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Nix expression to install and configure doom-emacs.
The expression builds a doom-emacs
distribution with dependencies
pre-installed based on an existing ~/.doom.d
It is not a fully fledged experience as some dependencies are not installed and
some may not be fully compatible as the version available in NixOS or
emacs-overlay may not be
compatible with the doom-emacs
Using home-manager:
{ pkgs, ... }:
doom-emacs = pkgs.callPackage (builtins.fetchTarball {
url =;
}) {
doomPrivateDir = ./doom.d; # Directory containing your config.el init.el
# and packages.el files
in {
home.packages = [ doom-emacs ];
should contain the following three files: config.el
, init.el
. If you don't already have an existing doom-emacs
you can use the contents of test/doom.d
as a template.
Using flake.nix
inputs = {
home-manager.url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
nix-doom-emacs.url = "github:nix-community/nix-doom-emacs";
outputs = {
}: {
nixosConfigurations.exampleHost = lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
home-manager.users.exampleUser = lib.mkMerge [
{ ... }: {
programs.doom-emacs = {
enable = true;
doomPrivateDir = ./doom.d;
This expression leverages nix-straight.el under the hood for installing dependencies. The restrictions of that package apply here too.
instead of running emacs.d/bin/doom, once you have update your config files (packages.el, init.el, config.el), rebuild doom-emacs with nix. If you are using home-manager, simply run home-manager switch
On macOS on a fresh install, you might run into the error Too many files open
. running ulimit -S -n 2048
will only work for the duration of your shell and will fix the error
In the initial packages.el instructions for how to install packages can be
found. However some packages might require a particular software dependency to
be installed. Trying to install those would give you an error of the type:
Searching for program: No such file or directory, git
(Missing git dependency)
Here is how you would go installing
magit-delta for example (which
requires git).
Under the line:
doomPrivateDir = ./doom.d;
in your configuration, you would add the following:
emacsPackagesOverlay = self: super: {
magit-delta = super.magit-delta.overrideAttrs (esuper: {
buildInputs = esuper.buildInputs ++ [ pkgs.git ];
To make the git dependency available. trying to rebuild doom-emacs with
home-manager switch
should work correctly now.
To use the daemon, simply enable the emacs service (with NixOS
, home-manager
or nix-darwin
) and use the doom emacs package. doom-emacs
will need to be
referenced at the top of your config file.
services.emacs = {
enable = true;
package = doom-emacs; # Not needed if you're using the Home-Manager module instead
to connect to the daemon you can now run emacsclient -c