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Running OpenVINS for very long durations #481

tianyilim opened this issue Nov 2, 2024 · 3 comments

Running OpenVINS for very long durations #481

tianyilim opened this issue Nov 2, 2024 · 3 comments
dataset Dataset issue request or issue user-platform User has trouble running on their own platform.


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tianyilim commented Nov 2, 2024

Hello, thanks for the good work and great code!

I've been trying to get OpenVINS to run on large-scale, long datasets, in particular the Vision Benchmark in Rome dataset. This dataset is quite interesting as it contains handheld sequences > 20min and > 2km in length.

Initially, OpenVINS seems to do quite well, but as the trajectory gets longer, I find the covariance estimates also increase, and I guess without place recognition techniques to "anchor" it, the trajectory eventually drifts away Youtube video (skip to ~3:15 to see filter divergence).

Maybe this is a limitation of a pure EKF-based VIO system, but are there any things that i can try to tackle this issue? E.g force reinitialization when covariance increases, tuning configs, etc.? Thanks in advance!

Overall Config
%YAML:1.0 # need to specify the file type at the top!


use_fej: true # if first-estimate Jacobians should be used (enable for good consistency)
integration: "rk4" # discrete, rk4, analytical (if rk4 or analytical used then analytical covariance propagation is used)
use_stereo: true # if we have more than 1 camera, if we should try to track stereo constraints between pairs
max_cameras: 2 # how many cameras we have 1 = mono, 2 = stereo, >2 = binocular (all mono tracking)

calib_cam_extrinsics: true # if the transform between camera and IMU should be optimized R_ItoC, p_CinI
calib_cam_intrinsics: true # if camera intrinsics should be optimized (focal, center, distortion)
calib_cam_timeoffset: true # if timeoffset between camera and IMU should be optimized
calib_imu_intrinsics: true # if imu intrinsics should be calibrated (rotation and skew-scale matrix)
calib_imu_g_sensitivity: false # if gyroscope gravity sensitivity (Tg) should be calibrated

max_clones: 20 # how many clones in the sliding window
# ! set a bit larger hopefully for local 'loop closure'
max_slam: 100 # number of features in our state vector
max_slam_in_update: 25 # update can be split into sequential updates of batches, how many in a batch
max_msckf_in_update: 50 # how many MSCKF features to use in the update
# ! VBR Spagna initializes okay
dt_slam_delay: 0.0 # delay before initializing (helps with stability from bad initialization...)
# ! VBR Spagna weirdness in grav vector
gravity_mag: 9.7 # magnitude of gravity in this location

feat_rep_msckf: "GLOBAL_3D"

# zero velocity update parameters we can use
# we support either IMU-based or disparity detection.
try_zupt: false
zupt_chi2_multipler: 0 # set to 0 for only disp-based
zupt_max_velocity: 0.05
zupt_noise_multiplier: 50
zupt_max_disparity: 0.5 # set to 0 for only imu-based
zupt_only_at_beginning: true

# ==================================================================
# ==================================================================

init_window_time: 2.0 # how many seconds to collect initialization information
init_imu_thresh: 1.5 # threshold for variance of the accelerometer to detect a "jerk" in motion
init_max_disparity: 10.0 # max disparity to consider the platform stationary (dependent on resolution)
init_max_features: 50 # how many features to track during initialization (saves on computation)

init_dyn_use: true # if dynamic initialization should be used
init_dyn_mle_opt_calib: false # if we should optimize calibration during intialization (not recommended)
init_dyn_mle_max_iter: 50 # how many iterations the MLE refinement should use (zero to skip the MLE)
init_dyn_mle_max_time: 0.05 # how many seconds the MLE should be completed in
init_dyn_mle_max_threads: 8 # how many threads the MLE should use
init_dyn_num_pose: 6 # number of poses to use within our window time (evenly spaced)
init_dyn_min_deg: 10.0 # orientation change needed to try to init

init_dyn_inflation_ori: 10 # what to inflate the recovered q_GtoI covariance by
init_dyn_inflation_vel: 100 # what to inflate the recovered v_IinG covariance by
init_dyn_inflation_bg: 10 # what to inflate the recovered bias_g covariance by
init_dyn_inflation_ba: 100 # what to inflate the recovered bias_a covariance by
init_dyn_min_rec_cond: 1e-12 # reciprocal condition number thresh for info inversion

init_dyn_bias_g: [ 0.0053, -0.0014, -0.0000 ] # initial gyroscope bias guess
init_dyn_bias_a: [ 0.1118,  0.1242,  0.3905 ] # initial accelerometer bias guess
# init_dyn_bias_g: [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] # initial gyroscope bias guess
# init_dyn_bias_a: [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] # initial accelerometer bias guess

# ==================================================================
# ==================================================================

record_timing_information: false # if we want to record timing information of the method
record_timing_filepath: "/tmp/traj_timing.txt" #

# if we want to save the simulation state and its diagional covariance
# use this with rosrun ov_eval error_simulation
save_total_state: false
filepath_est: "/tmp/ov_estimate.txt"
filepath_std: "/tmp/ov_estimate_std.txt"
filepath_gt: "/tmp/ov_groundtruth.txt"

# ==================================================================
# ==================================================================

# our front-end feature tracking parameters
# ! "real time" performance is not key so I increased here a lot
# we have a KLT and descriptor based (KLT is better implemented...)
use_klt: true # if true we will use KLT, otherwise use a ORB descriptor + robust matching
num_pts: 400 # number of points (per camera) we will extract and try to track
fast_threshold: 10 # threshold for fast extraction (warning: lower threshs can be expensive)
grid_x: 5 # extraction sub-grid count for horizontal direction (uniform tracking)
grid_y: 5 # extraction sub-grid count for vertical direction (uniform tracking)
min_px_dist: 15 # distance between features (features near each other provide less information)
knn_ratio: 0.65 # descriptor knn threshold for the top two descriptor matches
track_frequency: 30.0 # frequency we will perform feature tracking at (in frames per second / hertz)
# ! raw resolution is quite high. Found that this helps tracking
downsample_cameras: true # will downsample image in half if true
num_opencv_threads: 4 # -1: auto, 0-1: serial, >1: number of threads
histogram_method: "CLAHE" # NONE, HISTOGRAM, CLAHE

# aruco tag tracker for the system
# DICT_6X6_1000 from
use_aruco: false
num_aruco: 1024
downsize_aruco: true

# ==================================================================
# ==================================================================

# camera noises and chi-squared threshold multipliers
up_msckf_sigma_px: 1
up_msckf_chi2_multipler: 1
up_slam_sigma_px: 1
up_slam_chi2_multipler: 1
up_aruco_sigma_px: 1
up_aruco_chi2_multipler: 1

# masks for our images
use_mask: false

# imu and camera spacial-temporal
# imu config should also have the correct noise values
relative_config_imu: "vbr_imu_chain.yaml"
relative_config_imucam: "vbr_imucam_chain.yaml"
IMU Config

    - [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    - [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    - [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  # ! these are the raw values from dataset calib
  # accelerometer_noise_density: 0.001602090212250569  # [ m / s^2 / sqrt(Hz) ]   ( accel "white noise" )
  # accelerometer_random_walk: 1.4361954439703917e-05  # [ m / s^3 / sqrt(Hz) ].  ( accel bias diffusion )
  # gyroscope_noise_density: 0.00013361278165885748    # [ rad / s / sqrt(Hz) ]   ( gyro "white noise" )
  # gyroscope_random_walk: 3.1760920521174444e-06      # [ rad / s^2 / sqrt(Hz) ] ( gyro bias diffusion )

  # ! Practically speaking, try to increase the noise values to make the filter more robust to noise (lets try 10x)
  accelerometer_noise_density: 0.01602090212250569   # [ m / s^2 / sqrt(Hz) ]   ( accel "white noise" )
  accelerometer_random_walk: 1.4361954439703917e-04  # [ m / s^3 / sqrt(Hz) ].  ( accel bias diffusion )
  gyroscope_noise_density: 0.0013361278165885748     # [ rad / s / sqrt(Hz) ]   ( gyro "white noise" )
  gyroscope_random_walk: 3.1760920521174444e-05      # [ rad / s^2 / sqrt(Hz) ] ( gyro bias diffusion )

  rostopic: /imu/data
  time_offset: 0.0

  update_rate: 100.0
  # three different modes supported:
  # "calibrated" (same as "kalibr"), "kalibr", "rpng"
  model: "kalibr"
  # how to get from Kalibr imu.yaml result file:
  #   - Tw is imu0:gyroscopes:M:
  #   - R_IMUtoGYRO: is imu0:gyroscopes:C_gyro_i:
  #   - Ta is imu0:accelerometers:M:
  #   - R_IMUtoACC not used by Kalibr
  #   - Tg is imu0:gyroscopes:A:
    - [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
    - [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
    - [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]
    - [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
    - [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
    - [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]
    - [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
    - [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
    - [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]
    - [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
    - [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
    - [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]
    - [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
    - [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
    - [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
Camera Config

# ! values taken from the dataset calibration
    - [ 0.037625047406, -0.007947906881, 0.999260319728, 0.108169265686]
    - [-0.999241088127, -0.010385921748, 0.037541715839, 0.245263320981]
    - [ 0.010079861425, -0.999914478046, -0.008332645918, -0.060574570772]
    - [ 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 1.000000000000]
  cam_overlaps: [1]
  camera_model: pinhole
  distortion_coeffs: [-0.15442153959026667, 0.22415792664801637, 0.00028611532170761544, -0.0011553024948397013]
  distortion_model: radtan
  intrinsics: [1265.4157426547047, 1259.125033829179, 649.1764873455104, 349.11875004082356]
  resolution: [1388, 700]
  rostopic: /camera_left/image_raw
  timeshift_cam_imu: 0.0014439866415333613
    - [ 0.047533765306, 0.002997724519, 0.998865133441, 0.117518620394]
    - [ -0.998851236543, -0.005926227938, 0.047550889366, -0.235758955147]
    - [ 0.006062046927, -0.999977946492, 0.002712584915, -0.066699484195]
    - [ 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 1.000000000000]
  cam_overlaps: [0]
  camera_model: pinhole
  distortion_coeffs: [-0.13964919973164264, 0.3032246444678759, -0.0006841993380782645, -0.0017521213083201822]
  distortion_model: radtan
  intrinsics: [1270.980680475146, 1266.6167801504557, 692.2080529147544, 346.53773474480096]
  resolution: [1388, 700]
  rostopic: /camera_right/image_raw
  timeshift_cam_imu: 0.0015213183603639074
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tianyilim commented Nov 3, 2024

As an initial strategy, I wanted to reset the filter state, and use the last-known state as a initialization point.

Looking at #398, re-starting the ROS node is not an option for me.

I modified the Serial ROS1 bag reader code to attempt this, I'm not too sure if I did this properly -- but if someone could sanity check my impl, it would be greatly appreciated :)

Essentially, I modified the ROS1Visualizer. After feeding a camera measurement, we can monitor the covariance and see if it has exceeded a threshold. If so, we trigger filter resetting

    // After processing, we need to check if the filter has diverged. We do this by a simple check of the covariance for now.
    std::shared_ptr<State> state = _app->get_state();
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Type>> statevars;
    Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> covariance_posori = StateHelper::get_marginal_covariance(_app->get_state(), statevars);

    // Check if the covariance is too large
    const double frobnorm = covariance_posori.norm();
    PRINT_INFO(CYAN "@ %0.4f | Covariance Frobenius Norm: %.4f from VIOManager %s\n" RESET, message.timestamp, frobnorm,
    // TODO to be tuned!
    constexpr double threshold_covariance = 1.0;
    if (frobnorm > threshold_covariance) {
      PRINT_ERROR("Covariance is too large! (%.3f) Resetting...\n", frobnorm);

      // Get rid of all features and clones in the state so that it is as "clean" as possible

      // Naive way, but we need to reset the state
      reset_state = std::make_unique<Eigen::Matrix<double, 17, 1>>();
      reset_state->block(1, 0, 4, 1) = state->_imu->quat(); // Apart from position, we re-initialize with the curr state
      // reset_state->block(5, 0, 3, 1) = state->_imu->pos();  // cannot reset position so easily??
      reset_state->block(5, 0, 3, 1) = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero(); // Reset position
      reset_state->block(8, 0, 3, 1) = state->_imu->vel();     // take the current velocity
      reset_state->block(11, 0, 3, 1) = state->_imu->bias_g(); // take the current biases
      reset_state->block(14, 0, 3, 1) = state->_imu->bias_a(); //

      // Destroy the current application and create a new one to ensure all state is "reset"
      VioManagerOptions currParams = _app->get_params();
      _app = std::make_shared<VioManager>(currParams, "reset"+std::to_string(reset_counter++));
      PRINT_INFO(YELLOW "Reset VIOManager %s\n" RESET, _app->name.c_str());

Knowing the previous state, we can then "abuse" the initialize_with_gt function. This is done here (only in stereo for now):

  // check if we need to reinit
  if (reset_state) {
    (*reset_state)(0, 0) = timestamp;
    reset_state.reset(); // Clear this so we do not reinit again
    PRINT_INFO(YELLOW "Reinitialize VIOManager %s\n" RESET, _app->name.c_str());
    PRINT_DEBUG(YELLOW "Number of states after reset: IMU clones: %d, SLAM features: %d\n" RESET, _app->get_state()->_clones_IMU.size(),

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it is a good work thanks for sharing. i wanted to do a reset state like you did. but i haven't started yet.
can you share what was the result you get with your updates?

@goldbattle goldbattle added user-platform User has trouble running on their own platform. dataset Dataset issue request or issue labels Nov 23, 2024
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This might be the covariance is becoming ill-defined, or the statistical chi2 checks start to fail at that point. Could you take a look at that point and see if the filter stops getting feature updates (MSCKF and SLAM)?

I think one concern with your approach is that you will remove all the tracked features, so basically have non-continuous pose tracking. Probably a better method is to "update" with a fake GPS / mocap sensors to reduce the uncertainty of the system to remove this instability (if you want to avoid this issue with the global uncertainty being unbounded).

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