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File metadata and controls

112 lines (68 loc) · 3.47 KB

Ferver = File-Server

Ferver: A simple web app to serve files over HTTP packaged as a Ruby gem.

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This is super, simple ruby gem to serve files over http, useful as a basic file server to quickly share files on your local network or something over the web. Just install the gem and go!

Here's the spec for ferver:

  • available over http
  • provide a list of files as html and json
  • ignore directories
  • ignore dotfiles - turn off with setting
  • serve files as individual files
  • minimal config
  • able to specify the directory to serve files from

Getting started

Using ferver could not be simpler - just install the ferver gem.

$ gem install ferver


You can run ferver from any directory, just pass in the directory you want to serve files from as a command line argument or leave blank to use the current directory.

Use the current directory
$ ferver
Use a specific directory

For example, to serve files from /Users/rob/Projects/ferver/ directory pass the path in as below using the --directory option.

$ ferver -d /Users/rob/Projects/ferver/
Serve all files

By default, dotfiles will be hidden. Use the --all option to serve all files.

$ ferver -a

Note that zero size files will always be hidden.

Configure webserver

If required, you can configure the bind address or port number used by the webserver. By default this is and port 4567 which means the server is accessible from outside your machine (if firewall permits). For example if you used the configuration below then it would only be accessible from local machine and on port 9999.

$ ferver -p 9999 -b
Command line help

For a list of arguments just use the --help switch.

$ ferver -h

Accessing files

The ferver gem uses Sinatra and runs on default port configuration so just point your browser to http://localhost:4567 to list the files.

If you are unable to connect then please check any firewall settings or the configured bind address or port number!


List available files in your browser.



Requesting content-type json, for example passing the header Accept: application/json will return the list of files as json.

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:4567/files

Download a file

Files are available via their zero based index in the list, e.g. http://localhost:4567/files/:id

For example to download file appearing third in the list displayed earlier, request http://localhost:4567/files/2


Please use the GitHub pull-request mechanism to submit contributions.

After cloning the repo, you can run the web application without having to publish and then install the gem package by calling the executable as per normal.


This project is available for use under the MIT software license. See LICENSE