#+title:    :lang go
#+subtitle: The hipster dialect
#+created:  June 15, 2015
#+since:    0.7

* Description :unfold:
This module adds [[https://golang.org][Go]] support, with optional (but recommended) LSP support via

- Code completion (~gocode~)
- Documentation lookup (~godoc~)
- Eldoc support (~go-eldoc~)
- REPL (~gore~)
- Syntax-checking (~flycheck~)
- Auto-formatting on save (~gofmt~) (requires [[doom-module::editor format +onsave]])
- Code navigation & refactoring (~go-guru~)
- [[../../editor/file-templates/templates/go-mode][File templates]]
- [[https://github.com/hlissner/doom-snippets/tree/master/go-mode][Snippets]]
- Generate testing code (~go-gen-test~)
- Code checking (~flycheck-golangci-lint~)

** Maintainers
*This module needs a maintainer.* [[doom-contrib-maintainer:][Become a maintainer?]]

** Module flags
- +lsp ::
  Enable LSP support for ~go-mode~. Requires [[doom-module::tools lsp]] and a langserver
  (supports gopls). Highly recommended, as the non-LSP experience is deprecated
  (and poor).
- +tree-sitter ::
  Leverages tree-sitter for better syntax highlighting and structural text
  editing. Requires [[doom-module::tools tree-sitter]].

** Packages
- [[doom-package:company-go]] if [[doom-module::completion company]] (DEPRECATED)
- [[doom-package:flycheck-golangci-lint]] if [[doom-module::checkers syntax]]
- [[doom-package:go-eldoc]]
- [[doom-package:go-gen-test]]
- [[doom-package:go-guru]]
- [[doom-package:go-mode]]
- [[doom-package:gorepl-mode]]
- [[doom-package:go-tag]]

** Hacks
/No hacks documented for this module./

** TODO Changelog
# This section will be machine generated. Don't edit it by hand.
/This module does not have a changelog yet./

* Installation
[[id:01cffea4-3329-45e2-a892-95a384ab2338][Enable this module in your ~doom!~ block.]]

This module requires Go, a valid =$GOPATH=, and a number of go packages, listed

** Go
- macOS: ~$ brew install go~
- Arch Linux: ~$ pacman -S go~
- openSUSE: ~$ zypper install go~

** Dependencies
- ~gocode~ (for code completion & eldoc support)
- ~godoc~ (for documentation lookup)
- ~gorename~ (for extra refactoring commands)
- ~gore~ (for the REPL)
- ~guru~ (for code navigation & refactoring commands)
- ~goimports~ (/optional/: for auto-formatting code on save & fixing imports)
- ~gotests~ (for generate test code)
- ~gomodifytags~ (for manipulating tags)

#+begin_src sh
export GOPATH=~/work/go

go install github.com/x-motemen/gore/cmd/gore@latest
go install github.com/stamblerre/gocode@latest
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/gorename@latest
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/guru@latest
go install github.com/cweill/gotests/gotests@latest
go install github.com/fatih/gomodifytags@latest

- ~golangci-lint~ (optional: for flycheck to integrate golangci-lint results) it
  is recommended to *not* use ~$ go get~ to install this one, check the

* TODO Usage
 🔨 This module has no usage documentation yet. [[doom-contrib-module:][Write some?]]

** Keybinds
| Keys                | Description                                           |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> a]]     | Add field tags to a struct                            |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> d]]     | Remove field tags from a struct                       |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> e]]     | Evaluate buffer or selection in the Go playground     |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> i]]     | Go to imports                                         |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> b c]]   | run ~$ go clean~                                      |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> b b]]   | run ~$ go build~                                      |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> b r]]   | run ~$ go run .~                                      |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> h .]]   | lookup symbol at point in godoc                       |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> h d]]   | describe symbol at point                              |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> h v]]   | list free variables                                   |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> h i]]   | list implements relations for package types           |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> h p]]   | list peers for channel                                |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> h P]]   | "what does this point to"                             |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> h r]]   | list references to object                             |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> h e]]   | which errors                                          |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> h w]]   | what query                                            |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> h c]]   | show callers of function at point                     |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> h C]]   | show callees of function at point                     |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> t t]]   | rerun last test                                       |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> t a]]   | run all tests in project                              |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> t f]]   | run all tests in current file                         |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> t s]]   | run single test at point                              |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> t g]]   | Generate tests for all exported or selected functions |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> t G]]   | Generate tests for all functions                      |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> t e]]   | Generate tests for all exported functions             |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> t b s]] | go test.bench single                                  |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> t b a]] | go test.bench all                                     |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> r i a]] | search imports to add                                 |
| [[kbd:][<localleader> r i r]] | reimove unused imports                                |

* TODO Configuration
 🔨 This module has no configuration documentation yet. [[doom-contrib-module:][Write some?]]

* Troubleshooting
/There are no known problems with this module./ [[doom-report:][Report one?]]

* Frequently asked questions
/This module has no FAQs yet./ [[doom-suggest-faq:][Ask one?]]

* TODO Appendix
 🔨 This module has no appendix yet. [[doom-contrib-module:][Write one?]]