bindadmin is demand to manage bind zones, which can be stored in mysql database and called to build zone file when required, at the same time it should be able to add/update/delete and record type and maintain the logging activity.
1) We provide
2) Write to DB
3) Fetch the all data sets for the zonefile
4) Generate the zone file using jinja template
5) Sanity checks and Verify zone
6) rndc reloads dynamic
7) git commit and push
8) rndc freeze (not to update)
mysqladmin create dnsdb
mysql -Bse "create user 'dnsdb'@'localhost' identified by 'password'"
mysql -Bse "grant all privileges on dnsdb.* to 'dnsdb'@'localhost'"
[root@ggvaapp07vm2 bindadmin]# ./bindmanager
usage: bindmanager [-h] {add,delete,show} ...
bindmanager: error: too few arguments
[root@ggvaapp07 bindadmin]# ./bindmanager -h
usage: bindmanager [-h] {add,delete,show} ...
Queries the zone database for Build information
positional arguments:
show shows your defined search from given zone
add Add the given record to the zone
delete Remove the given record from the zone(s)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
To know more, write to: [email protected]
[root@ggvaapp07 bindadmin]# ./bindmanager show -h
usage: bindmanager show [-h] -z ZONE [-n NAME] [-c CONTENT] [-l]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-z ZONE, --zone ZONE Set the zone to be check
-n NAME, --name NAME The record name to be check
-c CONTENT, --content CONTENT
The record value or ip address to be check
-l, --list List all record values for specified zone
[root@ggvaapp07 bindadmin]# ./bindmanager add -h
usage: bindmanager add [-h] -n NAME -t TYPE -c CONTENT -z ZONE [-tl TTL]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME The record name to add
-t TYPE, --type TYPE The record type to add for record name
-c CONTENT, --content CONTENT
The record value to add for record name
--ttl TTL The record ttl to add for record name
-z ZONE, --zone ZONE Set the zone to be updated
[root@ggvaapp07 bindadmin]# ./bindmanager delete -h
usage: bindmanager delete [-h] -n NAME -t TYPE [-c CONTENT] -z ZONE
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME The record name to delete
-t TYPE, --type TYPE The record type to delete for record name
-c CONTENT, --content CONTENT
The record value to add for record name
-z ZONE, --zone ZONE Set the zone to be updated
* Done - If adding 'A' record type for any already exists 'name', check if there is already any entry for 'name' with any other 'A' record, if found
print "WARNING: '%s' record for '%s', already found with different content value!" % (type, name, content)
If adding 'CNAME' record, validate the CNAME 'content' record is present with 'A' record, if not exit with message.
print "WARNING: '%s' record for '%s', doesn't have any 'A' record value!" % (type, name)
* Done - Validate given 'name', which can be accepted with FQDN (with zone) or simple HOSTNAME
(we need to add after hostname if not found)
If deleting 'A' record, check and remove if there are any 'CNAME' records with that 'A' records.
Add activity event records to log file and to database.
Find and List all broken records, those are not resolve from your zones/domains
Replace record type 'A' to 'CNAME'
Condition match found: If adding 'A' record, and the IP already assinged to another hostname, warn and ask to user
> Do you want to add cname against the match found or continue
If yes, add record to cname, if no go with what your wants
add/delete (if it found any existing record set for that content)
If deleting record 'anytype' (without giving -c content), if match result more than one,
ask user to provide input Y/N , to delete entire match found.
Search wildcard or nearest match while showing search result.
Replace 'insert' with 'update' sql statement in zone2sql
Add zone with base template
Adding record type 'A' also adds the reverse PTR for ..