title | tags | authors | affiliations | date | bibliography | |||||||||||||||||
Tools to Manipulate and Query Semantic Data |
2017-12-11 |
paper.bib |
The Resource Description Framework, or RDF [@RDF; @W3C_RDF] is a widely used
data representation model that forms the cornerstone of the
Semantic Web. RDF represents data as a graph rather than
the familiar data table or rectangle of relational databases.
The rdflib
package provides a friendly and concise user interface
for performing common tasks on RDF data, such as reading, writing
and converting between the various serializations of RDF data,
including rdfxml
, turtle
, nquads
, ntriples
, and json-ld
creating new rdf
graphs, and performing graph queries using SPARQL [@SPARQL; @W3C_SPARQL].
This package wraps the low level redland
R package [@redland] which
provides direct bindings to the redland C library. Additionally,
the package supports the newer and more developer friendly
JSON-LD format through the jsonld
package [@jsonld; @W3C_jsonld].