The simplest solution to securing outbound addresses lies in use of a firewall device that can control outbound traffic based on domain names. Azure Firewall, for example, can restrict outbound HTTP and HTTPS traffic based on the FQDN of the destination. You can also configure your preferred firewall and security rules to allow these required ports and addresses.
IMPORTANT: Outbound type of UDR requires there is a route for and next hop destination of NVA (Network Virtual Appliance) in the route table. The route table already has a default to Internet, without a Public IP to SNAT just adding this route will not provide you egress.
When using an outbound type of UDR, a load balancer public IP address for inbound requests is not created unless a service of type loadbalancer is configured. A public IP address for outbound requests is never created by AKS if an outbound type of UDR is set.
ansible-playbook install-private.yml -e "egress=firewall" --vault-password-file .vault-file-password
For more information check the Official Openshift 4 installation in Azure.
The following items are not required or created when you install a private cluster:
- A BaseDomainResourceGroup, since the cluster does not create public records
- Public IP addresses
- Public DNS records
- Public endpoints