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Testing Forms

This workflow will cover the basics of testing your Redwood-powered form-components. I'm going to assume you're building your own form, using react-hook-form (this is the library used by Redwood's form components).

While this step-by-step builds the form by-hand (my personal preference), Redwood's components should work with no modification to the tests.

We'll be making use of the @testing-library/user-event package:

user-event tries to simulate the real events that would happen in the browser as the user interacts with it. For example would change the state of the checkbox.

Installing @testing-library/user-event

It can be installed by cd-ing into the web directory and running yarn add -D @testing-library/user-event

@testing-library/dom, its dependency, is provided by Redwood

Form Component

We'll need a component to actually perform our tests against. This component will contain the entire form: providing an API for consuming onSubmit and onInvalid callbacks and for providing defaultValues for our form's fields. We'll be writing it in TypeScript.

We'll need two dependencies for our component. It's a functional-component, so we'll need the useCallback hook for submition and invalid-submition handling. Then, of course, we'll need the useForm hook which acts as the entry-point for react-hook-form.

import { useCallback } from 'react'
import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form'

Let's get our interfaces out of the way. We'll use two:

  1. For providing react-hook-form a generic; used to type our results and errors.
  2. To let consumers of our component know what props are expected; and offer a way to extend our component.
interface OurFormSubmitData {
  name: string
  nickname?: string

interface OurFormProps {
  name?: string
  nickname?: string
  onInvalid?: (err: React.BaseSyntheticEvent) => void
  onSubmit: (data: OurFormSubmitData) => void

This implementation is identical to what you'd expect when building a Redwood form (or a react-hook-form, to be specific).

const OurForm: React.FC<OurFormProps> = ({
  name = '',
  nickname = '',
}) => {
  const { handleSubmit, register } = useForm<OurFormSubmitData>({
    mode: 'all', // Validation will trigger on the blur and change events. See "mode"
    defaultValues: {

  // Our callback-handlers have "internal" variants to allow mutation before passing values back up to the parent.
  // As shown, it can act as a way to ensure consumer's provide the (required) props, we expect.
  const _onInvalid = useCallback(
    (err) => {
      if (typeof onInvalid === 'function') {

  const _onSubmit = useCallback(
    (data) => {
      if (typeof onSubmit === 'function') {

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(_onSubmit, _onInvalid)}>
          required: 'A Name is required for this form',

Let's finish off our component by exporting all of our declarations, and the component itself as the file's default.

export default OurForm
export type { OurFormProps, OurFormSubmitData }

OurForm's Test

Now, our tests:

The top of our test resembles what Redwood generates using its CLI. All that's changed is what we're importing from @redwoodjs/testing, an import to @testing-library/user-event for its default, and we provide our required props for our "renders successfully" test.

import user from '@testing-library/user-event'
import { render, screen, waitFor } from '@redwoodjs/testing'

import OurForm from './OurForm'

describe('OurForm', () => {
  it('renders successfully', () => {
    const onSubmit = jest.fn()
    const onInvalid = jest.fn()

    expect(() =>
      render(<OurForm onInvalid={onInvalid} onSubmit={onSubmit} />)

Now we'll create three, painfully complex tests. They will cover:

  1. Does our component NOT submit when required fields are empty?
  2. Does our component submit when required fields are populated?
  3. Does our component submit, passing our handler the expected data?

And some noteworthy takeaways are:

  • We use await because react-hook-form will cause our component's state to change multiple times; otherwise, our exepect-ation will trigger prematurely.
  • We use waitFor because user.* is a synchronous function, which would make our await useless.
    • waitFor also acts as our declaration of act, required when updating the state of a React component.

Why don't we wrap render() in an act(), as suggested by the React documentation?

Because the render() method already provides the call; nudge nudge, wink wink.

  it('triggers invalid when required fields are empty', async () => {
    const onSubmit = jest.fn()
    const onInvalid = jest.fn()

    render(<OurForm onInvalid={onInvalid} onSubmit={onSubmit} />)

    const submitButton = screen.getByText('Submit')

    await waitFor(() =>


  it('triggers submit when required fields are populated', async () => {
    const name = 'Malcolm McCormick'
    const nickname = ''

    const onSubmit = jest.fn()
    const onInvalid = jest.fn()

    render(<OurForm onInvalid={onInvalid} onSubmit={onSubmit} />)

    const nameField = screen.getByPlaceholderText('Name')
    const submitButton = screen.getByText('Submit')

    await waitFor(() => user.type(nameField, name))
    await waitFor(() =>

    expect(onSubmit).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name, nickname })

  it('triggers submit with full results', async () => {
    const name = 'Malcolm McCormick'
    const nickname = 'Mac Miller'

    const onSubmit = jest.fn()
    const onInvalid = jest.fn()

    render(<OurForm onInvalid={onInvalid} onSubmit={onSubmit} />)

    const nameField = screen.getByPlaceholderText('Name')
    const nicknameField = screen.getByPlaceholderText('Nickname')
    const submitButton = screen.getByText('Submit')

    await waitFor(() => user.type(nameField, name))
    await waitFor(() => user.type(nicknameField, nickname))
    await waitFor(() =>

    expect(onSubmit).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ name, nickname })
}) // Closes `describe(...)`


That's all there is to it; the way in which you get the different elements can be improved, and obviously these test don't include everything; I didn't show how we'd test our defaultValues API, among many things.

Bonus Points: A Form with a Story

"But, wait!", I hear you shout.

"Storybook is included in Redwood testing. WHERE is my storybook?"

Ok, ok. Calm down. Let's do that:

We'll start with creating (or using a generated) *.stories.tsx file. OurForm.stories.tsx seems befitting.

First, we'll import some types from @storybook/react. Then our form component and its props interface.

import type { Meta, Story } from '@storybook/react'

import OurForm from './OurForm'
import type { OurFormProps } from './OurForm'

We need to provide Storybook with some metadata about our stories. We do so by exporting a default object, which has the shape of the Meta type we just imported.

With it, we are doing the following:

  • Giving our stories a title
  • Declaring that our stories are for the OurForm component.
    • Storybook uses this field to extract metadata about the component, used, most notably, to power: documentation and a source-code preview.
  • Define argTypes for our component; we need to explicitly define actions, which will let us view the data passed back by our components callback-handlers.
export default {
  title: 'Components/OurForm',
  component: OurForm,
  argTypes: {
    onInvalid: {
      action: 'onInvalid',
    onSubmit: {
      action: 'onSubmit',
} as Meta

Finally, we create a Template to act as our stories primary implementation. We then have a named-export, which will act as the story viewed by those making use of it.

const Template: Story<OurFormProps> = (args) => <OurForm {...args} />

export const Default = Template.bind({})

Bonus: Bonus: Documentation

With our Story setup, we can take full advantage of it by providing a JSDoc to our component and its props. These will be displayed on Storybook's "Docs" tab.

To do so, we'll edit our component (OurForm.tsx):

interface OurFormProps {
   * Provide a default `name` value, which the user will then have the ability to edit.
  name?: string
   * Provide a default `nickname` value, which the user will then have the ability to edit.
  nickname?: string
   * Callback-handler for invalid-submition attempts.
  onInvalid?: (err: React.BaseSyntheticEvent) => void
   * Callback-handler for valid-submition attempts.
  onSubmit: (data: OurFormSubmitData) => void

 * A simple form component for gathering a user's `name` and `nickname`.
const OurForm: React.FC<OurFormProps> = (...) => {...}