Demo URL:
I don't like having people run scripts, faster & easier to just have a webUI. Plus it's cool, I like having uwu on my github profile, shows personality.
The simple WebAPI will authenticate with your github to create a respository for the message.
Type in any text or draw any input, then press "save message" to have the commits be saved to your github profile.
You can offset the text or change any of the settings but your drawing will be reset.
And done! it's saved to your github profile. You can change the multiplier if you want a different shade, I personally prefer 4.
You will notice that a github repository has been created with the commits. You can modify or hide the reposistory afterwards if you don't want it showing up on your profile.
- Jason Kottke: Made the font used for the website (silkscreen)
- Text to commit history was the inspiraton for this