The utility-belt is a starter-kit for front-end projects. It's a suggested collection of packages to solve some of the issues that front-end projects may suffer from. It's built for modularity, reproducibility and easy collaboration.
It's built upon the NodeJS platform and uses the following packages & frameworks:
- ExpressJS (
- Jade (
- LESS (
- RequireJS (
- Bower (
- Grunt (
To get the environment up and running, follow this ecipe:
- NodeJS. Get it at
- After getting node up and running. Open your command line.
- Lets install some global packages. 3.1. First off we need grunt-cli. Type: npm install grunt-cli -g 3.2. Then supervisor. Type: npm install supervisor -g
- Now, we're ready to get our last set of dependencies. Go to the folder where you have cloned this repository.
- Type "npm install". Now you will have everything you need to develop on this project.
- To get the developer environment up and running, write the following in the command line: "npm start".
- Access the server through the browser on: http://localhost:1337
- To get liveupdates running, type: "grunt watch".
- Chrome with LiveReload Chrome Extension:
- Might work for other browsers aswell, just google it.
- To build the app for production, type: "grunt build".
- To test the app after a build, type: "npm run-script prod".