A minimalistic Scala Nostr toolkit.
It provides most of the data types defined in the NIPs in a more or less type-safe manner. One of the main design goals was keeping the number of dependencies as low as possible to decrease the chance of possible conflicts of dependencies in the apps, and also to minimize the possible attack vector.
The core module depends on secp256k1-kmp and Lazysodium for Java for cryptographic primitives, and bitcoin-kmp for some higher level data types and utilities.
Since Nostr protocol is highly JSON-centric, and there are a lot of different
JSON Scala libraries, we decoupled the JSON encoding/decoding from the Scala
data types using Codecs
trait. snostr
provides a few implementation of
, but users are welcome to implement their own codecs using their
favorite JSON libraries.
Install it by adding to your build.sbt
these lines:
libraryDependencies += "io.github.rorp" %% "snostr-core" % "0.3.0"
libraryDependencies += "io.github.rorp" %% "snostr-codec-jackson" % "0.3.0"
libraryDependencies += "io.github.rorp" %% "snostr-codec-zio-json" % "0.3.0"
libraryDependencies += "io.github.rorp" %% "snostr-client-akka-http" % "0.3.0"
supports various kinds of Nostr events. The base class for all
events is NostrEvent
. Its companion object contains a lot of utility
methods to create signed events. Here are some examples.
Note that these methods need an implicit Codec
to compute SHA256 hashes of
events they create.
NIP-01, NIP-05
import snostr.core._
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val setMetadata = NostrEvent.setMetadata(
privateKey = seckey,
name = Some("Alice"),
nip05 = Some(Nip05Identifier("alice", "domain")))
NIP-01, NIP-10, NIP-13, NIP-14, NIP-40
import snostr.core._
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
import java.time.Instant
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val textNote = NostrEvent.textNote(
privateKey = seckey,
content = "this is a message",
subject = Some("this is a subject"),
expiration = Some(Instant.now().plus(15, ChronoUnit.MINUTES))
val tags =
NostrTag.eTagsForReply(textNote.id, "ws://relay") ++
val reply = NostrEvent.reply(
privateKey = seckey,
content = "this is a response",
replyTo = textNote,
extraTags = tags,
subjectPrefix = "Re: ")
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
import snostr.core._
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val recommendServer = NostrEvent.recommendServer(
privateKey = seckey,
url = "ws://relay")
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
import snostr.core._
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val contacts = Vector(
publicKey = NostrPublicKey.fromHex("a5269a7f1b642f21f227d314bc3cc72fe25545908b1544504918023b8fb4985b"),
mainRelayUrl = "ws:/relay",
petname = "fido"))
val contactList = NostrEvent.contactList(
privateKey = seckey,
contacts = contacts)
NIP-04, NIP-44 (experimental)
import scala.util.Try
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
import snostr.core._
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val senderSeckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val receiverSeckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val receiverPubkey = receiverSeckey.publicKey
val encryptedDirectMessage = NostrEvent.encryptedDirectMessage(
senderPrivateKey = senderSeckey,
receiverPublicKey = receiverPubkey,
content = "this is an encrypted message",
nipNumber = 44)
val decryptedContent = encryptedDirectMessage.kind match {
case dm: EncryptedDirectMessage => Try(dm.decryptForReceiver(receiverSeckey)).toOption
case _ => None
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
import snostr.core._
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val eventsToDelete =
val deletion = NostrEvent.deletion(
privateKey = seckey,
eventIds = eventsToDelete)
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
import snostr.core._
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val textNote = NostrEvent.textNote(seckey, "this is a reposted message")
val repost = NostrEvent.repost(
privateKey = seckey,
event = textNote,
relay = "ws://relay")
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
import snostr.core._
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val textNote = NostrEvent.textNote(seckey, "this is a liked message")
val like = NostrEvent.reaction(
privateKey = seckey,
event = textNote,
content = "+")
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
import snostr.core._
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val auth = NostrEvent.authMessage(
privateKey = seckey,
challenge = "auth challenge",
relay = "ws://relay/")
import snostr.codec.zio.ZioJsonCodecs
import snostr.core._
implicit val codecs = ZioJsonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val zapRequest = NostrEvent.zapRequest(
privateKey = seckey,
relays = Vector("wss://nostr-pub.wellorder.com", "wss://anotherrelay.example.com"),
amount = 21000,
lnurl = "lnurl1dp68gurn8ghj7um5v93kketj9ehx2amn9uh8wetvdskkkmn0wahz7mrww4excup0dajx2mrv92x9xp",
recipient = NostrPublicKey.fromHex("04c915daefee38317fa734444acee390a8269fe5810b2241e5e6dd343dfbecc9"),
content = Some("Zap!"),
eventId = Some(Sha256Digest.fromHex("9ae37aa68f48645127299e9453eb5d908a0cbb6058ff340d528ed4d37c8994fb")),
import snostr.codec.zio.ZioJsonCodecs
import snostr.core._
import java.time.Instant
implicit val codecs = ZioJsonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val paidAt = Instant.now()
val zapReceipt = NostrEvent.zapReceipt(
privateKey = seckey,
recipient = NostrPublicKey.fromHex("32e1827635450ebb3c5a7d12c1f8e7b2b514439ac10a67eef3d9fd9c5c68e245"),
bolt11 = "lnbc10u1p3unwfusp5t9r3yymhpfqculx78u027lxspgxcr2n2987mx2j55nnfs95nxnzqpp5jmrh92pfld78spqs78v9euf2385t83uvpwk9ldrlvf6ch7tpascqhp5zvkrmemgth3tufcvflmzjzfvjt023nazlhljz2n9hattj4f8jq8qxqyjw5qcqpjrzjqtc4fc44feggv7065fqe5m4ytjarg3repr5j9el35xhmtfexc42yczarjuqqfzqqqqqqqqlgqqqqqqgq9q9qxpqysgq079nkq507a5tw7xgttmj4u990j7wfggtrasah5gd4ywfr2pjcn29383tphp4t48gquelz9z78p4cq7ml3nrrphw5w6eckhjwmhezhnqpy6gyf0",
description = "{\"pubkey\":\"97c70a44366a6535c145b333f973ea86dfdc2d7a99da618c40c64705ad98e322\",\"content\":\"\",\"id\":\"d9cc14d50fcb8c27539aacf776882942c1a11ea4472f8cdec1dea82fab66279d\",\"created_at\":1674164539,\"sig\":\"77127f636577e9029276be060332ea565deaf89ff215a494ccff16ae3f757065e2bc59b2e8c113dd407917a010b3abd36c8d7ad84c0e3ab7dab3a0b0caa9835d\",\"kind\":9734,\"tags\":[[\"e\",\"3624762a1274dd9636e0c552b53086d70bc88c165bc4dc0f9e836a1eaf86c3b8\"],[\"p\",\"32e1827635450ebb3c5a7d12c1f8e7b2b514439ac10a67eef3d9fd9c5c68e245\"],[\"relays\",\"wss://relay.damus.io\",\"wss://nostr-relay.wlvs.space\",\"wss://nostr.fmt.wiz.biz\",\"wss://relay.nostr.bg\",\"wss://nostr.oxtr.dev\",\"wss://nostr.v0l.io\",\"wss://brb.io\",\"wss://nostr.bitcoiner.social\",\"ws://monad.jb55.com:8080\",\"wss://relay.snort.social\"]]}",
preimage = Some("5d006d2cf1e73c7148e7519a4c68adc81642ce0e25a432b2434c99f97344c15f"),
eventId = Some(Sha256Digest.fromHex("3624762a1274dd9636e0c552b53086d70bc88c165bc4dc0f9e836a1eaf86c3b8")),
aTag = None,
sender = Some(NostrPublicKey.fromHex("97c70a44366a6535c145b333f973ea86dfdc2d7a99da618c40c64705ad98e322")),
createdAt = paidAt
NIP-59 (experimental)
import snostr.codec.zio.ZioJsonCodecs
import snostr.core._
import scala.util.Try
implicit val codecs = ZioJsonCodecs
val senderSeckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val giftWrapSeckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val receiverSeckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val receiverPubkey = receiverSeckey.publicKey
val wrappedEvent = NostrEvent.textNote(
privateKey = senderSeckey,
content = "this is a wrapped message")
val giftWrap = NostrEvent.giftWrap(
senderPrivateKey = giftWrapSeckey,
receiverPublicKey = receiverPubkey,
event = wrappedEvent)
val unwrappedEvent = giftWrap.kind match {
case gw: GiftWrap => Try(gw.decryptForReceiver(receiverSeckey)).toOption
case _ => None
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
import snostr.core._
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val tags = Vector(
CustomTag("g", Vector("geo", "location")))
val customEvent = NostrEvent.custom(
privateKey = seckey,
kind = 99999,
content = "this is a custom event",
tags = tags)
NIP-01, NIP-12
All fields of NostrFilter
are optional, but you should set at least one
field to something, because Nostr relays reject empty filters.
import snostr.core._
val filter = NostrFilter(
authors = Vector("abcdef"),
ids = Vector("00000000"),
kinds = Vector(1, 2, 3))
val filter1 = filter
.withTag(CustomTagKind("g"), Vector("geo location"))
NIP-01, NIP-42, NIP-45
subclasses represent Nostr client messages.
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
import snostr.core._
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val event = NostrEvent.textNote(
privateKey = seckey,
content = "this is a message")
val auth = NostrEvent.authMessage(
challenge = "auth challenge",
relay = "wss://nostr.relay"
val filter = NostrFilter(kinds = Vector(1))
val eventMessage = EventClientMessage(event)
val authMessage = AuthClientMessage(event)
val subscribeMessage = ReqClientMessage("subscription id", Vector(filter))
val countMessage = CountClientMessage("subscription id", Vector(filter))
val unsubscribeMessage = CloseClientMessage("subscription id")
val messages = Vector(
val encodedMessages = messages.map(codecs.encodeClientMessage)
val decodedMessages = encodedMessages.map(codecs.decodeClientMessage)
NIP-01, NIP-15, NIP-20, NIP-42, NIP-45
subclasses represent Nostr relay messages.
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
import snostr.core._
import snostr.core.OkRelayMessage._
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val seckey = NostrPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val event = NostrEvent.textNote(
privateKey = seckey,
content = "this is a message")
val count = 12345
val eventMessage = EventRelayMessage("subscription id", event)
val countMessage = CountRelayMessage("subscription id", count)
val authMessage = AutRelayMessage("auth challenge")
val noticeMessage = NoticeRelayMessage("notice")
val eoseMessage = EndOfStoredEventsRelayMessage("subscription id")
val okMessage = OkRelayMessage(event.id, Saved("message", duplicate = false))
okMessage.result match {
case Saved(message) => ???
case Blocked(message) => ???
case Invalid(message) => ???
case Pow(message) => ???
case RateLimited(message) => ???
case Error(message) => ???
case other: Rejected => ???
val messages = Vector(
val encodedMessages = messages.map(codecs.encodeRelayMessage)
val decodedMessages = encodedMessages.map(codecs.decodeRelayMessage)
import snostr.codec.jackson.JacksonCodecs
import snostr.core._
implicit val codecs = JacksonCodecs
val relayInfo = NostrRelayInformation(supportedNips = Vector(1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22))
if (relayInfo.supports(2, 9, 20)) {
// ok
val encodedInfo = codecs.encodeRelayInfo
val decodedInfo = codecs.decodeRelayInfo
In order to implement your own version of the codecs you need to implement
object MyCodecs extends Codecs {
override def encodeCommitment(commitment: NostrEvent.Commitment): String = ???
override def encodeNostrEvent(message: NostrEvent): String
override def decodeNostrEvent(json: String): NostrEvent
override def encodeClientMessage(message: NostrClientMessage): String = ???
override def decodeClientMessage(json: String): NostrClientMessage = ???
override def encodeRelayMessage(message: NostrRelayMessage): String = ???
override def decodeRelayMessage(json: String): NostrRelayMessage = ???
override def encodeRelayInfo(info: NostrRelayInformation): String = ???
override def decodeRelayInfo(json: String): NostrRelayInformation = ???
represents one way to implement a Nostr client. There definitely
are others. AkkaHttpNostrClient
is an example implementation of NostrClient
but it does work.