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Detailed Workstation Instructions

If you have trouble using the install script, you can try to follow these instructions.

1. Create Your Environment

If necessary, install mamba in your base conda environment. Optionally: install ROS noetic on your workstation.

# Create a conda env - use the version in home_robot_hw if you want to run on the robot
mamba env create -n home-robot -f src/home_robot_hw/environment.yml

# Otherwise, use the version in src/home_robot
mamba env create -n home-robot -f src/home_robot/environment.yml

conda activate home-robot

This should install pytorch; if you run into trouble, you may need to edit the installation to make sure you have the right CUDA version. See the pytorch install notes for more.

Optionally, setup a catkin workspace to use improved ROS visualizations.

Installing Pinocchio

Pinocchio is an optional fast inverse kinematics library used in HomeRobot for some manipulation tasks on Stretch. It's an optional dependency which requires a version of libboost that may conflict with the installation above. As such it's best to install separately:

conda install pinocchio>=2.6.17 -c conda-forge

This will automatically be called in the install script.

2. Install Home Robot Packages

conda activate home-robot

# Install the core home_robot package
python -m pip install -e src/home_robot

Skip to step 4 if you do not have a real robot setup or if you only want to use our simulation stack.

# Install home_robot_hw
python -m pip install -e src/home_robot_hw

Testing Real Robot Setup: Now you can run a couple commands to test your connection. If the roscore and the robot controllers are running properly, you can run rostopic list and should see a list of topics - streams of information coming from the robot. You can then run RVIZ to visualize the robot sensor output:

rviz -d $HOME_ROBOT_ROOT/src/home_robot_hw/launch/mapping_demo.rviz

3. Download third-party packages

git submodule update --init --recursive src/home_robot/home_robot/perception/detection/detic/Detic src/third_party/detectron2 src/third_party/contact_graspnet

4. Hardware Testing

Run the hardware manual test to make sure you can control the robot remotely. Ensure the robot has one meter of free space before running the script.

python tests/

Follow the on-screen instructions. The robot should move through a set of configurations.

5. Install Detic

Install detectron2. If you installed our default environment above, you may need to download CUDA11.7.

Download Detic checkpoint as per the instructions on the Detic github page:

cd $HOME_ROBOT_ROOT/src/home_robot/home_robot/perception/detection/detic/Detic/
mkdir models
wget -O models/Detic_LCOCOI21k_CLIP_SwinB_896b32_4x_ft4x_max-size.pth --no-check-certificate

You should be able to run the Detic demo script as per the Detic instructions to verify your installation was correct:

python --config-file configs/Detic_LCOCOI21k_CLIP_SwinB_896b32_4x_ft4x_max-size.yaml --input desk.jpg --output out2.jpg --vocabulary custom --custom_vocabulary headphone,webcam,paper,coffe --confidence-threshold 0.3 --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS models/Detic_LCOCOI21k_CLIP_SwinB_896b32_4x_ft4x_max-size.pth

6. Download pretrained skills

mkdir -p data/checkpoints
cd data/checkpoints
unzip -d ovmm_baseline_home_robot_challenge_2023_v0.2
cd ../../