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Keyboard shortcuts

ransome edited this page Sep 13, 2023 · 32 revisions

Roughly based on

Function Windows & Linux MacOS
Add a new todo N N
Find F F
Toggle completed todos H H
Toggle deferred todos T T
Show filters B B
Archive todos A A
Toggle dark mode D D
Settings , ,
Reset filters and search 0 0
Reload todo list . or F5 . or F5
Print current view Ctrl + P CMD + P
Open todo.txt Ctrl + O CMD + O
Copy all todos into clipboard Ctrl + C CMD + C
Show help ? ?
Switch to specific file [1 - 9] [1 - 9]
Switch to next file Ctrl + Tab Ctrl + Tab
Switch to previous file Ctrl + Shift + Tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Close tab or window (when there is only one tab) Ctrl + W CMD + W

When a todo is selected

Function Windows & Linux MacOS
Edit Enter Enter
Delete Backspace and Delete Backspace and Delete
Mark as complete X X
Open context Right Right

While adding/edting todos

Function Windows & Linux MacOS
Set priority Alt + Windows + [A-Z] Alt + command + [A-Z]
Increase priority Alt + Windows + Up Alt + command + Up
Decrease priority Alt + Windows + Down Alt + command + Down
Remove priority Alt + Windows + Right/Left Alt + command + Right/Left
Increase due date Ctrl + Alt + Up Ctrl + Alt + Up
Decrease due date Ctrl + Alt + Down Ctrl + Alt + Down
Remove due date Ctrl + Alt + Right/Left Ctrl + Alt + Right/Left
Save todo Ctrl + Enter CMD + Enter


Application wide

Function Windows & Linux MacOS
Add a new todo Ctrl + N Cmd + N
Find Ctrl + F Cmd + F
Toggle completed Ctrl + H Cmd + H
Reset search and filters Ctrl + 0 Cmd + 0
Archive completed todos Ctrl + Alt + A Ctrl + Alt + A
Open file Ctrl + H Ctrl + H
Open file Ctrl + O Cmd + O
Switch to file Ctrl + 1 to 9 Cmd + 1 to 9
Open settings Ctrl + . Cmd + .
Hide window Ctrl + D Cmd + H
Toggle drawer Ctrl + B Cmd + B
Toggle navigation Ctrl + Alt + H Ctrl + Alt + H

Todo list

Function Windows & Linux MacOS
Open todo (when row is selected) Enter Enter
Move up & down todo list (when list is focused) Arrow Up/Down Arrow Up/Down
Select buttons in row (when list is focused) Arrow Right/Left Arrow Right/Left

Todo dialog

Function Windows & Linux MacOS
Save todo (when text field is focused) Enter Enter
Move through filters (when filter suggestions are visible) Arrow Up/Down Arrow Up/Down
Add selected filter to text field (when filter suggestions are visible) Enter Enter