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Table of Contents

  • loffice - Lazy Office Analyzer
    • Loffice is making use of WinAppDbg to extract URLs' from Office documents but also VB-script and Javascript. By setting strategical breakpoints it's possible to neutralize obfuscation and get the URL and file destination. Anti-analysis via WMI, for example detecting running processes or installed software is handled by patching the query string before the query is run.

General Stuff

Dynamic Analysis

  • Articles/Talks/Writeups
  • Papers
    • PyTrigger: A System to Trigger & Extract User-Activated Malware Behavior
      • Abstract: We introduce PyTrigger, a dynamic malware analy- sis system that automatically exercises a malware binary extract- ing its behavioral profile even when specific user activity or input is required. To accomplish this, we developed a novel user activity record and playback framework and a new behavior extraction approach. Unlike existing research, the activity recording and playback includes the context of every object in addition to traditional keyboard and mouse actions. The addition of the con- text makes the playback more accurate and avoids dependenciesand pitfalls that come with pure mouse and keyboard replay. Moreover, playback can become more efficient by condensing common activities into a single action. After playback, PyTrigger analyzes the system trace using a combination of multiple states and behavior differencing to accurately extract the malware behavior and user triggered behavior from the complete system trace log. We present the algorithms, architecture and evaluate the PyTrigger prototype using 3994 real malware samples. Results and analysis are presented showing PyTrigger extracts additional behavior in 21% of the samples
    • A Survey On Automated Dynamic Malware Analysis Evasion and Counter-Evasion: PC, Mobile, and Web - Alexei Bulazel & Bülent Yener
  • Tools
      • DRAKVUF is an agentless dynamic malware analysis system built on Xen, LibVMI, Volatility and Rekall. It allows for in-depth execution tracing of malware samples and extracting deleted files from memory, all without having to install any special software within the virtual machine used for analysis.
      • Code
    • Zero Wine
      • Zero wine is an open source (GPL v2) research project to dynamically analyze the behavior of malware. Zero wine just runs the malware using WINE in a safe virtual sandbox (in an isolated environment) collecting information about the APIs called by the program.
    • Honeyagent
      • HoneyAgent is a Java agent library that creates a Sandbox for Java applications and applets. Therefore, it uses the JVMTI as well as the JNI to intercept class loading and function calls. During runtime HoneyAgent traces function calls from the analysed application. It is displayed which class calles which function with which parameters. Reflected function calls are translated to the origin function names for simpler reading.
    • Pybox
    • INetSim
      • INetSim is a software suite for simulating common internet services in a lab environment, e.g. for analyzing the network behaviour of unknown malware samples.
    • Regshot
      • Regshot is an open-source (LGPL) registry compare utility that allows you to quickly take a snapshot of your registry and then compare it with a second one - done after doing system changes or installing a new software product.
    • Mandiant ApateDNS
      • Mandiant ApateDNS is a tool for controlling DNS responses though an easy to use GUI. As a phony DNS server, Mandiant ApateDNS spoofs DNS responses to a user-specified IP address by listening on UDP port 53 on the local machine. Mandiant ApateDNS also automatically sets the local DNS to localhost. Upon exiting the tool, it sets back the original local DNS settings.
    • Malcom - Malware Communication Analyzer
      • Malcom is a tool designed to analyze a system's network communication using graphical representations of network traffic, and cross-reference them with known malware sources. This comes handy when analyzing how certain malware species try to communicate with the outside world.
    • BasicHook
      • x86 Inline hooking engine (using trampolines)
    • Claimsman
      • Claimsman logs all file handle creation on Windows systems, and logs to both a local file and centralized log management system.
    • WinMerge
      • WinMerge is an Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows. WinMerge can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual text format that is easy to understand and handle.
    • API Monitor
      • API Monitor is a free software that lets you monitor and control API calls made by applications and services. Its a powerful tool for seeing how applications and services work or for tracking down problems that you have in your own applications.
    • SpyStudio
      • SpyStudio shows and interprets calls, displaying the results in a structured way which is easy for any IT professional to understand. SpyStudio can show registry keys and files that an application uses, COM objects and Windows the application has created, and errors and exceptions.
    • Microsoft Message Analyzer
      • Microsoft Message Analyzer is a new tool for capturing, displaying, and analyzing protocol messaging traffic and other system messages. Message Analyzer also enables you to import, aggregate, and analyze data from log and trace files. It is the successor to Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4 and a key component in the Protocol Engineering Framework (PEF) that was created by Microsoft for the improvement of protocol design, development, documentation, testing, and support. With Message Analyzer, you can choose to capture data live or load archived message collections from multiple data sources simultaneously.
    • PyTrigger: A System to Trigger & Extract User-Activated Malware Behavior
      • Abstract: PyTrigger analyzes the system trace using a combination of multiple states and behavior differencing to accurately extract the malware behavior and user triggered behavior from the complete system trace log. We present the algorithms, architecture and evaluate the PyTrigger prototype using 3994 real malware samples. Results and analysis are presented showing PyTrigger extracts additional behavior in 21% of the samples.
    • rVMI - A New Paradigm For Full System Analysis
      • rVMI is a debugger on steroids. It leverages Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) and memory forensics to provide full system analysis. This means that an analyst can inspect userspace processes, kernel drivers, and preboot environments in a single tool. It was specifially designed for interactive dynamic malware analysis. rVMI isolates itself from the malware by placing its interactive debugging environment out of the virtual machine (VM) onto the hypervisor-level. Through the use of VMI the analyst still has full control of the VM, which allows her to pause the VM at any point in time and to use typical debugging features such as breakpoints and watchpoints. In addtion, rVMI provides access to the entire Rekall feature set, which enables an analyst to inspect the kernel and its data structures with ease.

Static Analysis

  • Tools
    • Pyew
      • Pyew is a (command line) python tool to analyse malware. It does have support for hexadecimal viewing, disassembly (Intel 16, 32 and 64 bits), PE and ELF file formats (it performs code analysis and let you write scripts using an API to perform many types of analysis), follows direct call/jmp instructions in the interactive command line, displays function names and string data references; supports OLE2 format, PDF format and more. It also supports plugins to add more features to the tool.
    • Manalyze - static analyzer for PE files
      • Manalyze was written in C++ for Windows and Linux and is released under the terms of the GPLv3 license. It is a robust parser for PE files with a flexible plugin architecture which allows users to statically analyze files in-depth.
    • yalda - Gita Ziabari
      • The tool is designed to analyze the given files and extract malicious data out of the files.
    • Presentation
    • Dependency Walker
      • Dependency Walker is a free utility that scans any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows module (exe, dll, ocx, sys, etc.) and builds a hierarchical tree diagram of all dependent modules. For each module found, it lists all the functions that are exported by that module, and which of those functions are actually being called by other modules. Another view displays the minimum set of required files, along with detailed information about each file including a full path to the file, base address, version numbers, machine type, debug information, and more.
  • Techniques


  • General

    • 101
      • Honeypot Computing - Wikipedia
      • The Honeynet Project
        • The Honeynet Project is a leading international 501c3 non-profit security research organization, dedicated to investigating the latest attacks and developing open source security tools to improve Internet security. With Chapters around the world, our volunteers have contributed to fight against malware (such as Confickr), discovering new attacks and creating security tools used by businesses and government agencies all over the world. The organization continues to be on the cutting edge of security research by working to analyze the latest attacks and educating the public about threats to information systems across the world.
      • Honeypots - ShadowServer
      • Types of Honeypots
        • Zero Interaction(Think Passive)
        • Low Interaction(Think canned, limited responses to incoming data
        • Medium/High Interaction(Think Emulating Graphical Services/Providing Continual Content)
        • HoneyData - Strings, shares/drives, etc.
    • Articles/Papers/Talks/Writeups
      • Deploying Dionaea on a Raspberry Pi using MHN
      • Experimenting with Honeypots Using The Modern Honey Network
      • Building a Honeypot to Research Cyber-Attack Techniques
      • Lessons Learn from attacks on Kippo honeypots
      • An in-depth analysis of SSH attacks on Amazon EC2
        • The research study investigates Secure Shell (SSH) attacks on Amazon EC2 cloud instances across different AWS zones by means of deploying Smart Honeypot (SH). It provides an in-depth analysis of SSH attacks, SSH intruders profile, and attempts to identify their tactics and purposes.
      • Analysis of Attacks Using a Honeypot - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
        • Abstract. A Honeypot is a software based security device, deployed to attract hackers by displaying services and open ports which are potentially vulnerable. While the attackers are diverted, t heir activities can then be monitored and an a- lysed to identify current a ttack methods and trends. A low - interaction Honeypot called Dion aea was chosen for this project because it can simulate services while preventing an attacker from gaining full control. Results were collected over the six week period of the experiment. The logged information of the o b- served attacks was analysed and compared with current vulnerabilities, the loc a- tions where the attacks were originating from and the time of day at the orig i- nating site. A profile of individual attackers can then be built to ga in an insight into the current attack trends in order to improve network defences.
      • POSTER: Dragging Attackers to Honeypots for Effective Analysis of Cyber Threats
      • Setting Honeytraps with Modsecurity - Adding fake hidden form fields
      • Honeypots for Active Defense - A Practical Guide to Deploying Honeynets Within the Enterprise - Greg Foss
        • InfoSec analysts are all somewhat familiar with honeypots. When they are given the proper attention, care and feeding, they produce invaluable information. This intelligence has been primarily used by security researchers and organizations with advanced defensive capabilities to study their adversaries and learn from their actions. But what about the rest of us? Honeypots are a lot of work to configure, maintain, and monitor -- how can an organization that is not focused on research gain valuable intelligence using honeypots and actively defend their network using the data obtained? The answer is honeypots for active defense. There are currently many open source security tool distributions that come pre-loaded with honeypots among other useful tools, however the honeypot software is often not deployed in an effective manner. This session will discuss techniques to deploy honeypots in ways that will not overburden the security team with massive logs to sift through and focuses on correlating active threat data observed in the honeypot with the production environment. When deploying honeypots effectively, this can give security analysts one additional mechanism to tip them off to nefarious activity within their network.
      • Global Honeypot Trends - Elliot Brink
        • Many of my computer systems are constantly compromised, attacked, hacked, 24/7. How do I know this? I've been allowing it. This presentation will cover over one year of research running several vulnerable systems (or honeypots) in multiple countries including the USA, mainland China, Russia and others. We'll be taking a look at: a brief introduction to honeypots, common attacker trends (both sophisticated and script kiddie), brief malware analysis and the statistical analysis of attackers based on GeoIP. Are there differences in attacks based on where a computer system is located? Let's investigate this together! Beginners to the topic of honeypots fear not, the basics will be covered.
      • Security Onions and Honey Potz - Ethan Dodge - BSidesSLC2015
  • Miscellaneous

  • Tools

    • General
      • Introduction to T-Pot - The all in one honeypot -
      • Modern Honey Network(MHN)
        • From the secure deployment to the aggregation of thousands of events MHN provides enteprise grade management of the most current open source honeypot software. MHN is completely free open source software which supports external and internal honeypot deployments at a large and distributed scale. MHN uses the HPFeeds standard and low-interaction honeypots to keep effectiveness and security at enterprise grade levels. MHN provides full REST API out of the box and we are making CEF and STIX support available now for direct SIEM integration through our Commercial platform Optic.
        • Honeypot Farming: Setup Modern Honey Network
      • Beeswarm
        • Beeswarm is a honeypot project which provides easy configuration, deployment and management of honeypots. Beeswarm operates by deploying fake end-user systems (clients) and services (honeypots). Beeswarm uses these systems to provides IoC (Indication of Compromise) by observing the difference between expected and actual traffic.
        • Github
      • Honeywall Project
        • The goal of this page is to provide you the latest documentation, source code, distribution, and information for the Honeynet Project's Honeywall CDROM. The Honeywall CDROM is a bootable CD that installs onto a hard drive and comes with all the tools and functionality for you to implement data capture, control and analysis.
      • dionea
        • dionaea intention is to trap malware exploiting vulnerabilities exposed by services offerd to a network, the ultimate goal is gaining a copy of the malware.
      • Glastopf Project
        • Glastopf is a Honeypot which emulates thousands of vulnerabilities to gather data from attacks targeting web applications. The principle behind it is very simple: Reply the correct response to the attacker exploiting the web application. The project has been kicked off by Lukas Rist in 2009 and the results we are got during this time are very promising and are an incentive to put even more effort in the development of this unique tool. Read the tool description for further information. We are working together with different people, organizations and institutions to get the best from the collected data. Find out more about collaborating with the project.
      • Amun
        • Amun is a low-interaction honeypot, like Nepenthes or Omnivora, designed to capture autonomous spreading malware in an automated fashion. Amun is written in Python and therefore allows easy integration of new features.
        • Amun Honeypot - Github
        • Amun Honeypot Paper
      • Portspoof
        • The Portspoof program primary goal is to enhance your systems security through a set of new camouflage techniques. As a result of applying them your attackers' port scan result will become entirely mangled and to very significant extent meaningless.
      • Opens all ports, hosts seemingly legitimate services on each.
      • Honeytrap
        • Honeytrap is an extensible and opensource system for running, monitoring and managing honeypots.
    • HoneyTokens
        • Bootstraps an AWS account with everything you need to generate, mangage, and distribute and alert on AWS honey tokens. Made with breakfast roti by the Atlassian security team.
      • DCEPT
        • A tool for deploying and detecting use of Active Directory honeytokens
    • Java Apps
      • Honeyagent
        • HoneyAgent is a Java agent library that creates a Sandbox for Java applications and applets. Therefore, it uses the JVMTI as well as the JNI to intercept class loading and function calls. During runtime HoneyAgent traces function calls from the analysed application. It is displayed which class calles which function with which parameters. Reflected function calls are translated to the original function names for simpler reading.
    • Low-Interaction
    • Service Simulators
      • iNetSim
        • INetSim is a software suite for simulating common internet services in a lab environment, e.g. for analyzing the network behaviour of unknown malware samples.
    • Single Purpose Emulation
      • PHP-ShockPot
        • PHP-ShockPot is a small honeypot aimed at showing you the interesting attempts made trying to exploit your host using the now famous "Shellshock" (also known as bashbug) bug.
      • HoneyBadger
        • A framework for targeted geolocation.
      • elastichoney0
        • Elastichoney is a simple elasticsearch honeypot designed to catch attackers exploiting RCE vulnerabilities in elasticsearch.
    • SSH
      • PSHITT
        • pshitt (for Passwords of SSH Intruders Transferred to Text) is a lightweight fake SSH server designed to collect authentication data sent by intruders. It basically collects username and password used by SSH bruteforce software and writes the extracted data to a file in JSON format. pshitt is written in Python and use paramiko to implement the SSH layer.
      • Kippo
        • Kippo is a medium interaction SSH honeypot designed to log brute force attacks and, most importantly, the entire shell interaction performed by the attacker.
    • Search Engine
      • Google Hack Honeypot GHH
        • Google Hack Honeypot is the reaction to a new type of malicious web traffic: search engine hackers. GHH is a “Google Hack” honeypot. It is designed to provide reconaissance against attackers that use search engines as a hacking tool against your resources. GHH implements honeypot theory to provide additional security to your web presence. Google has developed a powerful tool. The search engine that Google has implemented allows for searching on an immense amount of information. The Google index has swelled past 8 billion pages [February 2005] and continues to grow daily. Mirroring the growth of the Google index, the spread of web-based applications such as message boards and remote administrative tools has resulted in an increase in the number of misconfigured and vulnerable web apps available on the Internet. These insecure tools, when combined with the power of a search engine and index which Google provides, results in a convenient attack vector for malicious users. GHH is a tool to combat this threat.
    • Tarpits
      • Web Labyrinth
        • A simple tool that creates a maze of bogus web pages to confuse web scanners. It's main goal is to delay and occupy malicious scanners that scan websites in order for incident handlers to detected and respond to them before damage is done.
    • USB
    • Web
      • Thug - Python low-interaction honeyclient
        • Thug is a Python low-interaction honeyclient aimed at mimicing the behavior of a web browser in order to detect and emulate malicious contents.
      • Wordpot
        • Wordpot is a Wordpress honeypot which detects probes for plugins, themes, timthumb and other common files used to fingerprint a wordpress installation.
      • phpmyadmin_honeypot
        • Probably one of the smallest and simplest web honeypots out there...
      • Web Bug Server
        • Easily embed a web bug inside word processing documents. These bugs are hidden to the casual observer by using things like linked style sheets and 1 pixel images.
      • honeyLambda
        • a simple, serverless application designed to create and monitor URL {honey}tokens, on top of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway
    • Windows-based
      • Omnivora
        • Omnivora is a low-interaction honeypot for systems running Windows operating systems and is implemented using Borland Delphi. It is primarily designed to collect autonomous spreading malware.
    • Wireless
      • romanHunter
        • romanHunter (router man Hunter) is a wireless honeypot or closer to a sinkhole that will bait a cracker, capture the MAC address, reset the WIFI password (effectively destroying their connection) and wait for the next authorized connection. The password changes happen on a round robin basis from entries in the password file (pw_list.txt).
  • Integration with Other Tools

  • Miscellaneous

  • 101

  • Articles/Writeups

  • Talks & Presentations

  • Tools


Malware writeup (use for COM)

  • Unprotect Project
    • Malware are one of the most aggressive threats in the IT field. They are often used to cause damage, steal data, or spy on a target. Companies and Security Industry are working to be more effective against this threat and detecting new variants. Malware authors spend a great deal of time and effort to develop complex code to perform malicious actions against a target system. It is crucial for malware to remain undetected and avoid sandbox analysis, antiviruses or malware analysts. With this kind of technics, malware are able to pass under the radar and stay undetected on a system. The purpose of this wiki is to try to centralise all these techniques, to understand and detect new generation of malware.