This fork of rnewman's clj-apache-http includes support support for asynchronous HTTP(S) connections using Apache's HTTP Async client. This client is currently in an alpha-2 release, but basic functionality appears to be stable.
The asynchronous client allows you to make multiple simultaneous HTTP(S) connections in a single thread. None of the requests block. They simply trigger a callback when they complete.
For each request, you specify a set of callbacks: one to be executed on success, one to be executed on failure, and one to be executed if the request is cancelled. This is similar to setting up AJAX callbacks in JavaScript or Ruby callbacks using the Typhoeus HTTP client.
The async client works over HTTP, standard HTTPS, and with X509 client certificates.
Here is a sample of how to set up a connection manager and a client. Both are reusable once they've been set up. The connection manager in particular is highly configurable. None of the options in this example are required. They're here just to give you a sense of what you can do with the connection manager.
(:require [com.twinql.clojure.http :as http]
[com.twinql.clojure.async-client :as async])
(def http-params { :connection-timeout 1000
:default-proxy (http/http-host
:host "my.proxy-server.kom"
:port 8888)
:user-agent "Clojure-Apache HTTP(S)"
:use-expect-continue false
:tcp-nodelay true
:stale-connection-check false })
(defn on-internal-error
"Log internal errors from the async client's IOReactor. If we don't
provide a handler, the client blows up and can no longer service
requests. Handler should return true to continue servicing requests,
or false to stop. Returning false stops the IOReactor, and all
subsequent requests will fail."
(prn "*** Caught exception inside IOReactor ***")
(prn exception)
(def conn-mgr (async/connection-manager
(merge http-params
{ :worker-threads 3
:time-to-live 4000
:max-total-connections 50
:internal-exception-handler on-internal-error
:max-per-route { "" 10
"" 15
"" 15
"" 10 }})))
(def client (async/http-client conn-mgr http-params))
(defn on-success [response]
(println "STATUS")
(println (response-status response))
(println "HEADERS")
(println (response-headers response))
(println "BODY")
(println (response-body response)))
(defn on-cancel [] (println "Request cancelled"))
(defn on-fail [ex] (println (str "Request Error: " (.getMessage ex))))
(def requests
[{:method :get :url ""}
{:method :post :url ""}
{:method :get :url ""}
{:method :get :url ""}
{:method :get :url ""
:query-params {"source" "ig"
"hl" "en"
"rlz" ""
"q" "clojure decompose options"
"aq" "f"
"aqi" ""
"aql" ""
"oq=" nil}
:on-success (fn [resp] (println "custom google on-success"))
:on-fail (fn [resp] (println "custom google on-fail"))
:on-cancel (fn [resp] (println "custom google on-cancel"))}])
(defn run-requests
;; Be sure to start the client before using it!
(.start client)
(async/run! requests
:client client
:on-success on-success
:on-fail on-fail
:on-cancel on-cancel)
(finally (.shutdown client)))))
Notice the last request defines its own on-success callback. If a callback is defined within a request hash, the async client runs that callback. Otherwise, it runs the callback passed in to the run! function.
To use the async client with X509 client certificates, you set up an SSL connection manager and pass that into the client constructor.
(:require [com.twinql.clojure.x509-connection-manager :as x509]
[com.twinql.clojure.async-client :as async])
(defonce xml-request-template (get-resource "request.xml"))
(defonce cert-dir "/certs")
(defonce client-certificate-file (str cert-dir "/some_corp.certs.pem"))
(defonce keystore-file (str cert-dir "/some_corp.keystore"))
(defonce scheme-registry-opts
{:keystore-file keystore-file
:keystore-password "seekrit"
:certificate-alias "default"
:certificate-file client-certificate-file
:certificate-password nil
:port 8989
:trust-managers nil
:hostname-verifier nil })
(defonce scheme-registry
(x509/create-async-scheme-registry scheme-registry-opts))
(def ssl-conn-manager
(async/connection-manager {:scheme-registry scheme-registry
:http-params http-params
:worker-threads 5
:max-total-connections 12
:max-per-route { "" 12}}))
(def client (async/http-client ssl-conn-manager http-params))
For more information, read the source and the doc comments in async_client.clj and x509_connection_manager.clj.
Also, see the readme documents for the synchronous HTTP client and for the X509 certification manager.
This Clojure library is currently using version 4.0-alpha2 of the Apache HttpAsyncClient library, which does not yet pass HTTP timeouts up to any event handlers. This means that if your HTTP request times out because the server did not respond before :so-timeout milliseconds, your on-fail event handler will not be called.
There is a ticket open on this issue with Apache, and it should (should!) be fixed in an upcoming release.