The python installer is mysterious and is liable to not reflect your sources if old files are around, even if it seems like things have changed. Deleting some things first helps:
rm -rf constellation.egg-info dist
But running in a brand new clone seems to be the only safe solution. Be aware that the upload step will upload any old junk in the dist directory and then break subsequent installation, with no warning that what you are doing is going to be a bad idea.
Build the source distribution for publishing
python3 sdist
To testing
twine upload --repository-url dist/*.tar.gz
To do this, the version number must be incremented over the published versions (testing, main index) - if you forget to increment it the server will reject the upload.
Test the installation
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash python
pip3 install --index-url --extra-index-url constellation
Then upload to the main index
twine upload dist/*.tar.gz