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490 lines (421 loc) · 18.8 KB

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490 lines (421 loc) · 18.8 KB


Create customer

Dictionary<string, object> customerRequest = new Dictionary<string, object>();
customerRequest.Add("name", "Gaurav Kumar");
customerRequest.Add("contact", "9123456780");
customerRequest.Add("email", "[email protected]");
customerRequest.Add("fail_existing", "0");
customerRequest.Add("gstin", "29XAbbA4369J1PA");
Dictionary<string, object> notes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
notes.Add("notes_key_1", "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot");
notes.Add("notes_key_2", "Tea, Earl Grey… decaf.");
customerRequest.Add("notes", notes);

Customer customer = client.Customer.Create(customerRequest);


Name Type Description
name* string Name of the customer
email string Email of the customer
contact string Contact number of the customer
fail_existing string If a customer with the same details already exists, the request throws an exception by default. Possible value is 0 or 1
notes object A key-value pair


  "id": "cust_1Aa00000000003",
  "entity": "customer",
  "name": "Gaurav Kumar",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "contact": "9000000000",
  "gstin": null,
  "notes": {
    "notes_key_1": "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot",
    "notes_key_2": "Tea, Earl Grey… decaf."
  "created_at": 1582033731

Create order

Dictionary<string, object> orderRequest = new Dictionary<string, object>();
orderRequest.Add("amount", 0);
orderRequest.Add("currency", "INR");
orderRequest.Add("payment_capture", true);
orderRequest.Add("customer_id", "cust_JDdNazagOgg9Ig");
orderRequest.Add("method", "emandate");
orderRequest.Add("receipt", "receipt#1");
Dictionary<string, object> notes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
notes.Add("notes_key_1","Tea, Earl Grey, Hot");
notes.Add("notes_key_2","Tea, Earl Grey… decaf.");
orderRequest.Add("notes", notes);
Dictionary<string, object> token = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Dictionary<string, object> tokenNotes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
tokenNotes.Add("notes_key_1","Tea, Earl Grey, Hot");
tokenNotes.Add("notes_key_2","Tea, Earl Grey… decaf.");
orderRequest.Add("token", token);
Dictionary<string, object> bankAccount = new Dictionary<string, object>();
bankAccount.Add("beneficiary_name","Gaurav Kumar");

Order order = client.Order.Create(orderRequest);


Name Type Description
amount* integer Amount of the order to be paid
currency* string Currency of the order. Currently only INR is supported.
method* string The authorization method. In this case the value will be emandate
receipt string Your system order reference id.
customer_id* string The customer_id for the customer you want to charge.
payment_capture boolean Indicates whether payment status should be changed to captured automatically or not. Possible values: true - Payments are captured automatically. false - Payments are not captured automatically.
notes object A key-value pair
token object All parameters listed here are supported


Create order response please click here

Create an Authorization Payment

Please refer this doc for authorization payment

Create registration link

Dictionary<string, object> registrationLinkRequest = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Dictionary<string, object> customer = new Dictionary<string, object>();
customer.Add("name","Gaurav Kumar");
customer.Add("email","[email protected]");
registrationLinkRequest.Add("customer", customer);
registrationLinkRequest.Add("type", "link");
registrationLinkRequest.Add("amount", 0);
registrationLinkRequest.Add("currency", "INR");
registrationLinkRequest.Add("description", "12 p.m. Meals");
Dictionary<string, object> subscriptionRegistration = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Dictionary<string, object> bankAccount = new Dictionary<string, object>();
bankAccount.Add("beneficiary_name","Gaurav Kumar");
registrationLinkRequest.Add("subscription_registration", subscriptionRegistration);
registrationLinkRequest.Add("receipt", "Receipt No. 1");
registrationLinkRequest.Add("email_notify", 1);
registrationLinkRequest.Add("sms_notify", 1);
registrationLinkRequest.Add("expire_by", 1580479824);
Dictionary<string, object> notes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
notes.Add("notes_key_1","Tea, Earl Grey, Hot");
notes.Add("notes_key_2","Tea, Earl Grey… decaf.");
registrationLinkRequest.Add("notes", notes);

Invoice invoice = client.Invoice.CreateRegistrationLink(registrationLinkRequest);


Name Type Description
customer* object All parameters listed here are supported
type* string In this case, the value is link.
currency* string The 3-letter ISO currency code for the payment. Currently, only INR is supported.
amount* integer The payment amount in the smallest currency sub-unit.
description* string A description that appears on the hosted page. For example, 12:30 p.m. Thali meals (Gaurav Kumar).
subscription_registration array All parameters listed here are supported
email_notify boolean Email notifications are to be sent by Razorpay (default : 1)
expire_by integer The timestamp, in Unix format, till when the customer can make the authorization payment.
receipt string Your system order reference id.
notes object A key-value pair


Create registration link response please click here

Send/Resend notifications

string invoiceId = "inv_DAweOiQ7amIUVd";

string medium = "sms";

Invoice invoice = client.Invoice.Fetch(invoiceId).NotifyBy(medium);


Name Type Description
invoiceId* string The id of the invoice to be notified
medium* string sms/email, Medium through which notification should be sent.


    "success": true

Cancel a registration link

string invoiceId = "inv_DAweOiQ7amIUVd";

Invoice invoice = client.Invoice.Fetch(invoiceId).Cancel();


Name Type Description
invoiceId* string The id of the invoice to be cancelled


  "id": "inv_FHrfRupD2ouKIt",
  "entity": "invoice",
  "receipt": "Receipt No. 1",
  "invoice_number": "Receipt No. 1",
  "customer_id": "cust_BMB3EwbqnqZ2EI",
  "customer_details": {
    "id": "cust_BMB3EwbqnqZ2EI",
    "name": "Gaurav Kumar",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "contact": "9123456780",
    "gstin": null,
    "billing_address": null,
    "shipping_address": null,
    "customer_name": "Gaurav Kumar",
    "customer_email": "[email protected]",
    "customer_contact": "9123456780"
  "order_id": "order_FHrfRw4TZU5Q2L",
  "line_items": [],
  "payment_id": null,
  "status": "cancelled",
  "expire_by": 4102444799,
  "issued_at": 1595491479,
  "paid_at": null,
  "cancelled_at": 1595491488,
  "expired_at": null,
  "sms_status": "sent",
  "email_status": "sent",
  "date": 1595491479,
  "terms": null,
  "partial_payment": false,
  "gross_amount": 100,
  "tax_amount": 0,
  "taxable_amount": 0,
  "amount": 100,
  "amount_paid": 0,
  "amount_due": 100,
  "currency": "INR",
  "currency_symbol": "",
  "description": "Registration Link for Gaurav Kumar",
  "notes": {
    "note_key 1": "Beam me up Scotty",
    "note_key 2": "Tea. Earl Gray. Hot."
  "comment": null,
  "short_url": "",
  "view_less": true,
  "billing_start": null,
  "billing_end": null,
  "type": "link",
  "group_taxes_discounts": false,
  "created_at": 1595491480,
  "idempotency_key": null

Fetch token by payment ID

string paymentId = "pay_Z6t7VFTb9xHeOs";

Payment payment = client.Payment.Fetch(paymentId);


Name Type Description
paymentId* string Id of the payment to be retrieved


  "id": "pay_FHf9a7AO0iXM9I",
  "entity": "payment",
  "amount": 0,
  "currency": "INR",
  "status": "captured",
  "order_id": "order_FHf9OwSeyetnKC",
  "invoice_id": "inv_FHf9P2hhXEti7i",
  "international": false,
  "method": "emandate",
  "amount_refunded": 0,
  "refund_status": null,
  "captured": true,
  "description": null,
  "card_id": null,
  "bank": "HDFC",
  "wallet": null,
  "vpa": null,
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "contact": "+919876543210",
  "customer_id": "cust_DtHaBuooGHTuyZ",
  "token_id": "token_FHf9aAZR9hWJkq",
  "notes": {
    "note_key 1": "Beam me up Scotty",
    "note_key 2": "Tea. Earl Gray. Hot."
  "fee": 0,
  "tax": 0,
  "error_code": null,
  "error_description": null,
  "error_source": null,
  "error_step": null,
  "error_reason": null,
  "acquirer_data": {},
  "created_at": 1595447410

Fetch tokens by customer ID

string customerId = "cust_1Aa00000000001";

List<Token> token = client.Customer.Fetch(customerId).Tokens();


Name Type Description
customerId* string The id of the customer to be fetched


  "entity": "collection",
  "count": 1,
  "items": [
      "id": "token_FHf94Uym9tdYFJ",
      "entity": "token",
      "token": "2wDPM7VAlXtjAR",
      "bank": "HDFC",
      "wallet": null,
      "method": "emandate",
      "vpa": null,
      "recurring": true,
      "recurring_details": {
        "status": "confirmed",
        "failure_reason": null
      "auth_type": "netbanking",
      "mrn": null,
      "used_at": 1595447381,
      "created_at": 1595447381,
      "bank_details": {
        "beneficiary_name": "Gaurav Kumar",
        "account_number": "1121431121541121",
        "ifsc": "HDFC0000001",
        "account_type": "savings"
      "max_amount": 9999900,
      "expired_at": 1689971140,
      "dcc_enabled": false

Delete token

string customerId = "cust_DtHaBuooGHTuyZ";

string tokenId = "token_HouA2OQR5Z2jTL";

Customer token = client.Customer.Fetch(customerId).DeleteToken(tokenId);


Name Type Description
customerId* string The id of the customer to be fetched
tokenId* string The id of the token to be fetched


    "deleted": true

Create an order to charge the customer

Dictionary<string, object> orderRequest = new Dictionary<string, object>();
orderRequest.Add("amount", 1000);
orderRequest.Add("currency", "INR");
orderRequest.Add("payment_capture", true);
orderRequest.Add("receipt", "Receipt No. 1");
Dictionary<string, object> notes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
notes.Add("notes_key_1","Tea, Earl Grey, Hot");
notes.Add("notes_key_2","Tea, Earl Grey… decaf.");
orderRequest.Add("notes", notes);

Order order = client.Order.Create(orderRequest);


Name Type Description
amount* integer Amount of the order to be paid
currency* string Currency of the order. Currently only INR is supported.
receipt string Your system order reference id.
notes object A key-value pair
payment_capture* boolean Indicates whether payment status should be changed to captured automatically or not. Possible values: true - Payments are captured automatically. false - Payments are not captured automatically.


   "receipt":"Receipt No. 1",
      "notes_key_1":"Tea, Earl Grey, Hot",
      "notes_key_2":"Tea, Earl Grey… decaf."

Create a Recurring Payment

Dictionary<string, object> paymentRequest = new Dictionary<string, object>();
paymentRequest.Add("email", "[email protected]");
paymentRequest.Add("contact", "9123456789");
paymentRequest.Add("amount", 1000);
paymentRequest.Add("currency", "INR");
paymentRequest.Add("order_id", "order_1Aa00000000002");
paymentRequest.Add("customer_id", "cust_1Aa00000000001");
paymentRequest.Add("token", "token_1Aa00000000001");
paymentRequest.Add("recurring", 1);
paymentRequest.Add("description", "Creating recurring payment for Gaurav Kumar");
Dictionary<string, object> notes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
paymentRequest.Add("notes_key_1","Tea, Earl Grey, Hot");
paymentRequest.Add("notes_key_2","Tea, Earl Grey… decaf.");

Payment payment = client.Payment.CreateRecurringPayment(paymentRequest);


Name Type Description
email* string The customer's email address.
contact* string The customer's phone number.
amount* integer The amount you want to charge your customer. This should be the same as the amount in the order.
currency* string The 3-letter ISO currency code for the payment. Currently, only INR is supported.
order_id* string The unique identifier of the order created.
customer_id* string The customer_id for the customer you want to charge.
token* string The token_id generated when the customer successfully completes the authorization payment. Different payment instruments for the same customer have different token_id.
recurring* string Determines if recurring payment is enabled or not. Possible values:
* 1 - Recurring is enabled.* 0 - Recurring is not enabled.
description string A user-entered description for the payment.
notes object Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. Maximum 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each.


  "razorpay_payment_id" : "pay_1Aa00000000001",
  "razorpay_order_id" : "order_1Aa00000000001",
  "razorpay_signature" : "9ef4dffbfd84f1318f6739a3ce19f9d85851857ae648f114332d8401e0949a3d"

PN: * indicates mandatory fields

For reference click here