First off, thanks for taking time to contribute to DietPi Dashboard! Any contribution is welcome, from spelling and grammer fixes, to implementing a new feature, or even just reporting bugs.
- Please make sure that your dashboard is completely up-to-date with the latest stable or nightly version.
- Check for similar bugs that have already been reported
- See if the problem is actually generally with DietPi, if so report at the DietPi repository
Please follow the issue template, and give all information requested. Make sure to use a clear and concise title, and feel free to use screenshots, GIFs, and videos.
- Rust: Backend
- Yarn: Node package manager
- Svelte: Frontend
- TypeScript: Frontend scripts
Personally, this has turned me off from contributing to projects before, so here's how the source code is organized as of v0.6.0:
├── backend
│ ├── Cargo.lock (Rust lockfile)
│ ├── Cargo.toml (Rust config file)
│ └── src
│ ├── (Configuration file handling)
│ ├── (Main file, starts webserver)
│ ├── (Backend handlers for pages)
│ ├── (Shared types)
│ ├── (Backend websocket handlers)
│ └── (Gets system data)
└── frontend
├── index.html
├── package.json (Node config file)
├── public
│ └── favicon.png
├── src
│ ├── App.svelte (Main page file, contains header, footer, and navigation)
│ ├── assets
│ │ ├── dietpi.png (DietPi logo)
│ │ └── github-mark.svg (GitHub logo)
│ ├── components
│ │ ├── Card.svelte (Cards used on home and management pages)
│ │ └── NavbarLink.svelte (Sidebar links)
│ ├── main.ts
│ └── pages (self-explanatory)
│ ├── FileBrowser.svelte
│ ├── Home.svelte
│ ├── Management.svelte
│ ├── Process.svelte
│ ├── Service.svelte
│ ├── Software.svelte
│ └── Terminal.svelte
├── svelte.config.js (Svelte config)
├── tsconfig.json (TypeScript config)
├── vite.config.js (Vite config)
├── windi.config.ts (WindiCSS config)
└── yarn.lock (Yarn lockfile)
- Frontend: Prettier
- Backend: rustfmt
- Commits: Conventional Commits