Ooze Cube is a tactical roguelike where you play as a gelatinous cube. An ability or piece of equipment is stuck to each face of your cube. You can defend yourself only with the top-facing equipment or ability. Movement rotates the cube so a new face is on top.
Turns operate on action points, similar to XCOM. Will you move into a better position (possibly so that a choice ability can be used next turn?), or is it better to use a worse ability from the position you're currently in?
Ooze Cube is in development.
Per this blog post,
- Configure
with an nrepl port, per usual. - Create an IntelliJ configuration to connect with the shadow-cljs nrepl port.
- Run
shadow-cljs watch <build-kw>
(or similar) - In IntelliJ, run your configuration.
- Once connected, type
(shadow/repl <build-kw>)
in the repl window. - Change the REPL dropdown to
Dithering with imagemagick:
convert peryton.png -resize 384 -dither FloydSteinberg -remap pattern:gray50 peryton-dither.png
convert scooter.png -colorspace gray -ordered-dither o8x8 result.gif
Here is a filter:hue-rotate() calculator, which will give the correct filter steps for any target colour.
Remember to prepend the filter with "brightness(0) saturate(100%)" if not starting from white.