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Releases: razorpay/razorpay-magento


09 May 15:50
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4.0.3-beta Pre-release

Issues resolved

  • Order email fix for Webhook Controller, Update Order Cronjob and GraphQL SetRzpPaymentDetailsForOrder.

What's New

  • Cancel Reset Cart Order Cron
    Orders which are reseted by closing payment popup window at checkout page have new state and canceled status, this cron will move these orders to canceled state to release inventory.


Please select any one of below method, do not install using both methods together.
Razorpay Magento module can be installed using any of following methods:

  • Install through the "" file
  • Install through composer

If module is already installed using both methods then please uninstall one of installation and execute bin/magento setup:di:compile command to compile dependency code. Uninstall instructions are available with this document.

Install through the "" file

bin/magento is executable command, this is to be executed from Magento installation directory.

  1. Extract the attached
  2. Go to the "app" folder
  3. Overwrite content of the "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if the code folder does not exist just place the code folder from step 1).
  4. Run following command to enable Razorpay Magento module:
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento
  1. Run following command to install Magento cron jobs :
bin/magento cron:install
  1. Run bin/magento setup:di:compile to compile dependency code.
  2. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade to upgrade the Razorpay Magento module from the Magento installation folder.
  3. On the Magento admin dashboard, open Razorpay payment method settings and click on the Save Config button.
    Note: If you see this message highlighted in yellow (One or more of the Cache Types are invalidated: Page Cache. Please go to Cache Management and refresh cache types.) on top of the Admin page, please follow the steps mentioned and refresh the cache.
  4. Run bin/magento cache:flush once again.


Install through composer

Syntax for composer with version 1.x
composer require razorpay/magento <version>

Install the module through composer package manager.

composer require razorpay/magento 4.0.3
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento

Syntax for composer with version 2.x
composer require razorpay/magento:<version>

Install the module through composer package manager.

composer require razorpay/magento:4.0.3
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento

You can check if the module has been installed using bin/magento module:status

Execute following commands from Magento installation directory:

bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush

Setting up the cron with Magento

Setup cron with Magento to execute Razorpay cronjobs for following actions:

Cancel pending orders

It will cancel order created by Razorpay as per timeout saved in configuration if Cancel Pending Order is enabled.

Update order to processing

Accepts response from Razorpay Webhook for events payment.authorized and order.paid and updates pending order to processing.

Magento cron can be installed using following command:

bin/magento cron:install

Using Custom Order Status in Razorpay Magento

Step 1: Create Custom Order Status

  • On the Magento Admin Dashboard, Stores > Settings > Order Status.
  • In the upper-right corner, click on Create New Status.
  • Under Order Status Information section, Insert a Status Code for the internal reference. This field required to contain letters (a-z), the number (0-9) and the underscore, it is required to use letters at first character and the rest can be a combination of letters and numbers.
  • Set the Status Label for Admin and storefront.
  • Set the Store View specific labels for each store view on your store.
  • Save status to complete.

Step 2: Un-assign existing status

  • Un-assign existing status code which is in use.
    • If State Code and Title is processing[Processing], then processing status is already in use for state processing.
    • Un-assign this status from existing state code processing, so that state will be available for your custom status code.

Step 3: Assign an order status to a state

  • Go to the Order Status page, click on Assign Status to State button.
  • In the Assign Order Status to State section,
    • From the existing list of the order status, select the Order Status to assign.
    • Choose the Order State to include the order status you’ve just assigned. Use Order state as processing
    • Accept the order status as a default status, tick the Use Order Status as Default checkbox.
    • Enable the order status on the storefront, please tick the Visible On Storefront checkbox.
  • Click on Save Status Assignment to complete.

Step 4: Using Custom order status for Razorpay Magento

  • On the Magento admin dashboard, open Razorpay payment method settings.
  • At field Custom Paid Order Status select Yes to enable custom order status, select No to disable custom order status.
  • Insert Custom Paid Order Status value at input field provided with same value which has been used as Status Code while creating custom status.
  • Save configuration & refresh the cache.

Uninstall OR Rollback to older versions

To rollback, you will be required to uninstall existing version and install a new version again. Following are actions used for rollback & reinstall:

Uninstall Razorpay Magento

If composer is used for installation, use following commands from Magento installation directory to uninstall Razorpay Magento module

php bin/magento module:disable Razorpay_Magento
php bin/magento module:uninstall Razorpay_Magento

If is used for installation, to uninstall following steps can be used:
Disabled Razorpay Magento module

php bin/magento module:disable Razorpay_Magento

To remove module directory, execute following command from Magento install directory

rm -rf app/code/Razorapy

Remove module schema from MYSQL database

DELETE FROM `setup_module` WHERE `setup_module`.`module` = 'Razorpay_Magento';

Re-Install Razorpay Magento

To install Razorpay Magento module, follow installation steps provided at this release document. Following are previously released versions 3.7.5 and 4.0.2.


27 Feb 10:54
Choose a tag to compare

Issues resolved

  • Order email fix for Webhook Controller, Update Order Cronjob and GraphQL SetRzpPaymentDetailsForOrder.

What's New

  • Cancel Reset Cart Order Cron
    Orders which are reseted by closing payment popup window at checkout page have new state and canceled status, this cron will move these orders to canceled state to release inventory.


Please select any one of below method, do not install using both methods together.
Razorpay Magento module can be installed using any of following methods:

  • Install through the "" file
  • Install through composer

If module is already installed using both methods then please uninstall one of installation and execute bin/magento setup:di:compile command to compile dependency code. Uninstall instructions are available with this document.

Install through the "" file

bin/magento is executable command, this is to be executed from Magento installation directory.

  1. Extract the attached
  2. Go to the "app" folder
  3. Overwrite content of the "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if the code folder does not exist just place the code folder from step 1).
  4. Run following command to enable Razorpay Magento module:
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento
  1. Run following command to install Magento cron jobs :
bin/magento cron:install
  1. Run bin/magento setup:di:compile to compile dependency code.
  2. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade to upgrade the Razorpay Magento module from the Magento installation folder.
  3. On the Magento admin dashboard, open Razorpay payment method settings and click on the Save Config button.
    Note: If you see this message highlighted in yellow (One or more of the Cache Types are invalidated: Page Cache. Please go to Cache Management and refresh cache types.) on top of the Admin page, please follow the steps mentioned and refresh the cache.
  4. Run bin/magento cache:flush once again.


Install through composer

Syntax for composer with version 1.x
composer require razorpay/magento <version>

Install the module through composer package manager.

composer require razorpay/magento 4.0.3
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento

Syntax for composer with version 2.x
composer require razorpay/magento:<version>

Install the module through composer package manager.

composer require razorpay/magento:4.0.3
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento

You can check if the module has been installed using bin/magento module:status

Execute following commands from Magento installation directory:

bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush

Upgrade Razorpay plugin through composer

If you are an existing user, you can upgrade the Magento extension using the composer. Enter the command given below:

composer update razorpay/magento
bin/magento setup:upgrade

Note: If you have installed the plugin by following the "" steps, then you need to install latest file again.

Setting up the cron with Magento

Setup cron with Magento to execute Razorpay cronjobs for following actions:

Cancel pending orders

It will cancel order created by Razorpay as per timeout saved in configuration if Cancel Pending Order is enabled.

Update order to processing

Accepts response from Razorpay Webhook for events payment.authorized and order.paid and updates pending order to processing.

Magento cron can be installed using following command:

bin/magento cron:install

Using Custom Order Status in Razorpay Magento

Step 1: Create Custom Order Status

  • On the Magento Admin Dashboard, Stores > Settings > Order Status.
  • In the upper-right corner, click on Create New Status.
  • Under Order Status Information section, Insert a Status Code for the internal reference. This field required to contain letters (a-z), the number (0-9) and the underscore, it is required to use letters at first character and the rest can be a combination of letters and numbers.
  • Set the Status Label for Admin and storefront.
  • Set the Store View specific labels for each store view on your store.
  • Save status to complete.

Step 2: Un-assign existing status

  • Un-assign existing status code which is in use.
    • If State Code and Title is processing[Processing], then processing status is already in use for state processing.
    • Un-assign this status from existing state code processing, so that state will be available for your custom status code.

Step 3: Assign an order status to a state

  • Go to the Order Status page, click on Assign Status to State button.
  • In the Assign Order Status to State section,
    • From the existing list of the order status, select the Order Status to assign.
    • Choose the Order State to include the order status you’ve just assigned. Use Order state as processing
    • Accept the order status as a default status, tick the Use Order Status as Default checkbox.
    • Enable the order status on the storefront, please tick the Visible On Storefront checkbox.
  • Click on Save Status Assignment to complete.

Step 4: Using Custom order status for Razorpay Magento

  • On the Magento admin dashboard, open Razorpay payment method settings.
  • At field Custom Paid Order Status select Yes to enable custom order status, select No to disable custom order status.
  • Insert Custom Paid Order Status value at input field provided with same value which has been used as Status Code while creating custom status.
  • Save configuration & refresh the cache.

Uninstall OR Rollback to older versions

To rollback, you will be required to uninstall existing version and install a new version again. Following are actions used for rollback & reinstall:

Uninstall Razorpay Magento

If composer is used for installation, use following commands from Magento installation directory to uninstall Razorpay Magento module

php bin/magento module:disable Razorpay_Magento
php bin/magento module:uninstall Razorpay_Magento

If is used for installation, to uninstall following steps can be used:
Disabled Razorpay Magento module

php bin/magento module:disable Razorpay_Magento

To remove module directory, execute following command from Magento install directory

rm -rf app/code/Razorapy

Remove module schema from MYSQL database

DELETE FROM `setup_module` WHERE `setup_module`.`module` = 'Razorpay_Magento';

Re-Install Razorpay Magento

To install Razorpay Magento module, follow installation steps provided at this release document. Following are previously released versions 3.7.5 and 4.0.2.


12 Dec 12:42
Choose a tag to compare

Issues resolved

  • Removed SecureHtmlRenderer to support Magento 2.3.x
  • Fixed path for Razorpay SDK directory at class TrackPluginInstrumentation

What's New

  • Custom status for order after successful payment.


Please select any one of below method, do not install using both methods together.
Razorpay Magento module can be installed using any of following methods:

  • Install through the "" file
  • Install through composer

If module is already installed using both methods then please uninstall one of installation and execute bin/magento setup:di:compile command to compile dependency code. Uninstall instructions are available with this document.

Install through the "" file

bin/magento is executable command, this is to be executed from Magento installation directory.

  1. Extract the attached
  2. Go to the "app" folder
  3. Overwrite content of the "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if the code folder does not exist just place the code folder from step 1).
  4. Run following command to enable Razorpay Magento module:
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento
  1. Run following command to install Magento cron jobs :
bin/magento cron:install
  1. Run bin/magento setup:di:compile to compile dependency code.
  2. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade to upgrade the Razorpay Magento module from the Magento installation folder.
  3. On the Magento admin dashboard, open Razorpay payment method settings and click on the Save Config button.
    Note: If you see this message highlighted in yellow (One or more of the Cache Types are invalidated: Page Cache. Please go to Cache Management and refresh cache types.) on top of the Admin page, please follow the steps mentioned and refresh the cache.
  4. Run bin/magento cache:flush once again.


Install through composer

Syntax for composer with version 1.x
composer require razorpay/magento <version>

Syntax for composer with version 2.x
composer require razorpay/magento:<version>

Install the module through composer package manager.

composer require razorpay/magento:4.0.0
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento

You can check if the module has been installed using bin/magento module:status

Execute following commands from Magento installation directory:

bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush

Setting up the cron with Magento

Setup cron with Magento to execute Razorpay cronjobs for following actions:

Cancel pending orders

It will cancel order created by Razorpay as per timeout saved in configuration if Cancel Pending Order is enabled.

Update order to processing

Accepts response from Razorpay Webhook for events payment.authorized and order.paid and updates pending order to processing.

Magento cron can be installed using following command:

bin/magento cron:install

Using Custom Order Status in Razorpay Magento

Step 1: Create Custom Order Status

  • On the Magento Admin Dashboard, Stores > Settings > Order Status.
  • In the upper-right corner, click on Create New Status.
  • Under Order Status Information section, Insert a Status Code for the internal reference. This field required to contain letters (a-z), the number (0-9) and the underscore, it is required to use letters at first character and the rest can be a combination of letters and numbers.
  • Set the Status Label for Admin and storefront.
  • Set the Store View specific labels for each store view on your store.
  • Save status to complete.

Step 2: Un-assign existing status

  • Un-assign existing status code which is in use.
    • If State Code and Title is processing[Processing], then processing status is already in use for state processing.
    • Un-assign this status from existing state code processing, so that state will be available for your custom status code.

Step 3: Assign an order status to a state

  • Go to the Order Status page, click on Assign Status to State button.
  • In the Assign Order Status to State section,
    • From the existing list of the order status, select the Order Status to assign.
    • Choose the Order State to include the order status you’ve just assigned. Use Order state as processing
    • Accept the order status as a default status, tick the Use Order Status as Default checkbox.
    • Enable the order status on the storefront, please tick the Visible On Storefront checkbox.
  • Click on Save Status Assignment to complete.

Step 4: Using Custom order status for Razorpay Magento

  • On the Magento admin dashboard, open Razorpay payment method settings.
  • At field Custom Paid Order Status select Yes to enable custom order status, select No to disable custom order status.
  • Insert Custom Paid Order Status value at input field provided with same value which has been used as Status Code while creating custom status.
  • Save configuration & refresh the cache.

Uninstall OR Rollback to older versions

To rollback, you will be required to uninstall existing version and install a new version again. Following are actions used for rollback & reinstall:

Uninstall Razorpay Magento

If composer is used for installation, use following commands from Magento installation directory to uninstall Razorpay Magento module

php bin/magento module:disable Razorpay_Magento
php bin/magento module:uninstall Razorpay_Magento

If is used for installation, to uninstall following steps can be used:
Disabled Razorpay Magento module

php bin/magento module:disable Razorpay_Magento

To remove module directory, execute following command from Magento install directory

rm -rf app/code/Razorapy

Remove module schema from MYSQL database

DELETE FROM `setup_module` WHERE `setup_module`.`module` = 'Razorpay_Magento';

Re-Install Razorpay Magento

To install Razorpay Magento module, follow installation steps provided at this release document. Following are previously released versions 3.7.5 and 4.0.1.


14 Nov 09:59
Choose a tag to compare

Issues resolved

  • Added whitelisting for lumberjack hostnames to fix Content Security Policies issue.

What's New

  • Added instrumentation for Segment and Datalake.
  • Included php version support for 7.* & upto 8.1.
  • Added easy signup link to payment settings page.


Please select any one of below method, do not install using both methods together.
Razorpay Magento module can be installed using any of following methods:

  • Install through the "" file
  • Install through composer

If module is already installed using both methods then please uninstall one of installation and execute bin/magento setup:di:compile command to compile dependency code. Uninstall instructions are available with this document.

Install through the "" file

bin/magento is executable command, this is to be executed from Magento installation directory.

  1. Extract the attached
  2. Go to the "app" folder
  3. Overwrite content of the "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if the code folder does not exist just place the code folder from step 1).
  4. Run following command to enable Razorpay Magento module:
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento
  1. Run following command to install Magento cron jobs :
bin/magento cron:install
  1. Run bin/magento setup:di:compile to compile dependency code.
  2. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade to upgrade the Razorpay Magento module from the Magento installation folder.
  3. On the Magento admin dashboard, open Razorpay payment method settings and click on the Save Config button.
    Note: If you see this message highlighted in yellow (One or more of the Cache Types are invalidated: Page Cache. Please go to Cache Management and refresh cache types.) on top of the Admin page, please follow the steps mentioned and refresh the cache.
  4. Run bin/magento cache:flush once again.


Install through composer

Syntax for composer with version 1.x
composer require razorpay/magento <version>

Syntax for composer with version 2.x
composer require razorpay/magento:<version>

Install the module through composer package manager.

composer require razorpay/magento:4.0.0
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento

You can check if the module has been installed using bin/magento module:status

Execute following commands from Magento installation directory:

bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush

Setting up the cron with Magento

Setup cron with Magento to execute Razorpay cronjobs for following actions:

Cancel pending orders

It will cancel order created by Razorpay as per timeout saved in configuration if Cancel Pending Order is enabled.

Update order to processing

Accepts response from Razorpay Webhook for events payment.authorized and order.paid and updates pending order to processing.

Magento cron can be installed using following command:

bin/magento cron:install

Uninstall OR Rollback to older versions

To rollback, you will be required to uninstall existing version and install a new version again. Following are actions used for rollback & reinstall:

Uninstall Razorpay Magento

If composer is used for installation, use following commands from Magento installation directory to uninstall Razorpay Magento module

php bin/magento module:disable Razorpay_Magento
php bin/magento module:uninstall Razorpay_Magento

If is used for installation, to uninstall following steps can be used:
Disabled Razorpay Magento module

php bin/magento module:disable Razorpay_Magento

To remove module directory, execute following command from Magento install directory

rm -rf app/code/Razorapy

Remove module schema from MYSQL database

DELETE FROM `setup_module` WHERE `setup_module`.`module` = 'Razorpay_Magento';

Re-Install Razorpay Magento

To install Razorpay Magento module, follow installation steps provided at this release document. Following are previously released stable/beta versions 3.7.5 and 3.8.6-beta.


19 Sep 11:48
Choose a tag to compare
4.0.0 Pre-release

Issues resolved

  • Order status mismatch on Magento and Razorpay dashboard is resolved. Correct order status will reflect on both the dashboards.
  • Webhook secret will not be removed from core config data on version upgrade. Configuration of webhook will remain same.

What's New

  • Now a notification will be displayed whenever a new version update is released.
  • Instructions have been updated to set up cron with Magento.


Please select any one of below method, do not install using both methods together.
Razorpay Magento module can be installed using any of following methods:

  • Install through the "" file
  • Install through composer

If module is already installed using both methods then please uninstall one of installation and execute bin/magento setup:di:compile command to compile dependency code. Uninstall instructions are available with this document.

Install through the "" file

bin/magento is executable command, this is to be executed from Magento installation directory.

  1. Extract the attached
  2. Go to the "app" folder
  3. Overwrite content of the "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if the code folder does not exist just place the code folder from step 1).
  4. Run following command to enable Razorpay Magento module:
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento
  1. Run following command to install Magento cron jobs :
bin/magento cron:install
  1. Run bin/magento setup:di:compile to compile dependency code.
  2. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade to upgrade the Razorpay Magento module from the Magento installation folder.
  3. On the Magento admin dashboard, open Razorpay payment method settings and click on the Save Config button.
    Note: If you see this message highlighted in yellow (One or more of the Cache Types are invalidated: Page Cache. Please go to Cache Management and refresh cache types.) on top of the Admin page, please follow the steps mentioned and refresh the cache.
  4. Run bin/magento cache:flush once again.


Install through composer

Syntax for composer with version 1.x
composer require razorpay/magento <version>

Syntax for composer with version 2.x
composer require razorpay/magento:<version>

Install the module through composer package manager.

composer require razorpay/magento:4.0.0
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento

You can check if the module has been installed using bin/magento module:status

Execute following commands from Magento installation directory:

bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush

Setting up the cron with Magento

Setup cron with Magento to execute Razorpay cronjobs for following actions:

Cancel pending orders

It will cancel order created by Razorpay as per timeout saved in configuration if Cancel Pending Order is enabled.

Update order to processing

Accepts response from Razorpay Webhook for events payment.authorized and order.paid and updates pending order to processing.

Magento cron can be installed using following command:

bin/magento cron:install

Uninstall OR Rollback to older versions

To rollback, you will be required to uninstall existing version and install a new version again. Following are actions used for rollback & reinstall:

Uninstall Razorpay Magento

If composer is used for installation, use following commands from Magento installation directory to uninstall Razorpay Magento module

php bin/magento module:disable Razorpay_Magento
php bin/magento module:uninstall Razorpay_Magento

If is used for installation, to uninstall following steps can be used:
Disabled Razorpay Magento module

php bin/magento module:disable Razorpay_Magento

To remove module directory, execute following command from Magento install directory

rm -rf app/code/Razorapy

Remove module schema from MYSQL database

DELETE FROM `setup_module` WHERE `setup_module`.`module` = 'Razorpay_Magento';

Re-Install Razorpay Magento

To install Razorpay Magento module, follow installation steps provided at this release document. Following are previously released stable/beta versions 3.7.5 and 3.8.6-beta.


04 Aug 15:03
Choose a tag to compare
3.8.6-beta Pre-release


  • Updated instructions for setting up the cron with Magento.
  • Added notification for a new version update.


  • Fixed removal of webhook secret from core config data
  • Fixed webhook cron order processing issue

Install through the "" file

  1. Extract the attached
  2. Go to the "app" folder
  3. Overwrite content of the "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if the code folder does not exist just place the code folder from step 1).
  4. Run bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento from Magento root folder.
  5. Run these commands to install and add cron jobs :
bin/magento cron:install
  1. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade to upgrade the razorpay-magento extension from the Magento root folder.
  2. On the Magento admin dashboard, open Razorpay payment method settings and click on the Save Config button.
    Note: If you see this message highlighted in yellow (One or more of the Cache Types are invalidated: Page Cache. Please go to Cache Management and refresh cache types.) on top of the Admin page, please follow the steps mentioned and refresh the cache.
  3. Run bin/magento cache:flush once again.


Install through composer

Syntax for composer with version 1.x
composer require razorpay/magento <version>

Syntax for composer with version 2.x
composer require razorpay/magento:<version>

Install the extension through composer package manager.

composer require razorpay/magento:3.8.6-beta
bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento

You can check if the module has been installed using bin/magento module:status

Execute following commands from Magento root directory:

bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush

Setting up the cron with Magento

Setup cron with Magento to execute Razorpay cronjobs for following actions:

Cancel pending orders

It will cancel order created by Razorpay as per timeout saved in configuration if Cancel Pending Order is enabled.

Update order to processing

Accepts response from Razorpay Webhook for events payment.authorized and order.paid and updates pending order to processing.

Magento cron can be installed using following command:

bin/magento cron:install

Rollback to older versions

To rollback, you will be required to uninstall existing version and install a new version again. Following are actions used for rollback & reinstall:

Uninstall Razorpay Magento

php bin/magento module:disable Razorpay_Magento
php bin/magento module:uninstall Razorpay_Magento

Install Razorpay Magento


composer require razorpay/magento:<version_number>

version 3.7.5

composer require razorpay/magento:3.7.5

version 3.8.5-beta

composer require razorpay/magento:3.8.5-beta

Enable module Razorpay Magento

php bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento

If is used for installation, Rollback can be done by uninstalling and then re-installing module, to uninstall following steps can be used:

Disabled Module

php bin/magento module:disable Razorpay_Magento

Remove Module Directory, execute command from Magento install directory

rm -rf app/code/Razorapy

Remove module schema from MYSQL database

DELETE FROM `setup_module` WHERE `setup_module`.`module` = 'Razorpay_Magento';

Install Razorpay Magento module, follow installation steps provided at release document. Following are releases for version 3.7.5 and 3.8.5-beta.

Release 3.7.5

Release 3.8.5-beta


22 Jul 07:02
Choose a tag to compare
3.8.5-beta Pre-release


Issue related with webhook replay to update order status.


Cron job that updates the Pending Orders to Processing every 5 minutes after successful webhook notification.

Install through "" file

  1. Extract the attached
  2. Go to "app" folder
  3. Overwrite content of "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if code folder not exist just place the code folder from step-1).
  4. Run bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento from Magento root folder.
  5. Run these commands to install and add cron jobs :
bin/magento cron:install
bin/magento cron:run --group="razorpay"
  1. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade to upgrade the razorpay-magento extension from Magento root folder.
  2. On the Magento admin dashboard, open Razorpay payment method settings and click on the Save Config button.
    Note: If you see this message highlighted in yellow (One or more of the Cache Types are invalidated: Page Cache. Please go to Cache Management and refresh cache types.) on top of the Admin page, please follow the steps mentioned and refresh cache.
  3. Run bin/magento cache:flush once again.


07 Jul 14:56
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3.8.4-beta Pre-release

This plugin can be used to place order before payment in Magento, in new state and pending status.


  • Updated cancel order cron to cancel only Razorpay orders.

Install through "" file

  1. Extract the attached
  2. Go to "app" folder
  3. Overwrite content of "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if code folder not exist just place the code folder from step-1).
  4. Run bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento from Magento root folder.
  5. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade from Magento root folder.
  6. On the Magento admin dashboard, open Razorpay payment method settings and click on the Save Config button.


14 Jun 07:00
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  • Razorpay Api not being fetched.

Note: This release includes GrpahQL supports and only compatible with version of magento >= 2.3.3
To install below magento 2.3.3, use, below 2.3.3 magento version RZP does not support GraphQL

Install through "" file

  1. Extract the attached
  2. Go to "app" folder
  3. Overwrite content of "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if code folder not exist just place the code folder from step-1).
  4. Run bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento from magento root folder.
  5. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade from magento root folder.
  6. If you are getting DB error for razorpay_sales_order missing, Please use razorpay_sales_order.sql to add table manually.

Install through "" file

  1. Rename to
  2. Extract the attached
  3. Go to "app" folder
  4. Overwrite content of "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if code folder not exist just place the code folder from step-1).
  5. Run bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento from magento root folder.
  6. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade from magento root folder.
  7. If you are getting DB error for razorpay_sales_order missing, Please use razorpay_sales_order.sql to add table manually.

How to setup the cron job for missing orders

Note: Only In case of magento crons not running

  1. Enabled the webhook.
  2. Copy the Cron URL from setting.
  3. Set the cron job in your magento site server to call the Cron URL from above step in every 5 mins frequncy.
    Ex: */5 * * * * curl --request POST "{SITE_BASE_URL}/razorpay/payment/WebhookOrderCron"

Note: Don't mix composer and zip install.
Note: Make sure "zipcode" must be required field under billing and shipping address.

Note: This release includes GrpahQL supports and only supports above 2.3.3 version of magento


09 Jun 12:34
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  • PHP version support for >7.4 and 8.0.

Note: This release includes GrpahQL supports and only compatible with version of magento >= 2.3.3
To install below magento 2.3.3, use, below 2.3.3 magento version RZP does not support GraphQL

Install through "" file

  1. Extract the attached
  2. Go to "app" folder
  3. Overwrite content of "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if code folder not exist just place the code folder from step-1).
  4. Run bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento from magento root folder.
  5. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade from magento root folder.
  6. If you are getting DB error for razorpay_sales_order missing, Please use razorpay_sales_order.sql to add table manually.

Install through "" file

  1. Rename to
  2. Extract the attached
  3. Go to "app" folder
  4. Overwrite content of "code" folder with step one "code" folder (Note: if code folder not exist just place the code folder from step-1).
  5. Run bin/magento module:enable Razorpay_Magento from magento root folder.
  6. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade from magento root folder.
  7. If you are getting DB error for razorpay_sales_order missing, Please use razorpay_sales_order.sql to add table manually.

How to setup the cron job for missing orders

Note: Only In case of magento crons not running

  1. Enabled the webhook.
  2. Copy the Cron URL from setting.
  3. Set the cron job in your magento site server to call the Cron URL from above step in every 5 mins frequncy.
    Ex: */5 * * * * curl --request POST "{SITE_BASE_URL}/razorpay/payment/WebhookOrderCron"

Note: Don't mix composer and zip install.
Note: Make sure "zipcode" must be required field under billing and shipping address.

Note: This release includes GrpahQL supports and only supports above 2.3.3 version of magento