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+templateKey: blog-post
+title: Manage Call Queue and Auto Attendant
+date: 2022-01-31T19:15:49.500Z
+description: How to manage Call Queue and Auto Attendant settings with PowerShell
+featuredpost: false
+ - teams
+ - powershell
+ - call queue
+ - auto attendant
+## Prerequisites
+## Preparation
+For this article, we'll use a test attendant. We'll also modify the call queue, where the calls land after going through auto attendant.
+Let's save their names to variables:
+$attendantName = 'ATT_TEST'
+$callQueueName = 'CQ_TEST'
+### Getting the identifiers
+Next, we'll use PowerShell to pull call queue and auto attendant objects. We'll use [`Get-CsAutoAttendant`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/get-csautoattendant?view=skype-ps) and [`Get-CsCallQueue`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/get-cscallqueue?view=skype-ps).
+We can also get the identity from the Teams Admin Center. When we edit an auto attendant or a call queue, id is the last part of the page URL:
+![](../../img/aa-cq-management-getting-id.png "Getting ID from the Teams Admin Center URL")
+Both cmdlets have similar parameters. Two of them might be useful to get the identifiers of our objects: `Identity` and `NameFilter`. Both parameters accept a string.
+We will use `NameFilter` to get our objects. We need to be careful though. Using `NameFilter` returns all objects matching the filter. For example, if our filter is *Test*, we'll get the objects with names:
+* Test (this is desired)
+* Test2
+* NotTest
+After the *Get-* cmdlets we'll add `Where-Object` at the end. This is to ensure that we only use the object with the exact name we provided:
+$aa = Get-CsAutoAttendant -NameFilter $attendantName |
+ Where-Object Name -eq $attendantName
+$cq = Get-CsCallQueue -NameFilter $callQueueName |
+ Where-Object Name -eq $callQueueName
+We now have our objects saved to the variable. Let's start modifying them!
+The activities below are not dependent (unless specified otherwise). We can use only one of them and the effect will be the same.
+## Managing general options
+### Changing the operator to a person
+The operator of an auto attendant is a callable entity. There is one difference in comparison to other entities (person, voice app, or phone number). When we create the menu, there's a predefined voice command, which redirects to the operator.
+In this example, we'll set Megan Bowen to be the auto attendant operator:
+# Here we enter the User Principal Name
+$operatorUPN = 'MeganB@contoso.com'
+# We define callable entity using Identity
+$operatorObjectId = (Get-CsOnlineUser $operatorUPN).Identity
+$callableEntityPersonParams = @{
+ Identity = $operatorObjectId
+ Type = 'User'
+$callableEntityPerson = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity @callableEntityPersonParams
+# We set the operator
+$aa.Operator = $callableEntityPerson
+# And we save
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+Next time we open the attendant in Teams Admin Center, we should see the operator set:
+![Megan Bowen set as an operator in Teams Admin Center](../../img/20220215-081521-bhUh8IrI7x.png)
+### Changing the operator to the call queue
+We can also set the group of people to act as an operator. We use a call queue for that.
+In the example below we'll provide the ID of the existing call queue. Then we'll set it as an operator.
+# Here we enter the call queue name
+$operatorCallQueueName = 'CQ_TEST'
+# We define callable entity using the resource account
+$operatorQueue = Get-CsCallQueue -NameFilter $operatorCallQueueName |
+ Where-Object Name -eq $operatorCallQueueName
+$operatorQueueAccountId = $operatorQueue.ApplicationInstances[0]
+$callableEntityQueueParams = @{
+ Identity = $operatorQueueAccountId
+ Type = 'ApplicationEndpoint'
+$callableEntityQueue = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity @callableEntityQueueParams
+# We set the operator
+$aa.Operator = $callableEntityQueue
+# And we save
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+We might get the error saying *New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity: Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Identity' because it is an empty string.*
+In that case, our call queue might not have the resource account assigned yet. We must create the resource account, assign it, and try again.
+### Changing the operator to the auto attendant
+Using an auto attendant as an operator allows to define a workflow for contacting the operator. The procedure is similar to setting a call queue as an operator:
+# Here we enter the auto attendant name
+$operatorAutoAttendantName = 'ATT_RobTest'
+# We define callable entity using the resource account
+$operatorAttendant = Get-CsAutoAttendant -NameFilter $operatorAutoAttendantName |
+ Where-Object Name -eq $operatorAutoAttendantName
+$operatorAttendantAccountId = $operatorAttendant.ApplicationInstances[0]
+$callableEntityAttendantParams = @{
+ Identity = $operatorAttendantAccountId
+ Type = 'ApplicationEndpoint'
+$callableEntityAttendant = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity @callableEntityAttendantParams
+# We set the operator
+$aa.Operator = $callableEntityAttendant
+# And we save
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+We might get the error saying *New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity: Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Identity' because it is an empty string.*
+In that case, our auto attendant might not have the resource account assigned yet. We must create the resource account, assign it, and try again.
+### Changing the operator to the phone number
+The only callable entity which we haven't set is the phone number. Let's set it, too.
+# Here we enter the number
+# It must be in E.164 format
+$operatorNumber = '+48123456789'
+# We create the respective entity
+$callableEntityNumberParams = @{
+ Identity = $operatorNumber
+ Type = 'ExternalPstn'
+$callableEntityNumber = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity @callableEntityNumberParams
+# We set the operator
+$aa.Operator = $callableEntityNumber
+# And we save
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+### Removing the operator
+To remove the operator we need to nullify the property:
+# We set the operator to $null
+$aa.Operator = $null
+# And we save
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+### Changing the time zone
+Microsoft provides a cmdlet to find out which time zones are supported by auto attendants. The cmdlet is [`Get-CsAutoAttendantSupportedTimeZone`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/get-csautoattendantsupportedtimezone?view=skype-ps). We'll use it to find out the name of the specific zone we'd like to set.
+In this example, I'll try to set the time zone used in Poland. It is UTC+1 and should have Warsaw in its name.
+Let's run the `Get-CsAutoAttendantSupportedTimeZone` . We'll check the structure of the data returned:
+![](../../img/20220212-085154-rkphfln0cy.png "Type of data returned by Get-CsAutoAttendantSupportedTimeZone cmdlet")
+As we can see, each entry has two properties: *Id* and *DisplayName*. We'll filter using the DisplayName. Then we'll use the *Id* and pass it to the auto attendant object.
+We'll first try to filter using the hours' difference *+01:00* and then based on the city name (*Warsaw*).
+# By time difference
+Get-CsAutoAttendantSupportedTimeZone |
+ Where-Object DisplayName -like '*+01:00*'
+# By city name
+Get-CsAutoAttendantSupportedTimeZone |
+ Where-Object DisplayName -like '*warsaw*'
+Here's what is returned in both cases:
+![](../../img/20220212-085905-lgtyacccuy.png "Filtering supported time zones")
+Now, when we know the identifier, we can pass it to the auto attendant object:
+# Copying data from the filtering above
+$timeZoneId = 'Central European Standard Time'
+# Setting the object
+$aa.timeZoneId = $timeZoneId
+# And saving
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+## Managing default call flow
+In this section, we'll manage the options available under the *Call flow* tab. These options will be effective during business hours on business (non-holiday) days.
+We have two areas to manage in this tab: greeting and the destination. Destination specifies where to route the call after the greeting.
+### Changing default greeting
+Ok, something simple first - let's change a greeting for the auto attendant default workflow. Our greeting will be of text-to-speech type:
+# First we define the greeting
+$TTSPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "Welcome to Contoso!"
+# Then we overwrite current AA configuration
+$aa.DefaultCallFlow.Greetings = @($TTSPrompt)
+# And we set the auto attendant
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+We can verify the prompt is saved successfully:
+# We pull the AA info again
+$aa = Get-CsAutoAttendant -NameFilter $attendantName |
+ Where-Object Name -eq $attendantName
+# And now we list
+The output should look similar to the image below:
+![](../../img/20220202-212929-rdgkk5ibpn.png "Verifying updated text-to-speech prompt")
+### Changing default greeting to audio file
+Changing the default greeting to the audio file is very similar. We'll use the example from the [`New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt` documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/new-csautoattendantprompt?view=skype-ps):
+# These three lines create the prompt
+# If you use Windows PowerShell (5.1 or lower) use:
+$content = Get-Content "C:\temp\welcome.wav" -ReadCount 0 -Encoding byte
+# For PowerShell (multi-platform) use:
+$content = Get-Content "C:\temp\welcome.wav" -ReadCount 0 -AsByteStream
+# And then for any platform
+$audioFile = Import-CsOnlineAudioFile -ApplicationId "OrgAutoAttendant" -FileName "welcome.wav" -Content $content
+$audioFilePrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -AudioFilePrompt $audioFile
+# Now we use another variable
+$aa.DefaultCallFlow.Greetings = @($audioFilePrompt)
+# And we set the auto attendant again
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+### Redirecting the call to the person
+Ok, let's make our auto attendant redirect the call to Megan Bowen:
+# Here we enter the User Principal Name
+$redirectPersonUPN = 'MeganB@contoso.com'
+# We define callable entity using Identity
+$redirectPersonObjectId = (Get-CsOnlineUser $redirectPersonUPN).Identity
+$callableEntityPersonParams = @{
+ Identity = $redirectPersonObjectId
+ Type = 'User'
+$callableEntityPerson = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity @callableEntityPersonParams
+# We need menu option
+$newAAPersonMenuOptionParams = @{
+ Action = 'TransferCallToTarget'
+ DtmfResponse = 'Automatic'
+ CallTarget = $callableEntityPerson
+$AAPersonMenuOption = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption @newAAPersonMenuOptionParams
+# Now, we update the default menu options
+$aa.DefaultCallFlow.Menu.MenuOptions = @($AAPersonMenuOption)
+# And we set the auto attendant
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+### Redirecting the call to the call queue
+Our auto attendant can work as a proxy to the call queue. Let's set it up:
+# Here we enter the call queue name
+$redirectCallQueueName = 'CQ_TEST'
+# We define callable entity using the resource account
+$redirectQueue = Get-CsCallQueue -NameFilter $redirectCallQueueName |
+ Where-Object Name -eq $redirectCallQueueName
+$redirectQueueAccountId = $redirectQueue.ApplicationInstances[0]
+$callableEntityQueueParams = @{
+ Identity = $redirectQueueAccountId
+ Type = 'ApplicationEndpoint'
+$callableEntityQueue = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity @callableEntityQueueParams
+# We need menu option
+$newAAQueueMenuOptionParams = @{
+ Action = 'TransferCallToTarget'
+ DtmfResponse = 'Automatic'
+ CallTarget = $callableEntityQueue
+$AAQueueMenuOption = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption @newAAQueueMenuOptionParams
+# Now, we update the default menu options
+$aa.DefaultCallFlow.Menu.MenuOptions = @($AAQueueMenuOption)
+# And we set the auto attendant
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+We might get the error saying *New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity: Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Identity' because it is an empty string.*
+In that case, our call queue might not have the resource account assigned yet. We must create the resource account, assign it, and try again.
+### Redirecting the call to the auto attendant
+Our auto attendant can redirect the call to another attendant. Let's see, how to configure such workflow:
+# Here we enter the auto attendant name
+$redirectAutoAttendantName = 'ATT_RobTest'
+# We define callable entity using the resource account
+$redirectAttendant = Get-CsAutoAttendant -NameFilter $redirectAutoAttendantName |
+ Where-Object Name -eq $redirectAutoAttendantName
+$redirectAttendantAccountId = $redirectAttendant.ApplicationInstances[0]
+$callableEntityAttendantParams = @{
+ Identity = $redirectAttendantAccountId
+ Type = 'ApplicationEndpoint'
+$callableEntityAttendant = New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity @callableEntityAttendantParams
+# We need menu option
+$newAAAttendantMenuOptionParams = @{
+ Action = 'TransferCallToTarget'
+ DtmfResponse = 'Automatic'
+ CallTarget = $callableEntityAttendant
+$AAAttendantMenuOption = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption @newAAAttendantMenuOptionParams
+# Now, we update the default menu options
+$aa.DefaultCallFlow.Menu.MenuOptions = @($AAAttendantMenuOption)
+# And we set the auto attendant
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+We might get the error saying *New-CsAutoAttendantCallableEntity: Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Identity' because it is an empty string.*
+In that case, our auto attendant might not have the resource account assigned yet. We must create the resource account, assign it, and try again.
+### Redirecting the call to the phone number
+### Redirecting the call to the voicemail
+### Redirecting the call to the menu
+## Managing the out-of-hours workflow
+Let's now do the changes to the out-of-hours workflow.
+### Checking if out-of-hours workflow exists
+First things first - the out-of-hours workflow must be defined. Let's check if we have it.
+We'll check if there's an existing call handling association with the type *AfterHours*:
+$aa.CallHandlingAssociations | Where-Object {$_.Type.Value -eq 'AfterHours'}
+We should see the object returned:
+![](../../img/20220206-124420-zdhir7q27u.png "Checking if out-of-hours association exists")
+If we don't see anything, we need to add the workflow first.
+### Adding out-of-hours workflow
+When we create an auto attendant we don't need to specify an out-of-hours workflow. If we hit **Submit** in the **Call flow** window (as in the image below), it won't be created:
+![](../../img/20220204-134305-axntyw9ix9.png "Call flow window in auto attendant creator")
+We can check if that's the case by inspecting the value of the *Call flows* property in the `$aa` variable. If it's empty, as in the image below, the out-of-hours workflow is not defined:
+![](../../img/20220204-134647-r5p68s9p2h.png "Inspecting Call Flows value via PowerShell")
+If there's no out-of-hours workflow, we won't be able to modify it. Modifying is described in the later stages. Let's now take care of the workflow.
+To create a workflow, we'll use [`New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow` cmdlet](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/new-csautoattendantcallflow?view=skype-ps).
+The script below assumes there's no holiday workflow. If there's one defined, it'll be overwritten!
+# First, menu option
+$newAAOOHMenuOptionParams = @{
+ Action = "DisconnectCall"
+ DtmfResponse = "Automatic"
+$AAOOHMenuOption = New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption @newAAOOHMenuOptionParams
+# Then, menu
+$newAAMenuParams = @{
+ Name = "After hours call flow"
+ MenuOptions = @($AAOOHMenuOption)
+$AAOOHMenu = New-CsAutoAttendantMenu @newAAMenuParams
+# Optional greeting
+$newAAOOHGreetingParams = @{
+ TextToSpeechPrompt = "The office is closed now"
+$AAOOHGreeting = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt @newAAOOHGreetingParams
+# And then, the workflow
+$newAAOOHFlowParams = @{
+ Name = "$attendantName After hours call flow"
+ Menu = $AAOOHMenu
+ Greetings = $AAOOHGreeting
+$AAOOHFlow = New-CsAutoAttendantCallFlow @newAAOOHFlowParams
+# Now, assigning the workflow
+$aa.CallFlows = @($AAOOHFlow)
+# We also need to assign the schedule
+# Let's create it first
+$tr = New-CsOnlineTimeRange -Start 00:00 -End 1.00:00
+$scheduleOOHParams = @{
+ Name = "After hours $attendantName"
+ WeeklyRecurrentSchedule = $true
+ MondayHours = @($tr)
+ TuesdayHours = @($tr)
+ WednesdayHours = @($tr)
+ ThursdayHours = @($tr)
+ FridayHours = @($tr)
+ Complement = $true
+$OOHSchedule = New-CsOnlineSchedule @scheduleOOHParams
+# And now, assign
+$aa.Schedules = @($OOHSchedule)
+# And the same with call handling association
+# Creating
+$OOHCallHandlingAssociationParams = @{
+ CallFlowId = $AAOOHFlow.Id
+ ScheduleId = $OOHSchedule.Id
+ Type = 'AfterHours'
+$OOHAssociation = New-CsAutoAttendantCallHandlingAssociation @OOHCallHandlingAssociationParams
+# And saving
+$aa.CallHandlingAssociations = @($OOHAssociation)
+## TODO Fix Set-CsAutoAttendant: Schedule not found. Probably requires specifying configuration id for a schedule
+# And saving
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+### Changing business hours
+In this example, we'll change the business hours. Outside the defined schedule, the out-of-hours workflow will be triggered.
+We'll set the business hours from 9 AM to 5 PM. On Friday, we'll add the additional break between 1 PM and 2 PM.
+# Find out-of-hours association
+$OOHAssociation = $aa.CallHandlingAssociations |
+ Where-Object {$_.Type.Value -eq 'AfterHours'}
+# Find the respective schedule
+$OOHSchedule = $aa.Schedules |
+ Where-Object Id -eq $OOHAssociation.ScheduleId
+# Find the respective call flow
+$OOHCallFlow = $aa.CallFlows |
+ Where-Object Id -eq $OOHAssociation.CallFlowId
+# Time range for Monday-Thursday
+$weekTimeRange = New-CsOnlineTimeRange -Start 9:00 -End 17:00
+# And for Friday
+$fridayTimeRangeMorning = New-CsOnlineTimeRange -Start 9:00 -End 13:00
+$fridayTimeRangeAfternoon = New-CsOnlineTimeRange -Start 14:00 -End 17:00
+# Setting the schedule
+$OOHNewScheduleParams = @{
+ Name = "After hours $attendantName"
+ WeeklyRecurrentSchedule = $true
+ Complement = $true
+ MondayHours = @($weekTimeRange)
+ TuesdayHours = @($weekTimeRange)
+ WednesdayHours = @($weekTimeRange)
+ ThursdayHours = @($weekTimeRange)
+ FridayHours = @($fridayTimeRangeMorning, $fridayTimeRangeAfternoon)
+ SaturdayHours = @($null)
+ SundayHours = @($null)
+$OOHNewSchedule = New-CsOnlineSchedule @OOHNewScheduleParams
+# Generating the association
+$OOHCallHandlingAssociationParams = @{
+ CallFlowId = $OOHCallFlow.Id
+ ScheduleId = $OOHNewSchedule.Id
+ Type = 'AfterHours'
+$OOHAssociation = New-CsAutoAttendantCallHandlingAssociation @OOHCallHandlingAssociationParams
+# Setting the object
+$aa.CallHandlingAssociations = @($OOHAssociation)
+# And saving
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+### Removing business hours
+### Changing an out-of-hours greeting to text-to-speech
+Let's change the greeting we use out of hours.
+We'll find the workflow responsible for after-hours call handling. Then we'll use [`New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt` cmdlet](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/new-csautoattendantprompt?view=skype-ps) to create a new text-to-speech prompt. Then we'll replace the existing one.
+# Find out-of-hours association
+$OOHAssociation = $aa.CallHandlingAssociations |
+ Where-Object {$_.Type.Value -eq 'AfterHours'}
+# Find the respective call flow
+$OOHCallFlow = $aa.CallFlows |
+ Where-Object Id -eq $OOHAssociation.CallFlowId
+# Now we define the greeting
+$OOHTTSPrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -TextToSpeechPrompt "Our offices are closed now!"
+# Then we overwrite the current configuration
+$OOHCallFlow.Greetings = @($OOHTTSPrompt)
+# And we set the auto attendant
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+### Changing an out-of-hours greeting to an audio file
+We'll find the workflow responsible for after-hours call handling. Then we'll use [`New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt` cmdlet](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/new-csautoattendantprompt?view=skype-ps) to create a new prompt from an audio file. Then we'll replace the existing one.
+# Find out-of-hours association
+$OOHAssociation = $aa.CallHandlingAssociations |
+ Where-Object {$_.Type.Value -eq 'AfterHours'}
+# Find the respective call flow
+$OOHCallFlow = $aa.CallFlows |
+ Where-Object Id -eq $OOHAssociation.CallFlowId
+# These three lines creates the prompt
+# If you use Windows PowerShell (5.1 or lower) use:
+$OOHFileContent = Get-Content "C:\temp\ooh-welcome.wav" -ReadCount 0 -Encoding byte
+# For PowerShell (multi-platform) use:
+$OOHFileContent = Get-Content "C:\temp\ooh-welcome.wav" -ReadCount 0 -AsByteStream
+# And then for any platform
+$OOHAudioFile = Import-CsOnlineAudioFile -ApplicationId "OrgAutoAttendant" -FileName "ooh-welcome.wav" -Content $OOHFileContent
+$OOHAudioFilePrompt = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt -AudioFilePrompt $OOHAudioFile
+# Then we overwrite the current configuration
+$OOHCallFlow.Greetings = @($OOHAudioFilePrompt)
+# And we set the auto attendant
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+### Removing out-of-hours greeting
+To remove the out-of-hours greeting we'll use the following script.
+For [`New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt` cmdlet](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/new-csautoattendantprompt?view=skype-ps) we need to specify either a text-to-speech prompt or an audio file. We can set any value as it'll be ignored anyway.
+# Find out-of-hours association
+$OOHAssociation = $aa.CallHandlingAssociations |
+ Where-Object {$_.Type.Value -eq 'AfterHours'}
+# Find the respective call flow
+$OOHCallFlow = $aa.CallFlows |
+ Where-Object Id -eq $OOHAssociation.CallFlowId
+# Generate new prompt
+$OOHPromptParams = @{
+ TextToSpeechPrompt = 'Our offices are closed now!'
+ ActiveType = 'None'
+$OOHPromptNone = New-CsAutoAttendantPrompt @OOHPromptParams
+# Replace it
+$OOHCallFlow.Greetings = @($OOHPromptNone)
+# And save the changes
+Set-CsAutoAttendant -Instance $aa
+ In theory, we could just set *ActiveType* value of `$OOHCallFlow.Greetings` to *None*. It'd work, but it might be prone to error if Microsoft changes the structure of the call flow object.
+## Adding holiday workflow
+## Changing holidays greeting
+## Changing working hours
+## Changing out of hours workflow
+## Adding members in bulk
+## Conclusion
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