Users login with their 25 word passphrase. If they do not have an account they can hit the Create Account
button and an account will be created for them. Upon creation the user will receive the pass phrase to their account.
Upon successful login the account page shows the user their account details
- the account address
- the account's Algo balance
- the user also sees all the policies they have joined
- they are able to pay their premiums for the current month and the transaction will be stored on chain
On the Policy page the user can join a policy and the transaction will be stored on the blockchain
Payouts are auto processed when a strike event attached to the user's policy is triggered
On the sensor data page a user will see the data collected by the sensors on their farm
- as a graph with the most recent data displayed first
- the user is able to view the data stored on the blockchain for verifiability of the data