
- "/@jesseclark/Connect-Brave-to-RSK",
- "/rif/rns/guide/brave/"
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- "/@ilanolkies/rns-user-guide-gs",
- "/rif/rns/guide/getting-started/"
- ],
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- "/@ilanolkies/rns-user-guide-operations",
- "/rif/rns/guide/operations/"
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diff --git a/.scripts/generate-webinar-dedupe.js b/.scripts/generate-webinar-dedupe.js
deleted file mode 100755
index fa7ab873e3..0000000000
--- a/.scripts/generate-webinar-dedupe.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-const jsonPathAll = '../_data/webinars.json';
-const noDupesTimestamp = '2020-09-01T00:00:00.000Z';
-const noDupesMs = +(new Date(noDupesTimestamp));
-const events = require(jsonPathAll).events;
-// De-duplication strategy is based on similar titles
-// but to avoid O(n^2) we optimise by bucketing based on 1st presenter
-// making it O((n*logn) + (m^2)) where m is amortised number of
-// events per speaker
-const speakerToEvents = new Map();
-events.forEach((event) => {
- if (event.status !== 'confirmed' ||
- +(new Date(event.timestamp) < noDupesMs)) {
- return;
- }
- const speaker = event.presenters[0].name;
- if (!speakerToEvents.has(speaker)) {
- speakerToEvents.set(speaker, []);
- }
- const speakerEvents = speakerToEvents.get(speaker);
- speakerEvents.push(event);
-const exactMatchDisallowedFields = [
- 'id',
- 'videoStreamUrl',
- 'timestamp',
-[...speakerToEvents.entries()].forEach(([speaker, speakerEvents]) => {
- exactMatchDisallowedFields.forEach((field) => {
- const fieldToEvent = new Map();
- speakerEvents.forEach((event) => {
- const fieldValue = event[field];
- if (!fieldValue) {
- return;
- }
- const existingEvent = fieldToEvent.get(fieldValue);
- if (!existingEvent) {
- fieldToEvent.set(fieldValue, event);
- } else {
- console.error('Duplicated events detected:', event.id, existingEvent.id);
- throw new Error(`duplicate event detected based on matching "${field}"`);
- }
- });
- });
-console.log('Event de-duplication detected no errors');
diff --git a/.scripts/generate-webinar-ical.js b/.scripts/generate-webinar-ical.js
deleted file mode 100755
index d65e2dac80..0000000000
--- a/.scripts/generate-webinar-ical.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-const fs = require('fs');
-const icalGenerator = require('ical-generator');
-const webinarsJson = require('../_data/webinars.json');
-const organiserEmail = 'developers@iovlabs.org';
-const calendarDomain = 'developers.rsk.co';
-const calendarPermalink = '/webinars/calendar.ical';
-const calendarUrl = `https://developers.rsk.co${calendarPermalink}`;
-const events = webinarsJson.events.map(processEvent);
-const icalData = {
- domain: `${calendarDomain}/`,
- prodId: `//${calendarDomain}//events-calendar//EN`,
- name: 'RSK and RIF Webinars',
- timezone: 'Etc/UTC',
- scale: 'gregorian',
- ttl: 3600,
- organizer: 'RSK',
- url: calendarUrl,
- events,
-const ical = icalGenerator(icalData);
-const icalPrefix = `---\npermalink: ${calendarPermalink}\n---\n`;
-const icalSuffix = '\n';
-const icalPath = './webinars/calendar.ical';
-fs.writeFile(icalPath, icalPrefix + ical.toString() + icalSuffix, function (
- err,
-) {
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- } else {
- console.log(`iCal output successfully: ${icalPath}`);
- }
-function processEvent(event) {
- switch (event.type) {
- case 'event/1':
- return processEventV1(event);
- case 'event/2':
- return processEventV2(event);
- default:
- throw new Error(`Unsupported type: ${event.type}`);
- }
-function processEventV2(event) {
- const processedEventV1 = processEventV1(event);
- const {
- title,
- url,
- location,
- presenters,
- videoStreamUrl,
- status,
- } = event;
- const firstPresenter = presenters[0];
- const organiserName = !!firstPresenter ?
- `${firstPresenter.name}, ${firstPresenter.description}, ${firstPresenter.contact}` :
- '-';
- const organizer = {
- name: organiserName,
- email: organiserEmail,
- };
- const descriptionItems = [
- ['', title],
- ['', location],
- ];
- if (status !== 'cancelled') {
- descriptionItems.push(['RSVP', `${url}`]);
- descriptionItems.push(['Video stream', `${videoStreamUrl}`]);
- } else {
- descriptionItems.push([
- 'Cancelled, see webinars page for more details',
- calendarUrl,
- ]);
- }
- const description =
- descriptionItems
- .map((item) => {
- const heading = !item[0] ? '' : `${item[0]}: `;
- return heading + item[1];
- })
- .join('\n\n') + '\n';
- let htmlDescriptionBody = descriptionItems
- .map((item) => {
- const heading = !item[0] ? '' : `${item[0]} `;
- const value = anchorLinkIfUrl(item[1]);
- return `
- })
- .join('\n');
- const htmlDescription = `\n\n\n \n\n${htmlDescriptionBody}\n\n`;
- const alarms = [
- {
- type: 'display',
- trigger: 600,
- },
- ];
- return {
- ...processedEventV1,
- organizer,
- description,
- htmlDescription,
- alarms,
- };
-function processEventV1(event) {
- const {
- id,
- timestamp,
- videoStreamUrl,
- location,
- locationCategory,
- category,
- language,
- title,
- subtitle,
- lastModified,
- status,
- } = event;
- const timestampDate = new Date(timestamp);
- const lastModifiedDate = new Date(lastModified);
- const renderedLocation = locationCategory === 'online' ? undefined : location;
- // if status is not one of the allowed values, default to 'confirmed'
- const renderedStatus =
- ['confirmed', 'tentative', 'cancelled'].indexOf(status) >= 0
- ? status
- : 'confirmed';
- return {
- uid: id,
- start: timestampDate,
- timestamp: timestampDate,
- lastModified: lastModifiedDate,
- url: videoStreamUrl,
- summary: [title, subtitle].join(' '),
- location: renderedLocation,
- categories: [
- {
- name: category,
- },
- ],
- // NOTE that X-attributes are not yet able to be specified in this manner
- // REF: https://github.com/sebbo2002/ical-generator/pull/185
- x: {
- 'X-LANGUAGE': language,
- },
- status: renderedStatus,
- };
-function getFirstLineOf(multilineStr) {
- return multilineStr.split(/\s*\n+\s*/)[0];
-function anchorLinkIfUrl(str) {
- const result = str.match(/(^https?\:\/\/)(.*)/);
- if (!result) {
- return str;
- }
- return `${result[2]} `;
diff --git a/.scripts/generate-webinar-json.js b/.scripts/generate-webinar-json.js
deleted file mode 100755
index f5e118482e..0000000000
--- a/.scripts/generate-webinar-json.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-const fs = require('fs');
-const csvToJson = require('csvtojson');
-const csvInputPath = './_data/rsk-published-events.csv';
-const jsonPathAll = './_data/webinars.json';
-const recentCount = 12;
-const hasPageEnforceTimestamp = '2020-09-01T00:00:00.000Z';
-async function generateWebinars() {
- const nowTimestamp = new Date().toISOString();
- const csvConverter = csvToJson({
- flatKeys: true,
- checkColumn: true,
- colParser: {
- timestamp: timestampColumnParser,
- lastModified: timestampColumnParser,
- title: stringColumnParser,
- location: stringColumnParser,
- presenter: stringColumnParser,
- presenterDescription: stringColumnParser,
- presenterContact: stringColumnParser,
- url: stringColumnParser,
- videoStreamUrl: stringColumnParser,
- recordedVideoUrl: stringColumnParser,
- resources: multilineLabelledUrlColumnParser,
- status: stringColumnParserLower,
- audiences: stringColumnParserLower,
- id: stringColumnParserLower,
- },
- });
- await csvConverter
- .fromFile(csvInputPath)
- .subscribe((item, itemIndex) => {
- item.type = 'event/2';
- item._isPast = item.timestamp < nowTimestamp;
- const _hasPage = (
- item.title &&
- item.language &&
- item.description &&
- item.videoStreamUrl &&
- item.rsvpEmbedUrl &&
- (item._isPast || item.rsvpEmbedUrl) &&
- item.status === 'confirmed'
- );
- const shouldHavePage =
- hasPageEnforceTimestamp < item.timestamp &&
- item.status === 'confirmed';
- if (!_hasPage && shouldHavePage) {
- console.log(JSON.stringify(item, undefined, 2));
- console.error(
- `Cannot process event '${item.id}' as it is missing required fields to create an event page'`);
- process.exit(1);
- }
- item._permalink = _hasPage ?
- `/webinars/${item.id}/` :
- undefined;
- item.audiences = (
- item.audiences || 'general developers enterprise startups'
- )
- .toLowerCase()
- .split(/\s+/);
- item.tags =
- (item.tags || '') +
- ` idioma-${item.language.toLowerCase()} ` +
- item.audiences.map((audience) => `audiencia-${audience}`).join(' ');
- if (!item.image) {
- // rotate between the 12 available generic images
- const imageIndex = (((itemIndex % 2) * 6 + itemIndex) % 12) + 1;
- item.image = `/webinars/img/events/event${imageIndex}.jpg`;
- }
- if (item.presenter) {
- const presenterDescriptionSplit = item.presenterDescription.split('\n');
- const presenterContactSplit = item.presenterContact.split('\n');
- item.presenters = item.presenter.split('\n')
- .filter((name) => (!!name))
- .map((name, idx) => {
- return {
- name,
- description: presenterDescriptionSplit[idx] || '',
- contact: presenterContactSplit[idx] || '',
- };
- });
- } else {
- item.presenters = [];
- }
- if (item.recordedVideoUrl &&
- item.recordedVideoUrl.match('(https?://)?(www.)?youtube|youtu\.be')) {
- let youtubeVideoId;
- if (!item.recordedVideoUrl.match('embed')) {
- youtubeVideoId = item.recordedVideoUrl
- .split(/v\/|v=|youtu\.be\//)[1]
- .split(/[?&]/)[0];
- } else {
- youtubeVideoId = item.recordedVideoUrl
- .split(/embed\//)[1]
- .split('"')[0];
- }
- item.youtubeVideoId = youtubeVideoId;
- }
- })
- .on('error', (error) => {
- if (error) {
- console.error(error);
- }
- })
- .then(async (list) => {
- let mostRecentEvent = {
- timestamp: '1970-12-31T00:00:00.000Z', // sentinel
- };
- let recentIndex = 0;
- list.forEach((event) => {
- if (
- event.timestamp < nowTimestamp &&
- event.timestamp > mostRecentEvent.timestamp
- ) {
- mostRecentEvent = event;
- }
- });
- const sortedList = list
- .sort((eventA, eventB) => {
- if (eventA.timestamp < eventB.timestamp) {
- return 1;
- } else if (eventA.timestamp > eventB.timestamp) {
- return -1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- })
- .map((event) => {
- if (recentIndex >= recentCount) {
- return event;
- } else if (event.timestamp <= mostRecentEvent.timestamp) {
- const updatedEvent = {
- ...event,
- tags: `${event.tags} recent`,
- };
- ++recentIndex;
- return updatedEvent;
- } else {
- return event;
- }
- })
- .sort((eventA, eventB) => {
- // Order by lexical order of primary key, and a fallback on date time.
- // Fallback should, under normal circumstances, never be needed,
- // as primary key is unique, however is included in case of bad data.
- if (eventA.id < eventB.id) {
- return -1;
- } else if (eventA.id > eventB.id) {
- return 1;
- } else if (eventA.timestamp < eventB.timestamp) {
- return -1;
- } else if (eventA.timestamp > eventB.timestamp) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- })
- .map((event) => {
- // Stabilise object key order (where implementation allows for it).
- const {
- type,
- id,
- version,
- timestamp,
- lastModified,
- status,
- url,
- title,
- description,
- category,
- locationCategory,
- location,
- language,
- audiences,
- presenters,
- rsvpEmbedUrl,
- videoStreamUrl,
- tags,
- image,
- bannerImage,
- twitterSite,
- resources,
- recordedVideoUrl,
- youtubeVideoId,
- _permalink,
- _isPast,
- } = event;
- return {
- type,
- id,
- version,
- timestamp,
- lastModified,
- status,
- url,
- title,
- description,
- category,
- locationCategory,
- location,
- language,
- audiences,
- presenters,
- rsvpEmbedUrl,
- videoStreamUrl,
- tags,
- image,
- bannerImage,
- twitterSite,
- resources,
- recordedVideoUrl,
- youtubeVideoId,
- _permalink,
- _isPast,
- };
- });
- const json = { events: sortedList };
- const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2) + '\n';
- await fs.promises.writeFile(jsonPathAll, jsonStr);
- console.log(`JSON output successfully: ${jsonPathAll}`);
- return sortedList;
- });
-function timestampColumnParser(item, field, line) {
- let iso8601;
- try {
- const date = new Date(item);
- iso8601 = date.toISOString();
- } catch (ex) {
- throw new Error(`Cannot process timestamp '${item}' from field '${field}' in '${JSON.stringify(line)}'`);
- }
- return iso8601;
-const newLineRegexGlobal = /\r?\n/g;
-const newLineRegex = /\r?\n/;
-function stringColumnParser(item) {
- return item.replace(newLineRegexGlobal, '\n').trim();
-function stringColumnParserLower(item) {
- return stringColumnParser(item).toLowerCase();
-const labelledUrlRegex = /([^:]+):\ (.+)/;
-function multilineLabelledUrlColumnParser(item) {
- const result = [];
- if (!item) {
- return result;
- }
- const lines = item.trim().split(newLineRegex);
- if (lines.length < 1) {
- return result;
- }
- lines.forEach((line) => {
- const lineResult = line.match(labelledUrlRegex);
- if (lineResult && lineResult.length === 3) {
- result.push({
- label: lineResult[1],
- url: lineResult[2],
- });
- } else {
- console.log({
- line,
- lineResult,
- });
- }
- });
- return result;
diff --git a/.scripts/generate-webinar-pages.js b/.scripts/generate-webinar-pages.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f1377a851..0000000000
--- a/.scripts/generate-webinar-pages.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-const fs = require('fs');
-const webinarsJson = require('../_data/webinars.json');
-function writeEventFiles() {
- return webinarsJson.events
- .filter(
- (event) => (event._permalink),
- )
- .map((event) => {
- let descriptionSummary = event.description
- .replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\,\.\-\_]/g, ' ')
- .replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
- if (descriptionSummary.length > MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH) {
- descriptionSummary = descriptionSummary
- .substring(0, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH -1) + '…';
- }
- const eventPresentersYaml =
- (!Array.isArray(event.presenters) || event.presenters.length < 1) ?
- '' :
- (' presenters:\n' +
- event.presenters
- .map((presenter) => {
- return ` - name: "${presenter.name}"
- description: "${presenter.description}"
- contact: "${presenter.contact}"`;
- })
- .join('\n'));
- const eventResourcesYaml =
- (!Array.isArray(event.resources) || event.resources.length < 1) ?
- '' :
- (' resources:\n' +
- event.resources
- .map((resource) => {
- return ` - label: "${resource.label}"
- url: "${resource.url}"`;
- })
- .join('\n'));
- const bannerImageYaml = event.bannerImage ?
- ` bannerImage: "${event.bannerImage}"\n` :
- '';
- const twitterSiteYaml = event.twitterSite ?
- ` twitterSite: "${event.twitterSite}"\n` :
- '';
- const markdown = `---
-layout: event_page
-permalink: "${event._permalink}"
- id: "${event.id}"
- timestamp: "${event.timestamp}"
- title: "${event.title}"
- descriptionSummary: "${descriptionSummary}"
- rsvpEmbedUrl: "${event.rsvpEmbedUrl}"
- category: "${event.category}"
- locationCategory: "${event.locationCategory}"
- location: "${event.location}"
- language: "${event.language}"
- audiences: "${event.audiences}"
- videoStreamUrl: "${event.videoStreamUrl}"
- tags: "${event.tags}"
- image: "${event.image}"
- recordedVideoUrl: "${event.recordedVideoUrl || ''}"
- youtubeVideoId: "${event.youtubeVideoId || ''}"
- isPast: ${event._isPast}
- return {
- ...event,
- markdown,
- };
- })
- .map(
- (event) => (fs.promises.writeFile(`./webinars/${event.id}.md`, event.markdown)),
- );
-async function generatePages() {
- const eventFileWritePromises = writeEventFiles();
- await Promise.all(eventFileWritePromises);
diff --git a/.scripts/md-github-links-verifier.js b/.scripts/md-github-links-verifier.js
deleted file mode 100755
index e4c6b535bc..0000000000
--- a/.scripts/md-github-links-verifier.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
- * Run "./md-github-links-verifier.js" to scan all MD files in all
- * subdirectories, find broken GitHub links and write a report
- * to "broken-links.json"
- */
-const { readdirSync, statSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require('fs');
-const { join, extname } = require('path');
-const axios = require('axios');
-const markdownLinkExtractor = require('markdown-link-extractor');
-const excludes = ['node_modules'];
-const brokenLinksFile = 'broken-links.json';
-function getAllMdFiles(dirPath = '../', arrayOfFiles = []) {
- let files = [...arrayOfFiles];
- readdirSync(dirPath).forEach((file) => {
- if (
- statSync(`${dirPath}/${file}`).isDirectory() &&
- !excludes.includes(file)
- ) {
- files = getAllMdFiles(`${dirPath}/${file}`, files);
- } else if (extname(file) === '.md') {
- files.push(join(__dirname, '../', dirPath, '/', file));
- }
- });
- return files;
-function getGitHubLinks(dirPath = '../') {
- const mdFiles = getAllMdFiles(dirPath);
- const githubLinks = [];
- mdFiles.forEach((mdFile) => {
- const md = readFileSync(mdFile, 'utf8');
- const urls = markdownLinkExtractor(md);
- urls.forEach((url) => {
- if (
- url.startsWith('https://github.com/') &&
- // unless the item is already in the array
- !githubLinks.some((item) => item.mdFile === mdFile && item.url === url)
- ) {
- githubLinks.push({ mdFile, url });
- }
- });
- });
- return githubLinks;
-const delay = (ms = 1000) =>
- new Promise((r) => {
- setTimeout(r, ms);
- });
-const deleteObject = (array = [], object = { url: '', mdFile: '' }) => {
- const index = array.findIndex(
- (element) => element.url === object.url && element.mdFile === object.mdFile,
- );
- if (index !== -1) array.splice(index, 1);
-const printItem = (item) => {
- console.log(item.mdFile);
- console.log(item.url);
-async function getBrokenLinksConcurrently(
- items = [],
- concurrency = 3,
- pauseTime = 10000,
-) {
- const itemsCopy = [...items];
- let brokenLinks = [];
- const fetchInChunks = async () => {
- if (itemsCopy.length > 0) {
- const chunk = itemsCopy.slice(0, concurrency);
- const promises = chunk.map((item) => axios.get(item.url, { item }));
- const results = await Promise.allSettled(promises);
- let tooManyRequests = false;
- for (let result of results) {
- let item;
- if (result.status === 'rejected') {
- const errorStatus = result?.reason?.response?.status;
- if (errorStatus === 429) {
- console.log(`Too many requests. Waiting ${pauseTime} ms.`);
- tooManyRequests = true;
- break;
- } else {
- item = result.reason.config.item;
- printItem(item);
- console.log('Broken');
- item.status = errorStatus;
- brokenLinks.push(item);
- }
- } else {
- item = result.value.config.item;
- printItem(item);
- console.log('OK');
- }
- deleteObject(itemsCopy, item);
- }
- if (tooManyRequests) {
- await delay(pauseTime);
- }
- await fetchInChunks();
- }
- };
- await fetchInChunks();
- return brokenLinks;
-async function findBrokenLinks() {
- try {
- const githubLinks = getGitHubLinks();
- console.log(`Verifying ${githubLinks.length} links`);
- const brokenLinks = await getBrokenLinksConcurrently(githubLinks);
- console.log(`Writing broken links to ${brokenLinksFile}`);
- writeFileSync(
- join(__dirname, brokenLinksFile),
- JSON.stringify(brokenLinks),
- 'utf8',
- );
- } catch (error) {
- console.error('Error', error);
- }
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 19d6499849..0000000000
--- a/Gemfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Used to lock to specific version of ruby, for consistency in CI
-# See https://bundler.io/v1.5/gemfile_ruby.html
-# Use https://rvm.io/ to manage multiple versions of ruby on your system
-ruby "2.6.3"
-source "https://rubygems.org"
-gem "kramdown", "2.3.1"
-gem "rouge", "3.19.0"
-gem "faraday", "0.17.1"
-gem "wdm", "0.1.1" if Gem.win_platform?
-gem "html-proofer", "3.15.3"
-gem "rake", "13.0.1"
-gem "mdl", "0.9.0"
-gem "jekyll", "4.0.1"
-group :jekyll_plugins do
- gem "jekyll-feed", "0.13.0"
- gem "jekyll-sitemap", "1.4.0"
- gem "jekyll-last-modified-at", "1.3.0"
- gem "jemoji", "0.12.0"
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 324adde60b..0000000000
--- a/Rakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-require 'json'
-require 'html-proofer'
-require 'mdl'
-Rake::TaskManager.record_task_metadata = true
-SEARCH_JSON_PATH = "./_site/search/search.json"
-desc "build site for production purposes"
-task :build_for_prod => [] do |task|
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": " + task.comment
- ENV["RAKE_BUILD_FOR"] = "prod"
- sh "bundle exec jekyll build --trace --config \"_config.yml\""
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": OK!"
-desc "rebuild generated search json"
-task :rebuild_search_json => [] do |task|
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": " + task.comment
- search_json_string = File.read(SEARCH_JSON_PATH)
- search_json = JSON.parse(search_json_string)
- search_json_string_again = JSON.pretty_generate(search_json, { :indent => ' ' })
- File.write(SEARCH_JSON_PATH, search_json_string_again)
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": OK!"
-desc "production build for deployment"
-task :prod => [:build_for_prod, :rebuild_search_json] do |task|
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": " + task.comment
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": OK!"
-desc "development mode where full site is rebuilt each time a file is saved"
-task :dev => [] do |task|
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": " + task.comment
- ENV["RAKE_BUILD_FOR"] = "dev"
- sh "bundle exec jekyll serve --trace --config \"_config.yml,_config.localhost.yml\""
-desc "development mode where site is incrementally rebuilt each time a file is saved"
-task :devi => [] do |task|
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": " + task.comment
- ENV["RAKE_BUILD_FOR"] = "dev"
- sh "bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --trace --config \"_config.yml,_config.localhost.yml\""
-desc "build site for testing purposes"
-task :build_for_test => [] do |task|
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": " + task.comment
- ENV["RAKE_BUILD_FOR"] = "dev"
- sh "bundle exec jekyll build --config \"_config.yml,_config.localhost.yml\""
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": OK!"
-desc "check if generated search json file is ok"
-task :test_search_json => [] do |task|
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": " + task.comment
- search_json_string = File.read(SEARCH_JSON_PATH)
- # JSON.parse throws an error if file is invalid JSON
- JSON.parse(search_json_string)
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": OK!"
-desc "check if built html is ok, note that this is slow"
-task :test_html_proofer => [] do |task|
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": " + task.comment
- options = {
- # check external links no more often than this
- # disabled because of "ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8"
- # :cache => { :timeframe => "1w" },
- # re-enable external checks when we get caching working
- :disable_external => true,
- # redirect links specify the domain,
- # and thus by default get treated as an external links,
- # so override this to treat them as internal links as they should be
- :internal_domains => ["localhost:4000"],
- :allow_hash_href => true,
- :alt_ignore => true,
- :empty_alt_ignore => true,
- # this sie contains "share by email" links,
- # which use "mailto:" without a to-address,
- # thus override this check
- :url_ignore => [/^mailto:\?subject=/]
- }
- unless Gem.win_platform?
- # Process.fork is not suppported on some windows Rubies
- options.merge!({
- # run checks in parallel to speed up tests
- :parallel => { :in_processes => 8 },
- })
- end
- HTMLProofer.check_directory("./_site", options).run
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": OK!"
-desc "lint markdown"
-task :lint_markdown => [] do |task|
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": " + task.comment
- sh "bundle exec mdl --config \".mdlrc\" \"README.md\" \"_quick-start\""
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": OK!"
-desc "run all tasks related to testing"
-task :test => [:lint_markdown, :rebuild_search_json, :test_search_json, :test_html_proofer] do |task|
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": " + task.comment
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": OK!"
-desc "ci"
-task :ci => [:lint_markdown, :prod, :test_search_json, :test_html_proofer] do |task|
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": " + task.comment
- puts "rake> " + task.name + ": OK!"
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ba3775d0b..0000000000
--- a/_config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-title: RSK Developer Portal
-description: >
- RSK is the first open source Smart Contract platform secured by the
- Bitcoin Network. RSK adds value and expands the functionality of the
- Bitcoin ecosystem by providing smart contracts and greater scalability.
- quick-start:
- sort_by: collection_order
- output: true
- rsk:
- sort_by: collection_order
- output: true
-rss: rss
- root:
- hide: true
- image: false
-permalink: pretty
-repository: rsksmart/rsksmart.github.io
-domain: "developers.rsk.co"
-url: "https://developers.rsk.co"
-redirect_base: ""
-redirect_time: 0
-highlighter: rouge
-github: [metadata]
- - .jekyll-cache
- - .bundle
- - vendor
- - assets/img/windowsInstall/
- - node_modules
- - package.json
- - README.md
- - jekyll-last-modified-at
- - jekyll-feed
- - jekyll-sitemap
- - jemoji
diff --git a/_data/rsk-published-events.csv b/_data/rsk-published-events.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 74563b5531..0000000000
--- a/_data/rsk-published-events.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
-2020-03-23T15:00:00-06:00,202003-001,2,2020-03-30T11:00:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269504497/,"What is Blockchain?
-What is Bitcoin?",,Talk,online,Online only,English,Dulce Villarreal,Developer Advocate,@Dulce_vird,https://zoom.us/j/915605031,,https://youtu.be/g2UZa7pJ7cI,
-2020-03-25T17:00:00-08:00,202003-002,3,2020-04-17T09:30:00+08:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTld4SkM84Yat76nPRUX5F1LH-DuoEEKBZf4hrtz4snu7Q_5M8CjmucrOGs-7y3rxF1sRnLCc1Sob-P/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=600000
-Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/remix-and-metamask-with-rsk-testnet/",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269565719/,Create and Deploy your first Smart Contract to the RSK Network using Remix and Metamask,,Workshop,online,Online only,English,Brendan Graetz,Developer Advocate,@bguiz,https://zoom.us/j/850527491,,https://youtu.be/-pJahYxJ4ms,
-2020-03-25T15:00:00-06:00,202003-003,3,2020-04-17T09:30:00+08:00,confirmed,Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/remix-and-metamask-with-rsk-testnet/,,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/269566096,Crea tu primer smart contract en RSK usando Remix and Nifty Wallet,,Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Dulce Villarreal,Developer Advocate,@Dulce_vird,https://zoom.us/j/182679010,,https://youtu.be/TyKkkwF1PdM,
-2020-03-25T19:30-03:00,202003-004,5,2020-05-12T11:03:00-03:00,confirmed,"Tutorial (em português): https://solange.dev/2020/2020-03-27-Rsk-RemixMetamask/
-Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/remix-and-metamask-with-rsk-testnet/",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269566069/,Como criar smart contracts na RSK network utilizando Remix e Metamask,,Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://zoom.us/j/211449645,,https://youtu.be/45ii2vFLKJc,
-2020-03-26T09:30-03:00,202003-005,4,2020-07-02T20:27:00-03:00,confirmed,Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aB0CzP3ckoZ6kfiJCnR4UuyZLE3jV4Hn/view?usp=sharing,,,,enterprise,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/269468497/,Gasnet: la red Blockchain para el Ecosistema de Gas,,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,"Guillermo Villanueva
-Carlos Amin
-Albert Ruiz","CEO - Grupo Sabra
-CIO - Gasnor
-Líder Técnico - Gasnet","@guillevi
-2020-03-27T16:00:00-03:00,202003-006,3,2020-03-27T19:00:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/269565762/,"¿Qué es RSK?
-Herramientas para ganar un Hackathon",,Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Dulce Villarreal,Developer Advocate,@Dulce_vird,https://zoom.us/j/388106531,,https://youtu.be/mFaieJnJ7RA,
-2020-03-30T15:00:00-06:00,202003-008,4,2020-03-27T15:00:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/269676016/,"¿Qué es RSK?
-¿Qué es Nifty Wallet?
-Programa tu primera cartera",,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Dulce Villarreal,Developer Advocate,@Dulce_vird,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/vJcvdOqsrzgqhE2wf9mjTL2f-IjMyuCbOg,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW0rqL3y_Rk&list=PLSyELPaIli1nOt6nqPy3QqSIViXoQkRPL&index=7,
-2020-03-30T17:00:00-07:00,202003-007,4,2020-04-17T09:30:00+08:00,confirmed,Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vR5ykBL7yfq5ZE25EFs1ogvPCs8dqsdk0xldPnR13JiB5dOnJSPaPvEy6ilILIG8a3MeKDzAROsT7Xw/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=600000,,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269677327/,"What is RSK?
-What is Nifty Wallet?
-Set your first wallet!",,Talk,online,Online only,English,Brendan Graetz,Developer Advocate,@bguiz,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYsf--oqj4vdrQoPSjX2wpMtM_z5dhvyw ,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6w_XN7qygE,
-2020-04-01T17:00:00-07:00,202004-001,5,2020-04-23T12:30:00+08:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQr8yOp8xWXKhIBlPqRzHfjARcyZW40vp1VTe_-Qh-iAYgsWXpwBRo5OFtfIYgJCy8gx2ONhwBm6aTb/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=600000
-Notes: https://gist.github.com/bguiz/a0400b44bb0c3d0baa5f8e6db0c2ef22
-Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/geth-attach-local-node/",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269677379/,Run your own local RSK node with Geth attached,,Workshop,online,Online only,English,Brendan Graetz,Developer Advocate,@bguiz,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/v5IlcuCuqjgp2Hk8MSfma_UM2SRY1EpNBg,,https://youtu.be/apcD6bcSWpw,
-2020-04-01T19:30:00-03:00,202004-002,5,2020-05-12T11:03:00-03:00,confirmed,"Tutorial (em português) - part 1: https://solange.dev/2020/2020-04-05-Rsk-GethAttachLocalNode/
-Tutorial (em português) - part 2: https://solange.dev/2020/2020-04-06-Rsk-GethSmartContract/
-Tutorial - part 1: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/geth-attach-local-node/
-Tutorial - part 2: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/geth-attach-deploy-smart-contract/",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269676954/,"Utilizando Geth attach para interagir com um nó local da rede RSK
-",,Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Avd-ChqjMvMaSTcuJyoo-Tljt1fKj-HA,,https://youtu.be/z5AiHy0mC8U,
-2020-04-02T15:00:00-06:00,202004-003,4,2020-04-17T09:30:00+08:00,confirmed,Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/geth-attach-local-node/,,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/269676265/,Instala tu primer nodo usando Geth con tu nodo local de RSK ,,Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Dulce Villarreal ,Developer Advocate,@Dulce_vird,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpce6pqTgobH-tXjWMMYplRN_qVoNtSg,,https://youtu.be/1Zs2m5z_S9g,
-2020-04-03T14:00:00-03:00,202004-004,4,2020-07-02T20:22:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WeaK_-7VpcUl-s74bw2_Cdcl8_PL_1xP/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://www.rifos.org/",,,,general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269685307/,RIF Services overview,,Talk,online,Online only,English,Alejandro Narancio,Payments and Tools PO,@anarancio,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/vpEudu6qrTwi6BVo47gZ2Dp8Kn1P7fuXwQ,,https://youtu.be/lxrBOdcSQfo,
-2020-04-03T15:00:00-06:00,202004-005,2,2020-04-03T22:00:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/269812231/,"¿Qué es Bitcoin?
-¿Qué es Blockchain?",,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Dulce Villarreal,Developer Advocate,@Dulce_vird,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/vJYscOqprT4qiafPx_ipbYLtUpqVap7aaA,,https://youtu.be/WzheOfMretc,
-2020-04-06T14:00:00-03:00,202004-006,3,2020-07-02T20:25:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u56PrkbwYModJl1IVOIJ0ZQBiBUGx2WH/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://developers.rsk.co/defi/",,,,general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269838616/,What is Decentralized Finance or DeFi?,,Talk,online,Online only,English,Maximiliano del Hoyo,DeFi PO,@maxdh_ar,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/u5ctdemsrj0uW4KSidV5R-zbr32t5qoEvg,,https://youtu.be/EBjrvm_5IoE,
-2020-04-06T18:00:00-03:00,202004-007,3,2020-07-02T20:25:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qAUBtS-OhLgPrhvTJFV5cYvAA3Io1Z-d/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://developers.rsk.co/defi/es/",,,,general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/269835498/,¿Qué son las Finanzas Descentralizadas?,,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Maximiliano del Hoyo,DeFi PO,@maxdh_ar,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/vpYtce-ppjsjBj1Z95uGeLBM85AfEzzqig,,https://youtu.be/573jdX0TCZE,
-2020-04-07T12:30:00-03:00,202004-008,3,2020-07-02T20:22:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gru6DogGD4w93G7jZfyw9DWnORzpzcVk/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://www.rifos.org/es/",,,,general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/269837767,Introducción a los servicios de RIF,,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Alejandro Narancio,Payments and Tools PO,@anarancio,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/v5QsdOmsqjwrikKuDAgPq1N89Kno-k72oQ,,https://youtu.be/8yxo4-fu1H0,
-2020-04-08T19:30:00-03:00,202004-009,2,2020-04-07T08:00:00+08:00,cancelled,,,,,developers,,Aprenda a utilizar rWallet e librerias RSK,,Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,,,,cancelled
-2020-04-08T17:00:00-07:00,202004-010,2,2020-04-07T08:00:00+08:00,cancelled,,,,,developers,,rWallet and RSK libraries,,Workshop,online,Online only,English,Brendan Graetz,Developer Advocate,@bguiz,,,,cancelled
-2020-04-09T15:00:00-06:00,202004-011,2,2020-04-07T08:00:00+08:00,cancelled,,,,,developers,,rWallet y librería de RSK,,Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Dulce Villarreal ,Developer Advocate,@Dulce_vird,,,,cancelled
-2020-04-08T19:30:00-03:00,202004-012,2,2020-04-07T08:00:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269897747/,Por dentro do Solidty,,Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkcuCvrj8ir2VcSK2l5vC85oYuQ3XzQg,,https://youtu.be/68AMoiQfgEE,
-2020-04-08T17:00:00-07:00,202004-013,3,2020-04-17T09:30:00+08:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQGq3lXF_X51zJMGwLE04IDqumhP8T2subFdYSmgO0VP4TrxNx0lkuYFe0F12bUnYT2_4DHDDnXFhW3/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=600000#slide=id.p
-Notes: https://gist.github.com/bguiz/a718ec6715a00cab3cef1654ffbe4810
-Hands on: https://dappsdev.org/hands-on/solidity-intro/",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269897805/,Inside Solidity,,Workshop,online,Online only,English,Brendan Graetz,Developer Advocate,@bguiz,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/uJMqceCrpj8vwF12sWEGGYUwakqnpBe5rg,,https://youtu.be/AXAqwreIQgQ,
-2020-04-09T15:00:00-06:00,202004-014,2,2020-04-20T09:30:00+08:00,confirmed,Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSR3C6irA_Wty7jI1a2CmsUAmv8BC2OP8eawwntAOrL6pdjM35vAQGZf9kfhwpjTC8YArjPY-H89pQy/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000,,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/269897477/,Solidity por Dentro,,Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Angel Lopez,Software Engineer,@ajlopez,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuc-ChpzojhDnyRYd056DZNfWnHjPkKw,,https://youtu.be/9MLAykZ0U4Q,
-2020-04-13T14:00:00-03:00,202004-015,2,2020-04-25T10:50:00-03:00,confirmed,Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SVeyzllyeq_gTVWsr5umXx6EechFXnGvjI2o7ACP0Lk/edit?usp=sharing,,,,general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/269959329,RIF Name Services (Spanish),,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Ilan Olkies,RNS PO,@ilanolkies,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMrcuGsqjoos3djOzbLWvWzElEY6fqrWA,,https://youtu.be/XzNcAcMAZXE,
-2020-04-14T14:00:00-03:00,202004-016,2,2020-04-25T10:50:00-03:00,confirmed,Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MpCe8A4hxaF8f2ppQscIqWxPVwN_fW7Z4a1-SH9A2l4/edit?usp=sharing,,,,general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269959370/,RIF Name Services (English),,Talk,online,Online only,English,Ilan Olkies,RNS PO,@ilanolkies,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/vJUvf-uurj4rlf0hZDXoAPr_tneiGkFDAw ,,https://youtu.be/tvXEM1IExI8,
-2020-04-15T19:30:00-03:00,202004-017,3,2020-05-12T11:03:00-03:00,confirmed,"Tutorial (em português): https://solange.dev/2020/2020-04-18-Rsk-FirstFrontendWeb3injected/
-Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/frontend/first-frontend-web3-injected/
-",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269959494/,Crie seu primeiro frontend para um Smart Contract,,Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/uJMpceGsqj4rbTf0TLeEJZ3LZRaKHrhYZw,,https://youtu.be/bm1dJyxe1mc,
-2020-04-15T17:00:00-07:00,202004-018,3,2020-05-12T11:03:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQNSiv3jzp78IYyJTnqHEv1rfyLBEkosM2r8Y-VvzT0Obc3UWK4wgtpO9b50cJ42QqWYnQxUlnOsW5O/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=600000
-Notes: https://gist.github.com/bguiz/e4297582b2627e090cf44455d33f2592
-Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/frontend/first-frontend-web3-injected/",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269959427,Create your first frontend for Smart Contracts,,Workshop,online,Online only,English,Brendan Graetz,Developer Advocate,@bguiz,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/uJYkdOGqrTkuZnxFUxciyDHFZQWt5_q1Ug,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2kTSLFHPgk,
-2020-04-16T09:30:00-03:00,202004-019,2,2020-04-12T10:00:00+08:00,cancelled,,,,,developers,,CANCELLED,,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Pedro Parrota (grupo sabra),,,,,,cancelled
-2020-04-17T14:00:00-03:00,202004-020,3,2020-04-25T10:50:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://hackmd.io/@ilanolkies/primer-fe-rsk
-Based on: https://ilanolkies.com/post/Hello-world-to-descentralized-applications
-Source code: https://github.com/rsksmart/webinar-primer-frontend",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/269959915,Crea tu primer frontend para Smart Contracts,,Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Ilan Olkies,RNS PO,@ilanolkies,https://zoom.us/meeting/register/vpwqc-qpqDkvNhXl3WMzM6Fsh1tXdfky6w,,https://youtu.be/CoO9k1LYO04,
-2020-04-22T21:00:00+08:00,202004-021,4,2020-04-23T12:30:00+08:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSTQR4r5jp35WxNuTnOX61ubjzScNNAm-RzuMGLAzrIUSZwG1gk_72esQJZ-58nRCgoZQL9INhtMDr8/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=600000
-Notes: https://github.com/bguiz/workshop-rsk-create-erc20-token-with-oz-truffle-bguiz/blob/master/walkthru.md
-Hands on: https://github.com/bguiz/workshop-rsk-create-erc20-token-with-oz-truffle-bguiz/
-Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/tokens/create-a-token/",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270120775/,Create your own token on the RSK network,,Workshop,online,Online only,English,Brendan Graetz,Developer Advocate,@bguiz,https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4626395691306412302,,,hacked
-2020-04-22T19:30:00-03:00,202004-022,4,2020-05-12T11:03:00-03:00,confirmed,"Tutorial (em português): https://solange.dev/2020/2020-04-26-Rsk-CreateToken/
-Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/tokens/create-a-token/",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270120781/,Como criar seu token na RSK network,,Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4099803288880978958,,https://youtu.be/3O9emzzLt-Y,
-2020-04-23T19:00:00-05:00,202004-023,3,2020-04-18T06:40:00-03:00,confirmed,Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/tokens/create-a-token/,,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/270120697/,Crea tu propio token en RSK network,,Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Dulce Villarreal,Developer Advocate,@Dulce_vird,https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4361944453128924174,,,demonstrates testnet public node failure
-2020-04-30T08:00:00+08:00,202004-024,3,2020-04-29T18:00:00+08:00,confirmed,"Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/truffle-box/
-Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQaImNXhx-tr0FsqtmXmwZQIVCnvwVOIwDFxZ8cfAxrZOC4MEol4Gc5ojHOdLA_e_XfAhQqwBy6eD6V/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=600000
-Sample Code: https://github.com/bguiz/workshop-rsk-truffle-box-bguiz",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270250688/,Learn how to use Truffle boxes with RSK,,Workshop,online,Online only,English,Brendan Graetz,Developer Advocate,@bguiz,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/learn-how-to-use-truffle-boxes,,,demonstrates testnet public node failure
-2020-04-29T19:30:00-03:00,202004-025,3,2020-04-29T18:00:00+08:00,confirmed,"Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/truffle-box/
-Sample Code: https://github.com/bguiz/workshop-rsk-truffle-box-bguiz",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270248291/,Como utilizar Truffle box com RSK,,Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/como-utilizar-truffle-box-com-rsk,,https://youtu.be/5W4jhPJh9-c,
-2020-04-30T19:00:00-05:00,202004-026,3,2020-04-29T18:00:00+08:00,confirmed,"Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/truffle-box/
-Sample Code: https://github.com/bguiz/workshop-rsk-truffle-box-bguiz",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/270249389/,Aprende a usar Truffle Boxes con RSK,,Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Dulce Villarreal ,Developer Advocate,@Dulce_vird,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/aprende-a-usar-truffle-boxes-con-rsk,,,
-2020-05-06T21:00:00+08:00,202005-001,2,2020-04-24T23:45:00+08:00,confirmed,"Hands on: https://github.com/bguiz/workshop-rsk-erc721-token-with-oz-react-truffle-bguiz/blob/master/walkthru.md
-Live demo: https://github.com/bguiz/workshop-rsk-erc721-token-with-oz-truffle-bguiz-live
-Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQDr0B_K2HZXMV_y-pFK7HwSbXmKDcuxTeZoxyqcs7D1SxvHOHyMgfHbtUxjLpoUYUwxs6Adk42qqAj/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=600000",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270378750,How to create your own collectable token on the RSK network,"Learn how to create your own non-fungible token, and deploy it on RSK.
-You will make use of Truffle, MetaMask, Open Zeppelin and the ERC721 token standard.",Workshop,online,Online only,English,Brendan Graetz,Developer Advocate,@bguiz,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/how-to-create-your-own-collectable-token,,https://youtu.be/ThA8rkw-nTY,
-2020-05-06T19:30:00-03:00,202005-002,4,2020-05-12T11:03:00-03:00,confirmed,"Pré-requisitos (em português): https://solange.dev/2020/2020-05-10-Rsk-SetupTruffleOZ/
-Tutorial (em português): https://solange.dev/2020/2020-05-11-Rsk-CreateTokenNFT/
-Pre-requisites tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/setup-truffle-oz/
-Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/tokens/create-a-collectable-token/",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270378822,Como criar seu token colecionável na RSK network,,Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/como-criar-seu-token-colecionavel,,https://youtu.be/JomHBILaBpA,
-2020-05-07T19:00:00-05:00,202005-003,2,2020-04-24T23:45:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/270378844,Crea tu propio non-fungible token en la red de RSK,,Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Dulce Villarreal ,Developer Advocate,@Dulce_vird,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/crea-tu-propio-non-fungible-token,,https://youtu.be/U8NMo8PUH6Q,
-2020-04-23T21:00:00+08:00,202004-027,2,2020-04-22T19:11:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQNSiv3jzp78IYyJTnqHEv1rfyLBEkosM2r8Y-VvzT0Obc3UWK4wgtpO9b50cJ42QqWYnQxUlnOsW5O/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=600000
-Notes: https://gist.github.com/bguiz/e4297582b2627e090cf44455d33f2592
-Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/frontend/first-frontend-web3-injected/",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270120788/,Create your first frontend for Smart Contracts,,Workshop,online,Online only,English,Brendan Graetz,Developer Advocate,@bguiz,https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/877417282457269771,,https://youtu.be/E2kTSLFHPgk,
-2020-04-24T14:00:00-03:00,202004-028,3,2020-07-02T20:18:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FzatGBiT4sNtnOrn09SCpNrVHs4-sX3B/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://www.rifos.org/payments",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270120801/,"An introduction to RIF Lumino:
-Concepts, ideas and architecture",,Talk,online,Online only,English,Alejandro Narancio,Payments and Tools PO,@anarancio,https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6455007773111865870,,https://youtu.be/6tc05aep-W4,
-2020-04-24T16:00:00-03:00,202004-029,3,2020-07-02T20:18:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d6TpdE5IC4qKdjlkpnZCQOiEfnoib_j9/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://www.rifos.org/es/payments",,,,developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/270120715/,"Introducción a RIF Lumino:
-Conceptos, ideas y arquitectura",,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Alejandro Narancio,Payments and Tools PO,@anarancio,https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2428593993172923662,,https://youtu.be/WvvrIEaF0NA,
-2020-04-27T14:00:00-03:00,202004-030,3,2020-07-02T20:16:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y_-JVSzRT0zLwQQPICXOspNUyIhNaX1y/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://www.rsk.co/Use-cases",,,,startups enterprise,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/270247186/,Blockchain and RSK use cases,,Talk,online,Online only,English,"Gloria Vailati
-Maximiliano del Hoyo","CMO
-DeFi Lead","@gloriavailati
-2020-04-28T11:00:00-03:00,202004-031,3,2020-07-02T20:30:00-03:00,confirmed,Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wi0GORDtQ1uxI4cm8O5kTIEoA7sShKZp/view?usp=sharing,,,,enterprise,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/270248095/,Blockchain para la industria financiera: el caso del Banco Central de la República Argentina,,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,"Claudio Fiorillo
-Guillermo Villanueva",,,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/blockchain-para-la-industria-financiera,,https://youtu.be/fEnbO1y2qXM,
-2020-05-04T15:00:00-03:00,202005-004,3,2020-07-02T20:12:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sjJy32bTnnmAqVs-8S2CsxX0ZJv2SduH/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://www.bitgivefoundation.org/",,,,enterprise,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270367793/,Bitgive + IOV Labs for Covid-19,,Talk,online,Online only,English,"Connie Gallippi
-Agustin Pandolfini","Founder and Executive Director of BitGive
-Social Impact Lead","@conniegallippi
-2020-05-05T19:00:00+02:00,202005-005,3,2020-07-02T20:10:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/191c39S3Kj144D-sv8gq1XlhlGdCvEz_j/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://www.rifos.org/blog/rif-on-chain-launch",,,,general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270370376/,RIF On Chain,,Talk,online,Online only,English,Santiago Lavallaz,Director Capital Markets,@__Santino__,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/rif-on-chain,,https://youtu.be/egk8WzquT3U,
-2020-05-05T21:00:00+02:00,202005-006,3,2020-07-02T20:10:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yRWcMnw2x9M1oS63yeiifhDXnypaMLzb/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://www.rifos.org/es/blog/rif-on-chain-launch",,,,general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/270378726/,RIF On Chain,,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Santiago Lavallaz,Director Capital Markets,@__Santino__,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/rif-on-chain-espanol,,https://youtu.be/BIaDKSGG3C4,
-2020-05-08T14:00:00-03:00,202005-007,3,2020-07-02T20:15:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hXP_VETriTD0vOtMsSZClgwGeYzF2JfK/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://www.rsk.co/es/Use-cases",,,,startups enterprise,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/270466986/,Casos de uso de Blockchain construidos sobre RSK y RIF,,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Gloria Vailati,CMO,@gloriavailati,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/casos-de-uso-de-rsk-y-rif,,https://youtu.be/QpbtVlulChQ,
-2020-05-12T16:30:00-04:00,202005-008,3,2020-06-05T13:01:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,startups enterprise,https://next.brella.io/events/consensusdistributed/schedule/118437,IOVlabs at Foundations - Consensus 2020,,Conference,online,Online only,English,"Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar
-Brian Prilick
-Gabriel Kurman","CEO
-CTF Capital Managing Partner
-RIF Strategist","@dieguito
-2020-05-13T14:30:00-04:00,202005-009,3,2020-06-05T13:01:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,startups enterprise,https://next.brella.io/events/consensusdistributed/schedule/118604,RIF: the building blocks of a truly decentralized Internet - Consensus 2020,,Conference,online,Online only,English,"Gabriel Kurman
-Vojtech Simetka
-Alejandro Narancio
-Milton Berman
-Julian Rodriguez","RIF Strategist
-Storage and Communications PO
-Payments and Tools PO
-Directory PO
-Marketplace PO","@GabrielKurman
-2020-05-18T14:00:00-03:00,202005-010,3,2020-05-23T13:30:00+08:00,confirmed,Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/PedroPrete/webinar-in-english-for-the-token-bridge-between-rsk-and-ethereum,/webinars/img/events/bridge.jpg,,,developers general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270653530/,RSK - Ethereum Token Bridge,,Talk,online,Online only,English,Pedro Prete,Interoperability PO,@PedroMPrete,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/ethereum-bridge,,https://youtu.be/3ZOvpLE3MvM,
-2020-05-18T18:00:00-03:00,202005-011,3,2020-05-23T13:30:00+08:00,confirmed,Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/PedroPrete/webinar-en-espaol-del-token-bridge-entre-rsk-y-ethereum,/webinars/img/events/bridge.jpg,,,developers general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/270653808/,RSK - Ethereum Token Bridge,,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Pedro Prete,Interoperability PO,@PedroMPrete,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/rsk-ethereum-token-bridge-en-espanol,,https://youtu.be/6a4KD2CElQY,
-2020-05-20T14:00:00-03:00,202005-012,3,2020-07-02T20:04:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x3PsqJULlklU81WjR8q8VvMdIOO20T90/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://mining.rsk.co/",,,,developers general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270656095/,From Bitcoin Mining to RSK Merged Mining,,Talk,online,Online only,English,Martin Medina,Head of Mining,@ThisIsTincho,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/from-bitcoin-mining-to-rsk-merged-mining,,https://youtu.be/-ht5UhUuIUE,
-2020-05-20T18:00:00-03:00,202005-013,3,2020-07-02T20:04:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fy0ITim7fB9vePWcCSw1SaiIJdlD7HuO/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://mining.rsk.co/es/",,,,developers general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/270655653/,De Minería de Bitcoin a Merged Mining sobre RSK,,Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Martin Medina,Head of Mining,@ThisIsTincho,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/de-mineria-de-bitcoin-a-merged-mining,,https://youtu.be/CQ95g6xxS-Y,
-2020-05-22T19:00:00-03:00,202005-014,2,2020-07-02T20:00:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FXOPxSK0LCaJnuQt3kmiBUYnamHB1vZd/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://www.rifos.org/storage",,,,startups enterprise,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270662407/,Why we need Decentralized Storage and Communications,,Talk,online,Online only,English,Vojtech Simetka,Storage and Communication PO,@vojtechsimetka,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/why-we-need-decentralized-storage,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yeinq7aiGWQ,
-2020-05-11T05:45:00-04:00,202005-015,1,2020-05-17T17:15:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,developers general,,RSK Demo: Bitcoin Halving Livestream 2020,,Demo,online,Online only,English,Alejandro Banzas,Head of Developers Relations,@alebanzas,,,https://youtu.be/5qy3aAnhCwc,
-2020-05-11T05:45:00-04:00,202005-016,1,2020-05-17T17:15:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,enterprise general,,"Moneyonchain a Stablecoin descentralizada baseada no Bitcoin. Tudo sobre o MoC, DoC, Bpro e BTCx",,Talk,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,,,https://youtu.be/iXaKY7Nn4L4,
-2020-05-27T16:00:00-03:00,202005-017,2,2020-07-02T19:59:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OnZ7dnqOZI7SiNlrYvuKesBHrdWnN_G7/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://developers.rsk.co/defi/",,,,developers spanish,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/270797663/,DeFi para Desarrolladores Blockchain,,Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Angel Lopez,Software Developer,@ajlopez,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/defi-para-desarrolladores-blockchain,,https://youtu.be/DypxxvAMCZ8,
-2020-05-29T14:00:00-04:00,202005-018,2,2020-07-02T19:57:00-03:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SwMzuRA4FyCg8ViJmu1G59RCHJWCq6iF/view?usp=sharing
-url: https://fund.rsk.co/",,,,"enterprise, entrepreneurs, general audience",https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270798560/,"RSK Ecosystem Fund:
-Criteria, process, first round of investments review",,Talk,online,Online only,English,Katerina Stroponiati,Monday Capital Founder Partner,@katerinastro,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/rsk-ecosystem-fund,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjKLb1gd514&list=PLSyELPaIli1nDXVOtUXMjRrWtd2eMiRXi,
-2020-06-12T10:00:00+01:00,202006-001,4,2020-06-01T20:14:00-03:00,cancelled,,,,,developers general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270954178/,How to Upload a Website on RIF Storage,"Now more than ever decentralized storage solutions are needed to resist censorship and ensure personal data privacy. RIF Storage sets out to create the base-layer of a truly decentralized internet 🌀🌀
-In this webinar, learn how to launch your own serverless website using RIF Storage- it’s easier than you think!
-Right now, everybody is able to launch an unstoppable, serverless website and we will show you how 💪💪
-👨💻Rinke Hendriksen: Swarm PO and Researcher
-👨💻Brendan Graetz: Developer Advocate
-To learn more about RIF storage, visit our website and roadmap: https://www.rifos.org/storage",Workshop,online,Online only,English,"Rinke Hendriksen
-Brendan Graetz","Swarm PO & Researcher
-Developer Advocate","@hendriksenrinke
-@bguiz",https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/how-to-upload-a-website-on-rif-storage,https://app.livestorm.co/p/1de3f667-da89-4880-b634-a28f30e544c2/form,https://youtu.be/lFjYCcp21zw,postponed webinar
-2020-06-03T19:00:00-03:00,202006-002,1,2020-05-31T14:45:00+08:00,confirmed,Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTEASUlYeV_YDYuxfqeVCle33UYHBDtkAzWuFt5NvsnHhtq1OEuqjQDvuNAfABL64JwUEyumNcZFyxH/pub?start=true&loop=false&delayms=5000,,,,general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270942375/,O que é RSK?,"O que é a rede RSK?
-O que faz com que ela esteja ligada ao Bitcoin?
-Quais os diferenciais desta rede?
-Estas serão algumas das perguntas que responderemos no próximo webinar!",Talk,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/o-que-e-rsk,https://app.livestorm.co/p/87ee7c1e-3ff0-48b7-8625-a939dea73347/form,https://youtu.be/hu5mV_OkJs0,
-2020-06-04T19:00:00-03:00,202006-003,2,2020-07-02T19:56:00-03:00,confirmed,Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ievu0bxTzwYu1JpcjNNaTLG3GDX_pnRi/view?usp=sharing,,,,startups enterprise,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/270941073/,Minería de Bitcoin y Macro tendencias de la Industria,"Legal Hackers Montevideo y IOVlabs presentan:
-👨💻 Martin Medina, head of Mining de IOVlabs
-👨💻 Guzman Pintos, co-founder & head of Growth de Luxor
-Unete a esta nueva conversación con dos de los especialistas más reconocidos de minería de Bitcoin.
-Registro ➡️ https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/mineria-de-bitcoin-y-macro-tendencias
-",Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,"Martin Medina
-Guzman Pintos","Head of Mining
-Co-founder & Head of Growth of Luxor Technologies","@thisistincho
-2020-06-10T17:00:00+08:00,202006-004,5,2020-06-09T22:45:00+08:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://developers.rsk.co/webinars/202006-004/slides/
-Tutorial: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/dweb/first-swarm-website/
-Workshop: https://github.com/bguiz/workshop-rif-first-swarm-website/",,,@bguiz,developers general,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/270954178/,How to Upload a Website on RIF Storage,"Now more than ever decentralized storage solutions are needed to resist censorship and ensure personal data privacy. RIF Storage sets out to create the base-layer of a truly decentralized internet 🌀🌀
-In this webinar, learn how to launch your own serverless website using RIF Storage- it’s easier than you think!
-Right now, everybody is able to launch an unstoppable, serverless website and we will show you how 💪💪
-👨💻Rinke Hendriksen: Swarm PO and Researcher
-👨💻Brendan Graetz: Developer Advocate
-To learn more about RIF storage, visit our website and roadmap: https://www.rifos.org/storage",Talk,online,Online only,English,"Rinke Hendriksen
-Brendan Graetz","Swarm PO & Researcher
-Developer Advocate","@hendriksenrinke
-general",https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/271110707/,Tokens para Desarrolladores Blockchain,"Si sos desarrollador y querés entender todo sobre los tokens construidas tanto en Ethereum como en RSK:
-✅ Cómo funcionan,
-✅ Cuántos y de qué tipos existen,
-✅ Las principales aplicaciones existentes
-No podés perdertelo.",Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Angel Lopez,Senior Developer,@ajlopez,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/tokens-para-desarrolladores-blockchain,https://app.livestorm.co/p/6be94df7-619c-4b91-b7e6-ece7ce2ec32c/form,https://youtu.be/dZYVohPV-XM,
-2020-06-17T19:00:00-03:00,202006-006,4,2020-07-02T20:39:00-03:00,Confirmed,Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRoMwDdcBU4YujKCotpkkskYO6UlXlQhh_pEl2NwLePUvDrId6hMxoHzTHBXBLNHIFiMBXx1IYgPIgw/pub?start=true&loop=false&delayms=5000,,,,Developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/271259617/,Criando um nó local na RSK,Como configurar um nó local para construção de aplicações na rede RSK.,Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/criando-um-no-local-na-rsk,https://app.livestorm.co/p/f869f5f9-4c3a-498d-aeca-f3fecd0099ff/form,https://youtu.be/SlfGy5o5esg,
-2020-06-19T13:00:00-04:00,202006-007,3,2020-06-12T19:35:00-03:00,Confirmed,,,,,General,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/271259908/,Bleumi: Covering the 'last mile' of RSK Ecosystem as a Payment Technology Partner,"As a payment technology partner, Bleumi is enabling blockchain adoption by every-day users in ever-day payment and payout use.
-Webinar Agenda:
-Introduction to Bleumi Pay (All-in-One Global Digital Currency Payment Platform)
-Why Bleumi Pay for Digital Currency Payments?
-Bleumi Product Roadmap
-Demo of RSK Token Payment using Bleumi Pay on eCommerce Store (WooCommerce / Magento)",Talk,online,Online only,English,"Thomas Arul
-John Melvin Susai","Bleumi CEO
-Bleumi COO","@thomasarul
-2020-06-25T19:00:00-05:00,202006-008,1,2020-06-12T14:45:00+08:00,Confirmed,,,,,Developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/271395876/,"De App a dApp:
-Aprende como migrar tu App en JavaScript a un RSK Smart Contract","De App a dApp:
-Diviertete migrando tu App en JavaScript a RSK con Smart Contracts asegurados por la red de Bitcoin y usando Swarm - almacenaje descentralizado-. ",Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Dulce Villarreal,Developer Advocate,@Dulce_vird,"https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/de-app-a-dap
-General",https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/271395816/,"RSK made easy with SIMBA Chain
-","SIMBA is an amazing platform that enables companies and devs to quickly create and deploy blockchain dApps. Watch the demo, and deploy dApps in RSK quickly. ",Demo,online,Online only,English,"Tommy Cooksey
-Dulce Villarreal","SIMBA Chain Blockchain Architect
-Developer Advocate","@tommycooksey
-NGO",,Self Sovereign Identity and RIF,,Talk,online,Online only,English,Milton Berman,RIF Identity PO,@miltonberman,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/self-sovereign-identity-and-rif,https://app.livestorm.co/p/56ef4df6-6884-4238-9440-84f8c75408a1/form,,
-2020-07-01T19:00:00-03:00,202007-001,3,2020-08-04T15:30:00-03:00,confirmed,"Tutorial (PT): https://solange.dev/2020/rsk-truffle-tests/
-Tutorial (EN): https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/truffle-test/
-",,,,Developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/271482311/,Testes utilizando Truffle na RSK,Neste webinar você vai aprender a elaborar testes em smart contracts utilizando o Truffle Framework.,Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/testes-utilizando-truffle-na-rsk,https://app.livestorm.co/p/2442473d-a268-4bba-8678-2bd6903f8894/form,https://youtu.be/53LPSnBI6rs,
-2020-07-03T15:00:00-03:00,202007-002,3,2020-07-02T20:42:00-03:00,cancelled,,,,,Developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/271483324/,RIF Lumino workshop,"On this webinar we will learn how to interact with multiple cross-blockchain off-chain networks such as Lumino, Lightning and Raiden.",Workshop,online,Online only,English,Alejandro Narancio,Payments and Tools PO,@anarancio,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/rif-lumino-workshop,https://app.livestorm.co/p/20581219-2dc5-4382-ac78-b2e06a7c0101/form,,
-2020-07-03T18:00:00-03:00,202007-003,2,2020-06-24T17:30:00+08:00,cancelled,,,,,Developers,,RIF Lumino workshop,,Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Alejandro Narancio,Payments and Tools PO,@anarancio,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/rif-lumino-workshop-en-espanol,https://app.livestorm.co/p/c1b34ea2-d1c8-475f-b6a8-5f2e44405571/form,,
-2020-07-08T15:00:00+08:00,202007-005-C,2,2020-06-24T17:30:00+08:00,cancelled,"Slides: https://developers.rsk.co/webinars/202007-005/slides/
-Javascript Hands-on: https://dappsdev.org/hands-on/mocha-intro/",,,,Developers,,Testing Smart Contracts with Truffle (Duplicate),Learn how to create and run tests on your RSK smart contracts using Truffle.,Workshop,online,Online only,English,Brendan Graetz,Developer Advocate,@bguiz,,,,
-2020-07-15T19:00:00-03:00,202007-006,3,2020-08-04T15:30:00-03:00,confirmed,"Tutorial (PT): https://solange.dev/2020/rsk-port-ethereum-dapps/
-Tutorial (EN): https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/port-ethereum-dapps/
-",,,,Developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/271846531/,Migrando dApps do Ethereum para RSK,Este webinar é para os desenvolvedores Ethereum que desejam conhecer as possibilidades para migrar suas aplicações para a rede RSK.,Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/migrando-dapps-do-ethereum-para-rsk,https://app.livestorm.co/p/9948fd38-4bfd-488e-a7ea-868d9384c80a/form,https://youtu.be/-7Oi9_BDr5k,
-2020-07-22T19:00:00-05:00,202007-007,1,2020-06-24T17:30:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,Developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/271987115/,Testeando Smart Contracts con Truffle ,Aprenda a crear y ejecutar pruebas en sus contratos inteligentes RSK con Truffle.,Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,"Dulce Villarreal
-Hiram Pérez
-Carlos Colorado",Developer Advocate,"@Dulce_vird
-2020-07-29T19:00:00-03:00,202007-008,1,2020-06-24T17:30:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,Developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/271987022/,Utilizando Truffle Boxes na RSK,"RSK possui diversos Truffle boxes, que são estruturas de projetos prontos para serem customizados 😄
-Eles incluem todas as configurações e dependencias necessárias para você se concentrar no que realmente importa:
-➡️ O desenvolvimento da sua aplicação descentralizada e seus smart contracts.
-Neste webinar você vai conhecer os Truffle Boxes da RSK e aprender a utilizá-los.",Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/utilizando-truffle-boxes-na-rsk,https://app.livestorm.co/p/acd7505e-a8e6-4e83-9a6a-26f54c808695/form,https://youtu.be/fmbwgwSW8zo,
-2020-07-08T09:00:00+08:00,202007-005,5,2020-07-06T20:30:00+08:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://developers.rsk.co/webinars/202007-005/slides/
-System pre-requisites: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/workshop-prereqs/
-Javascript testing hands-on: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/workshop-js-testing/
-Smart contract testing hands-on: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/workshop-smart-contract-testing-truffle/",,/webinars/202007-005/banner-image.png,@bguiz,Developers,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/271698862/,Testing Smart Contracts with Truffle,Learn how to create and run tests on your RSK smart contracts using Truffle.,Workshop,online,Online only,English,"Brendan Graetz
-Dulce Villarreal","Developer Advocate
-Developer Advocate","@bguiz
-Enterprise",meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/271629531/?isFirstPublish=true,Carnes Validadas: plataforma de trazabilidad ganadera sobre Blockchain,"Carnes validadas is developing a value creation network in the Argentina meat chain, based on RSK to provide transparency, clarity and streamline the meat production process, from genealogy to the consumer. At this webinar Carnes Validadas CEO will provide us details on what their vision is and how Carnes Validadas will revolutionze the Meat Industry.",Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,"Diego Heinrich
-Edy Weber","CEO de Carnes Validadas
-CEO de Koibanx","@CarnesValidadas
-Enterprise",https://www.meetup.com/RSKBuenosAires/events/271762800/,Cómo dexFreight potencia la infraestructura de RSK para generar soluciones reales en la industria trillonaria de la logística,"dexFreight es una plataforma descentralizada orientada a la industria logística que provee una solución integral para toda la cadena de valor desde la compra de un producto hasta su llegada a destino.Los clientes principales de dexFreight incluyen proveedores de logística, y transportistas. dexFreight permitirá un flujo mucho más eficiente para llevar los productos a manos del consumidor final reduciendo tiempos de entrega y optimizando costos. Al mismo tiempo, al generar eficiencias en toda la cadena dexFreight permitirá liberar gran cantidad de capital subutilizado o inmovilizado en inventarios, camiones, remolques, almacenes, etc.En este seminario web, Héctor Hernádez CEO de dexFreight CEO nos compartirá su visión sobre cómo blockchain y dexFreight están configurados para revolucionar la industria logística en la próxima década.",Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Hector Hernandez,dexFreight Chief Strategy Officer,@dexHector,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/how-is-dexfreight-leveraging-rsk,https://app.livestorm.co/p/90643f0a-2561-4790-ba09-e158c8e780f3/form,https://youtu.be/s-_yeyRh68o,
-Enterprise",https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/271970802/,Cómo incentivar la economía local en Municipios implementando tecnología Blockchain,"En este webseminar Koibanx propone conocer la plataforma de digitalización de activos que desarrolló sobre tecnología Blockchain para estimular la economía local de municipios.
-Se hablará de cómo se crean activos digitales para gobierno, se realizará una demo en vivo y los detalles sobre la exitosa implementación que hicimos en conjunto con el Municipio de Marcos Paz en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, se explicará el marco jurídico actual y por último se responderán preguntas.",Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Juan Pablo Orlando ,Head of Sales de Koibanx,@koibanx,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/incentivar-economia-local-en-municipios,https://app.livestorm.co/p/da00591e-f86f-47ba-8b7c-b41d912306b5/form,https://youtu.be/WRWZxxKqcc8,
-Enterprise",https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/271946954/,How is dexFreight leveraging RSK infrastructure to deliver real world solutions to the multi-trillion dollar logistics industry?,"dexFreight is a decentralized FinTech-enabled logistics market network for freight companies to handle shipments from booking to payment in one place.
-dexFreight primary customers include third-party logistics providers, carriers, and shippers. dexFreight technology will ultimately translate in shorter times and lower costs to get the products to the hands of the end consumer while unlocking vast amounts of capital from freight invoices, inventories, and underused assets like trucks, trailers, warehouses, etc.
-At this webinar Hector Hernadez dexFreight CSO and Co-founder will share his insights and vision on how blockchain and dexFreight are set up to revolutionize the logistics industry within the next decade.
-",Talk,online,Online only,English,"Hector Hernandez
-Eddy Travia","dexFreight Chief Strategy Officer
-IOVlabs Asia-Pacific Director","@dexHector
-General",https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/272083357/,rWallet and RSK libraries,"At this webinar we are going to review in depth the recently launched rWallet and the tools provided by the RSK library.
-Some benefits:
-- Security
-- Autonomy
-- Lightness
-- Compatibility
-- Simplicity",Workshop,online,Online only,English,Chris Li,RSK Studio Developer,@chrisli2046,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/rwallet-and-rsk-libraries,https://app.livestorm.co/p/ec855c22-6b23-42b9-8f43-89a6554079cf/form,https://youtu.be/E8XQs10otFc,
-Healthier and Sustainable Cities through Blockchain Technologies","EVShare mission is to create cleaner, healthier, sustainable and more livable cities ultimately focused on decarbonization and enabling a sharing economy.
-RSK Blockchain technology is the basis of EVShare's Decentralized platform.
-Vehicles, passengers, goods and energy players interact in the community forming an efficient ecosystem.
-At this webinar Eduardo Javier Munoz will delve into EVShare business model and its use cases to date.",Talk,online,Online only,English,Eduardo Javier Munoz,EVShare CEO,"@EVShareMobility
-@EJMun",https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/evshare-healthier-and-sustainable-cities,https://app.livestorm.co/p/e6c9c408-f453-417e-9ab5-5b237c646acd/form, https://youtu.be/rsOsY8cDfrE,
-Ciudades sustentables a través de la implementación de tecnología Blockchain","La misión de EVShare es crear ciudades más limpias, saludables, sustentables y habitables a través de la reducción de las emisiones de carbono permitiendo el desarrollo de una economía colaborativa.
-A través de EVShare los vehículos, pasajeros, entidades de energía interactúan en la comunidad formando un ecosistema eficiente.
-EVShare ha desarrollado su plataforma descentralizada en la Blockchain de RSK.
-En este webinar, Eduardo Javier Muñoz compartirá el modelo de negocio de EVShare y sus casos de uso.",Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,Eduardo Javier Munoz,CEO de EVShare,"@EVShareMobility
-2020-08-12T19:00:00-03:00,202008-003,1,2020-08-04T15:30:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,,Aprenda a criar sua primeira carteira rWallet e transferir RBTCs entre carteiras,"Para iniciantes!
-Neste workshop vamos ensinar passo a passo como instalar a carteira rWallet no celular e outra carteira no navegador, para transferir RBTCs de teste entre elas.
-A rWallet é carteira lançada pela RSK!
-Alguns benefícios:
-- Segurança
-- Autonomia
-- Compatibilidade
-- Simplicidade",Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/aprenda-a-criar-sua-primeira-carteira-rwallet,https://app.livestorm.co/p/477dbcd4-7e15-4a21-bf56-11a6155fcc1a/form,https://youtu.be/DHTIsn_PLvA,
-2020-08-14T14:00:00-03:00,202008-004,1,2020-08-04T15:30:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,,RIF Lumino workshop,"On this webinar we will learn how to interact with multiple cross-blockchain off-chain networks such as Lumino, Lightning and Raiden.",Workshop,online,Online only,English,Alejandro Narancio,Payments and Tools PO,@anarancio,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/rif-lumino-workshop,https://app.livestorm.co/p/20581219-2dc5-4382-ac78-b2e06a7c0101/form,https://youtu.be/JDKxwMON3fY,
-2020-08-19T09:00:00+08:00,202008-005,2,2020-08-18T12:00:00+08:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://developers.rsk.co/webinars/202008-005/slides/
-System pre-requisites: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/workshop-prereqs/
-Javascript testing hands-on: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/workshop-js-testing/
-Smart contract testing hands-on: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/workshop-smart-contract-testing-ozcli/",,/webinars/202008-005/banner-image.png,@bguiz,Developers,,Testing Smart Contracts with OpenZepplin CLI,Learn how to create and run tests on your RSK smart contracts using OpenZeppelin CLI.,Workshop,online,Online only,English,"Brendan Graetz
-Dulce Villarreal","Developer Advocate
-Developer Advocate","@bguiz
-2020-08-19T19:00:00-03:00,202008-006,1,2020-08-04T15:30:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,,Utilização da biblioteca rsk3.js no seu site,"Para desenvolvedores!
-Aprenda como utilizar a biblioteca rsk3.js em un frontend para se comunicar com os smart contracts publicados na RSK.",Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/utilizacao-da-biblioteca-rsk3js-no-seu-site,https://app.livestorm.co/p/28967d51-08df-4701-9b3a-12cfc240e5bf/form,https://youtu.be/Y41RzbkZNEA,
-2020-08-24T17:00:00-03:00,202008-007,2,2020-08-18T20:51:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/272683683/,Trazabilidad en la industria Nuclear basada en tecnología Blockchain,"NUCLEARIS desarrolló la primera Plataforma de Trazabilidad a nivel mundial basada en BLOCKCHAIN y que es utilizada en la fabricación de componentes de uso nuclear.
-En este webinar se contará en detalle el caso de uso de esta plataforma que pretende generar un cambio de paradigma en la industria Nuclear basado en la implementación de una nueva tecnología digital para garantizar la Seguridad Operativa de las Centrales Atómicas y eficientizar el registro y almacenamiento de documentación de vital importancia.
-Aprende más sobre cómo la Blockchain puede impulsar la industria nuclear.
-⚛️ https://www.nuclearis.com/",Talk,online,Online only,Spanish,"Santiago Badran
-Sebastian Martinez","CEO
-2020-08-24T14:00:00-03:00,202008-008,1,2020-08-04T15:30:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/272682883/,Traceability in the Nuclear industry based on Blockchain technology,"NUCLEARIS developed the first Traceability Platform based on BLOCKCHAIN used in the assemble of components for Nuclear purposes.
-The platform's objective is to generate a paradigm shift in the Nuclear industry based in Blockchain technology to guarantee the Operational Safety of Atomic Power Plants and to make the registration and storage of documentation more efficient.
-Learn more about how can Blockchain leverage the Nuclear industry at this webinar.
-",Talk,online,Online only,English,"Santiago Badran
-Sebastian Martinez","CEO
-2020-08-26T19:00:00-03:00,202008-009,1,2020-08-04T15:30:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSK-Brasil/events/272684125/,Casos de uso na RSK,"Conheça alguns casos de uso implementados no Blockchain RSK, desenvolvidos por nossos parceiros.
-Veja os casos de uso que serão apresentados:
-",Talk,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/casos-de-uso-na-rsk,https://app.livestorm.co/p/66249815-cf94-4a9a-ab3c-3e6a743c77ff/form,https://youtu.be/SFkidMXS2mQ,
-2020-08-27T18:00:00-03:00,202008-010,1,2020-08-04T15:30:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/272708136/,"UX & BLOCKCHAIN:
-Direcciones y dominios para uso personal","En IOVlabs construimos el internet del valor pensando en un mundo con libertad e inclusión financiera en el que la tecnología de Blockchain sea accesible y fácil de usar.
-Con los nombres y dominios ahora vas a poder recordar los datos de tu wallet con facilidad y compartirla con tus amigos y conocidos para hacer cualquier transacción.
-En este workshop aprenderás a dar de alta tu dominio con tu nombre, usando ENS, RNS, RIF Name Services y la rWallet.",Demo,online,Online only,Spanish,Dulce Villarreal,Developer Advocate,@Dulce_Villarreal,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/ux-and-blockchain-direcciones-y-dominios,https://app.livestorm.co/p/e34c1aef-6d13-4ff1-b9a7-51ef2f85f98c/form,https://youtu.be/fp_wWvv2LW0,
-2020-09-02T20:00+08:00,202008-011,2,2020-09-08T11:45:00+08:00,confirmed,"post-COVID Hack 2020: https://postcovidhack.com/
-Socio-economic inclusion track challenges: https://postcovidhack.com/challenges/socio-economic-inclusion
-Socio-economic inclusion track prizes: https://postcovidhack.com/challenges/socio-economic-inclusion/prizes",,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,,Post Covid Hack Official Launch,"Use Blockchain technology, build awesome solutions and determine what the future will look like in a post-pandemic world!
-This online launch event is ideal for everyone who is interested in
-building solutions using blockchain technology. This event offers a
-great opportunity to have all your questions answered if you interested
-or have already joined the hackathon. You can find out more about Post Covid Hack here: [postcovidhack.com](https://postcovidhack.com/)
-We are celebrating the kick-off of the Post Covid Hack - a global
-online blockchain hackathon. We invite all interested parties,
-technologists, developers and people with an interest in blockchain to
-join this opening event.In this Event, we will cover:
-- 10 min intro about Post Covid Hack and the supporting partners
-- 10 min intro about the Tracks and the various Use Cases
-- 30 min panel discussion with leading representatives from Coinsilium, IOVlabs, Kucoin, Blockchain for Humanity and Mischon de Reya",Talk,online,Online only,English,"Gaurang Torverkar
-Gabriel Kurman
-Eddy Travia
-Lou Yu
-Gustavo Segovia
-Tom Grogan","CEO, Indorse
-Master Advocate, IOV Labs
-CEO, Coinsilium
-Operations Lead, KuChain
-Collaboration Catalyst and Socio-Economic Analyst, Blockchain for Humanity
-Engineering Technology Lead, Mishcon de Reya","@gaurangtorvekar
-2020-09-08T21:00+08:00,202009-002,2,2020-09-09T18:00:00+08:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FtTWubH2aKQ7nLIbr5Ug9j8BXJATLtqYmIbH1cZKvrI/edit#
-Tutorial: http://extropy.foundation/workshops/bootcamp/soliditytutorial.html",,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273017420/,Blockchain basics: Writing your first smart contract,"This workshop is ideal for anyone looking to learn the basics of Blockchain technology. In this workshop, we will cover the following:
-- Theory of blockchain and decentralised systems
-- Consensus mechanisms
-- How Bitcoin and Ethereum really work
-- What makes a good blockchain project?
-- Writing Smart Contracts
- - Using Remix
- - Hands on solidity programming",Workshop,online,Online only,English,Laurence Kirk,"CEO and Senior Blockchain Developer, Extropy.IO",@extropylaurence,https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/blockchain-basics-writing-your-first-smart-contract-no-experience-needed-tickets-118590367983,https://www.eventbrite.sg/tickets-external?aff=dappsdev&eid=118590367983,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89EFX6Bhqs0,
-2020-09-10T20:00+08:00,202009-003,1,2020-09-09T15:15:00+08:00,confirmed,Decentralised immunity passport (pre-read): https://medium.com/id2020/id2020-announces-certification-of-blok-bioscience-immunity-passport-1f86013e9da5,,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,,Why blockchain matters -- the history of commerce from the dawn of history to now,"Much has been written about the transformative potential of Blockchain and DLT: target use cases, expected outcomes, ways it will change the world, and so on. And in truth, DLT has the potential to change the world as much as the internet itself has, if not more.
-The goal of this session will be to give listeners an intuitive understanding of why that transformative potential is so strong by establishing its linkage to the world's first and oldest business requirement - one we are still trying to solve.
-The talk assumes a wikipedia-level understanding of blockchain and DLT, but no specific advance preparation is required.",Talk,online,Online only,English,Areiel Wolanow,"Managing Director, Finserv Experts",@FinservExperts,https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/why-blockchain-matters-the-history-of-commerce-from-the-dawn-of-history-tickets-118598231503,https://www.eventbrite.sg/tickets-external?aff=dappsdev&eid=118598231503,https://youtu.be/K-agozYwvLY,
-2020-09-15T21:00+08:00,202009-004,2,2020-10-02T18:15:00+08:00,confirmed,Slides: https://postcovidhack.slack.com/?redir=%2Ffiles%2FU01AL0F2ZUH%2FF01BEB540CQ%2Fblockchain_for_hackathons.pdf%3Forigin_team%3DT016QJSKWDQ%26origin_channel%3DC0169SBSJ8P,,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273017525/,Blockchain for hackathons: How to build a dApp as quickly as possible,"This workshop is ideal for anyone looking to build dapps as quickly as possible. In this workshop, we will cover the following:
-- Review of smart contracts and solidity
-- Development and testing tools
-- Create a smart contract using Remix
-- Build a dapp that interacts with a smart contract
- - Read
- - Write
- - Receive notification
-- Store and retrieve data using IPFS
-- Common problems and their solutions",Workshop,online,Online only,English,"Tom Dwyer
-Laurence Kirk","Blockchain Developer, Extropy.IO
-CEO and Senior Blockchain Developer, Extropy.IO","@extropy
-2020-09-16T20:00+08:00,202009-005,1,2020-09-02T20:45:00+08:00,confirmed,"post-COVID Hack 2020: https://postcovidhack.com/
-Socio-economic inclusion track challenges: https://postcovidhack.com/challenges/socio-economic-inclusion
-Socio-economic inclusion track prizes: https://postcovidhack.com/challenges/socio-economic-inclusion/prizes",,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273017670/,How to foster social inclusion with IOV’s technologies - POST COVID HACK 2020,"Social inclusion is at the heart of IOV’s purpose as an organization. It is of foremost importance in the post-COVID era, to help marginalized communities by providing better access to fair markets and financial services thanks to reputational profiles based on social and economic contributions made by individuals.
-IOV is sponsoring the socio-economic inclusion track of #PCH2020, where global teams are invited to create innovative solutions to tackle issues brought upon us by the pandemic, utilizing blockchain technologies. We look forward to the use cases developed as a result of the hackathon, which we expect will have a positive impact in the post-pandemic society as a whole.
-In this event, we will cover the following:
-- Improving access to fair markets
-- Improving access to financial services
-- How blockchain and other decentralised technologies can help
-- The need for innovation in the post-COVID era",Talk,online,Online only,English,"
-Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar",CEO,@dieguito,https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/how-to-foster-social-inclusion-with-iovs-technologies-post-covid-hack-tickets-118590799273,https://www.eventbrite.sg/tickets-external?aff=dappsdev&eid=118590799273,,
-2020-09-22T21:00+08:00,202009-006,1,2020-08-29T15:00:00+08:00,confirmed,Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13dBalzcdShgkaMjdWCFJUqkcJt2DjLHL6iWnqpxww0Y/edit#',,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273017710/,Blockchains and smart contract security: Essential safeguards for your dApp,"This workshop is ideal for developers looking to learn how to develop secure smart contracts. In this workshop, we will cover the following:
-- Smart contract review
-- Security essentials
-- Hands on - hacking contracts",Workshop,online,Online only,English,Laurence Kirk,"CEO and Senior Blockchain Developer, Extropy.IO",@extropylaurence,https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/blockchains-and-smart-contract-security-essential-safeguards-for-your-dapp-tickets-118591120233,https://www.eventbrite.sg/tickets-external?aff=dappsdev&eid=118591120233,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wL2g-Dy7UA,
-2020-09-24T20:00+08:00,202009-007,1,2020-08-29T15:00:00+08:00,confirmed,"Remix and MetaMask: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/remix-and-metamask-with-rsk-testnet/
-Front end: https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/frontend/first-frontend-web3-injected/",,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273018257/,Create your RSK dApp: from smart contracts to frontend,"This workshop is step-by-step hands on to learn how to create and deploy a simple smart contract on RSK’s Testnet. Also you will learn how to create your first frontend to interact with it
-What the participants will learn:
-- Create a smart contract using Solidity
-- Configure a web wallet
-- Deploy on RSK’s Testnet using Remix
-- Create a frontend using only Javascript and HTML
-- Connect your dApp to a wallet using a web3 provider.
-Do participants need to install anything on their computer prior to the workshop?
-No!",Workshop,online,Online only,English,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/create-your-rsk-dapp-from-smart-contracts-to-frontend-tickets-118592396049,https://www.eventbrite.sg/tickets-external?aff=dappsdev&eid=118592396049,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8msOOXpUDbg,
-2020-09-29T21:00+08:00,202009-008,2,2020-10-02T18:15:00+08:00,confirmed,Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sAa-nU1pdxurD7D43fCMcZP3ODUUKtrbGQGhOoKFi7E/edit#,,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273018660/,Zero-knowledge proofs: A practical guide to developing ZKPs for a dApp,"This workshop is a practical guide to developing ZKP’s for an application. In this workshop, we will cover the following:
-- Intuitive explanation of zero knowledge proofs
-- Types of zero knowledge proofs
-- Current use cases and directions
-- Creating zero knowledge proofs on Ethereum",Workshop,online,Online only,English,Laurence Kirk,"CEO and Senior Blockchain Developer, Extropy.IO",@extropylaurence,https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/zero-knowledge-proofs-a-practical-guide-to-developing-zkps-for-a-dapp-tickets-118591310803,https://www.eventbrite.sg/tickets-external?aff=dappsdev&eid=118591310803,https://youtu.be/CtiQaZ3vEhw,
-2020-10-01T20:00+08:00,202009-009,2,2020-10-02T18:15:00+08:00,confirmed,"Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRvdF4UF5hzOav7yPbRvuYwLVNosjBzXsmkHzgZX-lOvugc7sZ_hzcn-X-0uPs8eyTmZ3q6_fmwbhQF/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=5000#
-Metamask: https://developers.rsk.co/wallet/use/metamask/
-Nifty Wallet: https://developers.rsk.co/wallet/use/nifty/",,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,,Token Bridge and Uniswap: Crossing Tokens from Ethereum to RSK and back,"In this workshop, we will use the Token Bridge to cross ERC20 tokens from Ethereum ro RSK and then trade them on rskswap.com
-",Workshop,online,Online only,English,Pedro Prete,Interoperability PO,@PedroMPrete,https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/token-bridge-and-uniswap-webinar-all-in-one-tickets-118598722973,https://www.eventbrite.sg/tickets-external?aff=dappsdev&eid=118598722973,https://youtu.be/q5OKJ5bUCiY,
-2020-09-09T19:00:00-03:00,202009-010,1,2020-08-30T22:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSK-Brasil/events/272991529/,RSK e DeFi - Finanças descentralizadas,"Entenda o que é DeFi - Finanças descentralizadas e conheça as soluções desenvolvidas na RSK.
-Conheça mais sobre DeFi para Bitcoin ➡️ https://developers.rsk.co/defi/pt-pt/index.html",Talk,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/rsk-e-defi-financas-descentralizadas,https://app.livestorm.co/p/9674f59b-730f-4de4-9c60-cefce84fde06/form,https://youtu.be/qnzs09wpJ8k,
-2020-09-09T10:00:00-03:00,202009-011,1,2020-08-30T22:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/Blockchain-Singapore-Meetup/events/272982109/,DeFi for Bitcoin - Asia,DeFi for Bitcoin - Asia,Panel,online,Online only,English,"Gabriel Kurman
-Santiago de Lavallaz
-Eddy Travia
-Manuel Ferrari
-Bruno Calmels","Master Advocate
-Director of Capital Markets
-Asia Director
-Money on Chain Co-Founder
-Defiant Co-Founder & CTO","@gabrielkurman
-2020-09-23T19:00:00-03:00,202009-012,1,2020-08-30T22:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSK-Brasil/events/273251198/,Conheça a RIF - RSK Infrastructure Framework,"Existir uma infraestrutura de com bibliotecas e ferramentas acelera a implementação de qualquer projeto em Blockchain.
-Armazenamento descentralizado, gerenciamento de nomes para domínios, marketplace e canais de pagamento, entre outros, já existem para a RSK através da RIF - RSK Infrastructure Framework e serão apresentados neste webinar.
-Conheça mais sobre RIF ➡️ https://www.rifos.org/pt-pt/",Talk,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/conheca-a-rif-rsk-infrastructure-framework,https://app.livestorm.co/p/9c4aac42-45bf-4bb3-8143-1d4de89a48f7/form,https://youtu.be/Fa19pybMxKE,
-2020-09-30T16:00:00-03:00,202009-013,1,2020-08-30T22:00:00-03:00,confirmed,Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19c9HvMMUpmXEpbmIHsBVcRCpPfevhsidppJf3g_pD14/edit?usp=sharing,,,,General,,Self Sovereign Identity and RIF,"The main intention of Self Sovereign Identity is to empower people with tools to control their digital interactions and to recover privacy in digital environments.
-At this webinar we will delve into its vital role to protect users privacy and digital identities and RIF plans around it.
-Learn more about RIF Identity ➡️ https://www.rifos.org/directory",Talk,online,Online only,English,Milton Berman,RIF Identity PO,@miltonberman,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/self-sovereign-identity-and-rif,https://app.livestorm.co/p/56ef4df6-6884-4238-9440-84f8c75408a1/form,https://youtu.be/4GJZ54H4c1M,
-2020-09-25T17:00:00+01:00,202009-014,2,2020-09-21T15:28:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273407346/,Chainlink and RSK Integration,"Learn more about RSK and its integration of Chainlink decentralized oracles with smart contract engineers, Julian Rodriguez & Fernando Rubal. This technical demo was recorded at The Smart Contract Summit.",Demo,online,Online only,English,"Julian Rodriguez
-Johann Eid","RIF Gateways PO
-Chainlink PO","@julianmrodri_
-2020-09-10T09:00:00-03:00,202009-015,2,2020-09-15T21:00:00-03:00,cancelled,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273025091/,"Why blockchain matters:
-The history of commerce from the dawn of history to now","Much has been written about the transformative potential of Blockchain and DLT: target use cases, expected outcomes, ways it will change the world, and so on. And in truth, DLT has the potential to change the world as much as the internet itself has, if not more. The goal of this session will be to give listeners an intuitive understanding of why that transformative potential is so strong by establishing its linkage to the world's first and oldest business requirement, one we are still trying to solve.
-",Talk,online,Online only,English,Areiel Wolanow,Blok Solutions CTO,@FinservExperts,https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/why-blockchain-matters-the-history-of-commerce-from-the-dawn-of-history-tickets-118598231503,,,
-2020-09-16T19:00:00-03:00,202009-016,2,2020-09-14T16:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSK-Brasil/events/273251198/,"Interoperabilidade: Ethereum, RSK e Bitcoin. Entenda como funciona","Que tipo de interoperabilidade pode existir entre Bitcoin, Ethereum e RSK? Ethereum tem smart contracts e RSK pode executar os mesmos smart contracts com a validação da rede Bitcoin. Entenda como isso funciona.",Talk,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/bitcoin-ethereum-and-rsk,https://app.livestorm.co/p/129f425c-9d15-46f3-90fa-6261a0998e29/form ,https://youtu.be/1uC7DUZwSIU,
-2020-10-07T13:00:00+01:00,202010-001,1,2020-10-09T20:30:00+08:00,confirmed,,,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,,RSK Truffle boxes: a fast way to build a dApp in a Hackathon,"This workshop is a step-by-step hands on to know the RSK Truffle boxes and learn how to use them to create a full dApp very quickly.
-What the participants will learn:
-- Unbox an RSK Truffle box
-- Configure a web wallet
-- Deploy a smart contract on RSK’s Testnet using Truffle
-- Use Truffle test
-- Run the frontend which is already in the box
-- Interact with your dApp!
-List of prior reading materials for participants that will help them prepare for the workshop:
-https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/truffle-boxes/pet-shop-box/",Workshop,online,Online only,English,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/rsk-truffle-boxes-a-fast-way-to-build-a-dapp-in-a-hackathon-tickets-123134696191,https://www.eventbrite.sg/tickets-external?aff=dappsdev&eid=123134696191,,
-2020-10-08T13:00:00+01:00,202010-002,1,2020-10-09T20:30:00+08:00,confirmed,,,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273782009/,What to avoid when building your first Blockchain app,"In this workshop, aimed at both technical and business professionals, Nethermind Founder and CTO, Tomasz Stańczak, will cover:
-- What doesn’t work on blockchain
-- Common mistakes for people entering blockchain
-- Why you should not store data on-chain
-- How to choose between Private vs Public blockchain",Talk,online,Online only,English,Tomasz Stanczak,"CTO, Nethermind",@tkstanczak,https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/what-to-avoid-when-building-your-first-blockchain-app-tickets-119859257265,https://www.eventbrite.sg/tickets-external?aff=dappsdev&eid=119859257265,,
-2020-10-13T13:00:00+01:00,202010-003,1,2020-10-09T20:30:00+08:00,confirmed,,,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273782079/,Using Blockchain to foster Socio-Economic Inclusion,"Learn how Blockchain for Humanity & Post Covid Hack foster socio-economic inclusion through the use of Blockchain Technology.
-The aim of this workshop is to help participants in the Post Covid Hack to understand:
-- What community currency is, its use-cases and how these communities look
-- What are the relevant projects in this area
-- What would be beneficial to have in the space
-- Blockchain for Humanity's mission
-- How decentralisation relates to (helps with) socio-economic inclusion
-- Discuss specific projects and questions from the audience / Post Covid Hack participants",Panel,online,Online only,English,Blockchain for Humanity,,@b4_humanity,https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/using-blockchain-to-foster-socio-economic-inclusion-panel-discussion-tickets-122359848601,https://www.eventbrite.sg/tickets-external?aff=dappsdev&eid=122359848601,,
-2020-10-15T20:00:00+08:00,202010-004,2,2020-10-10T11:30:00+08:00,confirmed,Reading Materials: https://s3.cointelegraph.com/storage/uploads/view/48c6c4e03f85bc722d76f88c2676478b.pdf,,/webinars/img/pch2020-partner-banner.png,,,,Whirlwind introduction to DeFi,"This workshop along with an interactive Q&A will cover the key differences between **CeFi** and **DeFi**, and the key components in DeFi plus more.
-Will touch upon **DEX's**, **AMM** and what are the possible drivers for the sudden surge in DeFi. Not to miss anything out, we will look at what are the key challenges in front of DeFi to succeed.
-**What you will learn**
-Learn about Stable coins, DEX, AMM, Bonding curves, Derivatives , Oracles plus more.
-**Prior reading materials**
-If you are new to the DeFi space, we recommend you read the following report prior to the workshop: [DeFi Adoption 2020 : A definite guide to entering the industry](https://s3.cointelegraph.com/storage/uploads/view/48c6c4e03f85bc722d76f88c2676478b.pdf)",Workshop,online,Online only,English,Anish Mohammed,"Co-founder, R² Labs",@anishmohammed,https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/whirlwind-introduction-to-defi-tickets-124664062567,https://www.eventbrite.sg/tickets-external?aff=dappsdev&eid=124664062567,https://youtu.be/W33C1cPR6c4,
-2020-10-20T20:00:00-03:00,202010-005,1,2020-10-09T20:30:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/273780380/,Como migrar dApps de Ethereum a RSK,"Los costos de gas en la red RSK son un 3000% más bajos que en la red Ethereum.
-Puedes verlo entrando en ➡️ http://rskgasstation.info/
-Este webinar está pensado para desarrolladores de Ethereum que quieran conocer las posibilidades de migrar sus aplicaciones a la red RSK.",Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/como-migrar-dapps-de-ethereum-a-rsk,https://app.livestorm.co/p/604b648b-e57d-4857-83f1-694d5e44bc57/form,https://youtu.be/xsY0dL2-9T4,
-2020-10-21T19:00:00-03:00,202010-006,1,2020-10-09T20:30:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSK-Brasil/events/273779100/,"DeFi na prática:
-Como trocar tokens usando RSK Swap","Para iniciantes!
-Experimente os conceitos de DeFi - finanças descentralizadas na prática!
-Vamos configurar uma carteira, adquirir tokens e trocá-los utilizando RSK Swap: https://rskswap.com/
-Você também vai entender o papel do pool de liquidez no processo.
-RSK Swap é uma exchange completamente descentralizada que possibilita a troca de tokens instantaneamente.
-",Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/defi-na-pratica-como-trocar-tokens-usando-rskswap,https://app.livestorm.co/p/6aefd038-65c2-4640-8d50-471b37d0cb24/form,https://youtu.be/T7Zd83P-xsU,
-A decentralized protocol for Bitcoin lending and margin trading","Sovryn is a decentralized protocol for Bitcoin lending and margin trading. The protocol can be easily integrated into new and existing exchanges, or accessed simply through a web3 portal. Sovryn will provide decentralized alternatives of all the most popular centralised Bitcoin finance tools.
-Current Features:
-🟢 Spot-Exchange - a low cost, low-slippage, AMM allowing instant trades between tokens.
-⚫ Margin Trading - Creates up to 5X long/short trades, allowing users to borrow leverage from the lending pool.
-⚪ Lending Pool - Allows HODLers to earn interest by lending tokens to margin traders and borrowers.
-🟢 Smart BTC Relay - Allows use of Bitcoin almost instantly with smart contracts and decentralized products, from any Bitcoin wallet.
-What makes Sovryn unique is that it is decentralized, and uses Ethereum-like smart contracts but on the RSK Bitcoin sidechain.",Talk,online,Online only,English,"Edan Yago
-Ororo Munroe","Contributor
-Founder and Developer","@EdanYago
-2020-10-28T19:00:00-03:00,202010-008,2,2020-10-26T22:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSK-Brasil/events/273779227/,"Facilitando sua vida:
-Transforme endereços em nomes com o RNS - RIF Name Service","Para iniciantes!
-Neste webinar você vai aprender a criar seu nome personalizado e a interagir com ele, conhecendo algumas utilizações.
-RNS - RIF Name Service é um serviço descentralizado para identificação de endereços Blockchain, transformando-os em nomes customizados, fáceis de guardar.
-São como os nomes de domínios na WWW, que usa o Domain Name System (DNS).
-Conheça mas:
-🔵 https://www.rifos.org/nameservice/pt-pt/
-🔵 https://developers.rsk.co/rif/rns/
-🔵 https://manager.rns.rifos.org/
-🔵 https://testnet.manager.rns.rifos.org/",Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/rns-rsk-name-service,https://app.livestorm.co/p/a1763628-87f7-46ab-b961-2a68ab9c66eb/form,https://youtu.be/dXzwvfcShk0,
-2020-10-13T13:00:00-03:00,202010-009,1,2020-10-09T20:30:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273786331/,"DAI on RSK
-Token Bridge: crossing Tokens from DAI to BTC and back","Now DAI is available on RSK!
-By bringing the tools and assets that power decentralized finance to a Bitcoin environment, MakerDAO and RSK, together with the RIF token community, can fuel growing demand for DeFi assets and applications without being hampered by Ethereum's high fees.
-DAI on RSK will bring the crypto-collateralized stablecoin to a scalable smart contract network while maintaining a connection with Ethereum and its valuable community of users and developers.
-On this webinar you will learn about the technology behind the RSK-Ethereum Token Bridge and about those who made it possible.",Webinar,online,Online only,English,"Nadia Alvarez
-Pedro Prete","Business Development at MakerDAO
-Co-Founder, Think and Dev and RSK Swap Developer","@nad8802
-2020-10-14T17:00:00-03:00,202010-010,1,2020-10-09T20:30:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,,https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/273786530/,"DAI + RSK
-Token Bridge: intercambio de DAI + BTC","Ahora DAI está disponible sobre RSK!
-Al llevar las herramientas y los activos que impulsan las finanzas descentralizadas a un entorno de Bitcoin, MakerDAO y RSK, junto con la comunidad de RIF Token, pueden impulsar la creciente demanda de activos y aplicaciones DeFi sin verse obstaculizados por las altas tarifas de Ethereum.
-DAI en RSK traerá la moneda estable con garantía criptográfica a una red de smart contract escalable, a la vez que mantiene una conexión con Ethereum y su valiosa comunidad de usuarios y desarrolladores.
-Durante este webinar aprenderás mucho más sobre la tecnología que se encuentra detrás del Puente de Tokens entre RSK y Ethereum y sobre aquellos quienes hicieron esto posible.",Webinar,online,Online only,Spanish,"Mariano di Pietrantonio
-Pedro Prete","Marketing Manager, Maker Foundation
-Co-Founder, Think and Dev and RSK Swap Developer","@Mariandipietra
-2020-11-11T19:00:00-03:00,202011-001,1,2020-10-30T19:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,,DAI na RSK Token Bridge: convertendo DAI em BTC e vice-versa,"Agora DAI está disponível na RSK!
-Trazendo as ferramentas e ativos que impulsionam as finanças descentralizadas para o ecossistema Bitcoin, MakerDAO e RSK, juntamente com a comunidade dos tokens RIF, respondem à crescente demanda por ativos e aplicativos DeFi sem ser preocupar com as altas taxas da rede Ethereum.
-DAI na RSK traz esta moeda estável cripto-colateralizada para uma rede com alta escalabilidade para os smart contracts, enquanto mantém sua conexão com o Ethereum e sua importante comunidade de usuários e desenvolvedores.
-Neste webinar você vai aprender como funciona a RSK-Ethereum Token Bridge e conhecer a parceria da MakerDAO com a RSK.",Webinar,online,Online only,Portuguese,"Nadia Alvarez
-Solange Gueiros","Business Development Latam na MakerDAO
-Developer Advocate","@nad8802
-2020-11-25T19:00:00-03:00,202011-002,1,2020-10-30T19:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,,Como funciona um marketplace? Conheça o RIF marketplace,"Para iniciantes!
-Neste webinar você vai aprender a negociar nomes de domínio RNS no RIF marketplace.
-RNS - RIF Name Service é um serviço descentralizado para identificação de endereços Blockchain, transformando-os em nomes customizados, fáceis de guardar.
-São como os nomes de domínios na WWW, que usa o Domain Name System (DNS).
-O marketplace é o ponto de encontro de compradores e vendedores, e, no nosso caso, para nomes RNS.
-Saiba mais:
-🔵 https://www.rifos.org/pt-pt/marketplace
-🔵 https://developers.rsk.co/rif/marketplace/
-🔵 https://marketplace.rifos.org/
-🔵 https://marketplace.testnet.rifos.org/",Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/como-funciona-um-marketplace-conheca-o-rif-marketplace,https://app.livestorm.co/p/ab69d235-b381-4253-9cc5-d4a2bad869de/form,https://youtu.be/9RQD58lLCIc,
-2020-11-18T21:00:00+08:00,202011-003,1,2020-11-10T11:47:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,,Will NFTs shape the future of Art & Games?,"NFTs have much more going for them than a lack of fungibility.
-Non-fungible tokens are used to create verifiable digital scarcity, as well as digital ownership, and the possibility of asset interoperability across multiple platforms. NFTs are used in several specific applications that require unique digital items like crypto art, crypto-collectibles and crypto-gaming.
-At this webinar we will learn how versatile they are!",Webinar,online,Online only,English,"Ben Fairbank
-Yacine Terai","RedFOX Labs CEO
-CEO of Minty","@bennydoda01
-2020-11-19T18:00:00-03:00,202011-004,1,2020-11-09T20:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,,Programando Contratos Inteligentes con TDD,"El desarrollo blockchain con contratos inteligentes está cambiando el mundo del valor, más allá de las monedas nacionales. La lógica compartida y pública permite crear sistemas nuevos como el DeFi (Decentralized Finance) y Open Finance. Pero con un gran poder, llega una gran responsabilidad: hacer que la lógica de los contratos sea la esperada. Una forma de hacerlo es usar el flujo de trabajo de TDD. Veremos los conceptos de esta disciplina, que va más allá de hacer pruebas: se relaciona con el diseño incremental, búsqueda de la simplicidad, y especificación por código. Exploraremos ejemplos sencillos de DeFi, y cómo paso a paso se construye un sistema, usando Solidity y Truffle.
-",Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Angel Lopez,Senior Developer,@ajlopez,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/programando-contratos-inteligentes-con-tdd,https://app.livestorm.co/p/46d76e78-7d15-40d0-9fb3-70519c83f728/form,https://youtu.be/VFa4QIBC78g,
-2020-12-01T20:00:00+08:00,202012-001,1,2020-12-01T20:00:00+08:00,confirmed,,,,,,,PCH2020 Demo Day and Prizes - Post Covid Hack,"Demo Day of Post Covid Hack 2020: Join us to meet the winners and discover their projects!
-This is the big day all teams and developers are looking forward to. In this ceremonial session, we will not only present the best projects / contributions for each of the many use cases, we will also award the winners with fantastic prizes, grants and mentorships programs. ",Hackathon,online,Online only,English,"Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar
-2020-12-16T14:00:00-03:00,202012-002,2,2020-12-14T16:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,,"Powpeg: the most secure, permissionless and uncensorable Bitcoin peg","Powpeg is a proof-of-work secured two-way peg used to interact between RSK sidechain and the Bitcoin Blockchain.
-Powpeg is the first Bitcoin peg to provide security assurances based on Bitcoin's proof-of-work making it the most secure and permissionless peg available.
-During this webinar we will review in detail what Powpeg is about and it's role in decentralizing RSK Smart Contract platform.",Webinar,online,Online only,English,Sergio Lerner,CSO,@sdlerner,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/powpeg,https://app.livestorm.co/p/04b5ad21-b34d-4a19-b70f-a7c6eae1f21f/form,,
-2020-12-18T19:00:00-03:00,202012-003,2,2020-12-14T16:00:00-03:00,cancelled,,,,,,,Aprenda Blockchain e Smart Contracts,"Este workshop apresenta os fundamentos de Blockchain. Além disso, você vai aprender a criar seu primeiro smart contract, utilizando a linguagem Solidity e publicando na rede RSK.",Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/aprenda-blockchain-e-smart-contracts,https://app.livestorm.co/p/92e4534b-3347-4001-9ec9-0925c0dcaefc/form,,
-2021-02-02T19:00:00-03:00,202102-001,1,2021-01-19T10:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,,DeFi para desarrolladores: cómo usar RSKSwap con smart contracts,"RSKSwap es un exchange descentralizado que permite cambiar tokens ERC20 automáticamente sin necesidad de esperar a un comprador o un vendedor.
-Cuenta con la ventaja de los bajos costos y seguridad de la red RSK. Además no requiere KYC y no tiene límites para retiros o depósitos.
-En este workshop te mostraré una guía paso a paso sobre cómo crear tu propio token e intercambiarlo en RSKSwap programáticamente usando smart contracts.",Workshop,online,Online only,Spanish,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/defi-para-desarrolladores-como-usar-rskswap-con-smart-contracts,https://app.livestorm.co/p/8881f7e0-f0e5-4711-a8e9-14a79bf99aeb/form,,
-2021-02-03T19:00:00-03:00,202102-002,1,2021-01-19T10:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,,DeFi para desenvolvedores: como usar RSKSwap com smart contracts,"RSKSwap é uma exchange descentralizada, que permite fazer trades com tokens ERC20 automaticamente, sem ficar esperando um comprador ou vendedor, com as vantagens do baixo custo e da segurança do Blockchain RSK. Também não precisa de indentificação - KYC e não tem limites para retiradas ou depósitos. Neste workshop, vou apresentar um guia passo a passo para criar seu próprio token e negociá-lo no RSKSwap programaticamente, criando contratos inteligentes.",Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/defi-para-desenvolvedores-como-usar-rskswap-com-smart-contracts,https://app.livestorm.co/p/0f23fed6-ee1f-4fc7-9627-50fe0c6f9ad3/form,,
-2021-02-23T19:00:00-03:00,202102-003,2,2021-01-26T10:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,,DeFi for Developers: how To Use RSKSwap Smart Contracts To Automate Trading,"RSKSwap is a decentralized exchange to automatically exchange ERC20 tokens, there is no need to wait for a buyer or seller. It has the advantage of the low costs and security of the RSK network. It also doesn’t require KYC and has no limits for withdrawals or deposits.
-In this webinar you will have a step-by-step guide to create your own token and exchange it in RSKSwap automatically, using smart contracts.",Workshop,online,Online only,English,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/defi-for-developers-how-to-use-rskswap-smart-contracts-to-automate-trading,https://app.livestorm.co/p/fa4d0e55-5096-4cc2-8dae-9d1f20af83fd/form,,
-2021-02-24T19:00:00-03:00,202102-004,2,2021-01-26T10:00:00-03:00,confirmed,,,,,,,Factory de smart contracts - aprenda como um smart contract pode criar outros,"Factory é um padrão de desenvolvimento utilizado em Solidity. A ideia é simples: ao invés de você criar um smart contract, você tem outro smart contract que faz a criação, de forma automatizada.
-Neste webinar você vai aprender a criar um Factory e casos de uso para isto.",Workshop,online,Online only,Portuguese,Solange Gueiros,Developer Advocate,@solangegueiros,https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/factory-de-smart-contracts-aprenda-como-um-smart-contract-pode-criar-outros,https://app.livestorm.co/p/fe137700-1cf1-477d-8a41-e16131310da9/form,,
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- "title": "What is Blockchain?\nWhat is Bitcoin?",
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- "status": "confirmed",
- "url": "https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/269565719/",
- "title": "Create and Deploy your first Smart Contract to the RSK Network using Remix and Metamask",
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- "url": "https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/ethereum-devs/remix-and-metamask-with-rsk-testnet/"
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- "url": "https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/269566096",
- "title": "Crea tu primer smart contract en RSK usando Remix and Nifty Wallet",
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- "title": "Cómo dexFreight potencia la infraestructura de RSK para generar soluciones reales en la industria trillonaria de la logística",
- "description": "dexFreight es una plataforma descentralizada orientada a la industria logística que provee una solución integral para toda la cadena de valor desde la compra de un producto hasta su llegada a destino.Los clientes principales de dexFreight incluyen proveedores de logística, y transportistas. dexFreight permitirá un flujo mucho más eficiente para llevar los productos a manos del consumidor final reduciendo tiempos de entrega y optimizando costos. Al mismo tiempo, al generar eficiencias en toda la cadena dexFreight permitirá liberar gran cantidad de capital subutilizado o inmovilizado en inventarios, camiones, remolques, almacenes, etc.En este seminario web, Héctor Hernádez CEO de dexFreight CEO nos compartirá su visión sobre cómo blockchain y dexFreight están configurados para revolucionar la industria logística en la próxima década.",
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- "title": "Cómo incentivar la economía local en Municipios implementando tecnología Blockchain",
- "description": "En este webseminar Koibanx propone conocer la plataforma de digitalización de activos que desarrolló sobre tecnología Blockchain para estimular la economía local de municipios.\n\nSe hablará de cómo se crean activos digitales para gobierno, se realizará una demo en vivo y los detalles sobre la exitosa implementación que hicimos en conjunto con el Municipio de Marcos Paz en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, se explicará el marco jurídico actual y por último se responderán preguntas.",
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- "title": "How is dexFreight leveraging RSK infrastructure to deliver real world solutions to the multi-trillion dollar logistics industry?",
- "description": "dexFreight is a decentralized FinTech-enabled logistics market network for freight companies to handle shipments from booking to payment in one place. \ndexFreight primary customers include third-party logistics providers, carriers, and shippers. dexFreight technology will ultimately translate in shorter times and lower costs to get the products to the hands of the end consumer while unlocking vast amounts of capital from freight invoices, inventories, and underused assets like trucks, trailers, warehouses, etc.\nAt this webinar Hector Hernadez dexFreight CSO and Co-founder will share his insights and vision on how blockchain and dexFreight are set up to revolutionize the logistics industry within the next decade.",
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- "title": "rWallet and RSK libraries",
- "description": "At this webinar we are going to review in depth the recently launched rWallet and the tools provided by the RSK library.\n\nSome benefits:\n- Security\n- Autonomy\n- Lightness\n- Compatibility\n- Simplicity",
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- "title": "EVShare:\nHealthier and Sustainable Cities through Blockchain Technologies",
- "description": "EVShare mission is to create cleaner, healthier, sustainable and more livable cities ultimately focused on decarbonization and enabling a sharing economy.\nRSK Blockchain technology is the basis of EVShare's Decentralized platform.\nVehicles, passengers, goods and energy players interact in the community forming an efficient ecosystem.\nAt this webinar Eduardo Javier Munoz will delve into EVShare business model and its use cases to date.",
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- "title": "EVShare:\nCiudades sustentables a través de la implementación de tecnología Blockchain",
- "description": "La misión de EVShare es crear ciudades más limpias, saludables, sustentables y habitables a través de la reducción de las emisiones de carbono permitiendo el desarrollo de una economía colaborativa.\nA través de EVShare los vehículos, pasajeros, entidades de energía interactúan en la comunidad formando un ecosistema eficiente.\nEVShare ha desarrollado su plataforma descentralizada en la Blockchain de RSK.\nEn este webinar, Eduardo Javier Muñoz compartirá el modelo de negocio de EVShare y sus casos de uso.",
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- "title": "Aprenda a criar sua primeira carteira rWallet e transferir RBTCs entre carteiras",
- "description": "Para iniciantes!\n\nNeste workshop vamos ensinar passo a passo como instalar a carteira rWallet no celular e outra carteira no navegador, para transferir RBTCs de teste entre elas.\n\nA rWallet é carteira lançada pela RSK!\nAlguns benefícios:\n- Segurança\n- Autonomia\n- Compatibilidade\n- Simplicidade",
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- "description": "On this webinar we will learn how to interact with multiple cross-blockchain off-chain networks such as Lumino, Lightning and Raiden.",
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- "description": "Learn how to create and run tests on your RSK smart contracts using OpenZeppelin CLI.",
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- "title": "Utilização da biblioteca rsk3.js no seu site",
- "description": "Para desenvolvedores!\n\nAprenda como utilizar a biblioteca rsk3.js em un frontend para se comunicar com os smart contracts publicados na RSK.",
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- "title": "Trazabilidad en la industria Nuclear basada en tecnología Blockchain",
- "description": "NUCLEARIS desarrolló la primera Plataforma de Trazabilidad a nivel mundial basada en BLOCKCHAIN y que es utilizada en la fabricación de componentes de uso nuclear.\n\nEn este webinar se contará en detalle el caso de uso de esta plataforma que pretende generar un cambio de paradigma en la industria Nuclear basado en la implementación de una nueva tecnología digital para garantizar la Seguridad Operativa de las Centrales Atómicas y eficientizar el registro y almacenamiento de documentación de vital importancia.\n\nAprende más sobre cómo la Blockchain puede impulsar la industria nuclear.\n\n⚛️ https://www.nuclearis.com/",
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- "title": "Traceability in the Nuclear industry based on Blockchain technology",
- "description": "NUCLEARIS developed the first Traceability Platform based on BLOCKCHAIN used in the assemble of components for Nuclear purposes.\n\nThe platform's objective is to generate a paradigm shift in the Nuclear industry based in Blockchain technology to guarantee the Operational Safety of Atomic Power Plants and to make the registration and storage of documentation more efficient.\n\nLearn more about how can Blockchain leverage the Nuclear industry at this webinar.\n\nhttps://en.nuclearis.com/\n",
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- "title": "Casos de uso na RSK",
- "description": "Conheça alguns casos de uso implementados no Blockchain RSK, desenvolvidos por nossos parceiros.\n\nVeja os casos de uso que serão apresentados:\nhttps://www.rsk.co/pt-pt/Use-cases",
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- "url": "https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/272708136/",
- "title": "UX & BLOCKCHAIN:\nDirecciones y dominios para uso personal",
- "description": "En IOVlabs construimos el internet del valor pensando en un mundo con libertad e inclusión financiera en el que la tecnología de Blockchain sea accesible y fácil de usar.\n\nCon los nombres y dominios ahora vas a poder recordar los datos de tu wallet con facilidad y compartirla con tus amigos y conocidos para hacer cualquier transacción.\n\nEn este workshop aprenderás a dar de alta tu dominio con tu nombre, usando ENS, RNS, RIF Name Services y la rWallet.",
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- "name": "Dulce Villarreal",
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- "title": "Post Covid Hack Official Launch",
- "description": "Use Blockchain technology, build awesome solutions and determine what the future will look like in a post-pandemic world!\n\nThis online launch event is ideal for everyone who is interested in \nbuilding solutions using blockchain technology. This event offers a \ngreat opportunity to have all your questions answered if you interested \nor have already joined the hackathon. You can find out more about Post Covid Hack here: [postcovidhack.com](https://postcovidhack.com/)\n\nWe are celebrating the kick-off of the Post Covid Hack - a global \nonline blockchain hackathon. We invite all interested parties, \ntechnologists, developers and people with an interest in blockchain to \njoin this opening event.In this Event, we will cover:\n\n- 10 min intro about Post Covid Hack and the supporting partners\n- 10 min intro about the Tracks and the various Use Cases\n- 30 min panel discussion with leading representatives from Coinsilium, IOVlabs, Kucoin, Blockchain for Humanity and Mischon de Reya",
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- "name": "Gaurang Torverkar",
- "description": "CEO, Indorse",
- "contact": "@gaurangtorvekar"
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- "name": "Gabriel Kurman",
- "description": "Master Advocate, IOV Labs",
- "contact": "@GabrielKurman"
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- "name": "Eddy Travia",
- "description": "CEO, Coinsilium",
- "contact": "@startupeddy"
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- "name": "Lou Yu",
- "description": "Operations Lead, KuChain",
- "contact": "@LouYU12789405"
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- "name": "Gustavo Segovia",
- "description": "Collaboration Catalyst and Socio-Economic Analyst, Blockchain for Humanity",
- "contact": "@sepu85"
- },
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- "name": "Tom Grogan",
- "description": "Engineering Technology Lead, Mishcon de Reya",
- "contact": "@TomGroganMdR"
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- "url": "https://postcovidhack.com/challenges/socio-economic-inclusion"
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- "title": "Blockchain basics: Writing your first smart contract",
- "description": "This workshop is ideal for anyone looking to learn the basics of Blockchain technology. In this workshop, we will cover the following:\n\n- Theory of blockchain and decentralised systems\n- Consensus mechanisms\n- How Bitcoin and Ethereum really work\n- What makes a good blockchain project?\n- Writing Smart Contracts\n - Using Remix\n - Hands on solidity programming",
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- "name": "Laurence Kirk",
- "description": "CEO and Senior Blockchain Developer, Extropy.IO",
- "contact": "@extropylaurence"
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- "title": "Why blockchain matters -- the history of commerce from the dawn of history to now",
- "description": "Much has been written about the transformative potential of Blockchain and DLT: target use cases, expected outcomes, ways it will change the world, and so on. And in truth, DLT has the potential to change the world as much as the internet itself has, if not more.\n\nThe goal of this session will be to give listeners an intuitive understanding of why that transformative potential is so strong by establishing its linkage to the world's first and oldest business requirement - one we are still trying to solve.\n\nThe talk assumes a wikipedia-level understanding of blockchain and DLT, but no specific advance preparation is required.",
- "category": "Talk",
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- "name": "Areiel Wolanow",
- "description": "Managing Director, Finserv Experts",
- "contact": "@FinservExperts"
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- "label": "Decentralised immunity passport (pre-read)",
- "url": "https://medium.com/id2020/id2020-announces-certification-of-blok-bioscience-immunity-passport-1f86013e9da5"
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- "id": "202009-004",
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- "timestamp": "2020-09-15T13:00:00.000Z",
- "lastModified": "2020-10-02T10:15:00.000Z",
- "status": "confirmed",
- "url": "https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273017525/",
- "title": "Blockchain for hackathons: How to build a dApp as quickly as possible",
- "description": "This workshop is ideal for anyone looking to build dapps as quickly as possible. In this workshop, we will cover the following:\n\n- Review of smart contracts and solidity\n- Development and testing tools\n- Create a smart contract using Remix\n- Build a dapp that interacts with a smart contract\n - Read\n - Write\n - Receive notification\n- Store and retrieve data using IPFS\n- Common problems and their solutions",
- "category": "Workshop",
- "locationCategory": "online",
- "location": "Online only",
- "language": "English",
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- "general",
- "developers",
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- "name": "Tom Dwyer",
- "description": "Blockchain Developer, Extropy.IO",
- "contact": "@extropy"
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- {
- "name": "Laurence Kirk",
- "description": "CEO and Senior Blockchain Developer, Extropy.IO",
- "contact": "@extropylaurence"
- }
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- "id": "202009-005",
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- "url": "https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273017670/",
- "title": "How to foster social inclusion with IOV’s technologies - POST COVID HACK 2020",
- "description": "Social inclusion is at the heart of IOV’s purpose as an organization. It is of foremost importance in the post-COVID era, to help marginalized communities by providing better access to fair markets and financial services thanks to reputational profiles based on social and economic contributions made by individuals.\n\nIOV is sponsoring the socio-economic inclusion track of #PCH2020, where global teams are invited to create innovative solutions to tackle issues brought upon us by the pandemic, utilizing blockchain technologies. We look forward to the use cases developed as a result of the hackathon, which we expect will have a positive impact in the post-pandemic society as a whole.\n\nIn this event, we will cover the following:\n\n- Improving access to fair markets\n- Improving access to financial services\n- How blockchain and other decentralised technologies can help\n- The need for innovation in the post-COVID era",
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- "name": "Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar",
- "description": "CEO",
- "contact": "@dieguito"
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- "url": "https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273017710/",
- "title": "Blockchains and smart contract security: Essential safeguards for your dApp",
- "description": "This workshop is ideal for developers looking to learn how to develop secure smart contracts. In this workshop, we will cover the following:\n\n- Smart contract review\n- Security essentials\n- Hands on - hacking contracts",
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- "locationCategory": "online",
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- "language": "English",
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- "general",
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- "name": "Laurence Kirk",
- "description": "CEO and Senior Blockchain Developer, Extropy.IO",
- "contact": "@extropylaurence"
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- "url": "https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273018257/",
- "title": "Create your RSK dApp: from smart contracts to frontend",
- "description": "This workshop is step-by-step hands on to learn how to create and deploy a simple smart contract on RSK’s Testnet. Also you will learn how to create your first frontend to interact with it\n\nWhat the participants will learn:\n\n- Create a smart contract using Solidity\n- Configure a web wallet\n- Deploy on RSK’s Testnet using Remix\n- Create a frontend using only Javascript and HTML\n- Connect your dApp to a wallet using a web3 provider.\n\nDo participants need to install anything on their computer prior to the workshop? \nNo!",
- "category": "Workshop",
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- "name": "Solange Gueiros",
- "description": "Developer Advocate",
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- "label": "Front end",
- "url": "https://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/frontend/first-frontend-web3-injected/"
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- "id": "202009-008",
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- "url": "https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/rsk-community/events/273018660/",
- "title": "Zero-knowledge proofs: A practical guide to developing ZKPs for a dApp",
- "description": "This workshop is a practical guide to developing ZKP’s for an application. In this workshop, we will cover the following:\n\n- Intuitive explanation of zero knowledge proofs\n- Types of zero knowledge proofs\n- Current use cases and directions\n- Creating zero knowledge proofs on Ethereum",
- "category": "Workshop",
- "locationCategory": "online",
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- "language": "English",
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- "name": "Laurence Kirk",
- "description": "CEO and Senior Blockchain Developer, Extropy.IO",
- "contact": "@extropylaurence"
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- "id": "202009-009",
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- "timestamp": "2020-10-01T12:00:00.000Z",
- "lastModified": "2020-10-02T10:15:00.000Z",
- "status": "confirmed",
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- "title": "Token Bridge and Uniswap: Crossing Tokens from Ethereum to RSK and back",
- "description": "In this workshop, we will use the Token Bridge to cross ERC20 tokens from Ethereum ro RSK and then trade them on rskswap.com",
- "category": "Workshop",
- "locationCategory": "online",
- "location": "Online only",
- "language": "English",
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- "general",
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- "name": "Pedro Prete",
- "description": "Interoperability PO",
- "contact": "@PedroMPrete"
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- "title": "RSK e DeFi - Finanças descentralizadas",
- "description": "Entenda o que é DeFi - Finanças descentralizadas e conheça as soluções desenvolvidas na RSK.\nConheça mais sobre DeFi para Bitcoin ➡️ https://developers.rsk.co/defi/pt-pt/index.html",
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- "title": "DeFi for Bitcoin - Asia",
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- "name": "Eddy Travia",
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- "name": "Manuel Ferrari",
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- "title": "Conheça a RIF - RSK Infrastructure Framework",
- "description": "Existir uma infraestrutura de com bibliotecas e ferramentas acelera a implementação de qualquer projeto em Blockchain. \nArmazenamento descentralizado, gerenciamento de nomes para domínios, marketplace e canais de pagamento, entre outros, já existem para a RSK através da RIF - RSK Infrastructure Framework e serão apresentados neste webinar.\nConheça mais sobre RIF ➡️ https://www.rifos.org/pt-pt/",
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- "title": "Self Sovereign Identity and RIF",
- "description": "The main intention of Self Sovereign Identity is to empower people with tools to control their digital interactions and to recover privacy in digital environments.\nAt this webinar we will delve into its vital role to protect users privacy and digital identities and RIF plans around it.\nLearn more about RIF Identity ➡️ https://www.rifos.org/directory",
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- "title": "Chainlink and RSK Integration",
- "description": "Learn more about RSK and its integration of Chainlink decentralized oracles with smart contract engineers, Julian Rodriguez & Fernando Rubal. This technical demo was recorded at The Smart Contract Summit.",
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- "name": "Johann Eid",
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- "title": "Why blockchain matters:\nThe history of commerce from the dawn of history to now",
- "description": "Much has been written about the transformative potential of Blockchain and DLT: target use cases, expected outcomes, ways it will change the world, and so on. And in truth, DLT has the potential to change the world as much as the internet itself has, if not more. The goal of this session will be to give listeners an intuitive understanding of why that transformative potential is so strong by establishing its linkage to the world's first and oldest business requirement, one we are still trying to solve.",
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- "title": "Interoperabilidade: Ethereum, RSK e Bitcoin. Entenda como funciona",
- "description": "Que tipo de interoperabilidade pode existir entre Bitcoin, Ethereum e RSK? Ethereum tem smart contracts e RSK pode executar os mesmos smart contracts com a validação da rede Bitcoin. Entenda como isso funciona.",
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- "title": "RSK Truffle boxes: a fast way to build a dApp in a Hackathon",
- "description": "This workshop is a step-by-step hands on to know the RSK Truffle boxes and learn how to use them to create a full dApp very quickly.\n\nWhat the participants will learn:\n- Unbox an RSK Truffle box\n- Configure a web wallet\n- Deploy a smart contract on RSK’s Testnet using Truffle\n- Use Truffle test\n- Run the frontend which is already in the box\n- Interact with your dApp!\n\nList of prior reading materials for participants that will help them prepare for the workshop:\nhttps://developers.rsk.co/tools/truffle/\nhttps://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/truffle-boxes/rsk-starter-box/\nhttps://developers.rsk.co/tutorials/truffle-boxes/pet-shop-box/",
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- "title": "What to avoid when building your first Blockchain app",
- "description": "In this workshop, aimed at both technical and business professionals, Nethermind Founder and CTO, Tomasz Stańczak, will cover:\n\n- What doesn’t work on blockchain\n- Common mistakes for people entering blockchain\n- Why you should not store data on-chain\n- How to choose between Private vs Public blockchain",
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- "name": "Tomasz Stanczak",
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- "title": "Using Blockchain to foster Socio-Economic Inclusion",
- "description": "Learn how Blockchain for Humanity & Post Covid Hack foster socio-economic inclusion through the use of Blockchain Technology.\n\nThe aim of this workshop is to help participants in the Post Covid Hack to understand:\n\n- What community currency is, its use-cases and how these communities look\n- What are the relevant projects in this area\n- What would be beneficial to have in the space\n- Blockchain for Humanity's mission\n- How decentralisation relates to (helps with) socio-economic inclusion\n- Discuss specific projects and questions from the audience / Post Covid Hack participants",
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- "name": "Blockchain for Humanity",
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- "title": "Whirlwind introduction to DeFi",
- "description": "This workshop along with an interactive Q&A will cover the key differences between **CeFi** and **DeFi**, and the key components in DeFi plus more.\nWill touch upon **DEX's**, **AMM** and what are the possible drivers for the sudden surge in DeFi. Not to miss anything out, we will look at what are the key challenges in front of DeFi to succeed.\n\n**What you will learn**\n\nLearn about Stable coins, DEX, AMM, Bonding curves, Derivatives , Oracles plus more.\n\n**Prior reading materials**\n\nIf you are new to the DeFi space, we recommend you read the following report prior to the workshop: [DeFi Adoption 2020 : A definite guide to entering the industry](https://s3.cointelegraph.com/storage/uploads/view/48c6c4e03f85bc722d76f88c2676478b.pdf)",
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- "name": "Anish Mohammed",
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- "url": "https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSKBuenosAires/events/273780380/",
- "title": "Como migrar dApps de Ethereum a RSK",
- "description": "Los costos de gas en la red RSK son un 3000% más bajos que en la red Ethereum.\n\nPuedes verlo entrando en ➡️ http://rskgasstation.info/\n\nEste webinar está pensado para desarrolladores de Ethereum que quieran conocer las posibilidades de migrar sus aplicaciones a la red RSK.",
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- "title": "DeFi na prática:\nComo trocar tokens usando RSK Swap",
- "description": "Para iniciantes!\n\nExperimente os conceitos de DeFi - finanças descentralizadas na prática! \nVamos configurar uma carteira, adquirir tokens e trocá-los utilizando RSK Swap: https://rskswap.com/\nVocê também vai entender o papel do pool de liquidez no processo.\n\nRSK Swap é uma exchange completamente descentralizada que possibilita a troca de tokens instantaneamente.",
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- "title": "Sovryn\nA decentralized protocol for Bitcoin lending and margin trading",
- "description": "Sovryn is a decentralized protocol for Bitcoin lending and margin trading. The protocol can be easily integrated into new and existing exchanges, or accessed simply through a web3 portal. Sovryn will provide decentralized alternatives of all the most popular centralised Bitcoin finance tools. \nCurrent Features:\n🟢 Spot-Exchange - a low cost, low-slippage, AMM allowing instant trades between tokens.\n⚫ Margin Trading - Creates up to 5X long/short trades, allowing users to borrow leverage from the lending pool.\n⚪ Lending Pool - Allows HODLers to earn interest by lending tokens to margin traders and borrowers.\n🟢 Smart BTC Relay - Allows use of Bitcoin almost instantly with smart contracts and decentralized products, from any Bitcoin wallet. \nWhat makes Sovryn unique is that it is decentralized, and uses Ethereum-like smart contracts but on the RSK Bitcoin sidechain.",
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- "name": "Ororo Munroe",
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- "url": "https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/RSK-Brasil/events/273779227/",
- "title": "Facilitando sua vida:\nTransforme endereços em nomes com o RNS - RIF Name Service",
- "description": "Para iniciantes!\n\nNeste webinar você vai aprender a criar seu nome personalizado e a interagir com ele, conhecendo algumas utilizações.\n\nRNS - RIF Name Service é um serviço descentralizado para identificação de endereços Blockchain, transformando-os em nomes customizados, fáceis de guardar.\n\nSão como os nomes de domínios na WWW, que usa o Domain Name System (DNS).\n\nConheça mas:\n\n🔵 https://www.rifos.org/nameservice/pt-pt/\n\n🔵 https://developers.rsk.co/rif/rns/\n\n🔵 https://manager.rns.rifos.org/\n\n🔵 https://testnet.manager.rns.rifos.org/",
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- "title": "DAI on RSK\nToken Bridge: crossing Tokens from DAI to BTC and back",
- "description": "Now DAI is available on RSK!\nBy bringing the tools and assets that power decentralized finance to a Bitcoin environment, MakerDAO and RSK, together with the RIF token community, can fuel growing demand for DeFi assets and applications without being hampered by Ethereum's high fees.\nDAI on RSK will bring the crypto-collateralized stablecoin to a scalable smart contract network while maintaining a connection with Ethereum and its valuable community of users and developers.\nOn this webinar you will learn about the technology behind the RSK-Ethereum Token Bridge and about those who made it possible.",
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- "name": "Nadia Alvarez",
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- "contact": "@nad8802"
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- "name": "Pedro Prete",
- "description": "Co-Founder, Think and Dev and RSK Swap Developer",
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- "title": "DAI + RSK\nToken Bridge: intercambio de DAI + BTC",
- "description": "Ahora DAI está disponible sobre RSK!\nAl llevar las herramientas y los activos que impulsan las finanzas descentralizadas a un entorno de Bitcoin, MakerDAO y RSK, junto con la comunidad de RIF Token, pueden impulsar la creciente demanda de activos y aplicaciones DeFi sin verse obstaculizados por las altas tarifas de Ethereum.\nDAI en RSK traerá la moneda estable con garantía criptográfica a una red de smart contract escalable, a la vez que mantiene una conexión con Ethereum y su valiosa comunidad de usuarios y desarrolladores.\nDurante este webinar aprenderás mucho más sobre la tecnología que se encuentra detrás del Puente de Tokens entre RSK y Ethereum y sobre aquellos quienes hicieron esto posible.",
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- "name": "Mariano di Pietrantonio",
- "description": "Marketing Manager, Maker Foundation",
- "contact": "@Mariandipietra"
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- "name": "Pedro Prete",
- "description": "Co-Founder, Think and Dev and RSK Swap Developer",
- "contact": "@PedroMPrete"
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- "title": "DAI na RSK Token Bridge: convertendo DAI em BTC e vice-versa",
- "description": "Agora DAI está disponível na RSK!\nTrazendo as ferramentas e ativos que impulsionam as finanças descentralizadas para o ecossistema Bitcoin, MakerDAO e RSK, juntamente com a comunidade dos tokens RIF, respondem à crescente demanda por ativos e aplicativos DeFi sem ser preocupar com as altas taxas da rede Ethereum.\nDAI na RSK traz esta moeda estável cripto-colateralizada para uma rede com alta escalabilidade para os smart contracts, enquanto mantém sua conexão com o Ethereum e sua importante comunidade de usuários e desenvolvedores.\nNeste webinar você vai aprender como funciona a RSK-Ethereum Token Bridge e conhecer a parceria da MakerDAO com a RSK.",
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- "name": "Solange Gueiros",
- "description": "Developer Advocate",
- "contact": "@solangegueiros"
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- "title": "Como funciona um marketplace? Conheça o RIF marketplace",
- "description": "Para iniciantes!\n\nNeste webinar você vai aprender a negociar nomes de domínio RNS no RIF marketplace.\n\nRNS - RIF Name Service é um serviço descentralizado para identificação de endereços Blockchain, transformando-os em nomes customizados, fáceis de guardar.\n\nSão como os nomes de domínios na WWW, que usa o Domain Name System (DNS).\n\nO marketplace é o ponto de encontro de compradores e vendedores, e, no nosso caso, para nomes RNS.\n\nSaiba mais:\n\n🔵 https://www.rifos.org/pt-pt/marketplace\n\n🔵 https://developers.rsk.co/rif/marketplace/\n\n🔵 https://marketplace.rifos.org/\n\n🔵 https://marketplace.testnet.rifos.org/",
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- "title": "Will NFTs shape the future of Art & Games?",
- "description": "NFTs have much more going for them than a lack of fungibility.\nNon-fungible tokens are used to create verifiable digital scarcity, as well as digital ownership, and the possibility of asset interoperability across multiple platforms. NFTs are used in several specific applications that require unique digital items like crypto art, crypto-collectibles and crypto-gaming.\nAt this webinar we will learn how versatile they are!",
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- "title": "Programando Contratos Inteligentes con TDD",
- "description": "El desarrollo blockchain con contratos inteligentes está cambiando el mundo del valor, más allá de las monedas nacionales. La lógica compartida y pública permite crear sistemas nuevos como el DeFi (Decentralized Finance) y Open Finance. Pero con un gran poder, llega una gran responsabilidad: hacer que la lógica de los contratos sea la esperada. Una forma de hacerlo es usar el flujo de trabajo de TDD. Veremos los conceptos de esta disciplina, que va más allá de hacer pruebas: se relaciona con el diseño incremental, búsqueda de la simplicidad, y especificación por código. Exploraremos ejemplos sencillos de DeFi, y cómo paso a paso se construye un sistema, usando Solidity y Truffle.",
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- "description": "Demo Day of Post Covid Hack 2020: Join us to meet the winners and discover their projects!\n\nThis is the big day all teams and developers are looking forward to. In this ceremonial session, we will not only present the best projects / contributions for each of the many use cases, we will also award the winners with fantastic prizes, grants and mentorships programs.",
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- "title": "Powpeg: the most secure, permissionless and uncensorable Bitcoin peg",
- "description": "Powpeg is a proof-of-work secured two-way peg used to interact between RSK sidechain and the Bitcoin Blockchain.\n\nPowpeg is the first Bitcoin peg to provide security assurances based on Bitcoin's proof-of-work making it the most secure and permissionless peg available.\n\nDuring this webinar we will review in detail what Powpeg is about and it's role in decentralizing RSK Smart Contract platform.",
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- "title": "Aprenda Blockchain e Smart Contracts",
- "description": "Este workshop apresenta os fundamentos de Blockchain. Além disso, você vai aprender a criar seu primeiro smart contract, utilizando a linguagem Solidity e publicando na rede RSK.",
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- "lastModified": "2021-01-19T13:00:00.000Z",
- "status": "confirmed",
- "url": "",
- "title": "DeFi para desarrolladores: cómo usar RSKSwap con smart contracts",
- "description": "RSKSwap es un exchange descentralizado que permite cambiar tokens ERC20 automáticamente sin necesidad de esperar a un comprador o un vendedor.\nCuenta con la ventaja de los bajos costos y seguridad de la red RSK. Además no requiere KYC y no tiene límites para retiros o depósitos.\nEn este workshop te mostraré una guía paso a paso sobre cómo crear tu propio token e intercambiarlo en RSKSwap programáticamente usando smart contracts.",
- "category": "Workshop",
- "locationCategory": "online",
- "location": "Online only",
- "language": "Spanish",
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- "general",
- "developers",
- "enterprise",
- "startups"
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- "name": "Solange Gueiros",
- "description": "Developer Advocate",
- "contact": "@solangegueiros"
- }
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- "type": "event/2",
- "id": "202102-002",
- "version": "1",
- "timestamp": "2021-02-03T22:00:00.000Z",
- "lastModified": "2021-01-19T13:00:00.000Z",
- "status": "confirmed",
- "url": "",
- "title": "DeFi para desenvolvedores: como usar RSKSwap com smart contracts",
- "description": "RSKSwap é uma exchange descentralizada, que permite fazer trades com tokens ERC20 automaticamente, sem ficar esperando um comprador ou vendedor, com as vantagens do baixo custo e da segurança do Blockchain RSK. Também não precisa de indentificação - KYC e não tem limites para retiradas ou depósitos. Neste workshop, vou apresentar um guia passo a passo para criar seu próprio token e negociá-lo no RSKSwap programaticamente, criando contratos inteligentes.",
- "category": "Workshop",
- "locationCategory": "online",
- "location": "Online only",
- "language": "Portuguese",
- "audiences": [
- "general",
- "developers",
- "enterprise",
- "startups"
- ],
- "presenters": [
- {
- "name": "Solange Gueiros",
- "description": "Developer Advocate",
- "contact": "@solangegueiros"
- }
- ],
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- "videoStreamUrl": "https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/defi-para-desenvolvedores-como-usar-rskswap-com-smart-contracts",
- "tags": " idioma-portuguese audiencia-general audiencia-developers audiencia-enterprise audiencia-startups",
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- "timestamp": "2021-02-23T22:00:00.000Z",
- "lastModified": "2021-01-26T13:00:00.000Z",
- "status": "confirmed",
- "url": "",
- "title": "DeFi for Developers: how To Use RSKSwap Smart Contracts To Automate Trading",
- "description": "RSKSwap is a decentralized exchange to automatically exchange ERC20 tokens, there is no need to wait for a buyer or seller. It has the advantage of the low costs and security of the RSK network. It also doesn’t require KYC and has no limits for withdrawals or deposits. \nIn this webinar you will have a step-by-step guide to create your own token and exchange it in RSKSwap automatically, using smart contracts.",
- "category": "Workshop",
- "locationCategory": "online",
- "location": "Online only",
- "language": "English",
- "audiences": [
- "general",
- "developers",
- "enterprise",
- "startups"
- ],
- "presenters": [
- {
- "name": "Solange Gueiros",
- "description": "Developer Advocate",
- "contact": "@solangegueiros"
- }
- ],
- "rsvpEmbedUrl": "https://app.livestorm.co/p/fa4d0e55-5096-4cc2-8dae-9d1f20af83fd/form",
- "videoStreamUrl": "https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/defi-for-developers-how-to-use-rskswap-smart-contracts-to-automate-trading",
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- "id": "202102-004",
- "version": "2",
- "timestamp": "2021-02-24T22:00:00.000Z",
- "lastModified": "2021-01-26T13:00:00.000Z",
- "status": "confirmed",
- "url": "",
- "title": "Factory de smart contracts - aprenda como um smart contract pode criar outros",
- "description": "Factory é um padrão de desenvolvimento utilizado em Solidity. A ideia é simples: ao invés de você criar um smart contract, você tem outro smart contract que faz a criação, de forma automatizada. \nNeste webinar você vai aprender a criar um Factory e casos de uso para isto.",
- "category": "Workshop",
- "locationCategory": "online",
- "location": "Online only",
- "language": "Portuguese",
- "audiences": [
- "general",
- "developers",
- "enterprise",
- "startups"
- ],
- "presenters": [
- {
- "name": "Solange Gueiros",
- "description": "Developer Advocate",
- "contact": "@solangegueiros"
- }
- ],
- "rsvpEmbedUrl": "https://app.livestorm.co/p/fe137700-1cf1-477d-8a41-e16131310da9/form",
- "videoStreamUrl": "https://app.livestorm.co/iov-labs-1/factory-de-smart-contracts-aprenda-como-um-smart-contract-pode-criar-outros",
- "tags": " idioma-portuguese audiencia-general audiencia-developers audiencia-enterprise audiencia-startups",
- "image": "/webinars/img/events/event7.jpg",
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- "twitterSite": "",
- "resources": [],
- "recordedVideoUrl": "",
- "_permalink": "/webinars/202102-004/",
- "_isPast": false
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diff --git a/_plugins/breadcrumbs.rb b/_plugins/breadcrumbs.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 04e4ea6164..0000000000
--- a/_plugins/breadcrumbs.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'drops/breadcrumb_item.rb'
-module Jekyll
- module Breadcrumbs
- @@config = {}
- @@siteAddress = ""
- @@sideAddresses = {}
- def self.clearAddressCache
- @@sideAddresses = {}
- end
- def self.loadAddressCache(site)
- clearAddressCache
- site.documents.each { |page| addAddressItem(page.url, page['crumbtitle'] || page['title'] || '') } # collection files including posts
- site.pages.each { |page| addAddressItem(page.url, page['crumbtitle'] || page['title'] || '') } # pages
- site.posts.docs.each { |page| addAddressItem(page.url, page['crumbtitle'] || page['title'] || '') } # posts
- end
- def self.addAddressItem(url, title)
- key = createAddressCacheKey(url)
- @@sideAddresses[key] = {:url => url, :title => title}
- end
- def self.findAddressItem(path)
- key = createAddressCacheKey(path)
- @@sideAddresses[key] if key
- end
- def self.createAddressCacheKey(path)
- path.chomp("/").empty? ? "/" : path.chomp("/")
- end
- def self.buildSideBreadcrumbs(side, payload)
- payload["breadcrumbs"] = []
- return if side.url == @@siteAddress && root_hide === true
- drop = Jekyll::Drops::BreadcrumbItem
- position = 0
- path = side.url.chomp("/").split(/(?=\/)/)
- -1.upto(path.size - 1) do |int|
- joined_path = int == -1 ? "" : path[0..int].join
- item = findAddressItem(joined_path)
- if item
- position += 1
- item[:position] = position
- item[:root_image] = root_image
- payload["breadcrumbs"] << drop.new(item)
- end
- end
- end
- # Config
- def self.loadConfig(site)
- config = site.config["breadcrumbs"] || {"root" => {"hide" => false, "image" => false}}
- root = config["root"]
- @@config[:root_hide] = root["hide"] || false
- @@config[:root_image] = root["image"] || false
- @@siteAddress = site.config["baseurl"] || "/"
- @@siteAddress = "/" if @@siteAddress.empty?
- end
- def self.root_hide
- @@config[:root_hide]
- end
- def self.root_image
- @@config[:root_image]
- end
- end
-Jekyll::Hooks.register :site, :pre_render do |site, payload|
- Jekyll::Breadcrumbs::loadConfig(site)
- Jekyll::Breadcrumbs::loadAddressCache(site)
-Jekyll::Hooks.register [:pages, :documents], :pre_render do |side, payload|
- Jekyll::Breadcrumbs::buildSideBreadcrumbs(side, payload)
diff --git a/_plugins/custom_links.rb b/_plugins/custom_links.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3353e5bf61..0000000000
--- a/_plugins/custom_links.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-require 'nokogiri'
-require 'pathname'
-# executed just after page/document/post rendering, but before being written to disk
-Jekyll::Hooks.register [ :pages, :posts, :documents ], :post_render do |p|
- customise_links!(p)
-def customise_links!(p)
- site_url = p.site.config['url']
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- return
- end
- if (p.permalink&.end_with?('.html', '.htm'))
- # need to indent one extra level for the purposes of
- # relative URL comparison
- from_url = Pathname.new(from_url).parent.to_s
- end
- dom = Nokogiri::HTML(p.output)
- dom.css('a').each do |elem|
- href = elem.get_attribute('href')
- if (href =~ /\Ahttp(s)?:\/\//i || href =~ /\A\/\//i)
- # handle external link
- process_link_external!(elem)
- elsif href =~ /\A\//i
- # handle internal absolute link
- process_link_internal_absolute!(from_url, elem, 'href')
- end
- end
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- if (src =~ /\A\//i && !(src =~ /\A\/\//i))
- # handle internal absolute link
- process_link_internal_absolute!(from_url, elem, 'src')
- end
- end
- dom.css('link').each do |elem|
- href = elem.get_attribute('href')
- if (href =~ /\A\//i && !(href =~ /\A\/\//i))
- # handle internal absolute link
- process_link_internal_absolute!(from_url, elem, 'href')
- end
- end
- dom.css('meta[http-equiv="refresh"]').each do |elem|
- process_meta_refresh_internal_absolute!(from_url, elem)
- end
- p.output = dom.to_s
-def process_link_external!(a)
- # adds additional attributes to external links to that
- # they always open in a new page
- a.set_attribute('rel', 'external noopener noreferrer')
- a.set_attribute('target', '_blank')
-def process_link_internal_absolute!(from_url, elem, attr_name)
- # for example when the current page is at /foo/bar/baz
- # and the link is for /quux/oof
- # this should change the link to ../../quux/oof
- from_path = Pathname.new(from_url)
- to_path = Pathname.new(elem.get_attribute(attr_name))
- relative_path = get_relative_path(from_path, to_path)
- # also handle any accidental redundant consecutive slashes
- # e.g. foo//bar/baz --> foo/bar/baz
- relative_path.gsub!(/\/{2,}/, '/')
- elem.set_attribute(attr_name, relative_path)
-def process_meta_refresh_internal_absolute!(from_url, elem)
- # special handling for redirects via a meta tag
- # requires `data-time` and `data-url` to be set
- from_path = Pathname.new(from_url)
- redirect_time = elem.get_attribute('data-time')
- redirect_url = elem.get_attribute('data-url')
- if (redirect_url.nil? || redirect_url.empty? || redirect_url =~ /\Ahttp(s)?:\/\//i)
- return
- end
- if (redirect_time.nil? || redirect_time.empty?)
- redirect_time = 0;
- end
- to_path = Pathname.new(redirect_url)
- relative_path = get_relative_path(from_path, to_path)
- elem.set_attribute('content', "#{redirect_time}; URL=#{relative_path}")
-def get_relative_path(from_path, to_path)
- relative_path = to_path.relative_path_from(from_path).to_s
- if (
- !to_path.to_s.include?('#') &&
- !relative_path&.downcase.end_with?(
- '.js', '.css', '.png', '.svg', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.html', '.htm', '.ical', '.conf', '.ico', '.gif', '.json', '.pdf'
- )
- )
- relative_path = relative_path + '/'
- end
- return relative_path.to_s
diff --git a/_plugins/drops/breadcrumb_item.rb b/_plugins/drops/breadcrumb_item.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f016df0ebd..0000000000
--- a/_plugins/drops/breadcrumb_item.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-module Jekyll
- module Drops
- class BreadcrumbItem < Liquid::Drop
- extend Forwardable
- def initialize(side)
- @side = side
- end
- def position
- @side[:position]
- end
- def title
- @side[:title]
- end
- def url
- @side[:url]
- end
- def rootimage
- @side[:root_image]
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/_plugins/rouge_code_fence_language_aliases.rb b/_plugins/rouge_code_fence_language_aliases.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index be2f1e0271..0000000000
--- a/_plugins/rouge_code_fence_language_aliases.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# executed just before the pages rendering
-Jekyll::Hooks.register :site, :pre_render do |site|
- require "rouge"
- puts "rouge code fence language aliases..."
- # extend rouge lexers to add custom aliases
- # javascript
- class LanguageAliasesForJavascript < Rouge::Lexers::Javascript
- title 'LanguageAliasesForJavascript'
- aliases 'js', 'nodejs-repl', 'solidity'
- end
diff --git a/assets/js/main.js b/assets/js/main.js
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--- a/assets/js/main.js
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- * heading URL hover icon
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- for (const heading of headings) {
- heading.classList.add('heading-with-icon');
- const icon = createHeadingIcon(`#${heading.id ?? ''}`);
- heading.prepend(icon);
- }
- window.addEventListener('click', handleHeadingIconClick);
-// toggle between expand all and collapse all
-function toggleNavColumnVisibility(e) {
- // work out whether we are expanding or collapsing
- var target = $(this);
- target.toggleClass('collapsed');
- var isCollapsed = target.hasClass('collapsed');
- var targetText = isCollapsed ? 'Expand All' : 'Collapse All';
- // update the text we just clicked on
- target.find('.text').text(targetText);
- target.toggleClass('rotate-chevron', !isCollapsed);
- // update every item in the collapsible menu
- $('.desktop_accordion .subnav > a').each(function () {
- $(this).parent().toggleClass('rotate-chevron', !isCollapsed);
- $(this).next('ul').toggleClass('subnav-reveal', !isCollapsed);
- });
- return false;
-// search
-function setUpMainSearch() {
- if (document.location.pathname.indexOf('/search/') !== 0) {
- // only relevant on the search page
- return;
- }
- const searchInput = document.getElementById('search-input');
- const resultsContainer = document.getElementById('results-container');
- const searchResultTemplate = ``;
- const defaultTruncateWordNum = 20;
- function truncateWords(str, numWords = defaultTruncateWordNum) {
- return str.split(' ').splice(0, numWords).join(' ');
- }
- function templateMiddleware(prop, text) {
- $('.page-title').text(() => `Search results for "${searchInput.value}"`);
- if (prop === 'desc') {
- const searchInputValue = searchInput.value.toLowerCase();
- const matchValueAndSiblings = new RegExp(
- '.(' + searchInputValue + ')\\b.*.',
- 'ig',
- );
- const decodedText = decodeURIComponent(text);
- const result = [...decodedText.matchAll(matchValueAndSiblings)];
- if (!result || result.length < 1) {
- // No match found, so we cannot skip ahead to that.
- // Instead we simply return the text from the start.
- const truncatedDesc = truncateWords(text);
- const truncatedResult = ``;
- return truncatedResult;
- }
- //only shows the first result and its first few words
- const resultString = truncateWords(result[0][0]);
- const isUniqueResult = result[0].length == 1;
- const otherResults = `(multiple matches found)
- const uniqueAndMaybeOtherResults = isUniqueResult
- ? resultString
- : resultString + otherResults;
- const parsedResult = `${uniqueAndMaybeOtherResults}
- return parsedResult;
- } else if (prop === 'tags') {
- if (text === '') {
- return `(no tags) `;
- }
- const badges = text
- .split(', ')
- .map(
- (tag) =>
- `${tag} `,
- )
- .join('');
- return `${badges}
- }
- }
- $.getJSON('/search/search.json', function (searchJson) {
- // defer initialisation of search feature until *after*
- // we have loaded the search JSON manually,
- // because search feature does not provide event or callback
- // to signal completion of asynchronous load of data
- const search = SimpleJekyllSearch({
- searchInput,
- resultsContainer,
- json: searchJson,
- searchResultTemplate,
- limit: 10,
- fuzzy: false,
- templateMiddleware,
- });
- try {
- // if quick search has been used, use query parameters in URL to
- // perform search immediately
- const queryParams = new URL(document.location).searchParams;
- const q = queryParams.get('q');
- if (typeof q !== 'undefined') {
- searchInput.value = q;
- setTimeout(function () {
- search.search(q);
- }, 0);
- }
- } catch (ex) {
- // do nothing
- }
- });
-// render feature: equations
-function renderEquationsSetup() {
- // katex for rendering math equations
- //
- const linkEl = document.createElement('link');
- linkEl.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
- linkEl.setAttribute(
- 'href',
- 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.11.1/dist/katex.min.css',
- );
- linkEl.setAttribute(
- 'integrity',
- 'sha384-zB1R0rpPzHqg7Kpt0Aljp8JPLqbXI3bhnPWROx27a9N0Ll6ZP/+DiW/UqRcLbRjq',
- );
- linkEl.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
- document.body.appendChild(linkEl);
- //
- const scriptEl = document.createElement('script');
- scriptEl.setAttribute('defer', 'defer');
- scriptEl.setAttribute(
- 'src',
- 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.11.1/dist/katex.min.js',
- );
- scriptEl.setAttribute(
- 'integrity',
- 'sha384-y23I5Q6l+B6vatafAwxRu/0oK/79VlbSz7Q9aiSZUvyWYIYsd+qj+o24G5ZU2zJz',
- );
- scriptEl.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
- scriptEl.setAttribute('onload', 'renderEquations();');
- document.body.appendChild(scriptEl);
-function renderEquations() {
- setupFeature('a[title^="tex-render "]', renderEquation);
-function renderEquation(el) {
- var equation = el.getAttribute('title').slice('tex-render '.length);
- var equationEl = document.createElement('span');
- katex.render(equation, equationEl, {
- throwOnError: false,
- });
- equationEl.setAttribute('title', equation);
- equationEl.classList.add('tex-rendered');
- el.replaceWith(equationEl);
-// render feature: Rsk Token Bridge Support
-function renderRskTokenBridgeSupportSetup() {
- //
- const scriptEl2 = document.createElement('script');
- scriptEl2.setAttribute('defer', 'defer');
- scriptEl2.setAttribute(
- 'integrity',
- 'sha256-/MFRLGofgwznc7HHZUDrZc092i65/yOFgHEdGI7qCDQ=',
- );
- scriptEl2.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
- scriptEl2.setAttribute(
- 'src',
- 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/markdown-it@12.0.6/dist/markdown-it.js',
- );
- document.body.appendChild(scriptEl2);
- //
- const scriptEl = document.createElement('script');
- scriptEl.setAttribute('defer', 'defer');
- scriptEl.setAttribute(
- 'integrity',
- 'sha256-JLmknTdUZeZZ267LP9qB+/DT7tvxOOKctSKeUC2KT6E=',
- );
- scriptEl.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
- scriptEl.setAttribute(
- 'src',
- 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/axios@0.21.1/dist/axios.min.js',
- );
- scriptEl.setAttribute('onload', 'renderRskTokenBridgeSupport();');
- document.body.appendChild(scriptEl);
-function renderRskTokenBridgeSupport() {
- const checkButton = document.querySelector(
- '#rsk-token-bridge-support-check-button',
- );
- checkButton.addEventListener(
- 'click',
- onRskTokenBridgeSupportCheckButtonClicked,
- );
-function onRskTokenBridgeSupportCheckButtonClicked() {
- const selfServiceSupportBaseUrl = 'https://self-service.rsk.co';
- const txHash = document.querySelector(
- '#rsk-token-bridge-support-txHash',
- ).value;
- const fromNetwork = document.querySelector(
- '#rsk-token-bridge-support-fromNetwork',
- ).value;
- const walletName = document.querySelector(
- '#rsk-token-bridge-support-walletName',
- ).value;
- const outputArea = document.querySelector(
- '.rsk-token-bridge-support-output-area',
- );
- const url = `${selfServiceSupportBaseUrl}/api/v1/rsk-token-bridge/options?fromNetwork=${fromNetwork}&txHash=${txHash}&walletName=${walletName}`;
- const reqOptions = {
- url,
- method: 'get',
- headers: {
- Accept: 'application/json',
- },
- timeout: 2000,
- responseType: 'html',
- };
- axios
- .request(reqOptions)
- .then((response) => {
- console.log(response);
- removeSubsequentElems(
- '.main-central-col',
- '.rsk-token-bridge-support',
- 'p',
- );
- const responseDataOptions =
- response && response.data && response.data.options;
- if (!responseDataOptions) {
- outputArea.innerText = `Error\n\nUnable to render fetched response\n\n`;
- } else {
- const outputHtml =
- renderSelfServiceSupportOptionsToHtml(responseDataOptions);
- outputArea.innerHTML = `
Result ${outputHtml}`;
- }
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error(error);
- const errorResponseData = error && error.response && error.response.data;
- if (errorResponseData) {
- outputArea.innerText = `Error\n\n${
- errorResponseData.error
- }\n\n${errorResponseData.value.join('\n\n')}\n\n`;
- } else {
- outputArea.innerText = `Error\n\n${error.message}\n\n`;
- }
- });
-function removeSubsequentElems(
- parentSelector,
- childSelector,
- subsequentChildSelector,
-) {
- const parentNode = document.querySelector(parentSelector);
- const subsequentElems = Array.from(
- parentNode.querySelectorAll(
- `${childSelector} ~ ${subsequentChildSelector}`,
- ),
- );
- subsequentElems.forEach(function (el) {
- parentNode.removeChild(el);
- });
- return subsequentElems;
-function renderSelfServiceSupportOptionsToHtml(options) {
- const markdownItInstance = window.markdownit();
- const html = options
- .map((option) => {
- const { id, question, answer } = option;
- const questionHtml = markdownItInstance.render(question);
- const answerHtml = markdownItInstance.render(answer);
- return `
- ${answerHtml}
- `;
- })
- .join('\n\n');
- return html;
-// render feature: 2-way peg verifier
-function render2WayPegVerifierSetup() {
- //
- const scriptEl = document.createElement('script');
- scriptEl.setAttribute('defer', 'defer');
- scriptEl.setAttribute(
- 'src',
- '/assets/vendor/pegin-address-verifier/pegin-address-verifier.umd.js',
- );
- scriptEl.setAttribute('onload', 'render2WayPegVerifier();');
- document.body.appendChild(scriptEl);
-function render2WayPegVerifier() {
- var originalElem = document.querySelector(
- 'a[title="pegin-address-verifier"]',
- );
- var newElem = document.createElement('div');
- newElem.innerHTML = `
- `;
- originalElem.parentNode.replaceChild(newElem, originalElem);
- document
- .querySelector('.pegin-address-verifier .check')
- .addEventListener('click', render2WayPegVerifierCheck);
-function render2WayPegVerifierCheck() {
- var result;
- var address = document.querySelector(
- '.pegin-address-verifier .address',
- ).value;
- var info = RskPegInAddressVerifier.getAddressInformation(address);
- // e.g. {"network":"testnet","type":"p2pkh"}
- var displayAddress = `
- if (!info) {
- result = `The address ${displayAddress} is not valid.`;
- } else {
- var displayAddressType = `
- var displayNetwork = `
- .charAt(0)
- .toUpperCase()}${info.network.slice(1)}
- var canPegIn = RskPegInAddressVerifier.canPegIn(info);
- if (canPegIn) {
- if (info.type == 'p2pkh') {
- result = `The address ${displayAddress} is a valid ${displayAddressType} address, and may peg in on ${displayNetwork}.`;
- } else {
- result = `The address ${displayAddress} is a valid ${displayAddressType} address, however, may not peg in on ${displayNetwork}. Please check the compatibility matrix.`;
- }
- } else {
- result = `The address ${displayAddress} is a valid ${displayAddressType} address, however, will not peg in on ${displayNetwork}.
Do not use this wallet, your BTC will be
lost . Please check the compatibility matrix.`;
- }
- }
- document.querySelector('.pegin-address-verifier .result').innerHTML = result;
-// render feature: custom terminals
-function insertDomNodeRelativeTo(node, newNode, isAfter) {
- if (isAfter) {
- if (node.nextSibling) {
- // newNode will be after node, and before node's current next node
- node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node.nextSibling);
- } else {
- // newNode is after node, but node is the last child
- node.parentNode.appendChild(newNode);
- }
- } else {
- // newNode is before node
- node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node);
- }
-function removeAllEmptyTextNodes(node) {
- if (!node) {
- return;
- }
- const childNodes = node.childNodes;
- var el;
- for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; ++i) {
- el = childNodes[i];
- if (el.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && !el.textContent.trim()) {
- node.removeChild(el);
- }
- }
-function savedOsSelection(os) {
- if (!localStorage) {
- // older browsers simply skip this feature
- return undefined;
- }
- if (os) {
- // set value
- return localStorage.setItem('multi-terminal-renderer--selected-os', os);
- } else {
- // get value
- return localStorage.getItem('multi-terminal-renderer--selected-os');
- }
-function renderCustomTerminalsSetup() {
- setupFeature('a[title="multiple-terminals"]', renderMultipleTerminals);
- renderCustomTerminalsFrames();
-function renderMultipleTerminals(el) {
- let nextEl = el.parentNode.nextSibling;
- while (nextEl && nextEl.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
- nextEl = nextEl.nextSibling;
- }
- if (!nextEl && nextEl.tagName !== 'UL') {
- console.warn('Expected an
element:', el);
- return;
- }
- var ul = nextEl;
- var childNodeList = ul.querySelectorAll('li');
- var children = Array.prototype.slice.call(childNodeList);
- console.log(children);
- if (children.length === 0) {
- console.warn('Expected at least 1 element:', ul);
- return;
- }
- var errorIndices = children.reduce(function (acc, li, liIdx) {
- if (!li.querySelector('code')) {
- acc.push(liIdx);
- }
- return acc;
- }, []);
- if (errorIndices.length > 0) {
- console.error(
- 'Cannot render multi-terminal group, no element within at indices:',
- errorIndices,
- );
- return;
- }
- ul.classList.add('multi-terminal-group');
- children.forEach(function (li, liIdx) {
- renderMultipleTerminalsListElem(ul, li, liIdx);
- });
- document.body.addEventListener(
- 'click',
- renderMultipleTerminalsOnClickTabTitle,
- false,
- );
-function renderMultipleTerminalsListElem(ul, li, liIdx) {
- // validation
- if (
- li.childNodes.length < 2 ||
- li.childNodes[0].nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE ||
- li.childNodes[1].nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE
- ) {
- console.warn(
- `Child element #${liIdx} does not contain expected elements.`,
- ul,
- li,
- );
- return;
- }
- var tabText = li.childNodes[0].textContent.trim();
- var oses = tabText.split(', ').map(function (s) {
- return s.trim();
- });
- oses.forEach(function (osText, osIdx) {
- renderMultipleTerminalsListElemOs(osText, osIdx, oses, li, liIdx, ul);
- });
-function renderMultipleTerminalsListElemOs(osText, osIdx, oses, li, liIdx, ul) {
- var os = osText.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase();
- if (['linux', 'mac', 'windows'].indexOf(os) < 0) {
- console.warn(
- `Child element #${liIdx} does not reference a supported OS terminal.`,
- ul,
- li,
- );
- return;
- }
- var isLastOs = osIdx === oses.length - 1;
- var tab = li;
- // create a tabTitle to replace the text node in ,
- // in order to apply classes
- var tabTitle = document.createElement('span');
- tabTitle.textContent = osText;
- tabTitle.classList.add('multi-terminal-tabtitle');
- tabTitle.classList.add(`multi-terminal-tabtitle-${os}`);
- tabTitle.setAttribute('data-os', os);
- if (isLastOs) {
- tab.replaceChild(tabTitle, tab.childNodes[0]);
- } else {
- // we have to create a new list element as well
- var newTab = document.createElement('li');
- newTab.appendChild(tabTitle);
- insertDomNodeRelativeTo(tab, newTab, false);
- tab = newTab;
- }
- // create a new tabContent
- // and move rest of contents of the
into this
- var tabContent = document.createElement('div');
- tabContent.classList.add('multi-terminal-tabcontent');
- tabContent.classList.add(`multi-terminal-tabcontent-${os}`);
- tabContent.setAttribute('data-os', os);
- for (let childIdx = 1; childIdx < li.childNodes.length; ++childIdx) {
- if (isLastOs) {
- tabContent.appendChild(li.childNodes[childIdx]);
- } else {
- tabContent.appendChild(li.childNodes[childIdx].cloneNode(true));
- }
- }
- removeAllEmptyTextNodes(tabContent);
- removeAllEmptyTextNodes(tabContent.querySelector('.language-shell'));
- removeAllEmptyTextNodes(
- tabContent.querySelector('.language-shell > .highlight'),
- );
- // place the tabContent immediately subsequent to the
- // to which this belongs
- // also set the 1st one among them to be active,
- // otherwise none will be visible by default
- tab.classList.add('multi-terminal-tab');
- tab.classList.add(`multi-terminal-tab-${os}`);
- tab.setAttribute('data-os', os);
- var prevOs = savedOsSelection();
- var isActiveTab = prevOs === os || (!prevOs && liIdx === 0 && osIdx === 0);
- tab.classList.toggle('active', isActiveTab);
- tabTitle.classList.toggle('active', isActiveTab);
- tabContent.classList.toggle('active', isActiveTab);
- insertDomNodeRelativeTo(ul, tabContent, true);
-function renderMultipleTerminalsOnClickTabTitle(e) {
- var tabTitle = e.target;
- if (tabTitle.classList.contains('multi-terminal-tabtitle')) {
- var tab = tabTitle.parentNode;
- var os = tab.getAttribute('data-os');
- var allTabsNodeList = document.querySelectorAll('.multi-terminal-tab');
- var allTabs = Array.prototype.slice.call(allTabsNodeList);
- allTabs.forEach(function (currTab) {
- currTab.classList.toggle(
- 'active',
- currTab.getAttribute('data-os') === os,
- );
- });
- var allTabsContentNodeList = document.querySelectorAll(
- '.multi-terminal-tabcontent',
- );
- var allTabsContent = Array.prototype.slice.call(allTabsContentNodeList);
- allTabsContent.forEach(function (currTabContent) {
- currTabContent.classList.toggle(
- 'active',
- currTabContent.getAttribute('data-os') === os,
- );
- });
- savedOsSelection(os);
- }
-function renderCustomTerminalsFrames() {
- var elemNodeList = document.querySelectorAll(
- '.language-windows-command-prompt',
- );
- var elems = Array.prototype.slice.call(elemNodeList);
- elems.forEach(function (el) {
- el.parentNode.classList.add('windows-command-prompt');
- });
-// render feature: tables with borders
-function renderTablesWithBorders() {
- $('table').addClass('table-with-border');
-// render feature: next elem class
-function renderNextElemClassSetup() {
- setupFeature('a[title^="next-elem-class "]', renderNextElemClass);
-function renderNextElemClass(el) {
- var classNames = el
- .getAttribute('title')
- .slice('next-elem-class '.length)
- .split(/\s+/);
- let nextEl = el.nextSibling;
- while (true) {
- if (nextEl && nextEl.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
- const textContent = nextEl.textContent;
- if (!textContent || !textContent.trim()) {
- // skip empty or whitespace only text nodes
- nextEl = nextEl.nextSibling;
- } else {
- // convert text node to a
- // in order to be able to apply classes to it
- const span = document.createElement('span');
- span.textContent = textContent;
- nextEl.parentNode.replaceChild(span, nextEl);
- nextEl = span;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- console.log(el, nextEl);
- if (!nextEl) {
- return;
- }
- el.parentNode.replaceChild(nextEl, el);
- classNames.map((className) => {
- nextEl.classList.add(className);
- });
-$('#newsletter-form').submit(function () {
- var output = jQuery
- .map($(':checkbox[name=skillscb]:checked'), function (n, i) {
- return n.value;
- })
- .join(',');
- $('#mce-SKILLS').val(output);
- return true;
-function setupFeature(querySelector, featureRenderer) {
- const elemNodeList = document.querySelectorAll(querySelector);
- const elems = Array.prototype.slice.call(elemNodeList);
- elems.forEach(featureRenderer);
-// render features: 'collapsible'
-function renderCollapsibleSetup() {
- setupFeature('a[title="collapsible"]', renderCollapsible);
-function renderAccordionHeader(li, headerId, bodyId, isOpen) {
- if (!li.firstChild) {
- console.warn('Missing li child used as accordion header');
- return;
- }
- const headerContainer = document.createElement('div');
- headerContainer.setAttribute('id', headerId);
- headerContainer.classList.add('card-header');
- const a = document.createElement('a');
- a.classList.add('btn');
- a.setAttribute('data-toggle', 'collapse');
- a.setAttribute('data-target', `#${bodyId}`);
- if (isOpen) {
- a.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true');
- } else {
- a.classList.add('collapsed');
- }
- a.textContent = li.firstChild.textContent;
- const hint = document.createElement('span');
- hint.classList.add('hint');
- a.appendChild(hint);
- headerContainer.appendChild(a);
- return headerContainer;
-function renderAccordionBody(li, headerId, bodyId, isOpen) {
- if (!li.children) {
- // we don't return here, we render the empty body
- console.warn('Accordion body empty');
- }
- const bodyContainer = document.createElement('div');
- bodyContainer.setAttribute('id', bodyId);
- bodyContainer.classList.add('collapse');
- if (isOpen) {
- bodyContainer.classList.add('show');
- }
- bodyContainer.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', headerId);
- const body = document.createElement('div');
- body.append(...li.children);
- body.classList.add('card-body');
- bodyContainer.appendChild(body);
- return bodyContainer;
-function renderAccordionItem(li, liIndex, collapsibleIndex, isOpen) {
- const headerId = `collapsible-${collapsibleIndex}-header-${liIndex}`;
- const bodyId = `collapsible-${collapsibleIndex}-body-${liIndex}`;
- const headerContainer = renderAccordionHeader(li, headerId, bodyId, isOpen);
- const bodyContainer = renderAccordionBody(li, headerId, bodyId, isOpen);
- const card = document.createElement('div');
- card.classList.add('card');
- card.classList.add('accordion__rsk');
- card.appendChild(headerContainer);
- card.appendChild(bodyContainer);
- return card;
-function renderCollapsible(elem, collapsibleIndex) {
- const ul = elem.parentNode.nextElementSibling;
- if (!ul && ul.tagName !== 'UL') {
- console.warn('Expected an element:', el);
- return;
- }
- // use the class 'open' to set the initial status of the accordion
- const isOpen = elem.classList.contains('open');
- const children = Array.prototype.slice.call(ul.children);
- if (children.length === 0) {
- console.warn('Expected at least 1 element:', ul);
- return;
- }
- const accordionItems = children.map((li, liIndex) =>
- renderAccordionItem(li, liIndex, collapsibleIndex, isOpen),
- );
- const accordion = document.createElement('div');
- accordion.classList.add('accordion');
- accordion.append(...accordionItems);
- ul.replaceWith(accordion);
- elem.remove();
-// render features: 'switch-container'
-function renderSwitchContainerSetup() {
- setupFeature('a[title="switch-container"]', renderSwitchContainer);
-function renderSwitchLabel(textContent) {
- const label = document.createElement('div');
- label.classList.add('switch__label');
- label.textContent = textContent;
- return label;
-function renderSwitch(ul) {
- const basicChildren = Array.prototype.slice.call(ul.children[0].children);
- const advancedChildren = Array.prototype.slice.call(ul.children[1].children);
- const switchContainer = document.createElement('div');
- switchContainer.classList.add('switch');
- const switchContent = document.createElement('div');
- switchContent.classList.add('switch__content');
- const basicContent = document.createElement('div');
- basicContent.append(...basicChildren);
- const advancedContent = document.createElement('div');
- advancedContent.classList.add('d-none');
- advancedContent.append(...advancedChildren);
- switchContent.append(...[basicContent, advancedContent]);
- // Basic
- //
- // Advanced
- const switchController = document.createElement('div');
- switchController.classList.add('switch__controller');
- switchController.addEventListener('click', function () {
- this.classList.toggle('switch__controller--on');
- for (let i = 0; i < switchContent.children.length; i++) {
- switchContent.children[i].classList.toggle('d-none');
- }
- });
- const basicLabel = renderSwitchLabel('Basic');
- const knob = document.createElement('div');
- knob.classList.add('switch__knob');
- const advancedLabel = renderSwitchLabel('Advanced');
- switchController.append(...[basicLabel, knob, advancedLabel]);
- switchContainer.append(...[switchController, switchContent]);
- return switchContainer;
-function renderSwitchContainer(elem, index) {
- const ul = elem.parentNode.nextElementSibling;
- if (!ul && ul.tagName !== 'UL') {
- console.warn('Expected an element:', el);
- return;
- }
- if (!ul.children || ul.children.length !== 2) {
- console.warn('Switch-container features supports exactly 2 children', el);
- return;
- }
- const switchContainer = renderSwitch(ul);
- ul.replaceWith(switchContainer);
- // elem.remove()
-// render features: powpeg-hsm-attestation-frame
-function renderPowpegHSMAttestationFrame() {
- const frame = document.getElementById('powpeg-hsm-attestation-frame');
- const showSovryn = () => {
- frame.src = '/assets/rsk/architecture/powpeg-hsm-attestation/sovryn.html';
- };
- const showpNetwork = () => {
- frame.src = '/assets/rsk/architecture/powpeg-hsm-attestation/pnetwork.html';
- };
- // showing Sovryn frame at first
- showSovryn();
- // adding event listeners to buttons
- document.getElementById('sov-button').addEventListener('click', showSovryn);
- document
- .getElementById('pnet-button')
- .addEventListener('click', showpNetwork);
diff --git a/lgtm.yml b/lgtm.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 03278816ee..0000000000
--- a/lgtm.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# lgtm.com configuration #
- javascript:
- # The `prepare` step exists for customization on LGTM.com only.
- # prepare:
- # packages:
- # - example_package
- # Add an `after-prepare` step if you need to run commands after the prepare step.
- # Each command should be listed on a separate line.
- # after_prepare:
- # - export PATH=$LGTM_WORKSPACE/tools:$PATH
- # The `index` step extracts information from the files in the codebase.
- index:
- # Specify a list of files and folders to extract.
- # Default: The project root directory.
- # include:
- # - src/js
- # Specify a list of files and folders to exclude from extraction.
- exclude:
- - _site
- - assets/vendor
- - defi/js
- - defi/vendor
- - grants/js
- - grants/vendor
- - grants/follow-up/deps
- - grants/follow-up/lib
- # You can add additional file types for LGTM to extract, by mapping file
- # extensions (including the leading dot) to file types. The usual
- # include/exclude patterns apply, so, for example, `.jsm` files under
- # `thirdparty/lib` will not be extracted.
- filetypes:
- ".jsm": "js"
- ".tmpl": "html"
- # Specify a list of glob patterns to include/exclude files from extraction; this
- # is applied on top of the include/exclude paths from above; patterns are
- # processed in the same way as for path classifiers above.
- # Default: include all files with known extensions (such as .js, .ts and .html),
- # but exclude files ending in `-min.js` or `.min.js` and folders named `node_modules`
- # or `bower_components`
- # filters:
- # exclude any *.ts files anywhere.
- # - exclude: "**/*.ts"
- # but include *.ts files under src/js/typescript.
- # - include: "src/js/typescript/**/*.ts"
- # Specify how TypeScript files should be extracted:
- # none = exclude all TypeScript files.
- # basic = extract syntactic information from TypeScript files.
- # full = extract syntactic and type information from TypeScript files.
- # Default: full.
- typescript: basic
- # By default, LGTM doesn't extract any XML files. You can override this by
- # using the `xml_mode` property and setting it to `all`.
- # xml_mode: all
diff --git a/webinars/js/isotope.pkgd.min.js b/webinars/js/isotope.pkgd.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ca671cbef..0000000000
--- a/webinars/js/isotope.pkgd.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- * Isotope PACKAGED v3.0.6
- *
- * Licensed GPLv3 for open source use
- * or Isotope Commercial License for commercial use
- *
- * https://isotope.metafizzy.co
- * Copyright 2010-2018 Metafizzy
- */
-!function(t,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define("jquery-bridget/jquery-bridget",["jquery"],function(i){return e(t,i)}):"object"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=e(t,require("jquery")):t.jQueryBridget=e(t,t.jQuery)}(window,function(t,e){"use strict";function i(i,s,a){function u(t,e,o){var n,s="$()."+i+'("'+e+'")';return t.each(function(t,u){var h=a.data(u,i);if(!h)return void r(i+" not initialized. Cannot call methods, i.e. "+s);var d=h[e];if(!d||"_"==e.charAt(0))return void r(s+" is not a valid method");var l=d.apply(h,o);n=void 0===n?l:n}),void 0!==n?n:t}function h(t,e){t.each(function(t,o){var n=a.data(o,i);n?(n.option(e),n._init()):(n=new s(o,e),a.data(o,i,n))})}a=a||e||t.jQuery,a&&(s.prototype.option||(s.prototype.option=function(t){a.isPlainObject(t)&&(this.options=a.extend(!0,this.options,t))}),a.fn[i]=function(t){if("string"==typeof t){var e=n.call(arguments,1);return u(this,t,e)}return h(this,t),this},o(a))}function o(t){!t||t&&t.bridget||(t.bridget=i)}var n=Array.prototype.slice,s=t.console,r="undefined"==typeof s?function(){}:function(t){s.error(t)};return o(e||t.jQuery),i}),function(t,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define("ev-emitter/ev-emitter",e):"object"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=e():t.EvEmitter=e()}("undefined"!=typeof window?window:this,function(){function t(){}var e=t.prototype;return e.on=function(t,e){if(t&&e){var i=this._events=this._events||{},o=i[t]=i[t]||[];return o.indexOf(e)==-1&&o.push(e),this}},e.once=function(t,e){if(t&&e){this.on(t,e);var i=this._onceEvents=this._onceEvents||{},o=i[t]=i[t]||{};return o[e]=!0,this}},e.off=function(t,e){var i=this._events&&this._events[t];if(i&&i.length){var o=i.indexOf(e);return o!=-1&&i.splice(o,1),this}},e.emitEvent=function(t,e){var i=this._events&&this._events[t];if(i&&i.length){i=i.slice(0),e=e||[];for(var o=this._onceEvents&&this._onceEvents[t],n=0;n1&&i+t>this.cols;i=o?0:i;var n=e.size.outerWidth&&e.size.outerHeight;return this.horizontalColIndex=n?i+t:this.horizontalColIndex,{col:i,y:this._getColGroupY(i,t)}},o._manageStamp=function(t){var i=e(t),o=this._getElementOffset(t),n=this._getOption("originLeft"),s=n?o.left:o.right,r=s+i.outerWidth,a=Math.floor(s/this.columnWidth);a=Math.max(0,a);var u=Math.floor(r/this.columnWidth);u-=r%this.columnWidth?0:1,u=Math.min(this.cols-1,u);for(var h=this._getOption("originTop"),d=(h?o.top:o.bottom)+i.outerHeight,l=a;l<=u;l++)this.colYs[l]=Math.max(d,this.colYs[l])},o._getContainerSize=function(){this.maxY=Math.max.apply(Math,this.colYs);var t={height:this.maxY};return this._getOption("fitWidth")&&(t.width=this._getContainerFitWidth()),t},o._getContainerFitWidth=function(){for(var t=0,e=this.cols;--e&&0===this.colYs[e];)t++;return(this.cols-t)*this.columnWidth-this.gutter},o.needsResizeLayout=function(){var t=this.containerWidth;return this.getContainerWidth(),t!=this.containerWidth},i}),function(t,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define("isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/masonry",["../layout-mode","masonry-layout/masonry"],e):"object"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=e(require("../layout-mode"),require("masonry-layout")):e(t.Isotope.LayoutMode,t.Masonry)}(window,function(t,e){"use strict";var i=t.create("masonry"),o=i.prototype,n={_getElementOffset:!0,layout:!0,_getMeasurement:!0};for(var s in e.prototype)n[s]||(o[s]=e.prototype[s]);var r=o.measureColumns;o.measureColumns=function(){this.items=this.isotope.filteredItems,r.call(this)};var a=o._getOption;return o._getOption=function(t){return"fitWidth"==t?void 0!==this.options.isFitWidth?this.options.isFitWidth:this.options.fitWidth:a.apply(this.isotope,arguments)},i}),function(t,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define("isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/fit-rows",["../layout-mode"],e):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=e(require("../layout-mode")):e(t.Isotope.LayoutMode)}(window,function(t){"use strict";var e=t.create("fitRows"),i=e.prototype;return i._resetLayout=function(){this.x=0,this.y=0,this.maxY=0,this._getMeasurement("gutter","outerWidth")},i._getItemLayoutPosition=function(t){t.getSize();var e=t.size.outerWidth+this.gutter,i=this.isotope.size.innerWidth+this.gutter;0!==this.x&&e+this.x>i&&(this.x=0,this.y=this.maxY);var o={x:this.x,y:this.y};return this.maxY=Math.max(this.maxY,this.y+t.size.outerHeight),this.x+=e,o},i._getContainerSize=function(){return{height:this.maxY}},e}),function(t,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define("isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/vertical",["../layout-mode"],e):"object"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=e(require("../layout-mode")):e(t.Isotope.LayoutMode)}(window,function(t){"use strict";var e=t.create("vertical",{horizontalAlignment:0}),i=e.prototype;return i._resetLayout=function(){this.y=0},i._getItemLayoutPosition=function(t){t.getSize();var e=(this.isotope.size.innerWidth-t.size.outerWidth)*this.options.horizontalAlignment,i=this.y;return this.y+=t.size.outerHeight,{x:e,y:i}},i._getContainerSize=function(){return{height:this.y}},e}),function(t,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["outlayer/outlayer","get-size/get-size","desandro-matches-selector/matches-selector","fizzy-ui-utils/utils","isotope-layout/js/item","isotope-layout/js/layout-mode","isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/masonry","isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/fit-rows","isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/vertical"],function(i,o,n,s,r,a){return e(t,i,o,n,s,r,a)}):"object"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=e(t,require("outlayer"),require("get-size"),require("desandro-matches-selector"),require("fizzy-ui-utils"),require("isotope-layout/js/item"),require("isotope-layout/js/layout-mode"),require("isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/masonry"),require("isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/fit-rows"),require("isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/vertical")):t.Isotope=e(t,t.Outlayer,t.getSize,t.matchesSelector,t.fizzyUIUtils,t.Isotope.Item,t.Isotope.LayoutMode)}(window,function(t,e,i,o,n,s,r){function a(t,e){return function(i,o){for(var n=0;na||ra?1:-1)*h}}return 0}}var u=t.jQuery,h=String.prototype.trim?function(t){return t.trim()}:function(t){return t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")},d=e.create("isotope",{layoutMode:"masonry",isJQueryFiltering:!0,sortAscending:!0});d.Item=s,d.LayoutMode=r;var l=d.prototype;l._create=function(){this.itemGUID=0,this._sorters={},this._getSorters(),e.prototype._create.call(this),this.modes={},this.filteredItems=this.items,this.sortHistory=["original-order"];for(var t in r.modes)this._initLayoutMode(t)},l.reloadItems=function(){this.itemGUID=0,e.prototype.reloadItems.call(this)},l._itemize=function(){for(var t=e.prototype._itemize.apply(this,arguments),i=0;i= top && cur_pos <= bottom) {
- main_nav.find('li').removeClass('active');
- main_nav.find('a[href="#' + $(this).attr('id') + '"]').parent('li').addClass('active');
- }
- });
- });
- // Header scroll class
- $(window).scroll(function () {
- if ($(this).scrollTop() > 100) {
- $('.navbar').addClass('header-scrolled');
- $('.logo').addClass('header-scrolled');
- $('.navbar-toggler-icon').addClass('header-scrolled');
- } else {
- $('.navbar').removeClass('header-scrolled');
- $('.logo').removeClass('header-scrolled');
- $('.navbar-toggler-icon').removeClass('header-scrolled');
- }
- });
-// init Isotope
-var $grid = $('.grid').isotope({
- itemSelector: '.eventos'
-// filters applied by default
-var $grid = $('.grid').isotope({
- filter: '.recent'
-// store filter for each group
-var filters = {};
-$('.filters').on( 'change', function( event ) {
- var $select = $( event.target );
- // get group key
- var filterGroup = $select.attr('value-group');
- // set filter for group
- filters[ filterGroup ] = event.target.value;
- // combine filters
- var filterValue = concatValues( filters );
- // set filter for Isotope
- $grid.isotope({ filter: filterValue });
-// flatten object by concatting values
-function concatValues( obj ) {
- var value = '';
- for ( var prop in obj ) {
- value += obj[ prop ];
- }
- return value;
- renderLocalTimes();
- enablePermalinkCopyToClipboard();
-// Iterate over all "event" elements and attempt to render their times
-// where the timestamp property is present
-function renderLocalTimes() {
- $('.tiempo').each(function () {
- var timestamp = $(this).data('timestamp');
- if (timestamp) {
- renderLocalTime(this, timestamp);
- }
- });
-// For a particular "event" element, update its DOM in specific places
-// to display the date, time, and time zone specific to the user' locale.
-// In older browsers, use a best-effort approach for date-time localisation.
-function renderLocalTime(el, timestamp) {
- var timeStampDate = new Date(timestamp);
- // extract full timezone details from Date, for user's locale
- var fullDateString = (timeStampDate).toString();
- var tzSplitIndex = nthCharacter(fullDateString, ' ', 5);
- var tzStr = fullDateString.substring(tzSplitIndex + 1);
- var dateStr;
- var timeStr;
- if (typeof timeStampDate.toLocaleTimeString === 'function') {
- // for modern browsers, extract locale specific date and time strings
- dateStr = timeStampDate.toLocaleDateString(
- undefined,
- {
- weekday: 'long',
- year: 'numeric',
- month: 'long',
- day: 'numeric',
- },
- );
- timeStr = timeStampDate.toLocaleTimeString(
- undefined,
- {
- hour: 'numeric',
- minute: 'numeric',
- },
- );
- } else {
- // for older browsers, fall back on `Date.prototype.toString` to extract
- // non-locale specific date and time strings
- var timeSplitIndex = nthCharacter(fullDateString, ' ', 4);
- dateStr = fullDateString.substring(0, timeSplitIndex);
- timeStr = fullDateString.substring(timeSplitIndex + 1, tzSplitIndex);
- }
- var dateEl = $(el).find('.display-date');
- var timeEl = $(el).find('.display-time');
- var tzEl = $(el).find('.display-tz');
- dateEl.text(dateStr);
- timeEl.text(timeStr);
- tzEl.text(tzStr);
-// Returns the index of the `n`th occurrence of `character` within `string`
-function nthCharacter(string, character, n) {
- var count = 0;
- var i = 0;
- // repeatedly call `String.prototype.indexOf` until the nth count has been reached
- while (count < n && (i = string.indexOf(character, i) + 1)) {
- ++count;
- }
- if (count === n) {
- return i - 1;
- };
- return 0;
-function enablePermalinkCopyToClipboard() {
- $('.eventos-past .button-group').on('click', function() {
- console.log('clicked');
- var eventId = $(this).data('eventId');
- var url = new URL(window.location.href);
- url.hash = `event-id-${eventId}`;
- var urlString = url.toString();
- copyStringToClipboard(urlString);
- });
-function copyStringToClipboard(str) {
- if (!navigator.clipboard) {
- return copyStringToClipboardForOldBrowsers(str);
- }
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(str).then(function () {
- // do nothing
- }, function (err) {
- console.error(err);
- });
-function copyStringToClipboardForOldBrowsers(str) {
- var textArea = document.createElement("textarea");
- textArea.style.position = 'fixed';
- textArea.style.top = 0;
- textArea.style.left = 0;
- textArea.style.width = '2em';
- textArea.style.height = '2em';
- textArea.style.padding = 0;
- textArea.style.border = 'none';
- textArea.style.outline = 'none';
- textArea.style.boxShadow = 'none';
- textArea.style.background = 'transparent';
- textArea.value = str;
- document.body.appendChild(textArea);
- textArea.focus();
- textArea.select();
- try {
- document.execCommand('copy');
- } catch (err) {
- console.error(err);
- }
- document.body.removeChild(textArea);