Boyfriend (n): a brainfuck that keeps making the same mistakes.
It's the bf language you know and love, with a couple of modern conveniences.
Brainfuck operators +-<>.[] work as you expect.
The banner addition is functions. Enclose any expression(s) in {}
to save
them as a function. The function is keyed to the value of the tape at the
point where you defined that function. Later, use ;
to call the function
keyed to the value at the tape's current position.
Boyfriend also supports copying the current value left or right to the next
cell on the tape. Use (
and )
The tape has 1000 cells. Going outside the tape's index wraps the pointer around to the other end.
Loops terminate with an error if the sentinel value is x < -500 or x > 500.
Printing uses the ASCII character set. The character you get is (mod val-at-data-pointer 127).
From the Clojure repl:
(use 'boyfriend.core)
(let [source-code "++.>>--."]
(eval-boyfriend source-code))
Copyright © 2018 Robert Scherf
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.