Links marked with this icon 🚪 are internal to Red Hat. This includes Jenkins servers, job configs in gitlab, and container sources in dist-git.
Because these services are internal, in the interest of making all things open, we’ve copied as much as possible into the devspaces-images repo.
The so-called master branch is deprecated and is no longer kept up to date. Instead, the latest nightly sources are in devspaces-3-rhel-8 branch, synced to upstream projects' main (or master) branches. |
For the latest stable release, see the devspaces-3.y-rhel-8 branch with the largest y value.
Sync code from upstream using
. -
Build the Server assembly with maven 3.9.4 and JDK 11.0.20:
mvn clean install -Dmaven.repo.local=.repository/ -V -B -e -DskipTests # -Pintegration mv assembly/assembly-main/target/eclipse-che-*.tar.gz asset-server.tgz
Build the Server image using
. Note that you will need to change one line to resolve the base image:
-FROM ubi8-minimal
To build in Brew, see the
script, which will:-
build the Che server assembly (step 2),
trigger a Brew build using that tarball.
Branding is currently in two places.
To reskin Che Dashboard, see dashboard
To reskin Che Theia, see theia/conf/theia/branding