Spring-cloud-example is a usage example of Spring Cloud framework
- eureka-service − service discovery
- config-service − service to store service configs
- zuul-service − entry-point service with LB
- calculate-service − service to simulate long-running tasks
- info-service − service to proxy information from other services
Hello controller
#Request GET /hello #Response HTTP/1.1 200 Hello from info and github!
Info controller
to get info about instances of specified micro-service#Request GET /instances/{applicationName} # e.g. /instances/calculate-server #Response HTTP/1.1 200 [ { "host": "", "instanceInfo": { "actionType": "ADDED", "app": "CALCULATE-SERVER", // other info } // other info } ]
Calculate controller
to request calculate-service#Request GET /calculate/{id}?timeout=<timeout>&error=<error> # where # {id} identificator (task always fails if not equal 0) # <timeout> timeout in seconds before run of task (default 0) # <error> error rate of task success (value should be between 0 and 100) # e.g. /calculate/0?timeout=2&error=50 # means wait 2 seconds before run task, task will complete successful with 50% probability #Response HTTP/1.1 200 Ok!
- java >= 1.8 (make sure java is added to $PATH environment)
- docker + docker-compose (optional: for convenient start only)
To build and start services run the following command from the project root:
# build and start all services
# build and start specified services
./run.sh service_name [other service_names]
# e.g.
./run.sh eureka-service config-service
to build in start with docker-compose use command:
# build and start all services in Docker
# build and start specified services in Docker
./runDocker.sh service_name [other service_names]
# e.g.
./runDocker.sh eureka-service config-service
To stop start services run the following command from the project root:
# stop all services
# stop specified services
./stop.sh service_name [other service_names]
# e.g.
./stop.sh eureka-service config-service
to stop services running in docker use command:
# stop all services in Docker
# stop specified services in Docker
./stopDocker.sh service_name [other service_names]
# e.g.
./stopDocker.sh eureka-service config-service
info-service and calculate-service support Hystrix circuit breaker
for requests and calculation task respectively
Hystrix dashboard is enabled in info-service via /hystrix
At dashboard url of service with circuit breaker should be specified
# e.g.
Many requests can be emulated with ab utility:
ab -n 500 -c 4 'localhost:8763/api/info-service/calculate/0?error=20'