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Bake your typeclasses


The most obvious use case for this library is hedgehog generators. In quickcheck, you have Arbitrary typeclasses, but they're very hard to replace in case you need something slightly different than what the original author had in mind for construction or shrinking. Hedgehog solves this problem by going full value-level construction - which is explicit, but verbose. Even with Hedgehog, it's hard to replace part of a generator without explicitly making it possible to pass in a generator for a type used in a generator.

newtype Name = Name Text
newtype Email = Email Text

data Person = Person
  { _name :: Name
  , _email :: Email

data Company = Company
  { _employees :: [Person]

The standard way for generating a Company object would be to write a generator for Name, one for Email, and then use the two to write one for Company.

Hegehog Generators

{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} -- because I'm lazy

genName = Name <$> text (linear 3 20) unicode
genEmail = Email <$> do
  user <- text (linear 3 20) ascii
  host <- text (linear 3 10) ascii
  pure $ Email $ (user <> "@" <> host)

genericTransientRecipeInstance ''Person

genCompany = do
  employees <- Gen.list (linear 3 10) genPerson

There are a few problems with this approach. If you want to change how an email is created (e.g. all should have the same, company-provided domain), you'll have to rewrite genPerson and genCompany to accept genEmail as an argument. If you want full extensibility, you'll end up with a sea of parameters.

Cookable Generators

This library allows you to implement default constructors for types, and override them as required. The above code example will look like - full code in HedgehogExample.hs.

instance MonadGen m => DefaultRecipe Identity (m Name) where
  type DefaultRecipeDeps Identity (m Name) = '[]
  def = pureRecipe $ Name <$> text (linear 3 20) unicode

instance MonadGen m => DefaultRecipe Identity (m Email) where
  type DefaultRecipeDeps Identity (m Email) = '[]
  def = pureRecipe $ do
    user <- text (linear 3 20) ascii
    host <- text (linear 3 10) ascii
    pure $ Email $ (user <> "@" <> host)

instance MonadGen m => DefaultRecipe Identity (m Person) where
  type DefaultRecipeDeps Identity (m Person) = '[m Name, m Email]
  def = Recipe $ \deps -> pure $ do
    name <- grab deps
    email <- grab deps
    pure $ Person name email

instance MonadGen m => DefaultRecipe Identity (m Company) where
  type DefaultRecipeDeps Identity (m Company) = '[m Person]
  def = Recipe $ \deps -> pure $ do
    employees <- Gen.list (linear 3 10) (grab deps)
    pure $ Company employees

Anatomy of a DefaultRecipe

instance MonadGen m => DefaultRecipe Identity (m Person) where
  type DefaultRecipeDeps Identity (m Person) = '[m Name, m Email]
  def = Recipe $ \deps -> pure $ do
    name <- grab deps
    email <- grab deps
    pure $ Person name email

The Identity Monad is used if construcing an ingredient doesn't incur a sideeffect. The next argument to the typeclass is the thing being constructed.

instance MonadGen m => DefaultRecipe Identity (m Person) where

DefaultRecipeDeps is the associated type which annotates which other ingredients are required to cook a recipe. The type is a type-level list, hence the '.

  type DefaultRecipeDeps Identity (m Person) = '[m Name, m Email]

def is a Recipe. Inside the Recipe, you can fetch the dependencies by using grab from data-diverse. Type annotation is usually not requried, because GHC can figure it out for you. If you forgot to annotate dependencies, you'll get an error message about the element not being in deps.

  def = Recipe $ \deps -> pure $ do
    name <- grab deps
    email <- grab deps
    pure $ Person name email

Overriding Dependencies

For providing modified Recipes, pass it as a Many to the finish function. The @m is required for now, until #5 is fixed.

largeCompanyGen' :: forall (m :: * -> *). MonadGen m => Recipe Identity (m Company) '[m Person]
largeCompanyGen' = Recipe $ \deps -> pure $ do
  employees <- Gen.list (linear 100 1000) (grab deps)
  pure $ Company employees

largeCompanyGen :: forall m. MonadGen m => (m Company)
largeCompanyGen = runIdentity $ finish (largeCompanyGen' @m ./ nil)

The library checks if a recipe actually overrides anything in the cooking process. If it doesn't you'll get an error. These can mean that a) the effect types don't match up (#6) b) the type isn't required by any of your recipes.

The type Recipe Identity M5 '[M0] is not overriding anything in '[M0]

Cooking explained

The basic element of this library is the Recipe. It represent a function from its dependencies (represented as an hlist) to a target inside an effect.

newtype Recipe (effect :: Type -> Type) target (deps :: [Type]) =
  Recipe { runRecipe :: forall depStore. HasTypes deps depStore => depStore -> effect target }

You can cook a target by supplying a book of Recipes to the finish function, without any default typeclasses.

newtype M1 = M1 ()
newtype M2 = M2 M1

r1 :: Recipe Identity M1 '[]
r1 = pureRecipe $ M1 ()

r2 :: Recipe Identity M2 '[M1]
r2 = Recipe $ \deps -> pure $ M2 $ grab deps

c2 :: M2
c2  = runIdentity $ finish (r1 ./ r2 ./ nil)

For convenience, it's possible to deposit default recipes as typeclasses.

instance DefaultRecipe Identity M1 where
  type DefaultRecipeDeps = '[]
  def = r1

If a required type does not exist in the book passed to finish, the compiler will try to find a corresponding DefaultRecipe. The replacement also goes the other way, where you can replace default implementations with values passed to finish.


Initial idea by @etorreborre (for a module system, and the idea to store dependencies via Maybe), with a lot of help with the typelevel programming from Alejandro Mena.