This rental system provides rent information for Varanasi city, Uttar Pradesh, India. This system tries to serve the role of the third party broker in between the owner and the tenant. Systems main aim is to provide its user the information obout the available house rents in the city. Through this system any user can directly contact for rent to it owner without wasting any further time and money in the broker.
- User can see to the list of house for rent in the city.
- User can see to the house related information.
- A house may contain multiple rents.
- Customer can save any rent for the later reference.
- Guest can signup.
- Customer can login and logout.
- Customer can see to its saved rent in its saved log.
- System can update any house or rent information.
- System can block any user, in case of any misconduct.
Here, User is the superset for Guest and Customer.
Customer is one who is having an account on this system and Guest is the one who don't have any account.
- Install node and npm.
- Clone this repository to the local.
- Install mongodb and run it in background.
- Move to the clone repository in the terminal and run the command npm install.
- Run the command npm start. Now our system server will start running in localhost:5000
- Now post some rent information from the local using the localhost:5000/admin/rents api. You can use postman for the same. A sample post request that you can use can be:
- But before posting rents you need to authenticate by first signing up and then sending login post request to localhost:5000/auth/login
"latitude": 25.31,
"longitude": 82.9,
"owner_name": "rohit singh",
"address": "xyz colony",
"description": "this is a better",
"max_slot": 2,
"flat": [
"price": 8000,
"name": "A1",
"state": 0
"price": 4000,
"name": "A2",
"state": 0
Screenshots for the system are as follows:
Happy coding!!