On the turtlebot, run the following to launch the ROS 2 AMCL nodes:
. /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
. ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
launch `ros2 pkg prefix turtlebot2_amcl`/share/turtlebot2_amcl/launch/turtlebot_amcl.py
This will start the relevant turtlebot2 nodes, plus AMCL, plus the map server with a demo map. If you want to use a particular map, specify it with:
python3 `ros2 pkg prefix turtlebot2_amcl`/share/turtlebot2_amcl/launch/turtlebot_amcl.py --map ~/maps/mymap.yaml
By default, the initial pose will be position (0, 0) in the map with orientation of yaw = 0.
To specify an alternative initial pose, publish a message to the initialpose
topic, e.g.:
ros2 topic pub initialpose geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped "header:
sec: 0
nanosec: 0
frame_id: 'map'
position: {x: 5.5, y: 4.5, z: 0.0}
orientation: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0, w: 1.0}
covariance: [0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5]"
You should see the following console output that says that the pose estimate is being updated as the robot moves around:
$ launch `ros2 pkg prefix turtlebot2_amcl`/share/turtlebot2_amcl/launch/turtlebot_amcl.py
(kobuki_node) pid 16833: ['/home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/install_isolated/turtlebot2_drivers/lib/turtlebot2_drivers/kobuki_node'] (stderr > stdout, all > console)
(astra_camera_node) pid 16834: ['/home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/install_isolated/astra_camera/lib/astra_camera/astra_camera_node', '-dw', '320', '-dh', '240', '-C', '-I'] (stderr > stdout, all > console)
(depthimage_to_laserscan_node) pid 16835: ['/home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/install_isolated/depthimage_to_laserscan/lib/depthimage_to_laserscan/depthimage_to_laserscan_node'] (stderr > stdout, all > console)
(static_tf_pub_base_rgb) pid 16836: ['/home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/install_isolated/tf2_ros/lib/tf2_ros/static_transform_publisher', '-0.087', '-0.0125', '0.287', '0', '0', '0', '1', 'base_link', 'camera_rgb_frame'] (stderr > stdout, all > console)
(static_tf_pub_rgb_depth) pid 16839: ['/home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/install_isolated/tf2_ros/lib/tf2_ros/static_transform_publisher', '0', '0.0250', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', 'camera_rgb_frame', 'camera_depth_frame'] (stderr > stdout, all > console)
(joy_node) pid 16850: ['/home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/install_isolated/joy/lib/joy/joy_node'] (stderr > stdout, all > console)
(teleop_node) pid 16853: ['/home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/install_isolated/teleop_twist_joy/lib/teleop_twist_joy/teleop_node'] (stderr > stdout, all > console)
(map_server) pid 16869: ['/home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/install_isolated/map_server/lib/map_server/map_server', '/home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/install_isolated/turtlebot2_amcl/share/turtlebot2_amcl/examples/osrf_map.yaml'] (stderr > stdout, all > console)
(amcl) pid 16883: ['/home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/install_isolated/amcl/lib/amcl/amcl', '--use-map-topic'] (stderr > stdout, all > console)
[astra_camera_node] Device "2bc5/0401@2/8" found.
[astra_camera_node] Using depth frame id openni_depth_optical_frame
[astra_camera_node] Using color frame id openni_color_optical_frame
[amcl] [INFO] []: Received a 4000 X 4000 map @ 0.050 m/pix (handleMapMessage() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:914)
[amcl] [INFO] []: Initializing likelihood field model; this can take some time on large maps... (handleMapMessage() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:980)
[amcl] [INFO] []: Done initializing likelihood field model. (handleMapMessage() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:983)
[amcl] [DEBUG] []: Setting up laser 0 (frame_id=camera_depth_frame) (laserReceived() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:1179)
[amcl] [DEBUG] []: Received laser's pose wrt robot: -0.087 0.013 0.000 (laserReceived() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:1209)
[amcl] [DEBUG] []: Laser 0 angles in base frame: min: -0.510 inc: 0.003 (laserReceived() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:1329)
[amcl] [DEBUG] []: Num samples: 5000 (laserReceived() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:1371)
[amcl] [DEBUG] []: Max weight pose: 0.013 -0.002 0.000 (laserReceived() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:1425)
[amcl] [DEBUG] []: New pose: 0.013 -0.002 0.000 (laserReceived() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:1477)
[amcl] [INFO] []: Setting pose (1498865760.050656): 5.500 4.500 0.000 (handleInitialPoseMessage() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:1625)
[amcl] [DEBUG] []: Laser 0 angles in base frame: min: -0.510 inc: 0.003 (laserReceived() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:1329)
[amcl] [DEBUG] []: Num samples: 5000 (laserReceived() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:1371)
[amcl] [DEBUG] []: Max weight pose: 5.498 4.504 -0.008 (laserReceived() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:1425)
[amcl] [DEBUG] []: New pose: 5.498 4.504 -0.008 (laserReceived() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:1477)
[amcl] [DEBUG] []: Saving pose to server. x: 5.498, y: 4.504 (savePoseToServer() at /home/ubuntu/tb2_demo_ws/src/ros2/navigation/amcl/src/amcl_node.cpp:783)
On a machine that has the ROS 1 <-> ROS 2 bridge installed, you can use the bridge to echo the ROS 2 into ROS 1 topics so that they can be visualized by RViz in ROS 1.
Terminal 1:
. /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
Terminal 2:
. /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
. ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<turtlebot_ros_domain_id> ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge -- --bridge-all-2to1-topics
Now RViz will be able to display the localization result.
Terminal 3:
. /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
Terminal 4:
. /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
. ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
rosrun map_server map_server `ros2 pkg prefix turtlebot2_amcl`/share/turtlebot2_amcl/examples/osrf_map.yaml
Add TF, PoseArray, LaserArray and Map displays, and you should see the particle cloud move around the map with the robot.
If you only want particular topics to be bridged between ROS 1 and ROS 2, you can launch a "parameter bridge" with the provided configuration.
Terminal 2:
. /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
. ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
rosparam load `ros2 pkg prefix turtlebot2_amcl`/share/turtlebot2_amcl/config/parameter_bridge.yaml
ROS_DOMAIN_ID=<turtlebot_ros_domain_id> ros2 run ros1_bridge parameter_bridge
This will bridge only the relevant topics for using AMCL. Note that services will not be bridged with this configuration, so you will need to run a map server locally.