Classify.js is a library that allows for cross platform and cross browser Object Oriented Javascript
class definitions using classical inheritance and namespaces behind the prototype syntax in an easy to
use interface function. Classify also provides "observable" properties that can be assigned getters and
setters and onchange listeners to provide abstractions around get
and set
Classify is tested in IE 6+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, Chrome 3+, and Opera 10+, NodeJs.
var Pet = Classify({
type : "",
init : function(type) { // constructor method
this.type = type;
this.eaten = [];
eat : function(food) {
var Dog = Classify(Pet, {
breed : "",
init : function(breed) {
this.breed = breed;
// Implementations will only be attached to the prototype
var feline_traits = {
is_asleep : false,
sleep : function() {
this.is_asleep = true;
wake : function() {
this.is_asleep = false;
var Cat = Classify(Pet, [ feline_traits ], {
breed : "",
init : function(breed) {
this.breed = breed;
// creating/retrieving a namespace
var namespace = Classify("Life");
// creating classes within a namespace
namespace.create("Reptile", {
species : "",
init : function(species) {
this.species = species;
// retrieving classes within a namespace
var Reptile = namespace.get("Reptile");
// extending classes within a namespace
namespace.create("Tortoise", "Reptile", {
init : function() {
// retrieving classes within a namespace
var Tortoise = namespace.get("Tortoise");
namespace.create("Tortoise.DesertTortoise", "Tortoise", {
age : null,
init : function() {
this.age = 0;
// retrieving classes within a namespace
var DesertTortoise = namespace.get("Tortoise.DesertTortoise");
// instances
var pet = new DesertTortoise();
pet instanceof Tortoise;
pet instanceof Reptile;
pet.getNamespace() === namespace;
// removing a class within a namespace
// checking a class within a namespace
// creating classes within a namespace
Classify("Life", "Reptile", {
species : "",
init : function(species) {
this.species = species;
// OR using a "/" will denote namespace/classname
Classify("Life/Reptile", {
species : "",
init : function(species) {
this.species = species;
// retrieving classes within a namespace
var Reptile = Classify("Life", "Reptile");
// OR using a "/" will denote namespace/classname
var Reptile = Classify("Life/Reptile");
// extending classes within a namespace
// Classify("Life", "Tortoise", "Reptile", {
Classify("Life/Tortoise", "Reptile", {
init : function() {
// retrieving classes within a namespace
var Tortoise = Classify("Life/Tortoise");
Classify("Life/Tortoise.DesertTortoise", "Tortoise", {
age : null,
init : function() {
this.age = 0;
// retrieving classes within a namespace
var DesertTortoise = Classify("Life/Tortoise.DesertTortoise");
// instances
var pet = new DesertTortoise();
pet instanceof Tortoise;
pet instanceof Reptile;
pet.getNamespace() === namespace;
var Reptile = Classify("Life/Reptile");
// instances
var pet = new Reptile("tortoise");
pet instanceof Reptile;
// instances
var pet = new Classify("Life/Reptile", [ "tortoise" ])
pet instanceof Reptile;
!(pet instanceof Classify);
(function(Classify) {
// here you can use the Classify object and remove the global reference to it
// this function is only available on browser environments
Classify is CommonJS compliant and can be used in the browser scope or the server scope.
<script src="path/to/classify.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Classify() is now in the global context -->
In NodeJs environment:
npm install classifyjs
var Classify = require("classifyjs").Classify;
With an AMD loader like RequireJS:
"paths" : {
"classify" : "path/to/classify"
}, [ "classify" ], function(Classify) {
Classify uses the grunt build system. Building Classify requires node.js and a command line gzip program.
# Install grunt.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
# Clone the Classify git repo.
$ git clone git://
$ cd Classify
$ git submodule update --init
# Install node modules.
$ npm install
# Run grunt.
$ grunt
Running the tests:
$ grunt test
For saucelabs users, test can be run from the test task with:
$ export SAUCE_USERNAME=[saucelabs username]
$ export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=[saucelabs access token]
To skip the saucelabs tests
$ grunt test:local
There are many other tasks that can be run through grunt. For a list of all tasks:
$ grunt --help
Pass arguments to onInit mutators
Allow for mutators to be defined on a per class/namespace level
Ability to create mutators out of any object
Convert to grunt build system
Fix requirejs and amd definitions, remove async autoloader to support it
Android Mobile thinks typeof RegExp == "function"
Allow init mutators to override constructor return value & throw on scalar values
Adding null value to the prototype for observable properties
Observer properties don't need to go through objectDefineProperty
BREAKING CHANGE, implements overrides extends when defining a class that institutes both
Use ES5 Object.create when possible
Fix issue when extending non Classify objects overriding special properties
Global namespace is now a property of Classify on
Updated Observers to have a 'on' alias and be able to bind events to be fired only once
Using Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty instead of .hasOwnProperty
The called context is passed in as argument 1 for auto bound functions
Refactoring internals so that adding and removing mutators can be externalized
Added mutator to auto bind functions to a class instance
Fix case where classes are added as properties of other classes
Added ability to add non wrapped methods to the class prototype
Adding Travis-ci config file
Fix issue with IE6-9 when extending from non Classify classes
General bug fixes, removing support for IE<6
Renaming Class.Extend to Class.extend
Ability to delay event listeners from being triggered in observers
Ability to add statics and observers in a container
Fix issue with adding overriding functions to a parent prototype
Only fire observer listeners when the value has changed
fixing parent invocation using applicate in default invoke method
Ability to inherit from objects that are not created with Classify.create.
Allow Classify to be AMD compatible.
extend utility function that "extends" objects with properties from other objects in a shallow manner
fix issue with class invocation of "invoke" when class is a direct property of a namespace
"get" in namespace cascades into "GLOBAL" namespace classes
groundwork for ability to extend native and non create objects
Removing check for native objects (IE doesn't allow extending native objects).
throw Error objects instead of strings
better detection of parameters for using Classify function ("namespace/classname" for retrieval)
minification optimizations
quicker access to the GLOBAL namespace
ability to inherit the parent invoke method if not defined
exporting provide to the Classify object
GLOBAL namespace that all namespaced classes can inherit from
ability to get a class definition synchronously and asynchronously in Classify
ability to test if a namespace exists
adding Classify.noConflict for conflict free usage of Classify
using more standardized nomenclature
"_construct_" => "init"
"_invoke_" => "invoke"
"_apply_" => "applicate"
"_parent_" => "parent"
"_self_" => "self"
ability to create and destory classes created within namespaces
better checking of enumerable keys in IE < 9
bugfix on Extend functionality
Classify function endpoint has ability to to get namespace and create classes within the namespace
fixing issue with adding multiple properties to a class with the addProperty call
"get" in namespace takes in a callback and passes in the class
global references
namespacing functionality
only export classify to root object if it's a browser
pulled out the body of invoke to apply and default invoke will call apply
the exported object is created using the internal Create method
updated to "use strict";
Classify copyright 2011-2012 by Wei Kin Huang.
Build Tools: Grunt, QUnit, Benchmark.js, UglifyJS, JsHint, JsCoverage.
All code released under the MIT License.
Fork me to show support and help fix bugs!