17.8 Adding Collision Detection
Example: Collision detection
import 'dart:async' ;
import 'package:flame/collisions.dart' ;
import 'package:flame/flame.dart' ;
import 'package:flame/game.dart' ;
import 'package:flame/components.dart' ;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' ;
void main () async {
WidgetsFlutterBinding .ensureInitialized ();
await Flame .device.setPortrait ();
final shapeGame = ShapesExample ();
runApp (GameWidget (game: shapeGame));
class ShapesExample extends FlameGame with HasCollisionDetection {
Future <void > onLoad () async {
super .onLoad ();
add (RectComponent (size[0 ], size[1 ]));
// @override
// void update(double dt) {
// super.update(dt);
// }
// @override
// void render(Canvas canvas) {
// super.render(canvas);
// }
// Add a [Color] Rect on screen
class RectComponent extends PositionComponent with CollisionCallbacks {
double screenWidthMax = 0 ;
double screenHeightMax = 0 ;
double xStartPosition = 0 ;
double yStartPosition = 0 ;
static double xRectWidth = 50 ;
static double yRectHeight = 50 ;
int rectDirection = 1 ;
final paint = Paint ()
..color = Colors .white
..strokeWidth = 4 ;
RectComponent (this .screenWidthMax, this .screenHeightMax);
Future <void > onLoad () async {
super .onLoad ();
// Set the start position of the Rect - center of the screen
xStartPosition = (screenWidthMax) / 2 ;
yStartPosition = (screenHeightMax) / 2 ;
add (RectangleHitbox ());
void onCollision (Set <Vector2 > intersectionPoints, PositionComponent other) {
super .onCollision (intersectionPoints, other);
if (other is ScreenHitbox ) {
switch (rectDirection) {
case 0 :
rectDirection = 1 ;
break ;
case 1 :
rectDirection = 0 ;
break ;
default :
break ;
void update (double dt) {
super .update (dt);
if (rectDirection == 1 ) {
xStartPosition += 5 ;
if (xStartPosition >= (screenWidthMax - xRectWidth)) {
rectDirection = 0 ;
if (rectDirection == 0 ) {
xStartPosition -= 5 ;
if (xStartPosition <= (0 )) {
rectDirection = 1 ;
void render (Canvas canvas) {
super .render (canvas);
// xStartPos, yStartPos, xRectWidth, yRectHeight
canvas.drawRect (
Rect .fromLTWH (xStartPosition, yStartPosition, xRectWidth, yRectHeight),
# Example : Test
import 'dart:async' ;
import 'package:flame/collisions.dart' ;
import 'package:flame/flame.dart' ;
import 'package:flame/game.dart' ;
import 'package:flame/components.dart' ;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' ;
void main () async {
WidgetsFlutterBinding .ensureInitialized ();
await Flame .device.setPortrait ();
final shapeGame = ShapesExample ();
runApp (GameWidget (game: shapeGame));
class ShapesExample extends FlameGame with HasCollisionDetection {
Future <void > onLoad () async {
add (GridComponent (size[0 ], size[1 ]));
add (RectComponent (size[0 ], size[1 ]));
super .onLoad ();
// @override
// void update(double dt) {
// super.update(dt);
// }
// @override
// void render(Canvas canvas) {
// super.render(canvas);
// }
class GridComponent extends PositionComponent with CollisionCallbacks {
double screenWidthMax = 0 ;
double screenHeightMax = 0 ;
double xPos = 0 ;
double yPos = 0 ;
final paint = Paint ()
..color = Colors .grey
..strokeWidth = 1 ;
GridComponent (this .screenWidthMax, this .screenHeightMax);
Future <void > onLoad () async {
super .onLoad ();
xPos = (screenWidthMax / 2 ) - 100 ;
yPos = (screenHeightMax / 2 );
// add(RectangleHitbox());
add (RectangleHitbox .relative (Vector2 (xPos, yPos),
parentSize: Vector2 (50 , 50 )));
add (ScreenHitbox ());
void onCollision (Set <Vector2 > intersectionPoints, PositionComponent other) {
// print('Grid Edge detected - onCollision');
if (other is ScreenHitbox ) {
print ('ScreenHitbox: other onCollision' );
} else if (other is RectComponent ) {
print ('RectangleHitbox: other onCollision' );
} else {
print ('Other onCollision: $other ' );
super .onCollision (intersectionPoints, other);
// @override
// void onCollisionStart(
// Set<Vector2> intersectionPoints, PositionComponent other) {
// // ignore: avoid_print
// print('Grid Edge detected - onCollisionStart');
// super.onCollisionStart(intersectionPoints, other);
// }
void render (Canvas canvas) {
super .render (canvas);
canvas.drawRect (Rect .fromLTWH (xPos, yPos, 50 , 50 ), paint);
// Add a [Color] Rect on screen
class RectComponent extends PositionComponent with CollisionCallbacks {
double screenWidthMax = 0 ;
double screenHeightMax = 0 ;
double xStartPosition = 0 ;
double yStartPosition = 0 ;
static double xRectWidth = 50 ;
static double yRectHeight = 50 ;
int rectDirection = 0 ;
double elapsedTime = 0.0 ;
final paint = Paint ()
..color = Colors .white
..strokeWidth = 4 ;
RectComponent (this .screenWidthMax, this .screenHeightMax);
Future <void > onLoad () async {
super .onLoad ();
// Set the start position of the Rect - center of the screen
xStartPosition = (screenWidthMax) / 2 ;
yStartPosition = (screenHeightMax) / 2 ;
// add(RectangleHitbox());
add (RectangleHitbox .relative (Vector2 (xStartPosition, yStartPosition),
parentSize: Vector2 (50 , 50 )));
add (ScreenHitbox ());
void onCollision (Set <Vector2 > intersectionPoints, PositionComponent other) {
// print('Rect Edge detected - onCollision');
if (other is ScreenHitbox ) {
// ignore: avoid_print
print ('detected collision' );
} else if (other is GridComponent ) {
// ignore: avoid_print
print ('Rectangle: onCollision' );
} else {
print ('Other onCollision: $other ' );
super .onCollision (intersectionPoints, other);
// @override
// void onCollisionStart(
// Set<Vector2> intersectionPoints, PositionComponent other) {
// // ignore: avoid_print
// print('Rect Edge detected - onCollisionStart');
// super.onCollisionStart(intersectionPoints, other);
// }
void update (double dt) {
super .update (dt);
elapsedTime += dt;
if (elapsedTime > 1.0 ) {
if (rectDirection == 1 ) {
xStartPosition += 5 ;
// if (xStartPosition >= (screenWidthMax - xRectWidth)) {
// rectDirection = 0;
// }
if (rectDirection == 0 ) {
xStartPosition -= 5 ;
// if (xStartPosition <= (0)) {
// rectDirection = 1;
// }
elapsedTime = 0.0 ;
void render (Canvas canvas) {
super .render (canvas);
// xStartPos, yStartPos, xRectWidth, yRectHeight
canvas.drawRect (
Rect .fromLTWH (xStartPosition, yStartPosition, xRectWidth, yRectHeight),