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fix: 完善微信组件类型定义 (#161)
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Darmody authored and yesmeck committed Aug 31, 2019
1 parent b3d7e08 commit 356fcbf
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Showing 44 changed files with 642 additions and 98 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/remax-cli/src/build/plugins/components.ts
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Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export default (adapter: Adapter) => () => ({

if (id === 'picker-view-column') {
if ( === 'alipay' && id === 'picker-view-column') {

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/remax-cli/templates/wechat/component.ejs
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<<%=id%> <% for(let key of props) { %> <%=key%>="{{_h.v(i.props.<%=camelCased(key)%>)}}" <% } %>>
<% if (id === 'swiper') { %>
<block wx:for="{{i.children}}" wx:key="{{id}}">
<swiper-item key="{{item.props.key}}">
<swiper-item item-id="{{item.props.itemId}}" key="{{item.props.key}}">
<block wx:for="{{item.children}}" wx:key="{{id}}">
<template is="REMAX_TPL_<%= templateId + 1%>_CONTAINER" data="{{i: item}}" />
Expand Down
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/Ad.ts
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@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
import factory from './factory';

const Ad = factory('ad');
const Ad = factory<AdProps>('ad');

export interface AdProps {
unitId: string; // 是 广告单元id,可在小程序管理后台的流量主模块新建 1.9.94;
adIntervals?: number; // 否 广告自动刷新的间隔时间,单位为秒,参数值必须大于等于30(该参数不传入时 Banner 广告不会自动刷新) 2.3.1
onLoad?: (event: any) => void; // 否 广告加载成功的回调 2.2.1
onError?: (event: any) => void; // 否 广告加载失败的回调,event.detail = {errCode: 1002} 2.2.1
onClose?: (event: any) => void; // 否 广告关闭的回调 2.6.5

export default Ad;
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/Audio.ts
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import factory from './factory';

// 微信已不再维护
const Audio = factory('audio');

export default Audio;
35 changes: 34 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/Button.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,38 @@
import factory from './factory';
import { CSSProperties } from 'react';

const Button = factory('button');
const Button = factory<ButtonProps>('button');

export interface ButtonProps {
id?: string;
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
size?: string; // default 否 按钮的大小 1.0.0
type?: string; // default 否 按钮的样式类型 1.0.0
plain?: boolean; // false 否 按钮是否镂空,背景色透明 1.0.0
disabled?: boolean; // false 否 是否禁用 1.0.0
loading?: boolean; // false 否 名称前是否带 loading 图标 1.0.0
formType?: string; // 否 用于 form 组件,点击分别会触发 form 组件的 submit/reset 事件 1.0.0
openType?: string; // 否 微信开放能力 1.1.0
hoverClass?: string; // button-hover 否 指定按钮按下去的样式类。当 hover-class="none" 时,没有点击态效果 1.0.0
hoverStopPropagation?: boolean; // false 否 指定是否阻止本节点的祖先节点出现点击态 1.5.0
hoverStartTime?: number; // 20 否 按住后多久出现点击态,单位毫秒 1.0.0
hoverStayTime?: number; // 70 否 手指松开后点击态保留时间,单位毫秒 1.0.0
lang?: string; // en 否 指定返回用户信息的语言,zh_CN 简体中文,zh_TW 繁体中文,en 英文。 1.3.0
sessionFrom?: string; // 否 会话来源,open-type="contact"时有效 1.4.0
sendMessageTitle?: string; // 当前标题 否 会话内消息卡片标题,open-type="contact"时有效 1.5.0
sendMessagePath?: string; // 当前分享路径 否 会话内消息卡片点击跳转小程序路径,open-type="contact"时有效 1.5.0
sendMessageImg?: string; // 截图 否 会话内消息卡片图片,open-type="contact"时有效 1.5.0
appParameter?: string; // 否 打开 APP 时,向 APP 传递的参数,open-type=launchApp时有效 1.9.5
showMessageCard?: boolean; // false 否 是否显示会话内消息卡片,设置此参数为 true,用户进入客服会话会在右下角显示"可能要发送的小程序"提示,用户点击后可以快速发送小程序消息,open-type="contact"时有效 1.5.0
onClick?: (event: any) => void;
onGetUserinfo?: () => void; // 否 用户点击该按钮时,会返回获取到的用户信息,回调的detail数据与wx.getUserInfo返回的一致,open-type="getUserInfo"时有效 1.3.0
onContact?: () => void; // 否 客服消息回调,open-type="contact"时有效 1.5.0
onGetPhonenumber?: () => void; // 否 获取用户手机号回调,open-type=getPhoneNumber时有效 1.2.0
onError?: () => void; // 否 当使用开放能力时,发生错误的回调,open-type=launchApp时有效 1.9.5
onOpenSetting?: () => void; // 否 在打开授权设置页后回调,open-type=openSetting时有效 2.0.7
onLaunchApp?: () => void; // 否 打开 APP 成功的回调,open-type=launchApp时有效 2.4.4
animation?: Record<string, any>[];

export default Button;
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/Camera.ts
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@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
import factory from './factory';

const Camera = factory('camera');
const Camera = factory<CameraProps>('camera');

export interface CameraProps {
id?: string;
mode?: string; // normal 否 应用模式,只在初始化时有效,不能动态变更 2.1.0
devicePosition?: string; // back 否 摄像头朝向 1.0.0
flash?: string; // auto 否 闪光灯,值为auto, on, off 1.0.0
frameSize?: string; // medium 否 指定期望的相机帧数据尺寸 2.7.0
onStop?: (event: any) => void; // 否 摄像头在非正常终止时触发,如退出后台等情况 1.0.0
onError?: (event: any) => void; // 否 用户不允许使用摄像头时触发 1.0.0
onInitDone?: (event: any) => void; // 否 相机初始化完成时触发 2.7.0
onScanCode?: (event: any) => void; // 否 在扫码识别成功时触发,仅在 mode="scanCode" 时生效 2.1.0

export default Camera;
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/Canvas.ts
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@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
import factory from './factory';

const Canvas = factory('canvas');
const Canvas = factory<CanvasProps>('canvas');

export interface CanvasProps {
type?: string; // 否 指定 canvas 类型,当前仅支持 webgl 2.7.0
canvasId?: string; // 否 canvas 组件的唯一标识符,若指定了 type 则无需再指定该属性 1.0.0
disableScroll?: boolean; // false 否 当在 canvas 中移动时且有绑定手势事件时,禁止屏幕滚动以及下拉刷新 1.0.0
onClick?: (event: any) => void;
onTouchStart?: (event: any) => void; // 否 手指触摸动作开始 1.0.0
onTouchMove?: (event: any) => void; // 否 手指触摸后移动 1.0.0
onTouchEnd?: (event: any) => void; // 否 手指触摸动作结束 1.0.0
onTouchCancel?: (event: any) => void; // 否 手指触摸动作被打断,如来电提醒,弹窗 1.0.0
onLongClick?: (event: any) => void; // 否 手指长按 500ms 之后触发,触发了长按事件后进行移动不会触发屏幕的滚动 1.0.0
onError?: (event: any) => void; // 否 当发生错误时触发 error 事件,detail = {errMsg} 1.0.0

export default Canvas;
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/Checkbox.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
import factory from './factory';
import { CSSProperties } from 'react';

const Checkbox = factory('checkbox');
const Checkbox = factory<CheckboxProps>('checkbox');

export interface CheckboxProps {
id?: string;
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
value?: string; // 否 checkbox标识,选中时触发checkbox-group的 change 事件,并携带 checkbox 的 value 1.0.0
disabled?: boolean; // false 否 是否禁用 1.0.0
checked?: boolean; // false 否 当前是否选中,可用来设置默认选中 1.0.0
color?: string; // #09BB07 否 checkbox的颜色,同css的color 1.0.0
animation?: Record<string, any>[];
onClick?: (event: any) => void;

export default Checkbox;
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/CheckboxGroup.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
import factory from './factory';
import { CSSProperties } from 'react';

const CheckboxGroup = factory('checkbox-group');
const CheckboxGroup = factory<CheckboxGroupProps>('checkbox-group');

export interface CheckboxGroupProps {
id?: string;
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
value?: string; // 否 checkbox标识,选中时触发checkbox-group的 change 事件,并携带 checkbox 的 value 1.0.0
disabled?: boolean; // false 否 是否禁用 1.0.0
checked?: boolean; // false 否 当前是否选中,可用来设置默认选中 1.0.0
color?: string; // #09BB07 否 checkbox的颜色,同css的color 1.0.0
animation?: Record<string, any>[];
onClick?: (event: any) => void;

export default CheckboxGroup;
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/CoverImage.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
import factory from './factory';
import { CSSProperties } from 'react';

const CoverImage = factory('cover-image');
const CoverImage = factory<CoverImageProps>('cover-image');

export interface CoverImageProps {
id?: string;
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
src?: string; // 否 图标路径,支持临时路径、网络地址(1.6.0起支持)、云文件ID(2.2.3起支持)。暂不支持base64格式。 1.4.0
onLoad?: (event: any) => void; // 否 图片加载成功时触发 2.1.0
onError?: (event: any) => void; // 否 图片加载失败时触发 2.1.0
animation?: Record<string, any>[];
onClick?: (event: any) => void;

export default CoverImage;
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/CoverView.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
import factory from './factory';
import { CSSProperties } from 'react';

const CoverView = factory('cover-view');
const CoverView = factory<CoverViewProps>('cover-view');

export interface CoverViewProps {
id?: string;
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
scrollTop?: number | string; // 否 设置顶部滚动偏移量,仅在设置了 overflow-y: scroll 成为滚动元素后生效 2.1.0
onClick?: (event: any) => void;
animation?: Record<string, any>[];

export default CoverView;
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/Editor.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,22 @@
import factory from './factory';
import { CSSProperties } from 'react';

const Editor = factory('editor');
const Editor = factory<EditorProps>('editor');

export interface EditorProps {
id?: string;
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
readOnly?: boolean; // false 否 设置编辑器为只读 2.7.0
placeholder?: string; // 否 提示信息 2.7.0
showImgSize?: boolean; // false 否 点击图片时显示图片大小控件 2.7.0
showImgToolbar?: boolean; // false 否 点击图片时显示工具栏控件 2.7.0
showImgResize?: boolean; // false 否 点击图片时显示修改尺寸控件 2.7.0
onClick?: (event: any) => void;
onReady: (event: any) => void; //否 编辑器初始化完成时触发 2.7.0
onFocus: (event: any) => void; //否 编辑器聚焦时触发,event.detail = {html, text, delta} 2.7.0
onBlur: (event: any) => void; //否 编辑器失去焦点时触发,detail = {html, text, delta} 2.7.0
onInput: (event: any) => void; //否 编辑器内容改变时触发,detail = {html, text, delta} 2.7.0
onStatusChange: (event: any) => void; //否 通过 Context 方法改变编辑器内样式时触发,返回选区已设置的样式 2.7.0
export default Editor;
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/Form.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
import factory from './factory';
import { CSSProperties } from 'react';

const Form = factory('form');
const Form = factory<FormProps>('form');

export interface FormProps {
id?: string;
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
reportSubmit?: boolean; // false 否 是否返回 formId 用于发送模板消息 1.0.0
reportSubmitTimeout?: number; // 0 否 等待一段时间(毫秒数)以确认 formId 是否生效。如果未指定这个参数,formId 有很小的概率是无效的(如遇到网络失败的情况)。指定这个参数将可以检测 formId 是否有效,以这个参数的时间作为这项检测的超时时间。如果失败,将返回 requestFormId:fail 开头的 formId 2.6.2
onClick?: (event: any) => void;
onSubmit?: (event: any) => void; // 否 携带 form 中的数据触发 submit 事件,event.detail = {value : {'name': 'value'} , formId: ''} 1.0.0
onReset?: (event: any) => void; // 否 表单重置时会触发 reset 事件 1.0.0
animation?: Record<string, any>[];

export default Form;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
import factory from './factory';

const FunctionalPageNavigator = factory('functional-page-navigator');
const FunctionalPageNavigator = factory<FunctionalPageNavigatorProps>(

export interface FunctionalPageNavigatorProps {
version?: string; // release 否 跳转到的小程序版本,线上版本必须设置为 release 2.1.0
name?: string; // 否 要跳转到的功能页 2.1.0
args?: object; // 否 功能页参数,参数格式与具体功能页相关 2.1.0
onSuccess?: (event: any) => void; // 否 功能页返回,且操作成功时触发, detail 格式与具体功能页相关 2.1.0
onFail?: (event: any) => void; // 否 功能页返回,且操作失败时触发, detail 格式与具体功能页相关 2.1.0
onCancel?: (event: any) => void; // 否 因用户操作从功能页返回时触发 2.4.1

export default FunctionalPageNavigator;
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/Icon.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
import factory from './factory';
import { CSSProperties } from 'react';

const Icon = factory('icon');
const Icon = factory<IconProps>('icon');

export interface IconProps {
id?: string;
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
type: string; // 是 icon的类型,有效值:success, success_no_circle, info, warn, waiting, cancel, download, search, clear 1.0.0
size?: number | string; // 23 否 icon的大小 1.0.0
color?: string; // 否 icon的颜色,同css的color 1.0.0
animation?: Record<string, any>[];
onClick?: (event: any) => void;

export default Icon;
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/Image.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,20 @@
import factory from './factory';
import { CSSProperties } from 'react';

const Image = factory('image');
const Image = factory<ImageProps>('image');

export interface ImageProps {
id?: string;
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
src?: string; // 否 图片资源地址 1.0.0
mode?: string; // scaleToFill 否 图片裁剪、缩放的模式 1.0.0
lazyLoad?: boolean; // false 否 图片懒加载,在即将进入一定范围(上下三屏)时才开始加载 1.5.0
showMenuByLongpress?: boolean; // false 否 开启长按图片显示识别小程序码菜单 2.7.0
onError?: (event: any) => void; // 否 当错误发生时触发,,event.detail = {errMsg} 1.0.0
onLoad?: (event: any) => void; // 否 当图片载入完毕时触发,event.detail = {height, width} 1.0.0
animation?: Record<string, any>[];
onClick?: (event: any) => void;

export default Image;
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/Input.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export interface InputProps {
adjustPosition?: boolean;
placeholder?: string;
placeholderStyle?: CSSProperties;
placeholderClass?: string;
placeholderClassName?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
cursorSpacing?: number;
onInput?: (...params: any) => void;
Expand Down
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/Label.ts
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@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
import factory from './factory';
import { CSSProperties } from 'react';

const Label = factory('label');
const Label = factory<LabelProps>('label');

export interface LabelProps {
id?: string;
className?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
for?: string; // 否 绑定控件的 id 1.0.0
animation?: Record<string, any>[];
onClick?: (event: any) => void;

export default Label;
20 changes: 19 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/LivePlayer.ts
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@@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
import factory from './factory';

const LivePlayer = factory('live-player');
const LivePlayer = factory<LivePlayerProps>('live-player');

export interface LivePlayerProps {
src?: string; // 否 音视频地址。目前仅支持 flv, rtmp 格式 1.7.0
mode?: string; // live 否 模式 1.7.0
autoplay?: boolean; // false 否 自动播放 1.7.0
muted?: boolean; // false 否 是否静音 1.7.0
orientation?: string; // vertical 否 画面方向 1.7.0
objectFit?: string; // contain 否 填充模式,可选值有 contain,fillCrop 1.7.0
backgroundMute?: boolean; // false 否 进入后台时是否静音(已废弃,默认退台静音) 1.7.0
minCache?: number; // 1 否 最小缓冲区,单位s(RTC 模式推荐 0.2s) 1.7.0
maxCache?: number; // 3 否 最大缓冲区,单位s(RTC 模式推荐 0.8s) 1.7.0
soundMode?: string; // speaker 否 声音输出方式 1.9.90
autoPauseIfNavigate?: boolean; // true 否 当跳转到其它小程序页面时,是否自动暂停本页面的实时音视频播放 2.5.0
autoPauseIfOpenNative?: boolean; // true 否 当跳转到其它微信原生页面时,是否自动暂停本页面的实时音视频播放 2.5.0
onStateChange?: (event: any) => void; // 否 播放状态变化事件,detail = {code} 1.7.0
onFullScreenChange?: (event: any) => void; // 否 全屏变化事件,detail = {direction, fullScreen} 1.7.0
onNetStatus?: (event: any) => void; // 否 网络状态通知,detail = {info} 1.9.0

export default LivePlayer;
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion packages/remax/src/adapters/wechat/components/LivePusher.ts
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@@ -1,5 +1,31 @@
import factory from './factory';

const LivePusher = factory('live-pusher');
const LivePusher = factory<LivePusherProps>('live-pusher');

export interface LivePusherProps {
url?: string; // 否 推流地址。目前仅支持 flv, rtmp 格式 1.7.0
mode?: string; // RTC 否 SD(标清), HD(高清), FHD(超清), RTC(实时通话) 1.7.0
autopush?: boolean; // false 否 自动推流 1.7.0
muted?: boolean; // false 否 是否静音 1.7.0
enableCamera?: boolean; // true 否 开启摄像头 1.7.0
autoFocus?: boolean; // true 否 自动聚集 1.7.0
orientation?: string; // vertical 否 画面方向 1.7.0
beauty?: number; // 0 否 美颜,取值范围 0-9 ,0 表示关闭 1.7.0
whiteness?: number; // 0 否 美白,取值范围 0-9 ,0 表示关闭 1.7.0
aspect?: string; // 9:16 否 宽高比,可选值有 3:4, 9:16 1.7.0
minBitrate?: number; // 200 否 最小码率 1.7.0
maxBitrate?: number; // 1000 否 最大码率 1.7.0
waitingImage?: string; // 否 进入后台时推流的等待画面 1.7.0
waitingImageHash?: string; // 否 等待画面资源的MD5值 1.7.0
zoom?: boolean; // false 否 调整焦距 2.1.0
devicePosition?: string; // front 否 前置或后置,值为front, back 2.3.0
backgroundMute?: boolean; // false 否 进入后台时是否静音 1.7.0
mirror?: boolean; // false 否 设置推流画面是否镜像,产生的效果在 live-player 反应到 2.7.0
onStateChange?: (event: any) => void; // 否 状态变化事件,detail = {code} 1.7.0
onNetStatus?: (event: any) => void; // 否 网络状态通知,detail = {info} 1.9.0
onError?: (event: any) => void; // 否 渲染错误事件,detail = {errMsg, errCode} 1.7.4
onBgmStart?: (event: any) => void; // 否 背景音开始播放时触发 2.4.0
onBgmProgress?: (event: any) => void; // 否 背景音进度变化时触发,detail = {progress, duration} 2.4.0
onBgmComplete?: (event: any) => void; // 否 背景音播放完成时触发 2.4.0
export default LivePusher;

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