diff --git a/documentation/commands/openapi.md b/documentation/commands/openapi.md
index e05bff469..e1e77161a 100644
--- a/documentation/commands/openapi.md
+++ b/documentation/commands/openapi.md
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Manage your API definition (e.g., syncing, validation, analysis, conversion, etc
 * [`rdme openapi convert [SPEC]`](#rdme-openapi-convert-spec)
 * [`rdme openapi inspect [SPEC]`](#rdme-openapi-inspect-spec)
 * [`rdme openapi reduce [SPEC]`](#rdme-openapi-reduce-spec)
+* [`rdme openapi refs [SPEC]`](#rdme-openapi-refs-spec)
 * [`rdme openapi validate [SPEC]`](#rdme-openapi-validate-spec)
 ## `rdme openapi [SPEC]`
@@ -226,13 +227,13 @@ EXAMPLES
     $ rdme openapi reduce petstore.json --path /pet/{id} --method get --method put --out petstore.reduced.json
-## `rdme openapi:refs [SPEC]`
+## `rdme openapi refs [SPEC]`
 Resolves circular and recursive references in OpenAPI by replacing them with object schemas.
-  $ rdme openapi:refs [SPEC] [--out <value>] [--workingDirectory <value>]
+  $ rdme openapi refs [SPEC] [--out <value>] [--workingDirectory <value>]
   SPEC  A file/URL to your API definition
@@ -254,16 +255,16 @@ DESCRIPTION
   This will resolve circular and recursive references in the OpenAPI definition at the given file or URL:
-    $ rdme openapi:refs [url-or-local-path-to-file]
+    $ rdme openapi refs [url-or-local-path-to-file]
   You can omit the file name and `rdme` will scan your working directory (and any subdirectories) for OpenAPI files.
   This approach will provide you with CLI prompts, so we do not recommend this technique in CI environments.
-    $ rdme openapi:refs
+    $ rdme openapi refs
   If you wish to automate this command, you can pass in CLI arguments to bypass the prompts:
-    $ rdme openapi:refs petstore.json --out petstore.openapi.json
+    $ rdme openapi refs petstore.json --out petstore.openapi.json
 ## `rdme openapi validate [SPEC]`
diff --git a/src/commands/openapi/refs.ts b/src/commands/openapi/refs.ts
index c4d5411e1..a0cc0e873 100644
--- a/src/commands/openapi/refs.ts
+++ b/src/commands/openapi/refs.ts
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ export default class OpenAPIRefsCommand extends BaseCommand<typeof OpenAPIRefsCo
       this.debug(`Switching working directory from ${previousWorkingDirectory} to ${process.cwd()}`);
-    const { preparedSpec, specPath, specType } = await prepareOas(spec, 'openapi:refs', { convertToLatest: true });
+    const { preparedSpec, specPath, specType } = await prepareOas(spec, 'openapi refs', { convertToLatest: true });
     if (specType !== 'OpenAPI') {
       throw new Error('Sorry, this ref resolver feature in rdme only supports OpenAPI 3.0+ definitions.');
diff --git a/src/lib/prepareOas.ts b/src/lib/prepareOas.ts
index 1ff08a2dd..77a7971fb 100644
--- a/src/lib/prepareOas.ts
+++ b/src/lib/prepareOas.ts
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ const capitalizeSpecType = (type: string) =>
 export default async function prepareOas(
   path: string | undefined,
-  command: 'openapi convert' | 'openapi inspect' | 'openapi reduce' | 'openapi validate' | 'openapi',
+  command: 'openapi convert' | 'openapi inspect' | 'openapi reduce' | 'openapi refs' |'openapi validate' | 'openapi',
   opts: {
      * Optionally convert the supplied or discovered API definition to the latest OpenAPI release.