A simple application which generates UUID every minute and updates the same in H2/MySQL database. It also stores the UUID value generated by other service in its database asynchronously by Rabbit MQ (in case of docker environment).
Below are the architecture of the application in different environments:
Execute mvn clean install spring-boot:run
to bring up the application in default environment
Refer: https://github.com/vmudigal/microservices-sample to bring up the micro services sample complete application using docker profile.
Access the h2 database through web client: http://localhost:8084/h2
Microservices sample project uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [SpringBoot 2.3] - Application Framework
- Project Reactor - Reactive Systems
- Docker - Containerization Platform
- Consul - Registration & Discovery
- MySQL - Relational Database
- Swagger - API Documentation
- Rabbit MQ - Message Broker
- Logstash - Log Collector
- H2 - In-memory Database
- MapStruct - Java Bean Mapping
- Lombok - Simplifying POJOs
Feel free to reach "vijayendrap@gmail.com" incase of any concerns.