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Releases: rdegges/django-twilio


16 Aug 00:55
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General Notes

This is similar to 0.9.2, but there was a mistake in the requirements.txt where django 2.1 was not explicitly allowed!

Community Contributions

@tim-schilling for fixing the requirements.txt


09 Aug 01:44
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Support for python 3.7 and django 2.1


04 Aug 18:37
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General Notes

Version 0.9.1 improves some documentation changes against twilio 6.x SDK.

It also includes a fix to the django admin site on the test project, if that is used (common for small dev and debug local testing).

Community Contributions

@DoomPatrol thank you for adding the improved documentation

Backwards Incompatibilities

Python 3.3 is no longer part of the travis test suite due to pip dropping support for it. We have not technically dropped support for it, but will be no longer running explicit tests against it, and thus it would be wise to test internally on your project going forward. So, consider this a pending deprecation warning. This should only affect users of django 1.8.

Thank you all!


08 Feb 01:06
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General Release notes

  • major support for twilio 6.x
  • compatibility for django 1.8-2.0.

Community Contributions

  • @boardman for extra tests to support django 1.10.6
  • @wbt for getting the bones of the project able to work with twilio 6.x
  • @km-pg for increasing our support for integrating against twilio 6.x
  • @rdegges for keeping the project going despite not maintaining full time (and opening the floor to new maintainers)

Backwards incompatibilities

  • For twilio 5.x, please see the 0.8 version.
  • We have dropped support for python2.6, because we now support django 1.8+, which also does not support python2.6.

0.9.0a1 release for twilio 6.x & django 2.0 support

31 Jan 03:30
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Release 0.9.0a1 intends to fully support general usage of twilio 6.x and django 2.0.

This release does still support django version 1.8+, and also python2.7 and the respective versions of python3, according to the django version FAQ.

Although this is a pre-release, we encourage the community to integrate this version into their system. As always, please (re-)open any issues or put up any PRs that may help further the release and the project.

This alpha build is not intended to be long-running; it needs some tests out in the wild before we can officially unwrap it.

Version 0.8 - Decompose your HttpRequests!

05 Nov 12:25
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Version 0.8 brings along a new feature - decompose, that will help Django developers to use the POST parameters sent to your Twilio applications.


  • New decompose feature in django_twilio.requests

Example usage:

from django_twilio.request import decompose
from django_twilio.decorators import twilio_view

def my_view(request):
    # Generate a new TwilioRequest object:
    twilio_request = decompose(request)

    # See the POST parameters as attributes on the new class:
    # >>> '+44123456789'

    # Discover the type of Twilio request:
    if twilio_request.type is 'message'
        return message_view(request)

See more about the decompose feature in the documentation


Django-twilio can be upgraded to 0.8 with pip:

pip install --upgrade django_twilio

No migrations are required in this release.

Version 0.7.2

22 Sep 15:02
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This version brings MMS webhook support to Django-twilio, adds a new view and adds deprecation warnings to an older view.


  • MMS support

This adds a new default view, django_twilio.views.message, which will replace django.views.sms, and adds MMS support to the view using a new media parameter.

An example MMS message can be sent using the normal REST API found in the Twilio-python library here, but you can now reply with an MMS message in Django-twilio like so:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
# ...
url(r'^sms/$', 'django_twilio.views.message', {
    'message': 'Oh my glob, amazing!',
    'media': ''
    # ...


Upgrading is nice and simple with pip:

pip install --upgrade django_twilio

Version 0.7.1

04 Aug 20:57
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This fix makes some small changes to how the decorator works. There should be no need to change or modify any existing code.


  • Removal of the optional methods parameter as only HTTP POST and GET requests are allowed by the Twilio service, so there is redundancy in the option to use other methods.
  • Removed the optional blacklist parameter as this was ambiguous: the parameter should have been named check_for_potential_blacklisted_caller or similar. On further investigation, a setting in Django-Twilio called [DJANGO_TWILIO_BLACKLIST_CHECK][1] determined the exact same thing. By default, the caller is always checked. As this is good practice and there was already a manual way of deciding on blacklist checking, I believe we do not need it at this point.

Further to this, the decorator was absorbing the arguments anyway, so this change should not affect any current users, as they wouldn't be able to actually use the functionality beforehand!


Django-twilio can be easily upgraded with pip:

$ pip install --upgrade django-twilio

Version 0.7

22 Jul 09:58
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Version 0.7 brings Python 3 support to django-twilio


  • Django-twilio now supports Python 3! This is due to a gigantic pull request from Daniel Hawkins. Thanks Daniel.
  • Documentation grammar and spelling fixes.


Upgrade to django-twilio 0.7 with the following pip command:

$ pip install --upgrade django-twilio

Version 0.6

20 Jul 07:49
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About version 0.6

Version 0.6 introduces major changes to how django-twilio manages database schemas, as well as some small bug fixes and documentation updates.


  • Django-twilio 0.6 Now supports Django 1.7 migrations. This major update means the migrations folders have been reshuffled to support both Django 1.7 migrations and < Django 1.6.* migrations. You will need to update South in order to continue using django-twilio with Django 1.6.*, instructions for updating South are available here
  • Supports Python 3 for django-phonenumber-field.
  • Fixed issues with AUTH_USER_MODEL and Django 1.7
  • Documentation updates for schema migrations, contributing and settings.
  • A new section in the documentation, Settings, has been added to make it much easier to discover the settings required for using django-twilio


Upgrading with pip is easy:

$ pip install --upgrade django-twilio