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Mikko Korpela edited this page Oct 2, 2013 · 48 revisions

Release notes

The latest releases are available from the download page on Google Code. Older release notes are archived on a separate page.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 1285 Defect High Edit directory init file in Text Edit can not be applied
Issue 1281 Defect Medium unable to import String library 2.8.1 to RIDE
Issue 1283 Defect Medium In foder tree, Ride does not open a fodler when it is double clicked
Issue 1284 Enhancement Medium ride1.2 not work well with robot 2.8.1 when search keywords for new added keywords in BuiltIn

Altogether 4 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 1248 Defect High Can not open RIDE by error: sqlite3.OperationalError: unable to open database file
Issue 1270 Defect High Import library xml functionality
Issue 1207 Defect Medium RIDE 1.1 - selecting ONE test case, will run also following test cases
Issue 1208 Defect Medium Message console is not showing anything when running a very fast test case
Issue 1259 Defect Medium saving txt file in text edit mode automatically scrolls to the top (l
Issue 1263 Defect Medium "Arguments" textbox turns red when inserting --runfailed option
Issue 1233 Enhancement Medium Use keyboard shortcuts in more places
Issue 1265 Enhancement Medium Double clicking Variable icon on tree should open variable dialog
Issue 1224 Enhancement Low difficult to read the arguments in the Run panel when they are considered invalid

Altogether 9 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 1134 Enhancement Critical Mass Tag editor
Issue 1200 Defect High RIDE starts but it is not able to open project files and closes again
Issue 228 Enhancement High Debugging executed tests
Issue 1193 Enhancement High Syntax colorization for Text Edit
Issue 742 Enhancement Medium Shortcut for moving to next line in grid editor
Issue 1198 Enhancement Medium Add pause on failure option to test runner
Issue 1188 Documentation Medium Document that running tests does not work if C:Python27Scripts is in PATH with quotes
Issue 1202 Defect Low error importing listener when running Python in optimized mode

Altogether 8 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 1179 Defect Medium Test execution fails when starting from scratch
Issue 1187 Enhancement Medium Update internal Robot to 2.7.6
Issue 1180 Defect Low suite or resource file not fully renamed if you tab off

Altogether 3 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 1170 Defect Medium Keyword cell information threw an exception when External Resources selected from tree
Issue 1173 Defect Medium Test cases with the same name are marked wrongly in the tree with test execution status
Issue 1174 Defect Medium Should show old wxpython dialog with really old wxpython
Issue 1169 Enhancement Medium Update status to stable in pavement

Altogether 4 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 1135 Defect High Backwards going resource imports sometimes fail (Are shown in red color and resources are shown as unused)
Issue 1155 Defect High "Search" button of "Search Tests" dialog does nothing
Issue 1164 Defect High Renaming keyword with embedded arguments fails
Issue 1147 Defect Medium Screenshot library prevents RIDE from closing completely
Issue 1154 Defect Medium Search Keywords get error and never stops refreshing the screen
Issue 1157 Defect Medium HTML format change does not work
Issue 1159 Defect Medium Comments are not handled correctly in FOR loops
Issue 1160 Defect Medium enabling/disabling plugins does not work
Issue 1161 Defect Medium RIDE freezes w/ 'DocumentationController' object has no attribute 'replace_keyword'
Issue 1162 Defect Medium Editing in text editor is not possible if there is a comment starting with two hash characters
Issue 1166 Defect Medium For loop header row move throws an exception
Issue 1117 Enhancement Medium Support wildcards in excludes
Issue 1137 Enhancement Medium Clean-up menus, toolbars, etc.
Issue 1150 Enhancement Medium Excludes editable in Preferences
Issue 1146 Defect Low global variable value set problem
Issue 1167 Defect Low Test suite files starting with underscore cause parse error

Altogether 16 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 32 Enhancement Critical Searching tests using name, documentation or tags
Issue 1124 Defect High Font size displayed does not match font size set
Issue 1131 Defect High Multiline documentation should be formatted in multiple rows
Issue 1141 Enhancement High Document and notify at start-up that wxPython is the minimum supported version
Issue 1004 Defect Medium popup help interferes with editing/copying/pasting of cells
Issue 1064 Defect Medium Directory init file library imports fail on linux
Issue 1080 Defect Medium 'Find Where Used' on for variable name with dashes excludes items after the dash
Issue 1092 Defect Medium "File Changed On Disk" keeps poping up repeatedly even after a deleted suite has been removed from the project
Issue 1101 Defect Medium Green Dot Indication Isn't Visible for tests' with '.'
Issue 1110 Defect Medium Ride crashes regularly in Ubuntu 12.04
Issue 1118 Defect Medium Using tab character in text editor does not work
Issue 1119 Defect Medium Deleting resource file and imports throws an exception
Issue 1122 Defect Medium RIDE Preferences Dialog shows 40 spaces, should be 4
Issue 1138 Defect Medium Hot key "Control + A" does not work under windows os
Issue 1144 Defect Medium Failures in importing libraries (e.g. Remote library) can hang RIDE
Issue 198 Enhancement Medium Ride should have links to help documents in the "Help" menu.
Issue 1121 Enhancement Medium Add keyword search to toolbar
Issue 1132 Enhancement Medium Installer should optionally create shortcuts on windows
Issue 1133 Enhancement Medium Installer should check that wx exists
Issue 1026 Defect Low Pressing Ctrl+D when cell editor open will remove two rows in Linux

Altogether 20 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 1102 Defect High RIDE doesn't prompt to save changes when switching between projects
Issue 875 Defect Medium test runner listener interface doesn't work on windows with iron python
Issue 983 Defect Medium Unable to copy/paste from View Log screen
Issue 998 Defect Medium Rename error when renaming KW
Issue 1090 Defect Medium RIDE hangs up while test execution
Issue 1099 Defect Medium New lines in user keyword name or variable name breaks the Tree view
Issue 1107 Defect Medium Exclude does not work if the directory has a __init__ file
Issue 1108 Defect Medium Editing a cell exits after a very short amount of time
Issue 1109 Defect Medium file 'dirty' status behaves badly with exclude
Issue 1111 Defect Medium RIDE crashes if a suite file name contains newlines
Issue 1113 Defect Medium Renaming suite should update tests selected for running
Issue 816 Enhancement Medium Expand All/Collapse All actions to tree nodes
Issue 1071 Enhancement Medium support change font
Issue 1078 Enhancement Medium Caret moves to the top of text edit when change between edit- and text edit-tabs

Altogether 14 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 1105 Defect Critical New users can't start RIDE

Altogether 1 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 1100 Defect High Exclude will show debug prints in console
Issue 580 Enhancement Medium User keyword Arguments should be presented in a more userfriendly manner

Altogether 2 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 1085 Defect High RIDE does not always execute the correct test case
Issue 1088 Defect High 'module' object has no attribute 'STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW'
Issue 1095 Defect High Searching results in sqllite3.ProgrammingError
Issue 1010 Defect High RIDE 0.46.1 load time very slow, and timer stops
Issue 1063 Defect Medium RIDE doesn't show zero sized resource files
Issue 1086 Defect Medium Renaming keyword with $-sign fails

Altogether 6 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 92 Enhancement High Cannot open non-empty directory/file unless it contains at least one test case
Issue 1082 Enhancement High Library loading time improvements
Issue 1069 Defect Medium Remove 'Reload Directory'
Issue 1072 Defect Medium Library code can kill RIDE without a trace
Issue 1081 Defect Medium Using 'Rename Keyword' on variable name in Step cell hangs RIDE
Issue 1066 Defect Low TestCaseFileEditor has no delete_rows

Altogether 6 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 453 Defect Medium Using Comments Rows or Colorizing for a complete FOR loop does not work correctly
Issue 702 Defect Medium Keywords used as Run keyword variants' argument in setup/teardown are not find with find usages
Issue 1025 Defect Medium It shows wrong Character for non-ascii characters when running
Issue 1042 Defect Medium Row: Ctrl+c does not copy the whole selection
Issue 1046 Defect Medium Show a better error message if ansi version of wx is used
Issue 1053 Defect Medium Test runner shows console when RIDE is started with pythonw.exe
Issue 1058 Defect Medium Pasting data into Rides Edit page from a tab delimited file has issues if the lines have different numbers of delimiters / columns
Issue 1059 Defect Medium Library/Resource import from File Dialog on Windows fails
Issue 1060 Defect Medium Can't add new resource to resource folder
Issue 260 Enhancement Medium Notification about (un)successfully imported libraries, resources, variables
Issue 1049 Enhancement Medium Standalone comments should be preserved in variable table
Issue 1040 Defect Low Disabling plugin causes exception

Altogether 12 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 1043 Defect High Executing test in Windows with Python 2.6 does not work
Issue 1047 Defect High Text Edit shortcuts don't work on windows
Issue 1033 Defect Medium Ride's Search unused keywords utility does not work correctly with embedded arguments
Issue 1038 Defect Medium Deleting test data folder that contain resource files does not update imports
Issue 1041 Defect Medium Text Edit file change from tree should not change focus to Grid editor
Issue 1048 Defect Medium Resource path autocompletes wrong in windows
Issue 867 Enhancement Medium setting for default file type
Issue 986 Enhancement Medium The list of available shotcuts should be shown somewhere
Issue 1032 Enhancement Medium Keyboard shortcut to add cell in the Grid editor
Issue 1044 Enhancement Medium Search in text editor

Altogether 10 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 693 Enhancement High Importing resource through file browser
Issue 1034 Enhancement High Stop test execution gracefully
Issue 941 Defect Medium input box of TestRunnerPlugin should handle "suppr" / Delete key in addition to "backspace"
Issue 977 Defect Medium Autocomplete does not show correct library name for duplicate keywords
Issue 1008 Defect Medium Extra white space after tables in suite/test/keyword documentation
Issue 1027 Defect Medium Clicking on "Stop" button doesn't stop test execution (RIDE: 0.46/0.47)
Issue 800 Enhancement Medium Add option to stop test execution gracefully
Issue 837 Enhancement Medium Remember Last Opened Project on RIDE Restart/Reopen
Issue 862 Enhancement Medium Possibility to delete directory suites
Issue 873 Enhancement Medium Test runner plugin: Show running message log during execution
Issue 990 Defect Low Run configuration list editor can't delete empty items
Issue 1006 Enhancement Low Add hot-keys for open report and log files

Altogether 12 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 987 Defect High Saving during empty row edit will remove next row
Issue 1021 Defect High Renaming a suite file while empty rows causes corrupt data
Issue 923 Defect Medium Rename Test Case/Keyword does not take effect when focus is moved away
Issue 982 Defect Medium Pressing F2 on a non renameable tree element will disable F2
Issue 989 Defect Medium Getting "Failed: Data source does not exist" errors
Issue 1015 Defect Medium Directory doesn't accept non-ascii characters (V.0.46.1)
Issue 1017 Defect Medium Argument highlighting is lost when passing in individual list items as arguments
Issue 1019 Defect Medium Unicode characters in test execution output
Issue 1022 Defect Medium Delete-key in text editor and renaming
Issue 900 Defect   Rename cancel does not return dirty status

Altogether 10 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 997 Defect High Cannot run test cases after opening a test suite
Issue 1001 Defect High Running tests in Ride 0.46 does not work with pythonw
Issue 999 Defect Medium Saving changes in Text Edit mode causes selected tests in the Tree view to appear unchecked

Altogether 3 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 881 Defect Medium Saving new testsuites with no tests with RIDE, causes an invalid data error when trying to open the suite later
Issue 974 Defect Medium When running test cases, the working directory is where RIDE is started, not where the test cases are located
Issue 988 Defect Medium Table borders are not shown in suite/test/keyword documentation
Issue 870 Enhancement Medium tree: Show unused resource files
Issue 531 Defect Low Delete key does not work in test case/user keyword rename on Windows
ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 703 Enhancement High Integrate test run plugin to RIDE tree
Issue 929 Defect Medium popup help interferes with editing/copying/pasting of cells
Issue 980 Defect Medium Wrong warning color when variable with default value and varargs
ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 916 Defect High Slow saving in RIDE 0.40.2
Issue 947 Defect Medium Delete key behaves badly in 'Manage Run Configurations' dialog
Issue 877 Enhancement Medium Import library/resource/variables dialogs should propose known alternatives
Issue 966 Enhancement Medium Reload Directory
Issue 969 Enhancement Medium Keyboard shortcut for go to definition
Issue 970 Enhancement Medium Test Runner: Show currently executed keyword while running
ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 861 Enhancement High UI for editing RIDE's settings
Issue 157 Defect Medium RIDE should not allow editing read-only files
Issue 442 Defect Medium Help-About isn't available on OSX
Issue 781 Defect Medium Help-Release Notes not available on Mac OSX after first launch
Issue 895 Defect Medium The pythonpath setting is not used by Run plugin
Issue 943 Defect Medium Copy does not work in the output view of Run tab
Issue 945 Defect Medium Can't run test from RIDE due to assci issue
Issue 952 Defect Medium RIDE should survive if configuration file is corrupted
Issue 623 Enhancement Medium Check for updates once a week
Issue 871 Enhancement Medium Create variable keyboard shortcut
Issue 927 Enhancement Medium Default space number should be cofigurable
Issue 932 Enhancement Medium Mechanism for settings migration
Issue 934 Enhancement Medium Colorize Library keywords in a different color than User keywords
Issue 866 Documentation Medium Document how to configure line separator
Issue 940 Defect Low In ReleaseNote Tab, the first three Hyperlinks should refer to GitHub now, no longer to GoogleCode

Altogether 15 issues.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 917 Defect High Common Windows shorcuts don't work in Text Edit tab or Run tab
Issue 939 Defect High No more possible to save TXT file from Ride when Backup fails
Issue 3 Enhancement High Find unused User Keywords
Issue 926 Enhancement High Ability to ignore a directory when loading data
Issue 911 Defect Medium Suffix of resource file disappears after rename
Issue 930 Defect Medium Library import with relative path doesn't work in RIDE 0.41
Issue 920 Enhancement Medium Sorting of external resources
Issue 931 Enhancement Medium Unknown variables should be colored differently from known
Issue 938 Enhancement Medium "Report a Problem" option to Help menu

Altogether 9 issues.

A major problem in 64 bit Windows 7 where RIDE froze when Google Chrome is running was fixed (Issue 714). Also special thanks to Andreas Brain for contributing Sorting of keywords (Issue 624).

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 714 Defect High RIDE sometimes hangs up while google chrome is running
Issue 918 Defect High Errors thrown by RIDE 0.40.2 Test Runner
Issue 924 Defect High Encoding error
Issue 624 Enhancement Medium Sorting of keywords
Issue 882 Enhancement Medium Remove support for serializing old style metadata

Altogether 5 issues.

RIDE 0.40 unfortunately contained some pretty severe bugs, and RIDE 0.40.1 was released shortly after to fix these. All the fixed bugs are listed in the below table:

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 907 Defect Critical Unable to open if large quantity of tests in directories
Issue 910 Enhancement High Backup file when saving so that it can be restored if saving fails
Issue 798 Defect Medium ProgressDialog_Pulse can't be initialized when running ride along with projects file opening
Issue 909 Defect Medium "Hide All Test Cases" doesn't work

Altogether 4 issues.

There are two major improvements in the RIDE 0.40. First, a plain text editor was added to enable editing whole file at a time (issue 899). Second, it is now possible to write plain text files so that columns are aligned according to headers (issue 903). This supports writing data-driven tests with RIDE more efficiently. In addition, files written in HTML and TSV formats are now cleaner.

Some other improvements and bug fixes are included, all of which are listed in the table below.

ID Type Priority Summary
Issue 899 Defect High Renaming a dirty Test Suite, gets its file deleted
Issue 903 Enhancement High Improved data formatting when saving
Issue 904 Enhancement High Support for editing test data in plain text format
Issue 735 Defect Medium Using # character to comment rows collapses the commented row on next startup
Issue 876 Defect Medium Bug in testrunner plugin, module
Issue 892 Defect Medium RIDE cannot create a new top level suite file
Issue 893 Defect Medium RIDE - Problems in multiuser environment due to hard-coded port no.
Issue 897 Defect Medium HTML files are always written using unix line separators
Issue 901 Enhancement Medium Show table headers in grid editor

Altogether 9 issues.

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