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Roberto Ulloa edited this page Aug 21, 2016 · 16 revisions

The Cultural Simulator graphical interfaces uses a workspace directory, which is the directory that will contain the results directories and files. When using the Command Line Interface, the results will be stored in the folder where the command is executed.

An execution could be composed of one simulation, which is the case when the main controls of the simulation are used (See C. Control the simulation), or by several simulations (either repetitions of the same, or different configurations) which is common when using the Batch Mode or the Command Line Interface. In all these cases, however, the output structure inside a result folder is the same.

When using the main interface or the Batch Mode, the results folder name is results, however if there is already a folder with that name then a number is added after the name, e.g. results0. This happens quite often, so you will always find the results of your last execution in the folder with the highest number.

The following is the structure inside a result folder for all cases:

  • progressions: a directory containing csv files. Each file contains the response variables (and parameters) for each Checkpoint of each executed simulation. The information contained here can be used to recreate and analyze the Graph Panels in any statistical software that accepts csv files. The csv file name consist of an internal unique identifier (a numeric sequence), an identifier of the used model, and the rows and columns of the simulation.

  • simulations: a directory containing the final state of the each executed simulation. These files can be opened with File->Load Simulation State to visualize the state at the end of the execution. More importantly, these files can be used to build experimental designs, in which the effects of different events are compared against the same set of simulation states (see Batch Mode or Command Line Interface)

  • Results file (results.csv): a csv file that collects all the response variables and parameters at the end of the simulation. The results.csv file name will vary if an ID is used in the Command Line Interface

  • events.txt: a folder that contains a description of the executed events inside the simulation when the Batch Mode or the Command Line Interface are used.

Apart from the results directory (and its internal structure), another directory, called resultSet, is generated in the work space. This directory will contain a copy of the results.csv file, adding the folder name to the file name (e.g. results0-results.csv). When several experiments are executed, the resultSet directory will contain all the results files, which is practical when you want to open all results with a statistical program or you simply want to take (zip, send, or backup) the main results all together. Going to each result folder to collect the results is not necessary.

When the Batch Mode or the Command Line Interface are used to execute simulations from a results directory (e.g. to execute two different types of Events in the same simulation state sets), the input folder that contains the simulations folder becomes the workspace folder. From this moment on, all the previous rules of the internal structure remain valid.

The following tables show the names of the columns of the csv files (the result files, and the files in the progression folder).

Identifiers and timestamps:
Column Description
id Unique identifier for a simulation inside an experiment
timestamp The timestamp where this line was printed
duration The diferrence between the current timestamp and when the experiment was started
Parameters of the simulation
Column Parameter
model Model
random_initialization Random initialization
iterations Interations
speed Speed
rows Rows
cols Columns
radius Radius
features Features
traits Traits
mutation Mutation
selection_error Selection Error
institutional_influence Influence
agent_loyalty Loyalty
democracy Democracy
propaganda Propaganda
Simulation counters
Column Simulation counter
epoch Epoch
generation Generation
iteration Iteration
Simulation measurements
Column Simulation measurement
energy Energy
pixel_similarity Pixel Similarity
Cultural measurements
Column Cultural measurement
cultures Cultures
cultures_at_least_3 Cultures with at least 3 agents
biggest_culture Biggest Culture
full_sim Full similarity
pos_sim Position similarity
size_sim Size similarity
traits_sim Traits similarity
Von Neumann cultural measurements
Column Von Neumann cultural measurement
neumann_cultures Neumann cultures
neumann_cultures_at_least_3 Neumann cultures with at least 3 agents
biggest_neumann_culture Neumann biggest culture
neumann_full_sim Full similarity
neumann_pos_sim Position similarity
neumann_size_sim Size similarity
neumann_traits_sim Traits similarity
Institutional measurements
Column Institutional measurement
institutions Institutions
biggest_institution Biggest institution
institution_similarity Institution similarity
Event-related measurements
Column Event-related measurement
alive Alive
foreign Foreign
destroyed_institutions Destroyed Institutions
stateless Stateless
apostates Apostates
removed_institutions Removed institutions
removed_traits Removed traits
converted_institutions Converted institutions
converted_traits Converted traits
settlers Settlement
immigrants Immigration
casualties Decimation