- This release marks V3 of P2PD.
- Largest no of changes since project began.
- Over 10k+ line changes covering every file.
- Some files improved others - re-written from scratch.
- 85 tasks completed; All new documentation.
Here's some higher level features added:
- Improved methodology for establishing connections.
- Same machine, same interface, same LAN, internal external.
- More edge-cases taken into account.
- This makes connectivity methods more reliable and reduces size.
- Proper support for STUN protocol changes.
- 100s more STUN servers the software works with.
- Hole punching now works with IPv6. Better support for testing too.
- Enhanced message delivery to improve routing.
- New signal protocol format.
- Support for encryption, authentication, and naming.
- Improved port forwarding and pin hole setup.
- Optimized interface pairing selections.
- Minor improvements to the TURN client.
- Usability improvements for network programming.
- Improvements to how the software loads addressing info.
- Numerous bug fixes.
- New infrastructure for STUN, TURN, MQTT, and PNS.
- Better cross-platform support.