- fix typescript types
- replace deprecated dependency
from the same author. This dependency is used to validate geojson values, so the replacement has affected a bit that part. According tocheck-geojson
documentation, there is no validation for excessive coordinate precision and right-hand rule compliance. - drop support for node 8, 9, 10.
- add tests in travis for node 14 and 16
- add
- add z and m functions
- update devDependencies
- add knex 0.21 to travis
- add function ST_GeographyFromText
- add basic support for typescript
- drop support for node 6
- add new versions of knex and node to travis
- update dependencies
- update examples to avoid warnings with the latest knex
- fix linter warnings
- fix result of
in queries that use geoJSON. Now knex sends to pg the geom in string format instead of object.
- drop support for node 4
- fix st_transform function to avoid srid be interpreted as string
- update dependencies
- add support for st_SetSRID
- add support for st_DistanceSphere
- drop support for node 0.x
- add [email protected], node 8 y node 9 to travis
- add support for @ operator as
- add support for ~ operator as
- rename function
. The functionboundingBoxIntersection
will be removed in the next release.
- add support for && operator as
- update geojsonhint dependency to its new name (@davidfurlong)
- fix recognition of
WKTs (@johnhampton)
- (breaking change) Drop support for [email protected]
- add support for [email protected]