diff --git a/layouts/partials/minimal-footer.html b/layouts/partials/minimal-footer.html index bc895045..60ba32dc 100644 --- a/layouts/partials/minimal-footer.html +++ b/layouts/partials/minimal-footer.html @@ -70,15 +70,23 @@ {{ with .Params.categories }}
{{ if eq (len $.Site.Taxonomies.categories) 2 }} - {{- $categoryNow := (delimit . " ") -}} - {{- with $.Site.GetPage (printf `/categories/%s` $categoryNow) -}} - {{ $categoryNow | lower }} + {{- range . -}} + {{- $categoryNow := (. | urlize) -}} + {{- $.Scratch.Set "categoryNow" $categoryNow -}} + {{- end -}} + {{- $categoryNow := $.Scratch.Get "categoryNow" -}} + {{- $url := urls.Parse $categoryNow -}} + {{- $path := $url.Path -}} + {{- with $.Site.GetPage (printf `/categories/%s` $path) -}} + {{ .Slug | default .LinkTitle | default $path | lower | anchorize }} {{- end -}} {{- printf `%s` " | " | safeHTML -}} {{- range $category, $pages := $.Site.Taxonomies.categories -}} + {{- $category := urls.Parse ($category | urlize) -}} {{- if ne (string $category) (string $categoryNow) -}} - {{- with $.Site.GetPage (printf `/categories/%s` $category) -}} - {{ $category | lower }} + {{- $path := $category.Path -}} + {{- with $.Site.GetPage (printf `/categories/%s` $path) -}} + {{ .Slug | default .LinkTitle | default $path | lower | anchorize }} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} @@ -91,8 +99,10 @@ {{- $.Scratch.Set "delimiter" "" -}} {{- end -}} {{- $delimiter := ($.Scratch.Get "delimiter") -}} - {{- with $.Site.GetPage (printf `/categories/%s` .) -}} - {{- printf `%s%s` .RelPermalink (.LinkTitle | default $category) $delimiter | safeHTML -}} + {{- $url := urls.Parse ($category | urlize) -}} + {{- $path := $url.Path -}} + {{- with $.Site.GetPage (printf `/categories/%s` $path) -}} + {{- printf `%s%s` .RelPermalink (.Slug | default .LinkTitle | default $category | lower | anchorize) $delimiter | safeHTML -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{ end }} diff --git a/layouts/partials/post-meta.html b/layouts/partials/post-meta.html index 83bf92ac..a4cf5260 100644 --- a/layouts/partials/post-meta.html +++ b/layouts/partials/post-meta.html @@ -56,13 +56,15 @@ {{- $icon -}} {{- range $index, $category := . -}} + {{- $url := urls.Parse ($category | urlize) -}} + {{- $path := $url.Path -}} {{- if lt $index $length -}} {{- $.Scratch.Set "delimiter" ($.Site.Params.categoryDelimiter | default "/") -}} {{- else -}} {{- $.Scratch.Set "delimiter" "" -}} {{- end -}} {{- $delimiter := ($.Scratch.Get "delimiter") -}} - {{- with $.Site.GetPage (printf `/categories/%s` .) -}} + {{- with $.Site.GetPage (printf `/categories/%s` $path) -}} {{- printf `%s%s` .RelPermalink (.LinkTitle | default $category) $delimiter | safeHTML -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} diff --git a/layouts/partials/tree/categories.html b/layouts/partials/tree/categories.html index 22b926bf..f10a4c45 100644 --- a/layouts/partials/tree/categories.html +++ b/layouts/partials/tree/categories.html @@ -8,7 +8,16 @@

{{ .Title | default (.Type | title) }}

{{ .Scratch.Delete "categories" }} {{ range $.Site.RegularPages }} {{ with .Param "categories" }} - {{ $category := (printf `/%s` (replace (delimit . " ") " " "/")) }} + {{ $.Scratch.Delete "category" }} + {{ $length := sub (len .) 1 }} + {{ range $index, $category := . }} + {{ $category := (printf `/%s` ($category | urlize)) }} + {{ $.Scratch.Add "category" $category }} + {{ if lt $index $length }} + {{ $.Scratch.Add "categories" (slice ($.Scratch.Get "category")) }} + {{ end }} + {{ end }} + {{ $category := $.Scratch.Get "category" }} {{ $.Scratch.Add "categories" (slice $category) }} {{ end }} {{ end }} @@ -18,9 +27,11 @@

{{ .Title | default (.Type | title) }}

{{ $depth := (len $categoryTerms) }} {{ $padding := (mul $depth 2) }} {{ $lastTerm := (delimit (last 1 $categoryTerms) " ") }} - {{ with $.Site.GetPage (printf `/categories/%s` $lastTerm) }} + {{ $url := urls.Parse $lastTerm }} + {{ $path := $url.Path }} + {{ with $.Site.GetPage (printf `/categories/%s` $path) }}

- {{ .LinkTitle | default .Data.Term | default $lastTerm }} + {{ .LinkTitle | default .Data.Term | default $path }} {{ if $.Site.Params.displayPostsCount }} {{ printf "(%d)" (len .Data.category) }} {{ end }} @@ -31,7 +42,12 @@

{{ .Title | default (.Type | title) }}

{{ range $.Site.RegularPages }} {{ $page := . }} {{ with .Param "categories" }} - {{ $category := (printf `/%s` (replace (delimit . " ") " " "/")) }} + {{ $.Scratch.Delete "category" }} + {{ range . }} + {{ $category := (printf `/%s` (. | urlize)) }} + {{ $.Scratch.Add "category" $category }} + {{ end }} + {{ $category := $.Scratch.Get "category" }} {{ if eq $context $category }}

{{ $page.LinkTitle }}