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File metadata and controls

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This document provides a brief overview of FicTrac's configuration parameters. Many of these parameters are set automatically by the configuration utility. See the main documentation for instructions on how to configure FicTrac before use.

In the table below, the various possible parameters are listed. If nothing is listed under Default value then the parameter must be specified by the user. The valid range may use interval notation. The Should I touch it? column should give you some idea of which params to play around with.

Param name Param type Default value Valid range Should I touch it? Description
src_fn string OR int int=[0,inf) Yes, you have to A string that specifies the path to the input video file, OR an integer that specifies which of several connected USB cameras to use. Paths can be absolute or relative to the working directory.
vfov float (0,inf) Yes, you have to Vertical field of view of the input images in degrees.
do_display bool y y/n If you want to Display debug screen during tracking. Slows execution very slightly.
save_debug bool n y/n If you want to Record the debug screen to video file. Note that if the source frame rate is higher than FicTrac's processing frame rate, frames may be dropped from the video file.
save_raw bool n y/n If you want to Record the input image stream to video file. Note that if the source frame rate is higher than FicTrac's processing frame rate, frames may be dropped from the video file.
sock_host string If you want to Destination IP address for socket data output. Unused if sock_port is not set.
sock_port int -1 [0,65535] If you want to Destination socket port for socket data output. If unset or <= 0, FicTrac will not transmit data over sockets. Note that a number of ports are reserved and some might be in use. To avoid conflicts, you should check which UDP ports are available on your machine prior to launching FicTrac (try something like 1111).
com_port string If you want to Serial port over which to transmit FicTrac data. If unset, FicTrac will not transmit data over serial.
com_baud int 115200 If you want to Baud rate to use for COM port. Unused if no com_port set.
fisheye bool n y/n Only if you need to If set, FicTrac will assume the imaging system has a fisheye lens, otherwise a rectilinear lens is assumed.
q_factor int 6 (0,inf) Only if you need to Adjusts the resolution of the tracking window. Smaller values correspond to coarser but quicker tracking and vice-versa. Normally in the range [3,10].
src_fps float -1 (0,inf) Only if you need to If set, FicTrac will attempt to set the frame rate for the image source (video file or camera).
max_bad_frames int -1 (0,inf) Only if you need to If set, FicTrac will reset tracking after being unable to match this many frames in a row. Defaults to never resetting tracking.
opt_do_global bool n y/n Only if you need to Perform a slow global search after max_bad_frames are reached. This may allow FicTrac to recover after a tracking fail, but should only be used when playing back from video file, as it is slow!
opt_max_err float -1 [0,inf) Only if you need to If set, specifies the maximum allowable matching error before declaring a bad frame (i.e. tracking fail). Matching error is printed to screen during tracking (err=...), and also output in the data file (delta rotation error score). If unset, FicTrac will never detect bad matches (tracking will fail silently).
thr_ratio float 1.25 (0,inf) Only if you need to Adjusts the adaptive thresholding of the input image. Values > 1 will favour foreground regions (more white in thresholded image) and values < 1 will favour background regions (more black in thresholded image).
thr_win_pc float 0.2 [0,1] Only if you need to Adjusts the size of the neighbourhood window to use for adaptive thresholding of the input image, specified as a percentage of the width of the tracking window. Larger values avoid over-segmentation, whilst smaller values make segmentation more robust to illumination gradients on the trackball.
vid_codec string h264 [h264,xvid,mpg4,mjpg,raw] Only if you need to Specifies the video codec to use when writing output videos (see save_raw and save_debug).
sphere_map_fn string Only if you need to If specified, FicTrac will attempt to load a previously generated sphere surface map from this filename. Note that if you set this option, you should probably also set opt_do_global otherwise FicTrac may not find the initial sphere attitude.
opt_max_evals int 50 (0,inf) Probably not Specifies the maximum number of minimisation iterations to perform each frame. Smaller values may improve tracking frame rate at the risk of finding sub-optimal matches. Number of optimisation iterations is printed to screen during tracking (its=...).
opt_bound float 0.35 (0,inf) Probably not Specifies the optimisation search range in radians. Larger values will facilitate more track ball rotation per frame, but result in slower tracking and also possibly lead to false matches.
opt_tol float 0.001 (0,inf) Probably not Specifies the minimisation termination criteria for absolute change in input parameters (delta rotation vector).
c2a_cnrs_xy vec<int> Set by ConfigGui Specifies the corners {X1,Y1,X2,Y2,...} of a square shape aligned with the animal's XY axes. Set interactively in ConfigGUI.
c2a_cnrs_yz vec<int> Set by ConfigGui Specifies the corners {X1,Y1,X2,Y2,...} of a square shape aligned with the animal's YZ axes. Set interactively in ConfigGUI.
c2a_cnrs_xz vec<int> Set by ConfigGui Specifies the corners {X1,Y1,X2,Y2,...} of a square shape aligned with the animal's XZ axes. Set interactively in ConfigGUI.
c2a_src string Set by ConfigGui Specifies which of the above corner sets is used to compute the camera-animal transform. Set interactively in ConfigGUI.
c2a_r vec<float> Set by ConfigGui Rotational component of the camera-animal transform. Computed automatically by ConfigGUI.
c2a_t vec<float> Set by ConfigGui Translational component of the camera-animal transform. Computed automatically by ConfigGUI.
roi_circ vec<int> Set by ConfigGui Specifies points {X1,Y1,X2,Y2,...} around the circumference of the trackball in the input image. Set interactively in ConfigGUI.
roi_c vec<float> Set by ConfigGui Camera-frame vector describing the centre point of the trackball in the input image. Computed automatically by ConfigGUI.
roi_r float Set by ConfigGui Half-angle describing the radius (radians) of the trackball in the input image. Computed automatically by ConfigGUI.
roi_ignr vec<vec<int>> Set by ConfigGui Specifies possibly several polygon regions {{X11,Y11,X12,Y12,...},{X21,Y21,X22,Y22,...},...} that should be ignored during matching (e.g. where the animal obscures the trackball). Set interactively in ConfigGUI.