Darius (Bluespec) Jan Gray (Individual) Anton Kuzmin (Individual) Tim Vogt (Lattice) Al Martin (Akeana) Ching-LunYan Goran Bilski (AMD) Guy Lemieux (UBC) Su Weitong (Alibaba) Victor Lu (individual)
Participant Introductions
Draft Charter Status
Call for Chairs Status
Future Meeting Time
It was noted that time slots are a recommendation, not a requirement, and Friday is often open.
Open Discussion
- Guy: strive for charter that is sufficiently broad, general, flexible, to avoid difficult process of amending it later
- Tim: CX specs should support frugal implementations on bare metal MCUs
- Goran: CX specs should support fast (CXU and back in as few clock cycles as possible) and simple software support
- Jan: perhaps restore deleted "fast and frugal" tenet?
- Guy: ASIC adopters not necessarily interested in an FPGA interop logic interface
- Tim: original purpose to address need for standards-based interop and reuse of custom instruction accelerators, and TG should achieve that
- Jan: charter expects ISA extensions plural and non-ISA specs to be separate so relevant to simple MCUs and Linux OS scenarios
- Jan: recommend charter explicitly mandates, per spec, security assessment, forwards compat assessment, and demonstrated interop of reference designs for all components that are specified