Takao is a dark theme for the Sphinx documentation generator.
I created it mainly for my own projects. Feel free to try it and open an issue if you have any problems.
For a demo of the theme, see https://columns-ui-sdk.readthedocs.io.
Takao uses the MIT licence.
Distributions of Takao include the Inter font, which uses the SIL Open Font Licence.
Install the Python package:
pip install takao
in your Sphinx project configuration:html_theme = "takao"
Create a clean documentation build in your Sphinx project directory:
make clean make html
Development of Takao requires Python 3.11, Poetry and Node.js 18.
Install Python dependencies:
poetry install
Install Node.js dependencies:
npm install
poetry run python scripts/build.py
poetry run python scripts/build_docs.py
Requires Podman.
poetry run python scripts/run_e2e_tests.py
poetry run python scripts/run_e2e_tests_update_snapshots.py