See the Cabal web site for more information.
If you also want the cabal
command-line program, you need the
cabal-install package in addition to this library.
Please see the Cabal web site for the user guide and API documentation. There is additional information available on the development wiki.
Please report bugs and feature requests to Cabal's bug tracker.
To help Cabal's development, it is enormously helpful to know from Cabal's users what their most pressing problems are with Cabal and Hackage. You may have a favourite Cabal bug or limitation. Look at Cabal's bug tracker. Ensure that the problem is reported there and adequately described. Comment on the issue to report how much of a problem the bug is for you. Subscribe to the issues's notifications to discussed requirements and keep informed on progress. For feature requests, it is helpful if there is a description of how you would expect to interact with the new feature.
You can get the master development branch using:
$ git clone
Authors of the original Cabal specification:
- Isaac Jones
- Simon Marlow
- Ross Patterson
- Simon Peyton Jones
- Malcolm Wallace