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"Classification(s)": "Klassifikation(en)", "classReading": "Klassenlektüre", "Clear": "Leeren", + "Close match": "Ungenaue Äquivalenz", "Closed": "Geschlossen", "closed": "geschlossen", "Code": "Code", @@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ "Current expenditure": "Laufende Ausgaben", "Current loans": "Laufende Ausleihen", "Current requests": "Aktuelle Anfragen", + "Data conversion": "Datenkonvertierung", "Data submission generated an error.": "Die Dateneingabe generierte einen Fehler.", "Date": "Datum", "Date (newest)": "Datum (neuestes)", @@ -255,6 +257,8 @@ "Debit card": "Debitkarte", "debriefing": "Protokoll", "Debug": "Debug", + "Deduplication": "Deduplizierung", + "Default": "Default", "Default acquisition settings": "Standard-Erwerbungsseinstellungen", "Default contact details": "Default contact details", "Default currency": "Standardwährung", @@ -310,10 +314,12 @@ "Engaged fees": "Ausstehende Gebühren", "Engagement": "Belastung", "Enter a part of the permission name to filter the list.": "Geben Sie einen Teil des Berechtigungsnamens ein, um die Liste zu filtern.", + "Enter a query to get results.": "Geben Sie eine Abfrage ein, um Ergebnisse zu erhalten.", "Entities": "Entitäten", "erratum": "Erratum", "Error proceeding receipt lines creation": "Fehler bei der Erstellung von Empfangszeilen", "Error when placing an order !": "Fehler beim Erteilen der Bestellung!", + "Exact match": "Exakte Äquivalenz", "Examples (preview)": "Beispiele (Vorschau)", "Exception": "Ausnahme", "Exception dates": "Ausnahme (Feiertage, usw.)", @@ -337,6 +343,7 @@ "Fees, discounts and other adjustments": "Gebühren, Rabatte und andere Anpassungen", "fiction": "Fiktion", "Fiction statement": "Fiktionangabe", + "Field": "Feld", "File removed successfully.": "Datei erfolgreich entfernt.", "File uploaded successfully.": "Datei erfolgreich hochgeladen.", "Files": "Dateien", @@ -482,6 +489,7 @@ "Label": "Label", "Language": "Sprache", "last claim": "letzte Anspruch", + "Last recently updated": "Letzte Aktualisierung", "Late issues": "Verspätete Lieferungen", "Legacy checkout count": "Anzahl der Ausleihen im alten System", "Legend": "Legende", @@ -533,6 +541,7 @@ "lose": "verlieren", "Lose focus on the current field": "Fokus im aktuellen Feld entfernen", "Malformed request syntax.": "Fehlerhafte Anfragesyntax.", + "Manually added": "Manuell hinzufügen", "Marc": "MARC", "Masked": "Ausgeblendet", "Max. quantity: {{ max }}": "Maximale Menge: {{ max }}", @@ -551,6 +560,7 @@ "Missing type": "Fehlender Typ", "Mobile phone": "Mobiltelefon", "Mode of issuance": "Erscheinungsweise", + "Modification date": "Änderungsdatum", "monday": "Montag", "monograph": "Monographie", "monographic_set": "Monographisches Set", @@ -565,6 +575,7 @@ "Name (desc)": "Name (absteigend)", "Name is required.": "Name ist erforderlich.", "Name must be at least 4 characters long.": "Der Name muss mindestens 4 Zeichen lang sein.", + "Narrower": "Unterbegriff", "New": "Neu", "New acquisition": "Neuerwerbung", "New fee": "Neue Gebühr", @@ -762,10 +773,12 @@ "Received": "Empfangen", "received": "empfangen", "Received date": "Empfangsdatum", + "Recently updated": "Kürzlich aktualisiert", "Reception": "Empfang", "Reception date": "Empfangsdatum", "Recipients": "Empfänger", "Record created!": "Datensatz erstellt!", + "Record to Import": "Zu importierende Ressource", "Record Updated!": "Datensatz aktualisiert!", "Reference": "Referenz", "Reference (asc)": "Referenz (aufsteigend)", @@ -826,8 +839,12 @@ "Save": "Speichern", "Scale": "Massstab", "Scope": "Art der Lieferung", + "Score": "Score", + "Score | Weight": "Punktzahl | Gewichtung", "Search": "Suche", + "search": "Suche", "Search documents": "Dokumente Suche", + "Search in": "Suchen in", "Search in full text": "Volltextsuche", "Second address": "Zweite Adresse", "Second call number": "2. 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currency", @@ -310,10 +314,12 @@ "Engaged fees": "Engaged fees", "Engagement": "Engagement", "Enter a part of the permission name to filter the list.": "Enter a part of the permission name to filter the list.", + "Enter a query to get results.": "Enter a query to get results.", "Entities": "Entities", "erratum": "erratum", "Error proceeding receipt lines creation": "Error proceeding receipt lines creation", "Error when placing an order !": "Error when placing an order !", + "Exact match": "Exact match", "Examples (preview)": "Examples (preview)", "Exception": "Exception", "Exception dates": "Exception dates", @@ -337,6 +343,7 @@ "Fees, discounts and other adjustments": "Fees, discounts and other adjustments", "fiction": "fiction", "Fiction statement": "Fiction statement", + "Field": "Field", "File removed successfully.": "File removed successfully.", "File uploaded successfully.": "File uploaded successfully.", "Files": "Files", @@ -482,6 +489,7 @@ "Label": "Label", "Language": "Language", "last claim": "last claim", + "Last recently updated": "Last recently updated", "Late issues": "Late issues", "Legacy checkout count": "Legacy checkout count", "Legend": "Legend", @@ -533,6 +541,7 @@ "lose": "lose", "Lose focus on the current field": "Lose focus on the current field", "Malformed request syntax.": "Malformed request syntax.", + "Manually added": "Manually added", "Marc": "MARC", "Masked": "Masked", "Max. quantity: {{ max }}": "Max. quantity: {{ max }}", @@ -551,6 +560,7 @@ "Missing type": "Missing type", "Mobile phone": "Mobile phone", "Mode of issuance": "Mode of issuance", + "Modification date": "Modification date", "monday": "Monday", "monograph": "monograph", "monographic_set": "monographic set", @@ -565,6 +575,7 @@ "Name (desc)": "Name (desc)", "Name is required.": "Name is required.", "Name must be at least 4 characters long.": "Name must be at least 4 characters long.", + "Narrower": "Narrower", "New": "New", "New acquisition": "New acquisition", "New 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a query to get results.", "Entities": "Entities", "erratum": "erratum", "Error proceeding receipt lines creation": "Error proceeding receipt lines creation", "Error when placing an order !": "Error when placing an order !", + "Exact match": "Exact match", "Examples (preview)": "Examples (preview)", "Exception": "Exception", "Exception dates": "Exception dates", @@ -337,6 +343,7 @@ "Fees, discounts and other adjustments": "Fees, discounts and other adjustments", "fiction": "fiction", "Fiction statement": "Fiction statement", + "Field": "Field", "File removed successfully.": "File removed successfully.", "File uploaded successfully.": "File uploaded successfully.", "Files": "Files", @@ -482,6 +489,7 @@ "Label": "Label", "Language": "Language", "last claim": "last claim", + "Last recently updated": "Last recently updated", "Late issues": "Late issues", "Legacy checkout count": "Legacy checkout count", "Legend": "Legend", @@ -533,6 +541,7 @@ "lose": "lose", "Lose focus on the current field": "Lose focus on the current field", "Malformed request syntax.": "Malformed request syntax.", + "Manually added": "Manually added", "Marc": "Marc", "Masked": "Masked", "Max. quantity: {{ max }}": "Max. quantity: {{ max }}", @@ -551,6 +560,7 @@ "Missing type": "Missing type", "Mobile phone": "Mobile phone", "Mode of issuance": "Mode of issuance", + "Modification date": "Modification date", "monday": "monday", "monograph": "monograph", "monographic_set": "monographic_set", @@ -565,6 +575,7 @@ "Name (desc)": "Name (desc)", "Name is required.": "Name is required.", "Name must be at least 4 characters long.": "Name must be at least 4 characters long.", + "Narrower": "Narrower", "New": "New", "New acquisition": "New acquisition", "New fee": "New fee", @@ -762,10 +773,12 @@ "Received": "Received", "received": "received", "Received date": "Received date", + "Recently updated": "Recently updated", "Reception": "Reception", "Reception date": "Reception date", "Recipients": "Recipients", "Record created!": "Record created!", + "Record to Import": "Record to Import", "Record Updated!": "Record Updated!", "Reference": "Reference", "Reference (asc)": "Reference (asc)", @@ -826,8 +839,12 @@ "Save": "Save", "Scale": "Scale", "Scope": "Scope", + "Score": "Score", + "Score | Weight": "Score | Weight", "Search": "Search", + "search": "search", "Search documents": "Search documents", + "Search in": "Search in", "Search in full text": "Search in full text", "Second address": "Second address", "Second call number": "Second call number", @@ -854,6 +871,7 @@ "Show less": "Show less", "Show more": "Show more", "Show only:": "Show only:", + "Sort by": "Sort by", "Source": "Source", "Source catalog": "Source catalog", "Staff notes": "Staff notes", @@ -978,7 +996,7 @@ "validate": "validate", "validated": "validated", "Validating…": "Validating…", - "Variant access point(s)": "Variant access point(s)", + "Variant access point": "Variant access point", "Variant name": "Variant name", "VAT": "VAT", "Vat Rate": "Vat Rate", diff --git a/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/es.json b/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/es.json index 7c4c926ea..99490bc5d 100644 --- a/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/es.json +++ b/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/es.json @@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ "canceled": "cancelado", "Cancellation reason": "Motivo de cancelación", "CANCELLED": "CANCELADO", + "Candidate": "Candidate", "Carrier and content type": "Tipo de soporte y contenido", "Cartographic data": "Datos cartográficos", "Cash": "Efectivo", @@ -184,9 +185,9 @@ "claim_issue": "claim_issue", "Claims": "Reclamaciones", "Classification": "Clasificación", - "Classification(s)": "Clasificación(es)", "classReading": "lectura de clase", "Clear": "Clear", + "Close match": "Close match", "Closed": "Cerrado", "closed": "cerrado", "Code": "Código", @@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ "Current expenditure": "Gastos corrientes", "Current loans": "Préstamos corrientes", "Current requests": "Reservaciones actuales", + "Data conversion": "Data conversion", "Data submission generated an error.": "Sumisión de dato generó un error.", "Date": "Fecha", "Date (newest)": "Fecha (más reciente)", @@ -255,6 +257,8 @@ "Debit card": "Tarjeta de débito", "debriefing": "informe", "Debug": "Debug", + "Deduplication": "Deduplication", + "Default": "Default", "Default acquisition settings": "Parámetro de adquisición por defecto", "Default contact details": "Default contact details", "Default currency": "Divisa por defecto", @@ -310,10 +314,12 @@ "Engaged fees": "Tasas comprometidas", "Engagement": "Compromiso", "Enter a part of the permission name to filter the list.": "Introduzca una parte del nombre del permiso para filtrar la lista.", + "Enter a query to get results.": "Enter a query to get results.", "Entities": "Entidades", "erratum": "erratum", "Error proceeding receipt lines creation": "Error al crear líneas de recibo", "Error when placing an order !": "¡Error al realizar un pedido!", + "Exact match": "Exact match", "Examples (preview)": "Ejemplos (vista previa)", "Exception": "Excepción", "Exception dates": "Fechas de excepción", @@ -337,6 +343,7 @@ "Fees, discounts and other adjustments": "Fees, discounts and other adjustments", "fiction": "fiction", "Fiction statement": "Fiction statement", + "Field": "Field", "File removed successfully.": "File removed successfully.", "File uploaded successfully.": "File uploaded successfully.", "Files": "Files", @@ -482,6 +489,7 @@ "Label": "Label", "Language": "Idioma", "last claim": "última reclamación", + "Last recently updated": "Last recently updated", "Late issues": "Números tardíos", "Legacy checkout count": "Legacy checkout count", "Legend": "Leyenda", @@ -533,6 +541,7 @@ "lose": "perder", "Lose focus on the current field": "Perder el enfoque en el campo actual", "Malformed request syntax.": "Sintaxis de solicitud malformada.", + "Manually added": "Manually added", "Marc": "MARC", "Masked": "Enmascarado", "Max. quantity: {{ max }}": "Cantidad máxima: { max }", @@ -551,6 +560,7 @@ "Missing type": "Tipo faltante", "Mobile phone": "Teléfono móvil", "Mode of issuance": "Modo de publicación", + "Modification date": "Modification date", "monday": "Lunes", "monograph": "monografía", "monographic_set": "Conjunto monográfico", @@ -565,6 +575,7 @@ "Name (desc)": "Name (desc)", "Name is required.": "El nombre es obligatorio.", "Name must be at least 4 characters long.": "El nombre tiene que comportar más de 4 caracteres.", + "Narrower": "Narrower", "New": "Nuevo", "New acquisition": "Nueva adquisición", "New fee": "Nueva tasa", @@ -762,10 +773,12 @@ "Received": "Recibido", "received": "recibido", "Received date": "Fecha de recepción", + "Recently updated": "Recently updated", "Reception": "Recepcíon", "Reception date": "Fecha de recepción", "Recipients": "Destinatarios", "Record created!": "¡El recurso ha sido creado!", + "Record to Import": "Record to Import", "Record Updated!": "¡Recurso actualizado!", "Reference": "Reference", "Reference (asc)": "Reference (asc)", @@ -826,8 +839,12 @@ "Save": "Salvar", "Scale": "Escala", "Scope": "Alcance", + "Score": "Score", + "Score | Weight": "Score | Weight", "Search": "Search", + "search": "search", "Search documents": "Búsqueda de documentos", + "Search in": "Search in", "Search in full text": "Search in full text", "Second address": "Segunda dirección", "Second call number": "2.ª marca de estante", @@ -854,6 +871,7 @@ "Show less": "Mostrar menos", "Show more": "Mostrar más", "Show only:": "Show only:", + "Sort by": "Sort by", "Source": "Fuente", "Source catalog": "Catálogo fuente", "Staff notes": "Nota para el staff", @@ -905,7 +923,6 @@ "The item is {{ status }}": "The item is {{ status }}", "The item is already checked out or requested by this patron.": "El ejemplar ya está eb préstamo o reservado por el usuario.", "The item is already in the list.": "El ejemplar ya está en la lista.", - "The item is in transit": "El ejemplar está en tránsito", "The item is in transit to {{ destination }}": "El ejemplar está en tránsito a {{ destination }}", "The item status does not allow requests.": "El estado del ejemplar no permite reservaciones.", "The maximum number of files is reached. No additional upload is allowed.": "The maximum number of files is reached. No additional upload is allowed.", @@ -979,7 +996,7 @@ "validate": "validar", "validated": "validado", "Validating…": "Validación en curso…", - "Variant access point(s)": "Punto(s) de acceso variante", + "Variant access point": "Variant access point", "Variant name": "Nombre alternativo", "VAT": "IVA", "Vat Rate": "Tipo de IVA", diff --git a/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/fr.json b/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/fr.json index 1430c685f..bd41feb24 100644 --- a/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/fr.json +++ b/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/fr.json @@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ "canceled": "annulé", "Cancellation reason": "Motif de l'annulation", "CANCELLED": "annulé", + "Candidate": "Candidat", "Carrier and content type": "Type de support et contenu", "Cartographic data": "Données cartographiques", "Cash": "En espèces", @@ -184,9 +185,9 @@ "claim_issue": "Réclamation de fascicule", "Claims": "Réclamations", "Classification": "Classification", - "Classification(s)": "Classification(s)", "classReading": "Lecture suivie", "Clear": "Effacer", + "Close match": "Équivalence imprécise", "Closed": "Fermé", "closed": "fermé", "Code": "Code", @@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ "Current expenditure": "Dépenses actuelles", "Current loans": "Prêts en cours", "Current requests": "Nbre demandes", + "Data conversion": "Conversion des données", "Data submission generated an error.": "La soumission des données a généré une erreur.", "Date": "Date", "Date (newest)": "Date (plus récente)", @@ -255,6 +257,8 @@ "Debit card": "Carte de débit", "debriefing": "compte-rendu", "Debug": "Debug", + "Deduplication": "Dédoublonnage", + "Default": "Default", "Default acquisition settings": "Paramètres des acquisitions par défaut", "Default contact details": "Default contact details", "Default currency": "Devise par défaut", @@ -310,10 +314,12 @@ "Engaged fees": "Frais engagés", "Engagement": "Engagement", "Enter a part of the permission name to filter the list.": "Entrer une partie d'un nom de permission pour filtrer la liste.", + "Enter a query to get results.": "Entrer une requête pour obtenir des résultats.", "Entities": "Entités", "erratum": "erratum", "Error proceeding receipt lines creation": "Erreur lors de la création des lignes de réception", "Error when placing an order !": "Erreur lors de la commande !", + "Exact match": "Équivalence exacte", "Examples (preview)": "Exemples (prévisualisation)", "Exception": "Exception", "Exception dates": "Exceptions (vacances, etc.)", @@ -337,6 +343,7 @@ "Fees, discounts and other adjustments": "Frais, rabais et autres ajustements", "fiction": "fiction", "Fiction statement": "Mention de fiction", + "Field": "Champ", "File removed successfully.": "Fichier supprimé avec succès.", "File uploaded successfully.": "Fichier chargé avec succès.", "Files": "Fichier", @@ -482,6 +489,7 @@ "Label": "Label", "Language": "Langue", "last claim": "dernière réclamation", + "Last recently updated": "Dernière mise à jour", "Late issues": "Fascicules en retard", "Legacy checkout count": "Nombre de prêts dans l'ancien système", "Legend": "Légende", @@ -533,6 +541,7 @@ "lose": "perdre", "Lose focus on the current field": "Perdre le focus du champ actif", "Malformed request syntax.": "Syntaxe incorrecte de la requête.", + "Manually added": "Ajout manuel", "Marc": "MARC", "Masked": "Masqué", "Max. quantity: {{ max }}": "Quantité max. : {{ max }}", @@ -551,6 +560,7 @@ "Missing type": "Type manquant", "Mobile phone": "Téléphone mobile", "Mode of issuance": "Mode de parution", + "Modification date": "Date de modification", "monday": "lundi", "monograph": "monographie", "monographic_set": "set monographique", @@ -565,6 +575,7 @@ "Name (desc)": "Nom (décroissant)", "Name is required.": "Le nom est obligatoire.", "Name must be at least 4 characters long.": "Le nom doit comporter au moins 4 caractères.", + "Narrower": "Terme spécifique", "New": "Nouveau", "New acquisition": "Nouvelle acquisition", "New fee": "Nouveau frais", @@ -762,10 +773,12 @@ "Received": "Reçu", "received": "reçu", "Received date": "Date de réception", + "Recently updated": "Récemment mis à jour", "Reception": "Réception", "Reception date": "Date de réception", "Recipients": "Destinataires", "Record created!": "La ressource a été créée !", + "Record to Import": "Ressource à importer", "Record Updated!": "La ressource a été mise à jour !", "Reference": "Référence", "Reference (asc)": "Référence (croissant)", @@ -826,8 +839,12 @@ "Save": "Enregistrer", "Scale": "Échelle", "Scope": "Étendue", + "Score": "Score", + "Score | Weight": "Score | Poids", "Search": "Recherche", + "search": "recherche", "Search documents": "Rechercher les documents", + "Search in": "Chercher dans", "Search in full text": "Recherche texte intégral", "Second address": "Deuxième adresse", "Second call number": "2ᵉ cote", @@ -854,6 +871,7 @@ "Show less": "Afficher moins", "Show more": "Afficher plus", "Show only:": "Montrer seulement :", + "Sort by": "Trier par", "Source": "Source", "Source catalog": "Catalogue source", "Staff notes": "Notes au personnel", @@ -978,7 +996,7 @@ "validate": "valider", "validated": "validé", "Validating…": "Validation en cours…", - "Variant access point(s)": "Variante(s) du point d'accès", + "Variant access point": "Variante du point d'accès", "Variant name": "Variante de nom", "VAT": "Taux de TVA", "Vat Rate": "Taux TVA", diff --git a/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/it.json b/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/it.json index 932dc3602..15b698e1f 100644 --- a/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/it.json +++ b/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/it.json @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ "Borrowed at": "Prestato in", "Borrowed by": "In prestito da", "Borrowed on": "Prestato il", - "Broader": "Termine generico", + "Broader": "Termine più generale", "Budget": "Bilancio", "budgets": "bilanci", "Budgets": "Bilanci", @@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ "canceled": "annullato", "Cancellation reason": "Motivo dell'annullamento", "CANCELLED": "annulato", + "Candidate": "Candidato", "Carrier and content type": "Tipo di supporto e di contenuto", "Cartographic data": "Dati cartografici", "Cash": "In contanti", @@ -184,9 +185,9 @@ "claim_issue": "Reclamo di fascicoli", "Claims": "Reclami", "Classification": "Classificazione", - "Classification(s)": "Classificazione(i)", "classReading": "lettura di classe", "Clear": "Cancella", + "Close match": "Equivalenza imprecisa", "Closed": "Chiuso", "closed": "chiuso", "Code": "Codice", @@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ "Current expenditure": "Spese correnti", "Current loans": "Prestiti correnti", "Current requests": "Richieste attuali", + "Data conversion": "Conversione dei dati", "Data submission generated an error.": "L'invio di dati ha generato un errore.", "Date": "Data", "Date (newest)": "Data (più recente)", @@ -255,6 +257,8 @@ "Debit card": "Carta di debito", "debriefing": "resoconto", "Debug": "Debug", + "Deduplication": "Deduplicazione", + "Default": "Default", "Default acquisition settings": "Impostazioni di acquisizione standard", "Default contact details": "Default contact details", "Default currency": "Valuta predefinita", @@ -310,10 +314,12 @@ "Engaged fees": "Tasse impegnate", "Engagement": "Impegni", "Enter a part of the permission name to filter the list.": "Inserire una parte del nome dell'permesso per filtrare l'elenco.", + "Enter a query to get results.": "Inserisci una richiesta per ottenere dei risultati.", "Entities": "Entità", "erratum": "erratum", "Error proceeding receipt lines creation": "Errore durante la creazione delle righe di ricezione", "Error when placing an order !": "Errore durante l'ordine!", + "Exact match": "Equivalenza esatta", "Examples (preview)": "Esempi (anteprima)", "Exception": "Eccezione", "Exception dates": "Eccezioni (vacanze, ecc.)", @@ -337,6 +343,7 @@ "Fees, discounts and other adjustments": "Commissioni, sconti e altri aggiustamenti", "fiction": "narrativa", "Fiction statement": "Formulazione di narrativa", + "Field": "Campo", "File removed successfully.": "File eliminato con successo.", "File uploaded successfully.": "File caricato con successo.", "Files": "Files", @@ -482,6 +489,7 @@ "Label": "Label", "Language": "Lingua", "last claim": "Ultimo reclamo", + "Last recently updated": "Ultimo aggiornamento", "Late issues": "Fascicoli in ritardo", "Legacy checkout count": "Numero di prestiti con il precedente sistema", "Legend": "Leggenda", @@ -533,6 +541,7 @@ "lose": "perdere", "Lose focus on the current field": "Rimuovere il focus nel campo corrente", "Malformed request syntax.": "Sintassi della richiesta malformata.", + "Manually added": "Aggiunta manuale", "Marc": "MARC", "Masked": "Mascherato", "Max. quantity: {{ max }}": "Quantità massima: {{ max }}", @@ -551,6 +560,7 @@ "Missing type": "Tipo mancante", "Mobile phone": "Telefono cellulare", "Mode of issuance": "Modalità di emissione", + "Modification date": "Data di modifica", "monday": "lunedì", "monograph": "monografia", "monographic_set": "set monografico", @@ -565,6 +575,7 @@ "Name (desc)": "Nome (decrescente)", "Name is required.": "Il nome è richiesto.", "Name must be at least 4 characters long.": "Il nome deve essere lungo almeno 4 caratteri.", + "Narrower": "Termine più specifico", "New": "Nuovo", "New acquisition": "Nuova acquisizione", "New fee": "Nuova tassa", @@ -762,10 +773,12 @@ "Received": "Ricevuto", "received": "ricevuto", "Received date": "Data di ricezione", + "Recently updated": "Aggiornato di recente", "Reception": "Ricezione", "Reception date": "Data di ricezione", "Recipients": "Destinatari", "Record created!": "Record creato!", + "Record to Import": "Risorsa da importare", "Record Updated!": "Il record è stato aggiornato!", "Reference": "Riferimento", "Reference (asc)": "Riferimento (crescente)", @@ -826,8 +839,12 @@ "Save": "Salvare", "Scale": "Scala", "Scope": "Ambito", + "Score": "Score", + "Score | Weight": "Note | Peso", "Search": "Ricerca", + "search": "ricerca", "Search documents": "Ricerca dei documenti", + "Search in": "Cercare in", "Search in full text": "Ricerca full-text", "Second address": "Secondo indirizzo", "Second call number": "2° segnatura", @@ -854,6 +871,7 @@ "Show less": "Mostrare meno", "Show more": "Mostra di più", "Show only:": "Mostrare solo:", + "Sort by": "Ordina per", "Source": "Fonte", "Source catalog": "Catalogo fonti", "Staff notes": "Note per il personale", @@ -978,7 +996,7 @@ "validate": "convalidare", "validated": "convalidato", "Validating…": "Validazione…", - "Variant access point(s)": "Punti d'accesso varianti", + "Variant access point": "Punto d'accesso variante", "Variant name": "Nome variante", "VAT": "IVA", "Vat Rate": "Aliquota IVA", diff --git a/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/nl.json b/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/nl.json index 2183efb8f..4751ac030 100644 --- a/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/nl.json +++ b/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/nl.json @@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ "canceled": "annuleerd", "Cancellation reason": "Cancellation reason", "CANCELLED": "CANCELLED", + "Candidate": "Candidate", "Carrier and content type": "Carrier and content type", "Cartographic data": "Cartographic data", "Cash": "Cash", @@ -184,9 +185,9 @@ "claim_issue": "claim_issue", "Claims": "Claims", "Classification": "Classification", - "Classification(s)": "Classification(s)", "classReading": "class reading", "Clear": "Clear", + "Close match": "Close match", "Closed": "Gesloten", "closed": "closed", "Code": "Code", @@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ "Current expenditure": "Current expenditure", "Current loans": "Current loans", "Current requests": "Current requests", + "Data conversion": "Data conversion", "Data submission generated an error.": "Data submission generated an error.", "Date": "Datum", "Date (newest)": "Date (newest)", @@ -255,6 +257,8 @@ "Debit card": "Pinpas", "debriefing": "debriefing", "Debug": "Debug", + "Deduplication": "Deduplication", + "Default": "Default", "Default acquisition settings": "Default acquisition settings", "Default contact details": "Default contact details", "Default currency": "Default currency", @@ -310,10 +314,12 @@ "Engaged fees": "Engaged fees", "Engagement": "Engagement", "Enter a part of the permission name to filter the list.": "Enter a part of the permission name to filter the list.", + "Enter a query to get results.": "Enter a query to get results.", "Entities": "Entities", "erratum": "erratum", "Error proceeding receipt lines creation": "Error proceeding receipt lines creation", "Error when placing an order !": "Error when placing an order !", + "Exact match": "Exact match", "Examples (preview)": "Examples (preview)", "Exception": "Uitzondering", "Exception dates": "Exception dates", @@ -337,6 +343,7 @@ "Fees, discounts and other adjustments": "Fees, discounts and other adjustments", "fiction": "fiction", "Fiction statement": "Fiction statement", + "Field": "Field", "File removed successfully.": "File removed successfully.", "File uploaded successfully.": "File uploaded successfully.", "Files": "Files", @@ -482,6 +489,7 @@ "Label": "Label", "Language": "Taal", "last claim": "last claim", + "Last recently updated": "Last recently updated", "Late issues": "Late issues", "Legacy checkout count": "Legacy checkout count", "Legend": "Legend", @@ -533,6 +541,7 @@ "lose": "lose", "Lose focus on the current field": "Lose focus on the current field", "Malformed request syntax.": "Malformed request syntax.", + "Manually added": "Manually added", "Marc": "Marc", "Masked": "Masked", "Max. quantity: {{ max }}": "Max. quantity: {{ max }}", @@ -551,6 +560,7 @@ "Missing type": "Missing type", "Mobile phone": "Mobile phone", "Mode of issuance": "Mode of issuance", + "Modification date": "Modification date", "monday": "Maandag", "monograph": "monografie", "monographic_set": "monografische set", @@ -565,6 +575,7 @@ "Name (desc)": "Name (desc)", "Name is required.": "Naam is verplicht.", "Name must be at least 4 characters long.": "De naam moet ten minste 4 tekens lang zijn.", + "Narrower": "Narrower", "New": "New", "New acquisition": "New acquisition", "New fee": "New fee", @@ -762,10 +773,12 @@ "Received": "Received", "received": "ontvangen", "Received date": "Received date", + "Recently updated": "Recently updated", "Reception": "Reception", "Reception date": "Reception date", "Recipients": "Recipients", "Record created!": "Record gecreëerd!", + "Record to Import": "Record to Import", "Record Updated!": "Record bijgewerkt!", "Reference": "Reference", "Reference (asc)": "Reference (asc)", @@ -826,8 +839,12 @@ "Save": "Toegeven", "Scale": "Scale", "Scope": "Scope", + "Score": "Score", + "Score | Weight": "Score | Weight", "Search": "Search", + "search": "search", "Search documents": "Search documents", + "Search in": "Search in", "Search in full text": "Search in full text", "Second address": "Second address", "Second call number": "Second call number", @@ -854,6 +871,7 @@ "Show less": "Toon minder", "Show more": "Toon meer", "Show only:": "Show only:", + "Sort by": "Sort by", "Source": "Bron", "Source catalog": "Source catalog", "Staff notes": "Staff notes", @@ -978,7 +996,7 @@ "validate": "validate", "validated": "validated", "Validating…": "Validering…", - "Variant access point(s)": "Variant access point(s)", + "Variant access point": "Variant access point", "Variant name": "Variant naam", "VAT": "BTW tarief", "Vat Rate": "Vat Rate",