- Fix #11 and #12
- Update autoNumeric v 2.0
- Remove simlink in spec folder structure to fix bug with rubygem affecting install on Heroku and the 'listen' gem
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.46
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.43
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.42
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.39
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.37
- add class method delete_autonumeric_object
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.33
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.27
- Update development gems and rspec syntax to v3
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.25
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.24
- Merge PR #4 "Sanitize hidden input on blur event" - Thanks to @tiagoamaro
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.22
- autoNumeric fields now automatically initialize after AJAX requests.
Manual DOM modification (through JavaScript) must still trigger
event manually
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.21
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.19
- Improved support for dynamically generated DOM elements
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.18
- Rewrite JS code using Javascript class, to keep things clean
- Add support for dynamically generated DOM elements, with limitations (see README)
- Write proper tests
- Fix bug when value of an existing record could be lost
- Update autoNumeric v 1.9.17
- Initial version, wrapping autoNumeric v 1.9.15